Dallas Police RIP, BLM, Obama

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In other words, cops are racists who enjoy arresting and shooting blacks.

Maybe some are. Nothing wrong with calling it for what it is...

IF it is!!!!!

Mr Stinson's own research found 41 police officers were charged with murder or manslaughter between 2005 and 2011. In the same time period, the FBI recorded several thousand justifiable homicides.

The cases where US police have faced killing charges - BBC News

Stop making silly unsupportable comments or people will call you a Nazi you Pinko!!

Someone's wish has been granted...92 (92!) off-topic derailments and flames have been moved to a new thread in the Badlands. :disbelief:

Those who wish to continue those conversations can go downstairs to Error | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum.

As for the rest, let's try to discuss the topic...:beer:

Coyote; can we have a ruling please. Calling someone from Austria a Nazi seems bigoted and disgusting to me. Badlands; no worries....we know about there...but on the open boards?? (And yes; I know I can turn a phrase or two as well).


Greg, the ruling depends on where you are in the forums. In CDZ or The Lounge, it would be against the rules. Here in Politics, it isn't as long as you include some content related to the topic. My best suggestion is to remember that when people resort to Nazi slurs, they usually aren't capable of providing a rational rebuttal.
Someone's wish has been granted...92 (92!) off-topic derailments and flames have been moved to a new thread in the Badlands. :disbelief:

Those who wish to continue those conversations can go downstairs to Error | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum.

As for the rest, let's try to discuss the topic...:beer:

Coyote; can we have a ruling please. Calling someone from Austria a Nazi seems bigoted and disgusting to me. Badlands; no worries....we know about there...but on the open boards?? (And yes; I know I can turn a phrase or two as well).


Greg, the ruling depends on where you are in the forums. In CDZ or The Lounge, it would be against the rules. Here in Politics, it isn't as long as you include some content related to the topic. My best suggestion is to remember that when people resort to Nazi slurs, they usually aren't capable of providing a rational rebuttal.

Thank you, Coyote.

It's difficult what to even comment, the outrageous barbarism is both incomprehensible, but also sadly inevitable.

Yeah all 7 shootings were outrageous barbarism, right?

Oh you meant only the 5 cops?

You have the findings into the other two killings? Apart from the lynch mob of course!!


All 7 killings were brutal right?

Any killing is "brutal"; don't get confused with "killing" and "murder", CC. I await the investigation on the first two; the latter 5 seem pretty obvious.

That's too nuanced for closed.....
I won't hestitate again to have this thread locked again if it needs another clean-up, I'm hoping it doesn't because that sort of thing just is a needless waste of staff members time.

Exactly re wasting staff time. So why whine to the mods in the first place and waste their time. Those 'off topic' posts end up being scrolled down as the thread moves on anyway and people forget about them.
You mean blaming people before the facts are in? I'd say those are nasty accusations.

Where you see blame, I see him making a rational, calm observation. Those 'seeing' nasty accusations are seeing such because it suits their agenda/pov. Not because such accusations are happening or real.
Whst??? So the president making statements on an on going case about a party in the case before the facts are in is OK?
He does it every time.
Not cool or responsible.
It causes more anxiety not less
It gives people who are nuts a reason to go nuts.
The MN governor was even worse. He should be impeached for being so reckless and stupid.
Whst??? So the president making statements on an on going case about a party in the case before the facts are in is OK?
He does it every time.
Not cool or responsible.
It causes more anxiety not less
It gives people who are nuts a reason to go nuts.
The MN governor was even worse. He should be impeached for being so reckless and stupid.

Of course he has to make a comment. It was measured and non-alarmist.
Whst??? So the president making statements on an on going case about a party in the case before the facts are in is OK?
He does it every time.
Not cool or responsible.
It causes more anxiety not less
It gives people who are nuts a reason to go nuts.
The MN governor was even worse. He should be impeached for being so reckless and stupid.

Of course he has to make a comment. It was measured and non-alarmist.
It was a ccusatory and irresponsible. He doesn't know the facts, and before Obama, presidents didn't comment on th his stuff.
WTF we get up to be confronted with some text messages from a friend of ours in Highland Park, which is a small town within Dallas in Dallas County.

All we can say, is that decent people of our Continent of Europa are going to wish those Dallas police familes the best and we'll pray for them, for their wounded and their murdered fallen.

It's difficult what to even comment, the outrageous barbarism is both incomprehensible, but also sadly inevitable.

I had commented several months ago, that I felt that BLM should be considered an American Domestic Terrorist group. These thugs, pure racists who hate non-blacks had been getting increasingly militant and violent, especially if one has heard any of their leaders shouting their mouths off in public about encouraging their armed thugs to "kill white policemen"

Of course with Obama and Loretta Lynch, both who seem completely unconcerned about BLM and more concerned about people such as Ammon Bundy, what's happened during the night in Dallas was inevitable.

Obama never misses an opportunity to politicise shootings, in his fanatical quest to trash the American 2nd Amendment and proceed with a Stalinesque mass gun confiscation, I feel that today he'll be babbling again about the events in Dallas are another illustration why law-abiding, decent Americans need to be disarmed.

I hold out no hope that Obama is going to say that BLM are a gang of thugs and are now considered Domestic Terrorists who's leaders with immediate effect are going to be rounded up and thrown into prison.

Obama most probably is going to find a way to blame the Dallas police officers for inciting the violence just by being there in uniform, and that that was a red rag to a bull situation because of the recent shootings in Louisiana and Minnesota.

In 2008 in was stated that America electing her first black President was going to finally heal all problems within race relations.

What's happened has been the exact opposite, Obama has been deliberately divisive, he's been the Agitator-in-Chief, he's been the Race Baiter-in-Chief, he's pitted blacks against whites and he's done this disgusting business very successfully.

Many people for some time have warned that America was heading for a full-on Race War and unfortunately it's difficult now to disagree with this alarming prophecy.

Obama is a disgrace to the WH and The Oval Office and to the American nation, were it not for Cuckservatives and selfish, pathetic Democrats, this POS could have already have been Impeached for violating his Oath of Office, which in part is to protect America from terrorists foreign and domestic and to uphold the Constitution, he's repeatedly crapped on the Constitution.

Obama has done more damage to America at home and abroad than Jimmy Carter could have dreamed of doing.

Obama is not only a national disgrace, he's a Global disgrace and it's God Help America and the World if Hillary Clinton gets elected.

This was Obama babbling more of his racism yesterday, 7th July, it's 16 minutes long and all he does is blame the "racist" police for shooting those gentle lambs Alton Sterling and Philando Castile. It's racist comments like these from Obama, deeply reckless and not the sort of Race Baiting that people expect from any leader that lead to the incident that occurred during the night in Dallas.

Edited to add comment.

I would be more concerned if Obama parroted your racist views. You are one strange cookie. You are certainly much more of a disgrace than the president.

Whatever happened to white people taking the high road? Lucy definitely missed the turn.
It was a ccusatory and irresponsible. He doesn't know the facts, and before Obama, presidents didn't comment on th his stuff.

Which part was accusatory? Of course they commented on it. They did all the time.
President Obama on the Fatal Shootings of Alton Sterling and Philando Castile

He said he can't comment on the facts but then said there are too many incidents lik ed this and his whole argument read as an indictment on the police
It was a ccusatory and irresponsible. He doesn't know the facts, and before Obama, presidents didn't comment on th his stuff.

Which part was accusatory? Of course they commented on it. They did all the time.
President Obama on the Fatal Shootings of Alton Sterling and Philando Castile

He said he can't comment on the facts but then said there are too many incidents lik ed this and his whole argument read as an ppeindictment on the police
And his post Dallas statement he talked about no violence on cops (good), but the had a but, no oooooh, no buts make another statement later, condemn the violence and let it go for a bit, that diffuses the situation by not getting people worked up or justification for rash action
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