Danish teen girl will be charged for fighting off rapist.

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Victims should not be treated as criminals. Women have a right to not just say no but defend themselves if necessary. No man has a right to abuse a woman or treat her as inferior.

You were doing ok till you got to the end. Fact is women are inferior - smaller, weaker, and lacking in tech aptitude.
Fighting him off is not what she is being charged with...

no shit, dickweed, i believe we who read the story, unlike you who apparently did not, know she is being charged with using an "illegal" item of self defense.

:fu: ....... :asshole:
Victims should not be treated as criminals. Women have a right to not just say no but defend themselves if necessary. No man has a right to abuse a woman or treat her as inferior.

You were doing ok till you got to the end. Fact is women are inferior - smaller, weaker, and lacking in tech aptitude.

Small and weaker in some cases, but not lacking in technical aptitude. Inferior? Absolutely not.

Everyone has strength and weaknesses. Males will tend to be brutes full of testosterone interfering with their ability to think. Women will tend to be more empathetic and nurturing, they can calm stressful situation and think rationally under stress. Men are muscle, women brains, they balance each other.

No, some jobs men are better at, some women will do better at others. There is place for both.

"dummy" ?????? me???? if you read the story why then did you make such a stupid fucking remark?? ....., IDIOT!!
Dummy, the title is wrong. The correct title is, "Danish teen charged for using illegal weapon (to fight off rapist)"...
Title should be: "Fucking xenophobe bitch uses only thing available to prevent being brutally violated by muslim animal seeking to suck the life out of Danish tax payers."
There's already uproar in Denmark regarding this girl.

an uproar? in which way?

Because at first the Danish Police said they could arrest and charge her....for what, using what she had on hand to prevent herself from being raped? So she's supposed to just take it and let herself be raped?

We get this to just a 500 Kroner fine, this is a victory for the girl and for the European peoples. 500 Kroner isn't much money, it's about $72, she won't even have to pay it herself, one of our organisations in Denmark will give her the money.

Then, a number of our organisations in Denmark gets the Danish People's Party, who the Danish Conversative Government need to stay in office, we get them to speak to Danish Interior Minister and they get them to sort that pepper spray bit in the law, so nobody gets into this situation again.
Everyone has strength and weaknesses. Males will tend to be brutes full of testosterone interfering with their ability to think. Women will tend to be more empathetic and nurturing, they can calm stressful situation and think rationally under stress. Men are muscle, women brains, they balance each other.

No, some jobs men are better at, some women will do better at others. There is place for both.

Yeah, women make better social workers and that's about it. Important jobs like engineer, businessman, scientist, plumber, auto repairman, farmer, electrician are almost all male.
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