Dam Showgirls (Commerce)


VIP Member
Sep 22, 2013
This is a commerce-culture modernism parable inspired by the fortune-meditation film Lorenzo's Oil.

Signing off,


A major dam was being built in Canada, and eco-protesters wanted to cause a ruckus, and many of the protesters happened to be anti-TrumpUSA protesters from 2016. The dam was being built on a special stretch of land once believed by Native-Americans to be inhabited by 'nature fairies.' The protesters demanded to know why a dam was warranted on a land filled with naturalism lore, and the company building the dam wanted nothing to do with media hoopla. Unfortunately, the protesters had other ideas, so there was something of a press-melee.


Meanwhile, the recent terror-attack in the casino-haven American city of Las Vegas (Nevada) had prompted a New Yorker writer to visit the place and comment on casino-couture in the time of the Trump Administration. This writer, Ajay Satan, wanted to comment on the quality of life and union considerations of employed showgirls working in the major Vegas casinos. These showgirls had many grievances and some even had sexual harassment claims to offer for Ajay's special sociopolitical-critique writing project. Ajay intended to invoke responses about his piece from First Lady Melania Trump who was busy preparing a media statement regarding the Canada dam protests on behalf of her husband's administration!


The stage was set for a 'double-whammy' involving the dam protest controversy in Canada and the writers' circle buzz being generated by Satan's New Yorker piece about showgirls employment life in Las Vegas. This was the real arduous 'metaphysics test' of the modern age of commerce-gauged 'etiquette' and ethics. All of this buzz drew the attention of God, who decided that the Canada dam and the New Yorker piece about Vegas showgirls just might stir enough interest from the international community to make more humanity-inspiring meaningful capitalism critiques rather than garish terrorism-oriented 'nihilistic gestures' (i.e., 9/11).



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