Damn, I mean just damn. trump just slandered Carroll again.

She claimed he raped her.

In common usage he did. But because of a technicality in the New York definition of “rape”, the jury had limitations. This technicality has since been corrected IIRC.

Because she couldn’t tell the difference between his penis and his finger, they had to return a sexual assault finding.

(Which for a guy is embarrassing enough.)

Yeah....like I said you need sane limits on the laws....or this kind of shit would be happening all the time.
I grew up in a split family and extended family. Muslim/Christian...studied both deeply and as of today I am some kind of
Hybrid culturalist with skin dark enough to be seen as North African. Use some Arabic now and then but mostly English. Nobody ever mistakes me for White.
I get along equally well with all of them but family dinners on holidays were not good memories. They were always
potential civil wars. I never could understand it..still don't and not likely to try either. My position on Israel<>Gaza is that
there are a lot of people on both sides that could live together just fine if not for politics...I have sympathies in both directions
so the whole thing is a wash for me. I am most fond of the Muslim Traditions I remember growing up and live my life now largely that way
but do not exclude the Christian holidays for the families sake.

Pleased to know you.
Meanwhile that dumbass Potatohead piece of shit that idiots like you voted for is running up a trillion dollars in debt every 100 days, letting millions of goddamn Illegals flood into the country, lying to the American people in a State of the Union speech, running up the cost of energy, decreasing family income, destroying the US military and is causing massive inflation.

Anybody that voted for Potatohead is an idiot.
My MAGAt to english translator renders that post as :

"Hi, my name is Flash and I'm really pissed off that you people are making my Orange God pay for his crimes"
Yes, so goes a corrupt justice system. Nobody can deny the many times Trump has been slandered by the media and the government. Their slander has been so egregious that it has created a new disease known as TDS.
Damn, those grapes are sour.
My MAGAt to english translator renders that post as :

"Hi, my name is Flash and I'm really pissed off that you people are making my Orange God pay for his crimes"

How come your idiot boy is lying?

Freedom of speech. Only you creeps side with creeps like Carrol. In fact, I'll bet you think she's hot and has good character.
Nope. Slander has a legal definition and doesn't fall under freedom of speech, which BTW protects you when criticizing your government, not your victims.
This one translates to: "I still can't address the OP so I'm gonna whine and cry".

How come your Boy Potatohead lied? That is kinda a big lie to the American people, isn't it?

Can you answer that or are you going to run away like a little pussy?
Subhuman ape Trump just can't help but to fuck himself over.

CHUBB should immediately withdraw it's offer to bond for the $93 million. Anyone who risks $93 million to bail out that deranged lunatic should be locked up in a rubber room right along with him.
You people are ill. Your HATE knows no bounds
Trump is not being persecuted. He's a punk criminal who can't control his impulses or his mouth.
What? You are an idiot if you cannot see the reality. There are a lot of people walking around free that spied on a president elect. Why was nothing done about that? it has been with proven government documents and completely ignored by the lying media.. Trump will get them when he is president again.

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