Damn, Four Republican Senators Now Oppose and Effectively Kill the Trumpcare Bill

If it's so terrible then repeal then thing! Or maybe it's no so bad and the GOP should stop trying to sabotage the thing .

Stop being stupid.
It IS bad. The FREE market should decide not politicians. Once you take the free market out, you are screwed royally. Haven't you learned ANYTHING? Guess not.

Don't blame a free market if people are dumbass sheep and will pay $100 for a loaf of bread because they're too fucking lazy to make their own for 3 cents!
CHOICE! THAT"S the definition of FREEDOM!

"From each according to his abilities, to each according to his needs"
Anytime you adopt this ideology it's BAD....because of WHO decides WHO has abilities and who has needs.

Go ask ANY Venezuelan who doesn't like a dictatorship! Cause they "need" but they ain't getting SHIT! Once you put politicians in control of doling out necessities you are SCREWED either now or eventually.

LAST TIME...go ask ANY Venezuelan who doesn't like a Dictatorship. You could go to China or Russia and get the same results.
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Where is that unconditional unity Republicans used to hold dear? Are some Republicans beginning to see the danger in voting to destroy Obamacare? If so, they just might save the GOP majority in congress, which, sadly, will allow them to continue screwing average Americans.

It is surprising any Republican politician would challenge the authority of the Republican leadership by shirking their duty to the 1%. And, while these four GOP rebels might make their constituents happy by saving Obamacare, the fat cats who pay to get them reelected will keep their wallets closed when campaign time rolls around.

The four dissenters are putting themselves between a rock and a hard-to-get-donations place.

2 Republican senators join opposition to revised Obamacare repeal bill


View attachment 139322 View attachment 139323

There can be no denying either, except by the usual conservative deniers.

Those 4 republicans care about their constituents and don't want to dump the elderly, vets and the handicapped off health insurance.
Frankly 95% of republicans don't give a damn. They're heartless bastards and ALL should be primaried.
We Democrats are getting tired of WINNING

Remember those two Senate seats we picked up in 2016?

We do
Is anyone else tired of all this winning yet?

So when exactly do we get to see this "beautiful healthcare bill that gives everyone healthcare and bring costs way down"?
When will BOTH parties begin looking at universal healthcare as a possibility? It seems to be what many Americans want, whether they know it or not.
Australians have universal health care and they die at a 50% less rate than Americans.
Healthcare for all is the only solution but the backward bottom feeders are afraid of the word " socialism."
The GOP is two parties, the Republicans and the Libertarians.

Together they won enough electoral votes to beat Hillary, but two parties can't govern.

It's probably more than that.

Dems have the same issue of factions but they have advantage of being lefties, and following the herd is a big part of their political views.
The GOP is two parties, the Republicans and the Libertarians. Together they won enough electoral votes to beat Hillary, but two parties can't govern.
It's probably more than that. Dems have the same issue of factions but they have advantage of being lefties, and following the herd is a big part of their political views.
And that may be a function of their higher regard for government and politics in general. They want to win, not have principled losses.

Either way, though, if the GOP doesn't get its shit together pretty soon, the Democrats will surely get another chance.
The GOP is two parties, the Republicans and the Libertarians. Together they won enough electoral votes to beat Hillary, but two parties can't govern.
It's probably more than that. Dems have the same issue of factions but they have advantage of being lefties, and following the herd is a big part of their political views.
And that may be a function of their higher regard for government and politics in general. They want to win, not have principled losses.

Either way, though, if the GOP doesn't get its shit together pretty soon, the Democrats will surely get another chance.

Or just they accept other ways of increasing government power knowing their pet project will get a viewing sooner or later.

So they back up gun control increases knowing that they will get carbon credits imposed later on.

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