Dark Legacy: Did George Bush Murder John F. Kennedy?...

So every President since LBJ has been involved in the JFK cover up?

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So every President since LBJ has been involved in the JFK cover up?

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Check out 'Dark Legacy.' It's the first film. 'Dark Legacy II' seemed a bit too far-fetched. But the first film really is fascinating. The Bush family did have Nazi ties. Check it out.
Yeah, the Dark Legacy II film goes nutterville on the Kennedy-Worship. That probably ruined any possibility of open-minded unbiased people buying into it. They did a better job on the first film.

yeah again,thats what i was saying earlier was the one thing i did not like about it was it seems biased,republican driven.While it does an excellent job of exposing Bushs and Nixons connections to the assassination and how Nixon appointed Bush to his cabinet as president,again the thing I dont like about it is it doesnt say a word about Johnsons involvement in it and how he was a long time good friend of Nixons,how they served in the senate together and developed a friendship,how they were both backed by oilman failing to mention the night before the assassination,Nixon,Hoover,and Johnson were at a party with some of Johnson and Nixons oilman backers and Johnson told his mistress that Jfk would no longer be a problem for him after tomorro basically.

That again is why I HIGHLY recommend people here to read Russ Bakers book FAMILY OF SECRETS which a lot of this information from this video was taken from.You will find that in Bakers book its just the opposite of this video,that he doesnt worship JFK or anything,and that he is very objective,not biased one bit at all exposing BOTH the republicrats and the demopublicans in the book.

The assassination never would have worked had they not had the cooperation of BOTH parties and that video doesnt talk about the demopublicans role in it.Bakers book DOES.Bakers book exposes the role of BOTH parties involved.He holds nothing back.You'll find that his book is very unbaised and very objective.:dance:

You'll notice i said demopublicans and reprocrats since as you well know, its really is a ONE PARTY SYSTEM disguised as a two party system.

byw,i assume you read through my links about reagans role in the coverup?
So every President since LBJ has been involved in the JFK cover up?

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Check out 'Dark Legacy.' It's the first film. 'Dark Legacy II' seemed a bit too far-fetched. But the first film really is fascinating. The Bush family did have Nazi ties. Check it out.

what they also fail to mention is that Joe Kennedy also had ties to the nazis.Alex Jones exposed that in his video the Obama Deception.In the beginning of that video,Jones talks a little about the JFK assassination,how he was killed because of his executive order he signed that would have eliminated the fed.

He goes on to tell the truth in that video on Obama,that JFK was the last real president we had because he was not a puppet for the establishment like every president since him has been.

as you already know,you cannot be elected president unless you are a member of the CFR.thats why I knew that Ron Paul would not get elected.voting is a waste of time because they always rig it for whomever the establishment wants in,they make sure they get elected with rigged elections that so many sheople here are still in denial about.

they just dont get it that even if everybody in the world had voted for ron paul this past election,it would have been a waste of time because through rigged elections,they would have made sure Obama got elected.they just dont get that though.:cuckoo:

Jfk was serving the people instead of the bankers like every president since him has and he paid the price for it.

See the ONLY reason JFK got elected was because he was a CFR member as well.The only difference though between him and every president since him though is that he only attended a couple of their meetings.

after he saw what was going on,he could not go through with what they wanted him to do and he paid the price for it.He only attended a couple of their meetings where every president since him has been a regular attendee who went to several of their meetings on a regular basis.

JFK got elected because the establishment trusted him.His father Joe Kenendy was very corrupt having ties to the mob and the nazis.a very evil man so they made the mistake of believing that JFK would be no different,that he would be an apple that would not fall far from the tree.They made a mistake though because he turned out to be nothing like his father.

At first,he did go along with their agenda,at first he authorized and approved the CIA assassination attempts on castro the first couple months or so and even hung out with a communist dictater at one time in the very beginning,But along that way he developed a conscience and could not go along with their agenda anymore and stopped doing what he was told.

They tolerated it for a while thinking that he was just playing with the public but would go back to serving them again.when that did not happen that was his final undoing.They tolerated it up till the last few months of him being in office.

His 2 fatal mistakes that proved to be his undoing was signing an exectutiev order that would have banned the fed 5 months previous to his assassination and then signing the document two months before his assassiantion that called for a complete withdrawal from vietnam by 1965 by all military personal.those two things,the establishment could not tolerate.

They thought JFK would be corrupt just like his father was having no idead he would develep a consciens and not do their bidding.where Bush junior DID happen to be an apple that did not fall far from the tree being exactly like his father was,Jfk was nothing like his father.

this is where rons paul and his son are comparable to JFK and his father because they are just the opposite.Ron Paul is a true patriot who also wants to get rid of the fed and CIA as well.Rand Paul has alined himself with the zionists and betayed ron by endorcing romney who is no different than Obama. Ran has sole out his father and americans by doing so.
The left felt both father and son were dunces but suddenly they feel either or both were more clever than the entire Democrat Apparatchik?



Uh Bush sr got appointed to be CIA director and an ambassador to another country.the establishment doesnt allow that to happen if they believe you are a dunce.:rolleyes:

You are obviously cluless about Bush sr because its very well known that he was very intelligent which is why they trusted him as CIA director and ambassador to another country.:cuckoo: president they dont care,Bush jr just took his orders from daddy and cheney,THEY had the brains so he just did what they told him to to do.Bush jr was a screwup at school unlike his dad.:rolleyes:

miserable fail.
Interesting Documentary. Has anyone else checked it out? What do you think?

dark legacy trailer - YouTube

sometimes i marvel at the nonsense people will waste their time on.

we marvel at what a chickenshit coward you are who doesnt know how to debate,who never looks at the facts or evidence and just comes back with childish one liners only reading what the thread title says and never reading a post that doesnt go along with your views and then just comes back with pathetic childish one liners like this.:cuckoo:

Thank Got Gunny is no longer the site administrater here anymore.He was a major troll who abused his power he had making trolls like you mods which thankfully,you are not one anymore since thankfully,troll administrater Gunny is no longer here anymore.
ding dong the wicked witch-Gunny is dead.:dance:
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So every President since LBJ has been involved in the JFK cover up?
They have all been directly or indirectly involved with his assassination of JFK and rewarded for their efforts. Except maybe Obama. I think the trail of blood stops at G.W. Bush, the lookout on the grassy knoll.
There are alot of dark stories about Bush Sr. Some people believe Bush Sr. was behind Reagan assassination attempt too.

Was Bush Sr Involved In The Reagan Assassination Attempt? (Video) | Conspiracy Theories

The two most noteworthy pieces of information from the news reports in the video concern John Hinckley, Jr, the would-be assassin who shot Ronald Reagan and several others on March 30, 1981. First of all, he was seen taking calls from a pay phone each day at the same time despite having a telephone in his hotel room. This seems to indicate that he was having some type of ongoing, off-the-record telephone communication. The government’s official theory is that he acted totally alone, mainly due to his obsession with actress Jodie Foster.

The other interesting detail in the video is the fact that the Hinckley and Bush families had an ongoing friendship at this point in history. On the day of the assassination, Neil Bush and Hinckley’s brother Scott were set to have lunch. Let’s examine some of the details that supporters of the theory cite to demonstrate how the political environment might have been a motive for a conspiracy. Con't on link.

Yeah thats what I never understood was why they decided to try and kill reagan when he was extremly corrupt already way before he became president back in his days as governor of arkansas.

the answer to that appears that prior to his assassination attempt,the first couple months in office,he decided to be a rebel and go all john wayne out making policys the establishment wasnt happy with.

Like I know he talked about the possibility there were other life forms out there in the universe watching us saying -what if UFO'S really existed? Hinting at having the government come forth with their knowledge on UFO'S.well after the assassination attempt,he clammed up on that and stopped talking about UFO's and his policys drastically changed after that than what they were before.

They intentionally meant to harm him no doubt,but I think it was meant as a warning shot intending to hurt him and wound him no doubt,but they got careless and shot too close to him almost killing him accidently.He got the message no doubt cause again,his policys drastically changed after that I have heard and I know for sure that he did stop talking about UFO'S being out there as well.
So every President since LBJ has been involved in the JFK cover up?
They have all been directly or indirectly involved with his assassination of JFK and rewarded for their efforts. Except maybe Obama. I think the trail of blood stops at G.W. Bush, the lookout on the grassy knoll.

glad to see you are now acknowledging how reagan indeed was evil and corrupt.:D:eusa_clap: Its rare I ever see someone on the NET ever change their mind knowing they can hide behind the computer.

Obomination is easily the most evil president we have had.we got a foreigner running the country now so he doesnt give a shit about the CIA killing JFK and opening up a new investigation.Carter is the exception.I have never seen anything out there that has connected him to it in anyway.I will be commenting further on that in my next post matter of fact.
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Funny the left thinks of Bush as incapable of doing anything right yet they credit him with eliminating one of their very own idols and getting successfully away with it. Either they're wrong (again) or Bush is a hell of a lot smarter than they'd like to believe.

Funny the right thinks of Obama as incapable of doing anything right yet they credit him with masterminding cover-ups of various ‘scandals’ and creating a ‘socialist dictatorship’ in America and successfully getting away with it. Either they're wrong (again) or Obama is a hell of a lot smarter than they'd like to believe.
What's really fascinating, is the Bush/Kennedy similarities. Their beginnings and rise to power are mirror images.
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Funny the left thinks of Bush as incapable of doing anything right yet they credit him with eliminating one of their very own idols and getting successfully away with it. Either they're wrong (again) or Bush is a hell of a lot smarter than they'd like to believe.

Funny the right thinks of Obama as incapable of doing anything right yet they credit him with masterminding cover-ups of various ‘scandals’ and creating a ‘socialist dictatorship’ in America and successfully getting away with it. Either they're wrong (again) or Obama is a hell of a lot smarter than they'd like to believe.

Oblama do that?

C'mon.....do you think George Soros would let him fumble that, too? He has little people to do that stuff. Say, how DO you like working for George......
Interesting Documentary. Has anyone else checked it out? What do you think?

dark legacy trailer - YouTube

sometimes i marvel at the nonsense people will waste their time on.

You should check it out. It really is interesting. You can see it on Netflix and YouTube. Let me know what you think.

you dont know troll Jillian do you? she has NEVER in her entire miserable existence,ever tried to debunk information put forth like your video,she never looks at evidence that doesnt go along with her warped views she has been brainwashed and programemd to believe her whole life,she just sees a thread title and automatically dismisses it determing you are a nutcase without ever bothering to read any video posted,any link or anything you say in your OP.she just comes back with childish one liners everytime as her rebuttals.

thats how you can distinguish that she is just a brainwashed programmed sheep instead of a paid government disinfo agent like so many of them are here.
Funny the left thinks of Bush as incapable of doing anything right yet they credit him with eliminating one of their very own idols and getting successfully away with it. Either they're wrong (again) or Bush is a hell of a lot smarter than they'd like to believe.

Funny the right thinks of Obama as incapable of doing anything right yet they credit him with masterminding cover-ups of various ‘scandals’ and creating a ‘socialist dictatorship’ in America and successfully getting away with it. Either they're wrong (again) or Obama is a hell of a lot smarter than they'd like to believe.

amen to that.:eusa_clap::eusa_clap::eusa_clap:
So every President since LBJ has been involved in the JFK cover up?

Sent from my iPad using an Android.

actually carter-the one decent president we have had since JFK is the exception.every president we have had since JFK has been more evil and corrupt than the previous one with carter being the exception.Ford was much worse,just pardoning that mass murderer dick nixon makes him an evil monster.

carter actually made a radio address speech one time and during that time,he took a question and answer session and a caller called in and asked him what he thought of the JFK assassination and this answer was blacked out,whats funny about it was that ti was the first and only time that that ever happened to him.

the reason his answer was blacked out was according to the radio people that were there with carter,he said that he did not believe the warren commission,that he thought there was a conspiracy.

Here is something on it.

Remember how President Carter was cut off the air when he began to speak about the assassination of JFK in March 1977?)


carter was the only president since JFK who ever tried to do the right thing as well because he like JFK,also tried to get rid of the CIA in his last year in office.The CIA got wind of it and fired a warning shot near his feet and the two that were arrested,there names were ALLGEDLY Lee Harvey Raymond and one with the first name osvaldo.the message from the CIA was clear to carter,they were sending him the messsage-we know what you are trying to do,stop it or you will end up like kennedy if you dont play ball with us.

carter caved in after that and aborted his plans to get rid of the CIA.he still remembers that warning shot today because back then when he said he did not believe the warren report,he NOW defends the warren commisison.here is that story below on the assassiantion attempt on his life that was a warning to him below.

1979 U.S. President Jimmy Carter Assassination Attempt: CIA To Carter "Play Ball Or We'll Kill You Like We Did JFK." | Alternative

carter is the only president we have had since then who was halfway decent and not corrupt.as i said,he also tried to get rid of the CIA.he got in office and he fired bastard fords appointee George Bush and replaced him with Stansfield Turner.Turner then cleaned up the CIA firing all covert operaters in the department and cleaned house taking steps to reform the image of the CIA. Then Reagan scum got elected,and that great man fired Turner who brought in willaim casey and the CIA went back to their ways of secret covert wars again.Casey who reagan never fired,even said this about the CIA in their first meeting.

We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false."-- William Casey, CIA Director (from first staff meeting in 1981)

casey was just the opposite of Turner.
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