Danish teen girl will be charged for fighting off rapist.

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It's the job of European women to make themselves available to the whims of Muslim males.

Liberals thank you for your cooperation.
Fighting him off is not what she is being charged with...

I believe she is charged with having a weapon....pepper spray. Sort of like Britain making knives that cannot be used for stabbing.....or in Britain where you cannot harm an attacker....
Bad enough when countries outlaw guns, but pepper spray???

Teen fights off ‘rapist,’ now she faces charges

jan 26 2016 A 17-year-old Danish girl who successfully fended off a would-be rapist by using pepper spray is now facing the likelihood of criminal charges, because the popular defense item is against the law.

The assailant allegedly knocked her to the ground, unbuttoned her pants and tried to undress her.

The girl was able to prevent herself from being assaulted any further by whipping out her pepper spray and using it on the attacker. However, authorities now say the young woman could be the one who is criminally charged.

“It is illegal to possess and use pepper spray, so she will likely be charged for that,” local police spokesman Knud Kirsten told TV Syd.

Not if we can help it. Two of our organisations are on this like yesterday like white on rice and we have friends within Danish Government. The Danish Prime Minister Lars Løkke Rasmussen rely almost completely on our friends in the the Dansk Folkeparti - the Danish People's Party - to stay in office.

There's already uproar in Denmark regarding this girl.

Okay, I just got text message, this could just be a fine of 500 Kroner, which isn't a lot of money. However, the text said today people are going to put much pressure on the Government to intervene, so the girl then won't even have to pay a fine or anything.
Fighting him off is not what she is being charged with...

Should she have let herself get raped in order to satisfy morons like you?

Yes, liberals want young women to be defenseless.

How else would someone like that ever have any hope of getting laid?

The desire to impair the rights of honest people to possess arms is always rooted in the desire to do that which would give an honest person just cause to use those arms.
Fighting him off is not what she is being charged with...

Should she have let herself get raped in order to satisfy morons like you?

Yes, liberals want young women to be defenseless.

How else would someone like that ever have any hope of getting laid?

The desire to impair the rights of honest people to possess arms is always rooted in the desire to do that which would give an honest person just cause to use those arms.

Liberals consider by yourself in the dark as getting laid.
Victims should not be treated as criminals. Women have a right to not just say no but defend themselves if necessary. No man has a right to abuse a woman or treat her as inferior.

The videos were a set up, entrapment, not a defense. There was no sale taking place and though tasteless out of context much was in jest and suggestions of what should and should not happen.

Wasted tissue can be of value to research and drug development. No reason to incinerate it if a woman is willing to donate.

PP might not sell it but once in the hand of tissue distributors, they can. PP does not divide or store tissue, it is not a shopping mall of tissue, that is the distributors. PP does not take offers, they just allow tissue to be donated and tissue companies do the rest.

The PP clinics are not the same as a girl defending herself from rapists. Now if she had been raped and she went to a PP clinic you would be attacker her for choosing not to carry the rapists spawn. Every woman should be raped and pregnant, and subject to a man her whole life??

The girl was not using a paint spray or mace against protesters of genetically altered food company or zoning for a new night club. She was protecting herself from being attacked.

A woman is an individual with her right to control her own life and body.

The videos were a set up, entrapment, not a defense. There was no sale taking place and though tasteless out of context much was in jest and suggestions of what should and should not happen.

Wasted tissue can be of value to research and drug development. No reason to incinerate it if a woman is willing to donate.

PP might not sell it but once in the hand of tissue distributors, they can. PP does not divide or store tissue, it is not a shopping mall of tissue, that is the distributors. PP does not take offers, they just allow tissue to be donated and tissue companies do the rest.

The PP clinics are not the same as a girl defending herself from rapists. Now if she had been raped and she went to a PP clinic you would be attacker her for choosing not to carry the rapists spawn. Every woman should be raped and pregnant, and subject to a man her whole life??

The girl was not using a paint spray or mace against protesters of genetically altered food company or zoning for a new night club. She was protecting herself from being attacked.

A woman is an individual with her right to control her own life and body.
Selling baby parts for profit is against the law.
Like possessing pepper spray in Denmark is.

The videos were a set up, entrapment, not a defense. There was no sale taking place and though tasteless out of context much was in jest and suggestions of what should and should not happen.

Wasted tissue can be of value to research and drug development. No reason to incinerate it if a woman is willing to donate.

PP might not sell it but once in the hand of tissue distributors, they can. PP does not divide or store tissue, it is not a shopping mall of tissue, that is the distributors. PP does not take offers, they just allow tissue to be donated and tissue companies do the rest.

The PP clinics are not the same as a girl defending herself from rapists. Now if she had been raped and she went to a PP clinic you would be attacker her for choosing not to carry the rapists spawn. Every woman should be raped and pregnant, and subject to a man her whole life??

The girl was not using a paint spray or mace against protesters of genetically altered food company or zoning for a new night club. She was protecting herself from being attacked.

A woman is an individual with her right to control her own life and body.
Selling baby parts for profit is against the law.
Like possessing pepper spray in Denmark is.

It is against the law to profit from the sale of tissue across state lines. It i not against the law to tack on reasonable costs to the handling of the tissue transported.

Fetal tissue cannot be directly transplanted but the tissue can be used to grow organs which are then transplanted.

the soliciting of tissue, which is what the video makers were doing is against the law.

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