OJ Simpson Dead

OJ had intensive private knife fighting lessons. Maybe it was steroids.

Yet in every other violent encounter he never once used one.

He had a driver's license and owned golf clubs, too, yet he didn't run over them or beat them to death with golf clubs. Given his size compared to theirs, not likely he used a knife.
OJ had to be one of the biggest narcissists around! I don't think we realize what a big star he was back then in football (college & pro) on TV, in bad movies, & his iconic MNF fame! People wanted to bask in his aura; a person that was very personable, remembered your name, & glad-handed for as long as you want! W/ the Brown family, I mentioned that as much as they tried to demonize him on the stand & in the press, they were totally beholden to him as he helped them open businesses, paid for Nicole's sister's education, etc.! That was the reason it took years to even break away & do a divorce! Even after all that, THEY OWED him BIG TIME!:omg::dunno::nono::mad:

So you think he had a right to murder them.
So you think he had a right to murder them.

That's a colossal leap, but I feel about it as much as any bad news out there! We act as if this was some kind of abberation! Every day of the week something like this is going on somewhere in the country! The news prioritizes celebrity as we're all captivated by "the shiny object!" It's all in your POV determining if something's right or wrong and fair or not! We're all guilty of selective outrage so forgive me as a Senior to not GAF; esp. of a crime perpetrated 30 years ago! I'm sure there are more pressing things to be worried about; maybe this obscene election we'll have to go thru this Nov.! :oops: :omg::dunno::nono::mad:
Terrific football player, but equally terrible human being. I always thought those officers being let off in the R. King beating had influence on the outcome of OJ's criminal case, even if the jurors may not have wanted to admit it. It'll be interesting to see if the courts step in and award any portion of his estate to the Browns and Goldmans. My condolences to his family, other loved ones, and fans.

Trump wanted to have OJ on the Apprentice for the ratings.
Norm on O.J. is always brilliant and never gets old...
Just goes on forever.

People wonder how O.J. wasn't found guilty. They forget some key factors...

He had a great defense team, the prosecutor and her team were far out of their depth, and just two, three years earlier a bunch lousy cops had been found not guilty for beating the shit out of Rodney King. How is that related? One of the jurors actually said (22 years later) that the not guilty verdict for O.J. was payback for that not guilty verdict for the cops. That's not the way it's supposed to work, but what can you do?

I think we all know, even OJ defenders, OJ was found not guilty because of all the blacks who've been brutalized by cops. Or set up.

You look stupid or naive to come out and say you don't think he did it.

Now I wouldn't be completely surprised to hear his son did it, but based on all the evidence, he may have helped his dad but his dad was absolutely involved. The injuries to his hand, glove that fit like a glove, limo driver saw him sneaking back to the house. Kato heard him jump the wall. The way OJ acted or has acted since.

It's laughable to say he didn't do it.
I think we all know, even OJ defenders, OJ was found not guilty because of all the blacks who've been brutalized by cops. Or set up.

You look stupid or naive to come out and say you don't think he did it.

Now I wouldn't be completely surprised to hear his son did it, but based on all the evidence, he may have helped his dad but his dad was absolutely involved. The injuries to his hand, glove that fit like a glove, limo driver saw him sneaking back to the house. Kato heard him jump the wall. The way OJ acted or has acted since.

It's laughable to say he didn't do it.
And yet every supposed piece of evidence was debunked by the defense in the trial.
And yet every supposed piece of evidence was debunked by the defense in the trial.


"When Simpson returned to Los Angeles, investigators noticed a cut on a finger of his left hand.

"He told several conflicting stories about how he had gotten it, which boxed him in later when blood at the crime scene indicated that the killer had been cut on his left hand and had trailed blood outside the gates.

"That hardly seemed coincidental.

"Then when several droplets of blood at the scene failed to show a match with either of the victim's blood types, Simpson's blood was drawn for testing (after the droplets had already been collected).

"Comparison between his DNA and that of the blood at the scene showed strong similarities.

"The tests indicated that the drops had three factors in common with Simpson's blood and only one person in 57billion could produce an equivalent match.

"In addition, the blood was found near footprints made by a rare and expensive type of shoe-shoes that O. J. wore and that proved to be his size.

"Next to the bodies was a bloodstained black leather glove that bore traces of fiber from Goldman's jeans.

"The glove's mate, stained with blood that matched Simpson's, was found on his property.

"There were also traces of the blood of both victims lifted from inside Simpson's car and house, along withblood that contained his DNA. In fact, his blood and Goldman's were found together on the car'sconsole."


"When Simpson returned to Los Angeles, investigators noticed a cut on a finger of his left hand.

"He told several conflicting stories about how he had gotten it, which boxed him in later when blood at the crime scene indicated that the killer had been cut on his left hand and had trailed blood outside the gates.

"That hardly seemed coincidental.

"Then when several droplets of blood at the scene failed to show a match with either of the victim's blood types, Simpson's blood was drawn for testing (after the droplets had already been collected).

"Comparison between his DNA and that of the blood at the scene showed strong similarities.

"The tests indicated that the drops had three factors in common with Simpson's blood and only one person in 57billion could produce an equivalent match.

"In addition, the blood was found near footprints made by a rare and expensive type of shoe-shoes that O. J. wore and that proved to be his size.

"Next to the bodies was a bloodstained black leather glove that bore traces of fiber from Goldman's jeans.

"The glove's mate, stained with blood that matched Simpson's, was found on his property.

"There were also traces of the blood of both victims lifted from inside Simpson's car and house, along withblood that contained his DNA. In fact, his blood and Goldman's were found together on the car'sconsole."
and the defense showed why those were not true and did not implicate OJ. Been too long ago to remember what they did but watching the nightly news you wouldn't know because what happened in court and what was printed or reported were never the same.
Just another mystery, who knows who did it for sure.
No mystery here. OJ was there it’s just a question of if his son was also there. It’s a clear crime of passion not a Robbery. Someone was seriously angry with Nicole and Goldman. I can’t think of a better candidate than OJ. Abusive men have a common attitude that they own the woman. Now that he’s dead people who knew him have been coming out of the woodwork saying they think he did it.

There’s a theory that his son might have been there and the glove was actually his. They’d both gotten the same gloves for that Christmas but the sons was a smaller size.

Two people make more sense than one killing two people; but then again a healthy male in a state of rage can do a lot of damage.
And yet every supposed piece of evidence was debunked by the defense in the trial.

The incompetence of the prosecution made it easy! It was a "house of cards from DAY 1!" We have CSI's who sit in the foyer to rest her eyes while her boss comes in w/ the cops to talk & check things out personally! You have one of the cops take the shoes & blood vial of OJ's home w/ him! The DA surprisingly finds more blood on a gate 2 or 3 weeks later at Nicole's place, Gretna Green! I know we didn't have much rain out there, but PLEASE! Furman was an embarrassment to human-kind so I'll just let it go! I could go on, but let's not act like this was all on a jury dead set on "freeing OJ!" They were given "reasonable doubt" on a platter! I lived out there so it was a topic brought up during a sermon in church! Nothing bigger since the Lindburgh kidnapping! :oops: :omg::dunno::nono::mad:
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and the defense showed why those were not true and did not implicate OJ. Been too long ago to remember what they did but watching the nightly news you wouldn't know because what happened in court and what was printed or reported were never the same.
The defense didn't debunk shit! How do you debunk DNA evidence? All they did was infer LAPD set him up which was horseshit! OJ was as guilty as sin.

His acquittal was one thing and one thing only, payback for the Rodney King verdict. If we would of sent those piece of shit cops to jail, OJ would've been found guilty of murder.
The defense didn't debunk shit! How do you debunk DNA evidence? All they did was infer LAPD set him up which was horseshit! OJ was as guilty as sin.

His acquittal was one thing and one thing only, payback for the Rodney King verdict. If we would of sent those piece of shit cops to jail, OJ would've been found guilty of murder.

You know what they say, "payback's a b!tch!" Attrocities go on every single day somewhere so I shed no tears regardless of the injustice! I don't need an extra monkey on my back; esp. something that happened 30 years ago! It's just not something abberant! People have been getting away w/ murder since Lizzie Borden! :eek: :rolleyes::stir::oops:
You know what they say, "payback's a b!tch!" Attrocities go on every single day somewhere so I shed no tears regardless of the injustice! I don't need an extra monkey on my back; esp. something that happened 30 years ago! It's just not something abberant! People have been getting away w/ murder since Lizzie Borden! :eek: :rolleyes::stir::oops:
True statement!
**** that man OJ innocent yall jess hatin.
Ha! The executor of OJ's will just fucked up. He spilled the beans that OJ's trust was a revokable trust and they purposely changed it to a irrivocable trust so the kids could get it. Otherwise, when he died, the Goldman's would get it.

He fucked up by saying it was done intentionally so the Goldman's wouldn't get it. Guess what? Now they're probably going to split OJ's money with OJ's kids. I hope his kids don't kill the Goldman's. They deserve all of OJ's money for what he did. His kids deserve nothing. Maybe Nicole's kids should get half and the Goldman's the other half. But not OJ's son who probably helped him with the double murder.

And is there a OJ confessional book? If he really wanted to set his kids up for life he would have written a confessional. How much would that book sell for? A lot!

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