Dancing Jews keep on Dancing

The 911 event is already another of those historical events that is so fraught with complexity, misinformation and dubious offical reporting that nobody is EVER going to be able to prove a damned thing.

I also have my doubts about the 911 event, but that's already an historical rathole that I choose not to go down.

I've know good people who have devoted their lives, indeed their professional careers to trying to unravel the JFK assassination.

Sisyphus's labors are probably more productive than theirs.

amen to that.Best post on this thread.:clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2:
With only 38 exceptions, apparently:

"Hearsay is the legal term for testimony in a court proceeding where the witness does not have direct knowledge of the fact asserted, but knows it only from being told by someone. In general the witness will make a statement such as, 'Sally told me Tom was in town,' as opposed to "I saw Tom in town," which is direct evidence.

"Hearsay is not allowed as evidence in the United States, unless one of about thirty eight[1] exceptions applies to the particular statement being made."

Hearsay in United States law - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

A public (think CSPAN) independent investigation into 911 will give everyone an opportunity to decide for themselves who knew what and when they knew it and whether or not their information was derived from hearsay or direct evidence.

True, regarding hearsay, funny tho, that the 9-11 OCT fable believers use such "evidence" that in their minds, absolutely convinces them that it's legit..
So far, the strongest evidence I've seen for the controlled demolition of WTC7 uses a pair of videos side by side with WTC7 next to a video of a known controlled demolition. If enough Americans see that video evidence often enough, it will become very hard for elites to continue their deception.

Yeah thats all in my thread that I have going.The people that come on there and keep defending the fairy tales of the government obviously dont want to watch that video.Its not just that,but bld 7 is the crux of the 9/11 coverup commission that they cant get around and always ignore because this point goes ignored EVERY SINGLE TIME,that there were other buildings much closer to the towers than bld 7 was that had far more extensive damage and far more extensive fires to them than bld 7,yet unlike bld 7,they did not collapase.

then there is this other fact the trolls on here constantly dodge and ignore as well that the twin towers and bld 7 were not on the only buildings to collapsde that day,but they were the first ever to collapse due to fire and were the only ones owend by zionist Jew larry Silverstein.the official conspiracy theory apologists and the paid trolls like sayit ignore these facts EVERYTIME and have no answer for them.its just one bizarre mere coincidence to them.:cuckoo:
Soooo, you're claiming it was Israelis who flew those airliners into the WTC on 9/11? :D
No one made that claim. So making this suggestion is an obscurantist gimmick. But if the observation of those five Israelis is accurate it strongly suggests the Mossad knew about the plot and kept it to themselves for obvious reasons.

If the observation is true and accurate, how else would you account for the presence and conduct of those five Israelis?

Many peeps photographed the 9/11 attacks, Princess, and 11 years later there still is no evidence that Mossad knew about the plot or kept it to themselves.
The following is Indofred's post to which I responded. See if you can find where he claims Israelis flew those planes into America. I'll even make it easy for you:

Quote = Indofred
"I'm just wondering how long it'll be before the real story of Israel's false flag 9/11 attacks comes out. Israel has tried so many false flags but this was their best yet.
The 911 event is already another of those historical events that is so fraught with complexity, misinformation and dubious offical reporting that nobody is EVER going to be able to prove a damned thing.

Holston has graciously provided a number of links to recent civil court rulings in favor of the victim's families. Evidently things are still being proven in court. Cheer up. :D
"The New York Times reported Thursday that a group of five men had set up video cameras aimed at the Twin Towers prior to the attack on Tuesday, and were seen congratulating one another afterwards.

One Arrested, Others Detained at NY Airports | Fox News

You're welcome.

Many peeps photographed the horrors of that morning, Princess. The story was premature and the FBI investigation found nothing about those Israelis which substantiated your claims. You're just selling hate like most of the lame CTs here. :D
True, regarding hearsay, funny tho, that the 9-11 OCT fable believers use such "evidence" that in their minds, absolutely convinces them that it's legit..
So far, the strongest evidence I've seen for the controlled demolition of WTC7 uses a pair of videos side by side with WTC7 next to a video of a known controlled demolition. If enough Americans see that video evidence often enough, it will become very hard for elites to continue their deception.

Yeah thats all in my thread that I have going.The people that come on there and keep defending the fairy tales of the government obviously dont want to watch that video.Its not just that,but bld 7 is the crux of the 9/11 coverup commission that they cant get around and always ignore because this point goes ignored EVERY SINGLE TIME,that there were other buildings much closer to the towers than bld 7 was that had far more extensive damage and far more extensive fires to them than bld 7,yet unlike bld 7,they did not collapase.

then there is this other fact the trolls on here constantly dodge and ignore as well that the twin towers and bld 7 were not on the only buildings to collapsde that day,but they were the first ever to collapse due to fire and were the only ones owend by zionist Jew larry Silverstein.the official conspiracy theory apologists and the paid trolls like sayit ignore these facts EVERYTIME and have no answer for them.its just one bizarre mere coincidence to them.:cuckoo:

And to this day we still have no evidence of a controlled demo and none of a conspiracy (other than that of the actual perps) or cover-up but we do have irrefutable proof that those buildings could be felled by fire. :D
Dancing Jews keep on Dancing:

"A Mossad surveillance team made quite a public spectacle of themselves on 9-11.

"The New York Times reported Thursday that a group of five men had set up video cameras aimed at the Twin Towers prior to the attack on Tuesday, and were seen congratulating one another afterwards.

"Police received several calls from angry New Jersey residents claiming 'middle-eastern' men with a white van were videotaping the disaster with shouts of joy and mockery. (2)

"'They were like happy, you know … They didn't look shocked to me' said a witness."

Are you shocked, Hossie, about how two planes toppled three steel-framed skyscrapers?
Ask Bibi if you're still confused.

9-11 Attacks: The Five Dancing Israelis Arrested on 9-11

Bigots are scum.
Dancing Jews keep on Dancing:

"A Mossad surveillance team made quite a public spectacle of themselves on 9-11.

"The New York Times reported Thursday that a group of five men had set up video cameras aimed at the Twin Towers prior to the attack on Tuesday, and were seen congratulating one another afterwards.

"Police received several calls from angry New Jersey residents claiming 'middle-eastern' men with a white van were videotaping the disaster with shouts of joy and mockery. (2)

"'They were like happy, you know … They didn't look shocked to me' said a witness."

Are you shocked, Hossie, about how two planes toppled three steel-framed skyscrapers?
Ask Bibi if you're still confused.

9-11 Attacks: The Five Dancing Israelis Arrested on 9-11

Bigots are scum.
Parasites who profit from the "War on Terror" are terrorists.
"The New York Times reported Thursday that a group of five men had set up video cameras aimed at the Twin Towers prior to the attack on Tuesday, and were seen congratulating one another afterwards.

One Arrested, Others Detained at NY Airports | Fox News

You're welcome.

Many peeps photographed the horrors of that morning, Princess. The story was premature and the FBI investigation found nothing about those Israelis which substantiated your claims. You're just selling hate like most of the lame CTs here. :D
How many peeps had their cameras rolling before the first impact?

"In September 2001, The New York Times and Israeli newspaper Haaretz reported that four hours after the attack, the FBI arrested five Israelis who had been filming the smoking skyline from the roof of a white van in the parking lot of an apartment building, for 'puzzling behavior'.

"They were charged with illegally residing in the United States and working there without permits.

"The Israelis were said to have been videotaping the disaster with what was interpreted as cries of "joy and mockery".[56][57] Police found the van and a search revealed $4,700 in cash hidden, along with foreign passports and a boxcutter which aroused suspicions and led to the detention of the occupants.

"The men were held in detention for more than 2 months, during which time they were subjected to interrogation and lie detector tests, before being deported back to Israel; one of the men (Paul Kurzberg) refused to take the test for 10 weeks, and then failed it.[58]

"The five men worked at the company Urban Moving Systems, owned and operated by Dominick Suter. After the men were arrested the FBI searched their offices and questioned Suter, however Suter fled to Israel before he could be questioned further.

"Eventually, Suter's name appeared on the May 2002 FBI Suspect List, along with the Sep 11 hijackers and other suspected extremists.[59]

"According to a former CIA chief of operations for counterterrorism Vince Cannistraro, there was speculation that Urban Moving Systems may have been a front for an intelligence operation investigating fund-raising networks channeling money to Hamas and Islamic Jihad.

"On March 15, 2002, The Forward claimed that the FBI had concluded that the van's driver, Paul Kurzberg, and his brother Sivan, were indeed Mossad operatives, who were in America 'spying on local Arabs'.[60] ABC news cited this report on June 21, 2002, adding that the FBI had concluded that the five Israelis had no foreknowledge of the attacks."

September 11 attacks advance-knowledge conspiracy theories - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

In fact, the FBI may have turned the Happy Jews loose because of pressure from the Bush Justice Department, not that puzzled pathic punks like you would worry about it.
"The New York Times reported Thursday that a group of five men had set up video cameras aimed at the Twin Towers prior to the attack on Tuesday, and were seen congratulating one another afterwards.

One Arrested, Others Detained at NY Airports | Fox News

You're welcome.

Many peeps photographed the horrors of that morning, Princess. The story was premature and the FBI investigation found nothing about those Israelis which substantiated your claims. You're just selling hate like most of the lame CTs here. :D
How many peeps had their cameras rolling before the first impact?

"In September 2001, The New York Times and Israeli newspaper Haaretz reported that four hours after the attack, the FBI arrested five Israelis who had been filming the smoking skyline from the roof of a white van in the parking lot of an apartment building, for 'puzzling behavior'.

"They were charged with illegally residing in the United States and working there without permits.

"The Israelis were said to have been videotaping the disaster with what was interpreted as cries of "joy and mockery".[56][57] Police found the van and a search revealed $4,700 in cash hidden, along with foreign passports and a boxcutter which aroused suspicions and led to the detention of the occupants.

"The men were held in detention for more than 2 months, during which time they were subjected to interrogation and lie detector tests, before being deported back to Israel; one of the men (Paul Kurzberg) refused to take the test for 10 weeks, and then failed it.[58]

"The five men worked at the company Urban Moving Systems, owned and operated by Dominick Suter. After the men were arrested the FBI searched their offices and questioned Suter, however Suter fled to Israel before he could be questioned further.

"Eventually, Suter's name appeared on the May 2002 FBI Suspect List, along with the Sep 11 hijackers and other suspected extremists.[59]

"According to a former CIA chief of operations for counterterrorism Vince Cannistraro, there was speculation that Urban Moving Systems may have been a front for an intelligence operation investigating fund-raising networks channeling money to Hamas and Islamic Jihad.

"On March 15, 2002, The Forward claimed that the FBI had concluded that the van's driver, Paul Kurzberg, and his brother Sivan, were indeed Mossad operatives, who were in America 'spying on local Arabs'.[60] ABC news cited this report on June 21, 2002, adding that the FBI had concluded that the five Israelis had no foreknowledge of the attacks."

September 11 attacks advance-knowledge conspiracy theories - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

In fact, the FBI may have turned the Happy Jews loose because of pressure from the Bush Justice Department, not that puzzled pathic punks like you would worry about it.
Given his obvious hatred of Jews, I'm sure if there was any real evidence, our current pro-Islamic president would have been all over it.
"The New York Times reported Thursday that a group of five men had set up video cameras aimed at the Twin Towers prior to the attack on Tuesday, and were seen congratulating one another afterwards.

One Arrested, Others Detained at NY Airports | Fox News

You're welcome.

Many peeps photographed the horrors of that morning, Princess. The story was premature and the FBI investigation found nothing about those Israelis which substantiated your claims. You're just selling hate like most of the lame CTs here. :D

Would you believe it, if they actually admitted it on TV?
Israeli_Zionist Foreknowledge of 9_11
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7UOY6Sh3pc8]Israeli_Zionist Foreknowledge of 9_11 - YouTube[/ame]
This is video of three of the five 'Dancing Israelis' who celebrated as the Trade Center was attacked on 9/11. The Israelis confess that they knew ahead of time the attacks would happen. They admit that they were there to document the event. How did they know an event was going to happen? Why didn't they warn us?
"The New York Times reported Thursday that a group of five men had set up video cameras aimed at the Twin Towers prior to the attack on Tuesday, and were seen congratulating one another afterwards.

One Arrested, Others Detained at NY Airports | Fox News

You're welcome.

Many peeps photographed the horrors of that morning, Princess. The story was premature and the FBI investigation found nothing about those Israelis which substantiated your claims. You're just selling hate like most of the lame CTs here. :D
How many peeps had their cameras rolling before the first impact?

"In September 2001, The New York Times and Israeli newspaper Haaretz reported that four hours after the attack, the FBI arrested five Israelis who had been filming the smoking skyline from the roof of a white van in the parking lot of an apartment building, for 'puzzling behavior'.

"They were charged with illegally residing in the United States and working there without permits.

"The Israelis were said to have been videotaping the disaster with what was interpreted as cries of "joy and mockery".[56][57] Police found the van and a search revealed $4,700 in cash hidden, along with foreign passports and a boxcutter which aroused suspicions and led to the detention of the occupants.

"The men were held in detention for more than 2 months, during which time they were subjected to interrogation and lie detector tests, before being deported back to Israel; one of the men (Paul Kurzberg) refused to take the test for 10 weeks, and then failed it.[58]

"The five men worked at the company Urban Moving Systems, owned and operated by Dominick Suter. After the men were arrested the FBI searched their offices and questioned Suter, however Suter fled to Israel before he could be questioned further.

"Eventually, Suter's name appeared on the May 2002 FBI Suspect List, along with the Sep 11 hijackers and other suspected extremists.[59]

"According to a former CIA chief of operations for counterterrorism Vince Cannistraro, there was speculation that Urban Moving Systems may have been a front for an intelligence operation investigating fund-raising networks channeling money to Hamas and Islamic Jihad.

"On March 15, 2002, The Forward claimed that the FBI had concluded that the van's driver, Paul Kurzberg, and his brother Sivan, were indeed Mossad operatives, who were in America 'spying on local Arabs'.[60] ABC news cited this report on June 21, 2002, adding that the FBI had concluded that the five Israelis had no foreknowledge of the attacks."

September 11 attacks advance-knowledge conspiracy theories - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

In fact, the FBI may have turned the Happy Jews loose because of pressure from the Bush Justice Department, not that puzzled pathic punks like you would worry about it.

Or perhaps they were released because, as even your source notes, "the FBI had concluded that the five Israelis had no foreknowledge of the attacks." Those same FBI findings establish that there is no evidence that the cameras were set up and rolling in anticipation of the attack.
Finally, you offer nothing which supports the charge you level against "Bush Justice Dept."
All in all what we have left is the shrill and desperate half-truths and fabrications of a hate-filled scumbag. Have a nice day, Princess. :D
Last edited:
"The New York Times reported Thursday that a group of five men had set up video cameras aimed at the Twin Towers prior to the attack on Tuesday, and were seen congratulating one another afterwards.

One Arrested, Others Detained at NY Airports | Fox News

You're welcome.

Many peeps photographed the horrors of that morning, Princess. The story was premature and the FBI investigation found nothing about those Israelis which substantiated your claims. You're just selling hate like most of the lame CTs here. :D

Would you believe it, if they actually admitted it on TV?
Israeli_Zionist Foreknowledge of 9_11
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7UOY6Sh3pc8]Israeli_Zionist Foreknowledge of 9_11 - YouTube[/ame]
This is video of three of the five 'Dancing Israelis' who celebrated as the Trade Center was attacked on 9/11. The Israelis confess that they knew ahead of time the attacks would happen. They admit that they were there to document the event. How did they know an event was going to happen? Why didn't they warn us?

Pay attention, Desperate.
Do you truly believe he would admit guilt? What we do know is the FBI held the Israelis for months and found they had no foreknowledge of the 9/11 attacks. Unless you have proof the FBI was also in on your conspiracy, you're just pissing into the wind.
Dancing Jews keep on Dancing:

"A Mossad surveillance team made quite a public spectacle of themselves on 9-11.

"The New York Times reported Thursday that a group of five men had set up video cameras aimed at the Twin Towers prior to the attack on Tuesday, and were seen congratulating one another afterwards.

"Police received several calls from angry New Jersey residents claiming 'middle-eastern' men with a white van were videotaping the disaster with shouts of joy and mockery. (2)

"'They were like happy, you know … They didn't look shocked to me' said a witness."

Are you shocked, Hossie, about how two planes toppled three steel-framed skyscrapers?
Ask Bibi if you're still confused.

9-11 Attacks: The Five Dancing Israelis Arrested on 9-11

Bigots are scum.
Parasites who profit from the "War on Terror" are terrorists.

Better some should profit from our war on terror-rats than give your buds another clean shot at us. :D
Many peeps photographed the horrors of that morning, Princess. The story was premature and the FBI investigation found nothing about those Israelis which substantiated your claims. You're just selling hate like most of the lame CTs here. :D
How many peeps had their cameras rolling before the first impact?

"In September 2001, The New York Times and Israeli newspaper Haaretz reported that four hours after the attack, the FBI arrested five Israelis who had been filming the smoking skyline from the roof of a white van in the parking lot of an apartment building, for 'puzzling behavior'.

"They were charged with illegally residing in the United States and working there without permits.

"The Israelis were said to have been videotaping the disaster with what was interpreted as cries of "joy and mockery".[56][57] Police found the van and a search revealed $4,700 in cash hidden, along with foreign passports and a boxcutter which aroused suspicions and led to the detention of the occupants.

"The men were held in detention for more than 2 months, during which time they were subjected to interrogation and lie detector tests, before being deported back to Israel; one of the men (Paul Kurzberg) refused to take the test for 10 weeks, and then failed it.[58]

"The five men worked at the company Urban Moving Systems, owned and operated by Dominick Suter. After the men were arrested the FBI searched their offices and questioned Suter, however Suter fled to Israel before he could be questioned further.

"Eventually, Suter's name appeared on the May 2002 FBI Suspect List, along with the Sep 11 hijackers and other suspected extremists.[59]

"According to a former CIA chief of operations for counterterrorism Vince Cannistraro, there was speculation that Urban Moving Systems may have been a front for an intelligence operation investigating fund-raising networks channeling money to Hamas and Islamic Jihad.

"On March 15, 2002, The Forward claimed that the FBI had concluded that the van's driver, Paul Kurzberg, and his brother Sivan, were indeed Mossad operatives, who were in America 'spying on local Arabs'.[60] ABC news cited this report on June 21, 2002, adding that the FBI had concluded that the five Israelis had no foreknowledge of the attacks."

September 11 attacks advance-knowledge conspiracy theories - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

In fact, the FBI may have turned the Happy Jews loose because of pressure from the Bush Justice Department, not that puzzled pathic punks like you would worry about it.
Given his obvious hatred of Jews, I'm sure if there was any real evidence, our current pro-Islamic president would have been all over it.

I don't think Obama hates Jews, IMHO, and I generally have a pretty good eye for that sort of thing. I also don't find him to be particularly pro-Islamic. An opportunist for sure but that's common among politicians. We certainly could use a few good statesmen and women. :D
Many peeps photographed the horrors of that morning, Princess. The story was premature and the FBI investigation found nothing about those Israelis which substantiated your claims. You're just selling hate like most of the lame CTs here. :D
How many peeps had their cameras rolling before the first impact?

"In September 2001, The New York Times and Israeli newspaper Haaretz reported that four hours after the attack, the FBI arrested five Israelis who had been filming the smoking skyline from the roof of a white van in the parking lot of an apartment building, for 'puzzling behavior'.

"They were charged with illegally residing in the United States and working there without permits.

"The Israelis were said to have been videotaping the disaster with what was interpreted as cries of "joy and mockery".[56][57] Police found the van and a search revealed $4,700 in cash hidden, along with foreign passports and a boxcutter which aroused suspicions and led to the detention of the occupants.

"The men were held in detention for more than 2 months, during which time they were subjected to interrogation and lie detector tests, before being deported back to Israel; one of the men (Paul Kurzberg) refused to take the test for 10 weeks, and then failed it.[58]

"The five men worked at the company Urban Moving Systems, owned and operated by Dominick Suter. After the men were arrested the FBI searched their offices and questioned Suter, however Suter fled to Israel before he could be questioned further.

"Eventually, Suter's name appeared on the May 2002 FBI Suspect List, along with the Sep 11 hijackers and other suspected extremists.[59]

"According to a former CIA chief of operations for counterterrorism Vince Cannistraro, there was speculation that Urban Moving Systems may have been a front for an intelligence operation investigating fund-raising networks channeling money to Hamas and Islamic Jihad.

"On March 15, 2002, The Forward claimed that the FBI had concluded that the van's driver, Paul Kurzberg, and his brother Sivan, were indeed Mossad operatives, who were in America 'spying on local Arabs'.[60] ABC news cited this report on June 21, 2002, adding that the FBI had concluded that the five Israelis had no foreknowledge of the attacks."

September 11 attacks advance-knowledge conspiracy theories - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

In fact, the FBI may have turned the Happy Jews loose because of pressure from the Bush Justice Department, not that puzzled pathic punks like you would worry about it.

Or perhaps they were released because, as even your source notes, "the FBI had concluded that the five Israelis had no foreknowledge of the attacks." Those same FBI findings establish that there is no evidence that the cameras were set up and rolling in anticipation of the attack.
Finally, you offer nothing which supports the charge you level against "Bush Justice Dept."
All in all what we have left is the shrill and desperate half-truths and fabrications of a hate-filled scumbag. Have a nice day, Princess. :D
Surely, you can prove your Mossad talking point that FBI findings have proven the Dancing Jews' cameras were not set up prior to the first impact? After that, be sure to refute the 2.25 seconds of free-fall acceleration displayed by WTC7. Have a slow, painful demise, dummy.
Obama hates Jews the same way he hates Wall Street.
What actions has Obama taken to make you think he hates Jews?
Bows to the Saudi King but refuses to meet with Netanyahu, helps remove moderate muslims from power and supports their radical replacements, dedicates the space program to "muslim outreach", refers to the Koran as "the HOLY KORAN", supported by many known anti-semites like Rev. Wright and Louis Farrakhan. If it looks like a duck...
How many peeps had their cameras rolling before the first impact?

"In September 2001, The New York Times and Israeli newspaper Haaretz reported that four hours after the attack, the FBI arrested five Israelis who had been filming the smoking skyline from the roof of a white van in the parking lot of an apartment building, for 'puzzling behavior'.

"They were charged with illegally residing in the United States and working there without permits.

"The Israelis were said to have been videotaping the disaster with what was interpreted as cries of "joy and mockery".[56][57] Police found the van and a search revealed $4,700 in cash hidden, along with foreign passports and a boxcutter which aroused suspicions and led to the detention of the occupants.

"The men were held in detention for more than 2 months, during which time they were subjected to interrogation and lie detector tests, before being deported back to Israel; one of the men (Paul Kurzberg) refused to take the test for 10 weeks, and then failed it.[58]

"The five men worked at the company Urban Moving Systems, owned and operated by Dominick Suter. After the men were arrested the FBI searched their offices and questioned Suter, however Suter fled to Israel before he could be questioned further.

"Eventually, Suter's name appeared on the May 2002 FBI Suspect List, along with the Sep 11 hijackers and other suspected extremists.[59]

"According to a former CIA chief of operations for counterterrorism Vince Cannistraro, there was speculation that Urban Moving Systems may have been a front for an intelligence operation investigating fund-raising networks channeling money to Hamas and Islamic Jihad.

"On March 15, 2002, The Forward claimed that the FBI had concluded that the van's driver, Paul Kurzberg, and his brother Sivan, were indeed Mossad operatives, who were in America 'spying on local Arabs'.[60] ABC news cited this report on June 21, 2002, adding that the FBI had concluded that the five Israelis had no foreknowledge of the attacks."

September 11 attacks advance-knowledge conspiracy theories - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

In fact, the FBI may have turned the Happy Jews loose because of pressure from the Bush Justice Department, not that puzzled pathic punks like you would worry about it.

Or perhaps they were released because, as even your source notes, "the FBI had concluded that the five Israelis had no foreknowledge of the attacks." Those same FBI findings establish that there is no evidence that the cameras were set up and rolling in anticipation of the attack.
Finally, you offer nothing which supports the charge you level against "Bush Justice Dept."
All in all what we have left is the shrill and desperate half-truths and fabrications of a hate-filled scumbag. Have a nice day, Princess. :D
Surely, you can prove your Mossad talking point that FBI findings have proven the Dancing Jews' cameras were not set up prior to the first impact? After that, be sure to refute the 2.25 seconds of free-fall acceleration displayed by WTC7. Have a slow, painful demise, dummy.

Nice attempt at deflection, Princess, but the FBI conclusion that the five Israelis had no foreknowledge of the attacks proves that there is no evidence that the cameras were set up and rolling in anticipation of the attack. One can not set up and roll the cameras in anticipation of something of which you have no foreknowledge. :D

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