Damn, I mean just damn. trump just slandered Carroll again.


In the past, Cobb has argued that Trump is the “greatest threat to democracy that we’ve ever seen.” He has criticized Trump’s legal team for looking to delay certain cases until after the election.

During Saturday’s interview, Cobb argued that Trump has the time to delay and appeal the cases if he wins reelection in the fall, but said if he loses against President Biden “he’s going to jail.”

Kiss it
Oh yes it is. It's assault.
Meh.... Has to be some sane limits....

I had two neighbors. One staunch Muslim, one Staunch Christian. The Muslim sued the Christian over Christmas Decorations on the Christian's house. Claimed it was actually violence. I wasn't there but I heard that the judge actually busted out laughing.
Of course he denies it. Do you expect him to admit to something he didn't do just because democrats sued him? How much did Clinton have to pay when Juanita Broaderick and Paula Jones gave credible testimony that he raped and/or sexually molested them? Clinton defenders snickered that the statute of limitations expired and Bubba's sexual life was nobody's business but his own.
Meh.... Has to be some sane limits....

I had two neighbors. One staunch Muslim, one Staunch Christian. The Muslim sued the Christian over Christmas Decorations on the Christian's house. Claimed it was actually violence. I wasn't there but I heard that the judge actually busted out laughing.

That's stupid. Muslims used to help us with Christmas decorations and the livestock for the live manger scenes. Americans can't manage camels, sheep and burros.

Sounds like a neighbor problem not a religion problem.
That's stupid. Muslims used to help us with Christmas decorations and the livestock for the live manger scenes. Americans can't manage camels, sheep and burros.

Sounds like a neighbor problem not a religion problem.

Yeah....like I said you need sane limits on the laws....or this kind of shit would be happening all the time.
I grew up in a split family and extended family. Muslim/Christian...studied both deeply and as of today I am some kind of
Hybrid culturalist with skin dark enough to be seen as North African. Use some Arabic now and then but mostly English. Nobody ever mistakes me for White.
I get along equally well with all of them but family dinners on holidays were not good memories. They were always
potential civil wars. I never could understand it..still don't and not likely to try either. My position on Israel<>Gaza is that
there are a lot of people on both sides that could live together just fine if not for politics...I have sympathies in both directions
so the whole thing is a wash for me. I am most fond of the Muslim Traditions I remember growing up and live my life now largely that way
but do not exclude the Christian holidays for the families sake.
Biden sexually assaulted me. I don't remember when or where it happened. But I want millions for it and I want it to be tried right here in South carolina. With a jury of my Biden hating friends.
Apelet courts won't, the broad can't even say what year it supposedly occurred, much less give a date. She even claimed to be wearing a garment that wasn't even in production. There are a ton of contradictions in her made up story. And simply saying a story is false is not defamation, he didn't mention her by name.

Lol, there isn't even a good reason to appeal, noreal grounds. His one real hope was to get the judgement reduced as excessive but he just threw that out the window as the given reason behind the large settlement was that he didn't learn anything from the smaller one.

I'd hate to be the guy who guaranteed that bond a few days ago.
This E. Jean Carroll bandwagon is getting you democrats no where.
Ummm, I know nuthin' about "Democrats" in this EJean Carroll assault. From what I read it was between a man and a woman non-consensually. I doubt either was wearing Party pins.
It was dressing room in a department store. Not a polling station.
Trust me.

If Trump was not found guilty of raping or sexually assaulting this woman
Well, yes.....he was NOT found guilty.
He was found liable in this civil suit.
It's a distinction that may not make a difference as far Trump's checkbook.
But he ain't going to jail for it ...... as he would be if he was found "guilty" in a criminal trial.
Yes, so goes a corrupt justice system. Nobody can deny the many times Trump has been slandered by the media and the government. Their slander has been so egregious that it has created a new disease known as TDS.
An honest system that holds people like him and those who support him accountable for defamation.
So this is the basis for the defamation suit? Didn’t Carroll accuse Trump of rape? To my knowledge, there is a large legal delineation between rape and sexual abuse, thus why Trump isn’t going to prison.
Thank heavens you are not defending anyone is court.
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