Damage control. Is the DNC "dressing" Obama into something he's not?


Restore the Republic
Nov 19, 2010
Near Washington D.C.
For Barack, there is no such thing as us
and them. He doesn't care whether you are a Democrat, a
Republican, or none of the above. He knows that we all love our
country, and he is always ready to listen to good ideas, he is
always looking for the very best in everyone he meets.

Read more: Transcript of Michelle Obama's speech at the DNC | Fox News

Obama is not the great divider of this country. really? He "works" across the aisle to create jobs. It's not rich vs. poor, Republican vs. Democrat, men vs. women, coal vs. solar - he is "all of the above". He "listens" to good ideas and doesn't cater to any special interest groups? Just which "image" of Obama are they trying to dress him up as?

Will this administration be able to convince those within his OWN party, who believe we are not better off today than we were four years ago? Is blaming the Republicans, and dividing up voters by race (hispanic) as well as gender, really the best plan to get re-elected? Will the American people believe in a Hope and Change promise that was lost, and award this President four more years? Are fancy speeches alone, enough to re-elect a President without building a new road to an economic recovery for all Americans (not just a promised few)?
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In October, when he attacks Iran, his unemployment problem will vanish and there'll be hundreds of thousands of jobs in government. Whether you want to be drafted or not.
Change the channel and you might have a clue.

I know, let's cut taxes on the bloated rich, destroy Medicare and health reform, raise taxes and fees on the nonrich, let corporate cheats run wild, cut aid to states and localities, raise military spending to more than the rest of the world combined, and worry about the debt in 2035. Absolute idiocy, dupes
Obama's father was a distinguished, accomplished businessman and statesman. Same with his stepfather. His mother's family, accomplished, but not as wealthy or up at the same same ladder of the fathers of her children. The President went to the finest prep shcool in Hawaii. All considered, one might say the President grew up a privileged childhood....one that many of the 1% raise their children.

The First Lady, his wife, depicted "the real Obama" last night showing up on a date with her to put her in a rusted car where she could see the pavement through the floors while he was pressing the gas, break, and clutch pedals with his feet in shoes in a half size too small.

Who honestly believes that this real person descriobed by the First Lady could never get some help from the same sources that put him through Hawaii's elite schools OR have her own family throw a brother a couple bucks for some shoes that fit and perhaps go out to the garage for some plywood or down to the hardware store so the future First Lady would not be put in danger riding in a car with no floor boards?

The same mentality believing this are the same ones waiting to have their mortgage and gas paid for. FOUR MORE YEARS!
Obama is not a "divider".

The Republican Party is 90% white and divided from the rest of the nation, clearly.
Change the channel and you might have a clue.

I know, let's cut taxes on the bloated rich, destroy Medicare and health reform, raise taxes and fees on the nonrich, let corporate cheats run wild, cut aid to states and localities, raise military spending to more than the rest of the world combined, and worry about the debt in 2035. Absolute idiocy, dupes

Obama has clearly, through Nancy Pelosi, put greater emphasis on Obamacare..... NOT job creation. If he had placed as much effort into job creation (closing the doors, don't allow any Congress person to leave) while he had a Democrat majority, we may not have seen over 10% unemployment afterward.

If he truely desired for the American people to go back to work, he wouldn't have attacked coal producing states through stricter regulations that make it harder for them to work. He would allow for an oil pipeline to be built. He wouldn't put all his efforts into a Chevy Volt that has to cut production in order to get rid of their extra inventory (even while wasting more taxpayer dollars on something the American people clearly didn't want to buy). This is not an "all of the above" President, this is a "doing this my way, I don't want to have to hear a difference of opinion" President. Rather than work with republicans, he thought it better to demonize them. If it wasn't his "vision" of jobs (Solyndra, US Geothermal, and any other green corp he could throw money at) he wasn't interested. How many refineries, or pipelines has Obama allowed to be built? Look to other resources and not just those who are too fearful at "challenging" the President and his economic job numbers, such as MSNBC or CNN, and you might find the answer.
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:lol: Romney/Ryan have to take time off to practice all the lies they are telling people.
Lying can really wear you down, it must have been very exhausting for them.
In October, when he attacks Iran, his unemployment problem will vanish and there'll be hundreds of thousands of jobs in government. Whether you want to be drafted or not.

Obama is scaling down the military. It's highly doubtful that he would ever use military force, he is too fixed on poll numbers to base his decisions. If he was serious about eliminating Iran as a threat through all means necessary, he wouldn't be attacking Republicans for including a military option on the table. No, there will be a nuclear Iran . . . . he will create a some 'diversion' excuse through a well written media speech, with political compromises to allow for it (If he doesn't throw Isreal under the bus first).
They are trying to fundamentally transform him from the bottom up. It's working about as well as his plans to change this country.

Michelle sure tried to convince people that they were both poor and struggling, though I thought they were both working as lawyers when they met. And the story about Obama's car and shoes that were too small sounded contrived. Did he spend all his money on his many travels abroad and forget to buy shoes?

Michelle's dad reportedly made about $50,000 a year back then, which was a lot for that time.

Why now are they deciding it's time to get to know Obama? Maybe because we still don't know much about him and all we're getting now is a bunch of sob stories that probably aren't any more truthful than the events and people in his book.

Michelle's claim that Obama sits at night reading through people letters and then telling her that he can't believe how they are hurting and must do something. That was so unbelievable.

They all came off as mushy and it didn't come across as sincere.

A yahoo headline this morning said that Clinton is lending Obama his halo and then he'll try not to outshine him. Yea, right.
They are trying to fundamentally transform him from the bottom up. It's working about as well as his plans to change this country.

Michelle sure tried to convince people that they were both poor and struggling, though I thought they were both working as lawyers when they met. And the story about Obama's car and shoes that were too small sounded contrived. Did he spend all his money on his many travels abroad and forget to buy shoes?

Michelle's dad reportedly made about $50,000 a year back then, which was a lot for that time.
How do you know how much he made? Who "reported" it?

Why now are they deciding it's time to get to know Obama? Maybe because we still don't know much about him and all we're getting now is a bunch of sob stories that probably aren't any more truthful than the events and people in his book.

Michelle's claim that Obama sits at night reading through people letters and then telling her that he can't believe how they are hurting and must do something. That was so unbelievable.

They all came off as mushy and it didn't come across as sincere.

A yahoo headline this morning said that Clinton is lending Obama his halo and then he'll try not to outshine him. Yea, right.

Except that we've known that its true for a couple of years now.

Or, have you conveniently forgotten that he sends money to people out of his own personal checking account?

Where do your lies come from? He didn't spend his money on travels abroad. He wasn't even making much money at that time.

I get so sick of the BS from the right. As we see here, rw's are so full of hate, they don't bother to learn the truth for themselves. If druge, fux, beck, lushbo, brietbart tells them to believe it, their heads just bob up and down.

Yep. I read that their little political theater cost us tax payers something like $33MILLION DOLLARS.

And yet, they refuse to introduce or vote on even ONE fucking jobs bill.

They do have time to filibuster, obstruct and vote against jobs bills.

The Rs should be brought up on charges of treason.

They've made it clear they hate our president more than they have ever loved our country. We get that. Now, can they please DO THEIR JOBS?

How many actual job bills has Harry Reed passed through the senate since 2010? Care to give me a count? Has this administration finally been able to pass a budget plan, or are we kicking that one down the road too? Now $16 Trillion in the hole and already a drop in the AAA rating under Obama. Who needs to keep an account of spending under this administration, right?

Senate succeeds at something: Futility
Grinding halt for do-nothing group

In terms of basic legislating, this year’s Senate isn’t the worst on record — but it is the second-worst, trailing only last year’s historic calcification, according to The Washington Times’ third semiannual Legislative Futility Index.

The House, meanwhile, is doing somewhat better, notching a decidedly middle-of-the-pack performance when compared with congressional records going back more than six decades, to just after World War II.

The Senate’s historic poor performance over the last two years is so bad that last week the top Senate Democrat said he is considering trying to change the filibuster rules because it has become too easy and too common for a minority of senators to halt business. But Republicans say the Democrats’ fear of holding tough votes has kept the Senate from doing much business.

Whichever party is to blame, the result is clear: The chamber is doing less legislating now than at any other time since 1947, when data were first compiled and published.

Read more: Senate succeeds at something: Futility - Washington Times http://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2012/jul/24/senate-succeeds-at-something-futility/#ixzz25iVpMh5B
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In what way has Obama improved on the economy since he has been in office? Former President Bill Clinton in an ad, says we need to look to the one most likely to create jobs. So what happened to the jobs, especially when Obama enjoyed a Democrat majority in both Chambers of Congress in 2009. How has Obama helped strengthen the economic job market? . . . . or is it more important to attack your opponent's religion or attempt to lessen his accomplishments, so you don't have to address your own failing record?

The government's most widely publicized unemployment rate measures only those who are out of a job and currently looking for work. It does not count discouraged potential employees who have quit looking, nor those who are underemployed — wanting to work full-time but forced to work part-time.

For that count, the government releases a separate number called the "U-6," which provides a more complete tally of how many people really are out of work.

The numbers in some cases are startling.

Consider: Nevada's U-6 rate is 22.1 percent, up from just 7.6 percent in 2007. Economically troubled California has a 20.3 percent real rate, while Rhode Island is at 18.3 percent, more than double its 8.3 percent rate in 2007.

Those numbers compare especially unfavorably to the national rate, high in itself at 14.9 percent though off its record peak of 17.2 percent in October 2009.

'Real' Unemployment Rate Shows Far More Jobless - US Business News - CNBC

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