Dark Legacy: Did George Bush Murder John F. Kennedy?...


Platinum Member
Oct 7, 2011
Interesting Documentary. Has anyone else checked it out? What do you think?

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2CMF6AcGvuU]dark legacy trailer - YouTube[/ame]
Dude where you been? This video has been talked about in this section for YEARS!!!!!!

The government agent trolls on here are roaming the boards right now so they will be here any second to shit all over the floor when they open up their mouths.:D

Glad you are FINALLY taking an interest in the JFK assassination.I been trying ever since you got here to get you to post on this thread of mine since like so many other trolls that posted on it didnt even bother to read what the title of the thread said,they just saw the word JFK and decided to come on there and troll.:cuckoo:


He was our last REAL president we had because unlike every president since then,he wasnt a puppet for the establishment serving the american people instead of the bankers like every president since him has.

The ONLY thing that I dont like about this video is it seems republican driven.It leaves out the detail that Lyndon Johnsons mistress was at the party of one of LBJ'S oilman backers who owned the dallas cowboys back then the night before the assassin and that according to her,Johnson came out of a room full of people in the metting that included Nixon,and J Edgar Hoover-Nixon,Johnson,and Hoover were all pals.Nixon and Johnson served in the senate together.she came out of that meeting and according to her,johnson said-after tomorrow,that irishman -meaning kennedy,will no longer be a problem.Thats not a threat,thats a promise. so they should have mentioned that important detail as well.

There is a great book out there you should read if you want to learn more about Bushs involvement in it that a lot of that information in that video is taken from.Its called FAMILY OF SECRETS by Russ baker.

The thing I love about Bakers book is its very objective,Its not slanted at the republicans like that video is.Baker details how Johnson had a working relationship with Bushs father Prescott Bush who also had ties to the intellience community.so thers the connection there between Johnson and Bush as well.I should have put it together a long time ago them both being from texas and everything.

I always knew Bush and Nixon had a strong connection with Nixon appoining him on his cabinet and everything but not Johnson which I SHOULD have known,him being long time pals and friends with Nixon and both having ties to oilman and living in texas everything.man how did I miss that all these years?:mad:
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I thought LBJ did it. It was in his home state and it worked out pretty well for him.

funny how your just the oppostie of Dante.Dante is in denial about the JFK assassination and worships the governments version but is just the opposite when it comes to Reagan.

I never would have believed that you would acknowledge this seeing how you are always in denial on Reagan being the most corrupt and evil president we ever had at the TIME he was president.every one of them since him being even worse than their predecesser so of curse he isnt the worst ever,just at the TIME.

and yeah,Johnson had a huge planning in the JFK assassination alright but so did Bush.it was HIS homestate as well you know? :D:lol::lol: Bush if you watch the video,you'll see was involved up to his ears in the assassination.His good pal and Johnsons long time good pal Nixon was as well.

They were all rewarded the office of the presidency for their role in the assassination.

Oh and your hero Reagan was also rewarded the office of the presidency for his role in the coverup of the JFK assassination.Just like congressman Gerald Ford,Reagan also as governor of california,participated in the coverup of the assassination just like Ford did on the warren commission.Thats why they were BOTH rewarded that postition.

Reagan wasnt on the warren commission but as governor of california,he DID block Jim Garrisons extradition request-"Garrison never in his life ever had an extradition request denied prior to that", to indict a key figure in dallas that day that reseachers over the years identified as a CIA AGENT.




In 1961 Alton Ochsner, with the financial help of Clint Murchison, established the Information Council of the Americas (INCA). Ed Butler was appointed as Executive Director of INCA. The main objective of the organization was to prevent communist revolutions in Latin America. Ochsner told the New Orleans States Item: "We must spread the warning of the creeping sickness of communism faster to Latin Americas, and to our own people, or Central and South America will be exposed to the same sickness as Cuba." (16th April, 1963)

Edgar and Edith Stern, owners of WDSU radio and television, were members of INCA. Eustis Reily of the Reily Coffee Company personally donated thousands of dollars to INCA. However, it was William Frawley, a Californian industrialist and close friend of Richard Nixon, who was INCA's largest financial contributor. The organization used some of this money to make a film about Fidel Castro entitled, Hitler in Havana. The New York Times reviewed the film calling it a "tasteless affront to minimum journalistic standards."

One of Ochsner's friends described him as being "like a fundamentalist preacher in the sense that the fight against communism was the only subject that he would talk about, or even allow you to talk about, in his presence."

Edward Haslam argues in Dr. Mary's Monkey that "Ochsner's hospital was one of the 159 covert research centers which the CIA had admitted to setting up." Haslam believes that Ochsner recruited Mary Sherman to run the research operation The basic project was set up March 23, 1962, using conventional facilities, which then expanded out of the loop for its final phases. Haslam believes that Sherman was involved in carrying out secret research into developing a vaccine to prevent an epidemic of soft-tissue cancers caused by polio vaccine contaminated with SV-40. This work included using a linear particle accelerator located in the Infectious Disease Laboratory at the Public Health Service Hospital in New Orleans. According to Haslam there was a second-lab working on this project. This was being run by David Ferrie on Louisiana Avenue Parkway.

Ochsner was strongly opposed to the domestic and foreign policy of President John F. Kennedy. He wrote to Senator Allen Ellender: "I sincerely hope that the Civil Rights Bill can also be defeated, because if it was passed, it would certainly mean virtual dictatorship by the President and the Attorney General, a thing I am sure they both want."

Ochsner was also friends with Clay Shaw. Ochsner was president of the International House, whereas Shaw was director of the organization. Both men were also directors of the Foreign Policy Association of New Orleans and arranged for CIA Deputy Director to New Orleans to discuss the communist threat.

Ochsner sat on the National Institute of Health Board of Directors. A fellow director in the early 1960s was Jose Rivera. In 1963 Rivera was in New Orleans handing out research grants from NIH to the Tulane Medical School.

The records of the Mexican consulate office in New Orleans show that when Lee Harvey Oswald obtained his visa for his trip to Mexico, he did so at the same time as William Gaudet. As Edward Haslam points out in Dr. Mary's Monkey : "Gaudet.. is known to have worked for the CIA and edited an anti-Communist newsletter which Ochsner financed."

Adele Edisen has revealed that in April 1963, Jose Rivera, gave her the name of Lee Harvey Oswald and his New Orleans phone number three weeks before he moved to the city.

On 21st July, 1964, Mary Sherman was murdered. It is possible that her death was connected to her relationship with Ochsner, Ferrie and Murchison.

In 1967 Jim Garrison began investigating the activities of Lee Harvey Oswald in New Orleans. Ochsner told a friend that he feared Garrison would order his arrest and the seizure of INCA's corporate records. Ed Butler took these records to California where William Frawley arranged for them to be hidden. Ronald Reagan, the governor of California refused all of Garrison's extradition requests. Frawley had previously helped fund Reagan's political campaigns in California.

You can find more information about this case here:



Does anyone know the role played by Ronald Reagan in the cover-up of the assassination of JFK? The reason why he did this is also very interesting as it provides links to the people who might have provided the funds for the assassination.

RR did several things to help bury the truth of the Assassination. One that comes to mind is when he as Gov. of CA he denied Garrison's request to extradite Edgar Eugene Bradley. Garrison had apparently been led to be confused between Bradley and Eugene Hale Brading / Jim Braden, but even so, this was Reagan helping-out to further discredit, embarrass and block Garrison's investigation [then ongoing via CIA and their assets]. Had the extradition been granted, Garrison would have realized his mistake, corrected it, and asked for the right man - also in CA.

This is true but I think a more significant aspect of the cover-up was the refusual to release documents that had been deposited in California and related to people linked to the CIA and the setting-up of Lee Harvey Oswald in New Orleans. More later.

Proving one's alliance to the cover-up is a necessary prerequisite to become President. Nixon, Bush Sr....not to mention LBJ who was IMO the master puppet-master of the cover-up.

You left out GERALD FORD, who became president ONLY BECAUSE HE COULD BE COUNTED ON

Does anyone know the role played by Ronald Reagan in the cover-up of the assassination of JFK? The reason why he did this is also very interesting as it provides links to the people who might have provided the funds for the assassination.

Though of perhaps only tangential relevance, during Reagan's first attempt at the Republican nomination, he chose as his Veep candidate Senator Richard Schweiker. Along with Gary Hart, with whom he co-chaired a subcommittee examining 11/22/63, Schweiker likely knew as much about the assassination - at that juncture - as anyone else in government. Though I doubt it can be proven, I'm sure it was explained to Schweiker that it would be impolitic to discuss his knowledge in public, as it might have a negative impact on the ticket's electoral chances.

As for Gary Hart, we all know the "funny thing" that happened to him on his way to the White House.

Along with Barry Goldwater, John Tower, Strom Thurmond, William Buckley and John Wayne, Reagan was a supporter of YAF.

Reagan was also an FBI informant, (SA-T1?). Hollywood snitch.

Max Rafferty, 1963 - 1971 Superintendent Public Instruction, Cal., 1968 Cal. Rep. Senator candidate. JBS member. In Ambassador hotel on another floor when RFK was shot.

Time: "It is "absolutely imperative," said Reagan, "that Max Rafferty be the next United States Senator." Reagan deputized his two top aides to spur Rafferty's flagging campaign, and he has sent out an emergency appeal for financial help to his "kitchen cabinet" of rich California businessmen."

The John Birch Society took credit for the election of Ronald Reagan as Governor of California.

The Birch Society's former National Director of Public Relations (former Congressman John Rousselot) campaigned for Reagan for President and subsequently accepted a position in the Reagan administration and then worked for his re-election.

Robert Welch, founder and head of the John Birch Society, publicly announced his intention to vote for Ronald Reagan for President.

Interesting. Leads one to suspect that those who aspire to and achieve the highest office in the US are told, tactfully, that the Dallas issue is not open for discussion--Presidents included. Those who aspired and failed would also been have told the facts of life, had they been successful.

Has anyone got any information on William Frawley, the Californian industrialist who was INCA's largest financial contributor. The web seems to have nothing on this man yet he was a major funder of both Nixon and Reagan and was probably the main figure behind the INCA cover-up in 1967.

Every President has allowed documents, concerning the assassination of JFK, to be withheld. Allowing secrets to remain, is, in my mind, participation in a cover-up after the fact.
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Dude where you been? This video has been talked about in this section for YEARS!!!!!!

The government agent trolls on here are roaming the boards right now so they will be here any second to shit all over the floor when they open up their mouths.:D

Glad you are FINALLY taking an interest in the JFK assassination.I been trying ever since you got here to get you to post on this thread of mine since like so many other trolls that posted on it didnt even bother to read what the title of the thread said,they just saw the word JFK and decided to come on there and troll.:cuckoo:


He was our last REAL president we had because unlike every president since then,he wasnt a puppet for the establishment serving the american people instead of the bankers like every president since him has.

The ONLY thing that I dont like about this video is it seems republican driven.It leaves out the detail that Lyndon Johnsons mistress was at the party of one of LBJ'S oilman backers who owned the dallas cowboys back then the night before the assassin and that according to her,Johnson came out of a room full of people in the metting that included Nixon,and J Edgar Hoover-Nixon,Johnson,and Hoover were all pals.Nixon and Johnson served in the senate together.she came out of that meeting and according to her,johnson said-after tomorrow,that irishman -meaning kennedy,will no longer be a problem.Thats not a threat,thats a promise. so they should have mentioned that important detail as well.

There is a great book out there you should read if you want to learn more about Bushs involvement in it that a lot of that information in that video is taken from.Its called FAMILY OF SECRETS by Russ baker.

The thing I love about Bakers book is its very objective,Its not slanted at the republicans like that video is.Baker details how Johnson had a working relationship with Bushs father Prescott Bush who also had ties to the intellience community.so thers the connection there between Johnson and Bush as well.I should have put it together a long time ago them both being from texas and everything.

I always knew Bush and Nixon had a strong connection with Nixon appoining him on his cabinet and everything but not Johnson which I SHOULD have known,him being long time pals and friends with Nixon and both having ties to oilman and living in texas everything.man how did I miss that all these years?:mad:

Yeah, it is a fascinating Documentary. Not sure what to make of it yet. Still contemplating.
Dude where you been? This video has been talked about in this section for YEARS!!!!!!

The government agent trolls on here are roaming the boards right now so they will be here any second to shit all over the floor when they open up their mouths.:D

Glad you are FINALLY taking an interest in the JFK assassination.I been trying ever since you got here to get you to post on this thread of mine since like so many other trolls that posted on it didnt even bother to read what the title of the thread said,they just saw the word JFK and decided to come on there and troll.:cuckoo:


He was our last REAL president we had because unlike every president since then,he wasnt a puppet for the establishment serving the american people instead of the bankers like every president since him has.

The ONLY thing that I dont like about this video is it seems republican driven.It leaves out the detail that Lyndon Johnsons mistress was at the party of one of LBJ'S oilman backers who owned the dallas cowboys back then the night before the assassin and that according to her,Johnson came out of a room full of people in the metting that included Nixon,and J Edgar Hoover-Nixon,Johnson,and Hoover were all pals.Nixon and Johnson served in the senate together.she came out of that meeting and according to her,johnson said-after tomorrow,that irishman -meaning kennedy,will no longer be a problem.Thats not a threat,thats a promise. so they should have mentioned that important detail as well.

There is a great book out there you should read if you want to learn more about Bushs involvement in it that a lot of that information in that video is taken from.Its called FAMILY OF SECRETS by Russ baker.

The thing I love about Bakers book is its very objective,Its not slanted at the republicans like that video is.Baker details how Johnson had a working relationship with Bushs father Prescott Bush who also had ties to the intellience community.so thers the connection there between Johnson and Bush as well.I should have put it together a long time ago them both being from texas and everything.

I always knew Bush and Nixon had a strong connection with Nixon appoining him on his cabinet and everything but not Johnson which I SHOULD have known,him being long time pals and friends with Nixon and both having ties to oilman and living in texas everything.man how did I miss that all these years?:mad:

Yeah, it is a fascinating Documentary. Not sure what to make of it yet. Still contemplating.

The evidence in that video is OVERWHELMING that Bush was involved up to his ears everybit as much as Johnson was. Till you get the time to read Russ Bakers book Family of secrets,here is some more great information that exposed Bushs role in the assassination in this link here below.

It gets even more interesting in Dark Legacy II. It contends the Bush Cabal murdered John F. Kennedy Jr. too. Even if you don't want to believe it, these Docs are still worth watching.
Here's some snippets from the films...

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Jax13K4jRwY]dark legacy highlights - YouTube[/ame]
It gets even more interesting in Dark Legacy II. It contends the Bush Cabal murdered John F. Kennedy Jr. too. Even if you don't want to believe it, these Docs are still worth watching.

Yeah The establishment was afraid that Junior would get into some kinf of high office of power where he had the authority to open a new independent investigation of it so im sure Bush had a big hane in that one as well.the true facts of the case in that one dont add up either,for example,its been debunked the story that the CIA controlled news spread that he was flying late at night and the visibility was poor.it was actually a very nice day a flew and he had excellent visibility.ithe list goes on and on.
Funny the left thinks of Bush as incapable of doing anything right yet they credit him with eliminating one of their very own idols and getting successfully away with it. Either they're wrong (again) or Bush is a hell of a lot smarter than they'd like to believe.
Funny the left thinks of Bush as incapable of doing anything right yet they credit him with eliminating one of their very own idols and getting successfully away with it. Either they're wrong (again) or Bush is a hell of a lot smarter than they'd like to believe.

I'm not part of the Left, but i still think these Docs are very interesting. Check em out, they're called 'Dark Legacy' and 'Dark Legacy II.' You can see em on Netflix & YouTube.
Funny the left thinks of Bush as incapable of doing anything right yet they credit him with eliminating one of their very own idols and getting successfully away with it. Either they're wrong (again) or Bush is a hell of a lot smarter than they'd like to believe.
Are they talking about W? He would have been 17 at the time. Maybe that was the test of manhood for the Bush cabal. "Take out the president boy, and you'll get this here shiney skull ring of manhood!"
Funny the left thinks of Bush as incapable of doing anything right yet they credit him with eliminating one of their very own idols and getting successfully away with it. Either they're wrong (again) or Bush is a hell of a lot smarter than they'd like to believe.

Your thinking of the wrong Bush.:D Bush JR is regarded as an idiot who cant tell his right thumb from his left,Daddy Bush though they consider very smart which I would have to say is correct the fact that he was able to keep all this a secret from the american people for almost 30 years.that all that information never really came out till Mark Lane exposed him with documation in his book Plausible Denial written in 1991.

I about fell out of my chair in shock when I read that when Lane exposed in his book his strong connection to fellow CIA agent George Demorensheild who was of course oswalds handler.
I have to admit the creators of these films do go way over the top with their Kennedy-Worship. And also go way over the top with their Bush-Hating. The Kennedy's were not Saints. These films are definitely not politically unbiased films. Just a bit of a warning going in. That being said, they are very interesting.
Funny the left thinks of Bush as incapable of doing anything right yet they credit him with eliminating one of their very own idols and getting successfully away with it. Either they're wrong (again) or Bush is a hell of a lot smarter than they'd like to believe.
Are they talking about W? He would have been 17 at the time. Maybe that was the test of manhood for the Bush cabal. "Take out the president boy, and you'll get this here shiney skull ring of manhood!"

No, the films are referring to his Father.
I thought LBJ did it. It was in his home state and it worked out pretty well for him.

funny how your just the oppostie of Dante.Dante is in denial about the JFK assassination and worships the governments version but is just the opposite when it comes to Reagan.

I never would have believed that you would acknowledge this seeing how you are always in denial on Reagan being the most corrupt and evil president we ever had at the TIME he was president.every one of them since him being even worse than their predecesser so of curse he isnt the worst ever,just at the TIME.

and yeah,Johnson had a huge planning in the JFK assassination alright but so did Bush.it was HIS homestate as well you know? :D:lol::lol: Bush if you watch the video,you'll see was involved up to his ears in the assassination.His good pal and Johnsons long time good pal Nixon was as well.

They were all rewarded the office of the presidency for their role in the assassination.

Oh and your hero Reagan was also rewarded the office of the presidency for his role in the coverup of the JFK assassination.Just like congressman Gerald Ford,Reagan also as governor of california,participated in the coverup of the assassination just like Ford did on the warren commission.Thats why they were BOTH rewarded that postition.

Reagan wasnt on the warren commission but as governor of california,he DID block Jim Garrisons extradition request-"Garrison never in his life ever had an extradition request denied prior to that", to indict a key figure in dallas that day that reseachers over the years identified as a CIA AGENT.

Interview With Gene Bradley:


Jim Garrison Investigation - The Truth Shall Make You Free

In 1961 Alton Ochsner, with the financial help of Clint Murchison, established the Information Council of the Americas (INCA). Ed Butler was appointed as Executive Director of INCA. The main objective of the organization was to prevent communist revolutions in Latin America. Ochsner told the New Orleans States Item: "We must spread the warning of the creeping sickness of communism faster to Latin Americas, and to our own people, or Central and South America will be exposed to the same sickness as Cuba." (16th April, 1963)

Edgar and Edith Stern, owners of WDSU radio and television, were members of INCA. Eustis Reily of the Reily Coffee Company personally donated thousands of dollars to INCA. However, it was William Frawley, a Californian industrialist and close friend of Richard Nixon, who was INCA's largest financial contributor. The organization used some of this money to make a film about Fidel Castro entitled, Hitler in Havana. The New York Times reviewed the film calling it a "tasteless affront to minimum journalistic standards."

One of Ochsner's friends described him as being "like a fundamentalist preacher in the sense that the fight against communism was the only subject that he would talk about, or even allow you to talk about, in his presence."

Edward Haslam argues in Dr. Mary's Monkey that "Ochsner's hospital was one of the 159 covert research centers which the CIA had admitted to setting up." Haslam believes that Ochsner recruited Mary Sherman to run the research operation The basic project was set up March 23, 1962, using conventional facilities, which then expanded out of the loop for its final phases. Haslam believes that Sherman was involved in carrying out secret research into developing a vaccine to prevent an epidemic of soft-tissue cancers caused by polio vaccine contaminated with SV-40. This work included using a linear particle accelerator located in the Infectious Disease Laboratory at the Public Health Service Hospital in New Orleans. According to Haslam there was a second-lab working on this project. This was being run by David Ferrie on Louisiana Avenue Parkway.

Ochsner was strongly opposed to the domestic and foreign policy of President John F. Kennedy. He wrote to Senator Allen Ellender: "I sincerely hope that the Civil Rights Bill can also be defeated, because if it was passed, it would certainly mean virtual dictatorship by the President and the Attorney General, a thing I am sure they both want."

Ochsner was also friends with Clay Shaw. Ochsner was president of the International House, whereas Shaw was director of the organization. Both men were also directors of the Foreign Policy Association of New Orleans and arranged for CIA Deputy Director to New Orleans to discuss the communist threat.

Ochsner sat on the National Institute of Health Board of Directors. A fellow director in the early 1960s was Jose Rivera. In 1963 Rivera was in New Orleans handing out research grants from NIH to the Tulane Medical School.

The records of the Mexican consulate office in New Orleans show that when Lee Harvey Oswald obtained his visa for his trip to Mexico, he did so at the same time as William Gaudet. As Edward Haslam points out in Dr. Mary's Monkey : "Gaudet.. is known to have worked for the CIA and edited an anti-Communist newsletter which Ochsner financed."

Adele Edisen has revealed that in April 1963, Jose Rivera, gave her the name of Lee Harvey Oswald and his New Orleans phone number three weeks before he moved to the city.

On 21st July, 1964, Mary Sherman was murdered. It is possible that her death was connected to her relationship with Ochsner, Ferrie and Murchison.

In 1967 Jim Garrison began investigating the activities of Lee Harvey Oswald in New Orleans. Ochsner told a friend that he feared Garrison would order his arrest and the seizure of INCA's corporate records. Ed Butler took these records to California where William Frawley arranged for them to be hidden. Ronald Reagan, the governor of California refused all of Garrison's extradition requests. Frawley had previously helped fund Reagan's political campaigns in California.

You can find more information about this case here:



Does anyone know the role played by Ronald Reagan in the cover-up of the assassination of JFK? The reason why he did this is also very interesting as it provides links to the people who might have provided the funds for the assassination.

RR did several things to help bury the truth of the Assassination. One that comes to mind is when he as Gov. of CA he denied Garrison's request to extradite Edgar Eugene Bradley. Garrison had apparently been led to be confused between Bradley and Eugene Hale Brading / Jim Braden, but even so, this was Reagan helping-out to further discredit, embarrass and block Garrison's investigation [then ongoing via CIA and their assets]. Had the extradition been granted, Garrison would have realized his mistake, corrected it, and asked for the right man - also in CA.

This is true but I think a more significant aspect of the cover-up was the refusual to release documents that had been deposited in California and related to people linked to the CIA and the setting-up of Lee Harvey Oswald in New Orleans. More later.

Proving one's alliance to the cover-up is a necessary prerequisite to become President. Nixon, Bush Sr....not to mention LBJ who was IMO the master puppet-master of the cover-up.

You left out GERALD FORD, who became president ONLY BECAUSE HE COULD BE COUNTED ON

Does anyone know the role played by Ronald Reagan in the cover-up of the assassination of JFK? The reason why he did this is also very interesting as it provides links to the people who might have provided the funds for the assassination.

Though of perhaps only tangential relevance, during Reagan's first attempt at the Republican nomination, he chose as his Veep candidate Senator Richard Schweiker. Along with Gary Hart, with whom he co-chaired a subcommittee examining 11/22/63, Schweiker likely knew as much about the assassination - at that juncture - as anyone else in government. Though I doubt it can be proven, I'm sure it was explained to Schweiker that it would be impolitic to discuss his knowledge in public, as it might have a negative impact on the ticket's electoral chances.

As for Gary Hart, we all know the "funny thing" that happened to him on his way to the White House.

Along with Barry Goldwater, John Tower, Strom Thurmond, William Buckley and John Wayne, Reagan was a supporter of YAF.

Reagan was also an FBI informant, (SA-T1?). Hollywood snitch.

Max Rafferty, 1963 - 1971 Superintendent Public Instruction, Cal., 1968 Cal. Rep. Senator candidate. JBS member. In Ambassador hotel on another floor when RFK was shot.

Time: "It is "absolutely imperative," said Reagan, "that Max Rafferty be the next United States Senator." Reagan deputized his two top aides to spur Rafferty's flagging campaign, and he has sent out an emergency appeal for financial help to his "kitchen cabinet" of rich California businessmen."

The John Birch Society took credit for the election of Ronald Reagan as Governor of California.

The Birch Society's former National Director of Public Relations (former Congressman John Rousselot) campaigned for Reagan for President and subsequently accepted a position in the Reagan administration and then worked for his re-election.

Robert Welch, founder and head of the John Birch Society, publicly announced his intention to vote for Ronald Reagan for President.

Interesting. Leads one to suspect that those who aspire to and achieve the highest office in the US are told, tactfully, that the Dallas issue is not open for discussion--Presidents included. Those who aspired and failed would also been have told the facts of life, had they been successful.

Has anyone got any information on William Frawley, the Californian industrialist who was INCA's largest financial contributor. The web seems to have nothing on this man yet he was a major funder of both Nixon and Reagan and was probably the main figure behind the INCA cover-up in 1967.

Every President has allowed documents, concerning the assassination of JFK, to be withheld. Allowing secrets to remain, is, in my mind, participation in a cover-up after the fact.

Hey Politician,since nobody else so far has said anything about this post,were you aware of Reagan being rewarded the office of the presidency for his role in the coverup just like Ford was?

if not,you dont have to say so now of course,put please read through these links i posted and the long article below them over the weekend if you dont mind and comment over it after the weekend after reading through it if you dont mind.would appreciate your feedback on it since so far nobody else has said anything about it.thanks.

and they thought Reagan was such a great president.:cuckoo: He couldnt carry JFK's jockstrap.Closest presidet we have had in the 19th century that was as great as he was would be Calvin Coolidge.another one of those rare presidents who actually believed in serving the people instead of the bankers and following the constitution.
Yeah, the Dark Legacy II film goes nutterville on the Kennedy-Worship. That probably ruined any possibility of open-minded unbiased people buying into it. They did a better job on the first film.
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There are alot of dark stories about Bush Sr. Some people believe Bush Sr. was behind Reagan assassination attempt too.

Was Bush Sr Involved In The Reagan Assassination Attempt? (Video) | Conspiracy Theories

The two most noteworthy pieces of information from the news reports in the video concern John Hinckley, Jr, the would-be assassin who shot Ronald Reagan and several others on March 30, 1981. First of all, he was seen taking calls from a pay phone each day at the same time despite having a telephone in his hotel room. This seems to indicate that he was having some type of ongoing, off-the-record telephone communication. The government’s official theory is that he acted totally alone, mainly due to his obsession with actress Jodie Foster.

The other interesting detail in the video is the fact that the Hinckley and Bush families had an ongoing friendship at this point in history. On the day of the assassination, Neil Bush and Hinckley’s brother Scott were set to have lunch. Let’s examine some of the details that supporters of the theory cite to demonstrate how the political environment might have been a motive for a conspiracy. Con't on link.
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I have to admit the creators of these films do go way over the top with their Kennedy-Worship. And also go way over the top with their Bush-Hating. The Kennedy's were not Saints. These films are definitely not politically unbiased films. Just a bit of a warning going in. That being said, they are very interesting.

to an extent they do however they are correct that we should be grateful that Kennedy was president back then instead of Nixon.Because thanks to the bay of pigs invasion where the military and CIA lied to him from the very beginning about the invasion setting it up knowing there was no chance for the mission to succeed tricking him into beliving it would succeed,it was a good thing that we had the disasterous bay of pigs invasion because after that,JFK stopped listening to the military chain of command when they had recommendations for wars.

Ignoring their recommendations for all out bombing campains in vietnam refusing to send in combat troops,just advisors.He increased advisors for the military more so than Eisenhower did,but he never sent in combat troops though.They were never deployed till Johnson got in office.

they are right about one thing,that we should be greatful that he got elected instead of Nixon.

Jfk wisely did not listen to his military command this time who wanted him to go out and bomb cuba which would have started a nuclear war had he done so.He leaned heavily on his aides advise and Bobby wisely and followed their recommendations instead which was pivitol in the united states avoiding any kind of military confrontation with the ruissians.

Had DICK Nixon been elected back then,he would have done excactly what the military wanted him to do and go in and bomb cuba like they wanted JFK to do and he would have gotten us into a nuclear confrontation with the russins and we wouldnt be here now talking about this so they are right about being grateful that he got elected back then instead of Nixon.

Got to remember,Nixon had deep ties to the CIA and mob way before he was president.He was so immature that when he was vice president under Eisenhower,he was always trying to get Eisenhower to nuke them in Laos and vietnam.

Eisenhower wisely tuned him out and ignored him. By the time he became president,he had matured enough to where he knew it would be unwise to nuke them in vietnam like he always had discussed in the past. by 1968 he had mutured enough not to do that, but back in 1960?

He was so incredibly immature and childish back then-all the people that served in the white house when Ike was president hated him all saying the same thing about him,he was so immature back then,that he would have gone ahead and bombed them and started a nuclear war with the russians.
He wouldnt have bypassed the military.He knew better.
speaking of that,check your pm,got something on that want to share with you about that.
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