Bull Ring DarkFury VS Guno ...Topic..His Posting


Platinum Member
Feb 20, 2015
Sun, Sand And Palm Trees
I have questions. Now I have been here over SIX MONTHS daily and see his crap. He posts his hate about.
1, Christians
2, Catholics
3, Jews
4, White people

But NEVER a word on islam. NOT ONE. Never replies to questions about islam, NOT ONE. So my question IS why all this hate towards ALL those groups and NOT A SINGLE word about islam?

Why does he say NOTHING about islam KILLING Christians?
Why does he say NOTHING about islam raping women?
Why does he say NOTHING about islam raping children?
Why has he NEVER said anything about the be-headings?
Why has he NEVER said anything about terrorist attacks.
Why has he NEVER said anything about their killing homo's?

NOT a WORD out of his sorry ass mouth and I want to know why. So guno how about YOU step up and take a stand on these questions?
Which of these six do you support and why? Is there a ONE you detest?
I think members would love to know guno.


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