Darren Wilson---Poster Boy for Wimpiness

You get one shot with a tazer

You're a bit behind the times. No shocker there.

Three Shock Taser: New Stun Gun Can Shock Three People Without Being Reloaded
Three Shock Taser New Stun Gun Can Shock Three People Without Being Reloaded

Ok, now provide the link showing ferguson police were issued those.

Read the transcript. Wilson said they were issued tasers but he said he felt they were inconvenient to carry.

liar. he said there were only a few tasers for the whole department.

do you ever tell the truth you creepy pervert....
The taser discussion is irrelevant.

Once a suspect goes for your gun...its a deadly force incident. And you dont taze people point blank. Because you could taze yourself...or have the taser taken from you. If he takes your taser and tazes you....then he can take your gun.

And then you're back to.....he aint getting my gun. Ever. Period. Even if he has to be put down like a rabid animal. Be isnt getting that gun.

Dont like it? Dont assualt cops.
He was 240lbs. The felon was 290lbs. OP ignorant as usual.
Where did you hear he is 240 pounds ? That is obviously wrong, just by looking at the guy. Everyone I've heard commenting on his weight said he is 210 pounds, and none of this really matters, anyway. If somebody comes at you, you shoot him. That's the law. This isn't a boxing match.

I'm pretty sure we agree on this.
The DA did ask for a real trial. The grand jury was a necessary step in getting a real trial. There is no trial possible without a determination that evidence exists to prove up the charges. There is really no such thing as going from arrest to trial without an evidentiary hearing.

The prosecutor could have gone to trial without a GJ, or he could have instructed the grand jury on how to indict.

He did neither.
The taser discussion is irrelevant.

Once a suspect goes for your gun...its a deadly force incident. And you dont taze people point blank. Because you could taze yourself...or have the taser taken from you. If he takes your taser and tazes you....then he can take your gun.

And then you're back to.....he aint getting my gun. Ever. Period. Even if he has to be put down like a rabid animal. Be isnt getting that gun.

Dont like it? Dont assualt cops.

Reading shit like this, I"m glad you're retired.
The taser discussion is irrelevant.

Once a suspect goes for your gun...its a deadly force incident. And you dont taze people point blank. Because you could taze yourself...or have the taser taken from you. If he takes your taser and tazes you....then he can take your gun.

And then you're back to.....he aint getting my gun. Ever. Period. Even if he has to be put down like a rabid animal. Be isnt getting that gun.

Dont like it? Dont assualt cops.

Reading shit like this, I"m glad you're retired.
Or why don't you just admit that if Brown didn't assault a cop, he would still be alive. He made a choice, it was a bad choice.
The taser discussion is irrelevant.

Once a suspect goes for your gun...its a deadly force incident. And you dont taze people point blank. Because you could taze yourself...or have the taser taken from you. If he takes your taser and tazes you....then he can take your gun.

And then you're back to.....he aint getting my gun. Ever. Period. Even if he has to be put down like a rabid animal. Be isnt getting that gun.

Dont like it? Dont assualt cops.

Reading shit like this, I"m glad you're retired.
Or why don't you just admit that if Brown didn't assault a cop, he would still be alive. He made a choice, it was a bad choice.
But then how would these fucking losers' get the day in'?
They are like the little drunk punks in a bar always looking for a fight.
The sick part is when they finally do get someone to punch their lights out they wet themselves and crawl off home happy.
These sad little creeps hang out in every bar in the world.
The next day they can show their broken nose and claim they were involved in a "big fight and you should see the other guy.
Pretty sad.
Officer Wilson made the correct decision and the Grand Jury agreed. ...... :cool:

Yabut, if you're black, assault is a capital crime.

This was a white wash. They wanted to get him off and did what was necessary to do that.

Yesterday you called his robbery at the convenience store "shoplifting" and then later claimed he paid for the cigarillos. You're making progress Didley! :laugh2:

BTW, you're a RACIST for using the term "white wash".


I have since EDUCATED MYSELF and watched the full video (that the prosecutor kept from the public) I learned that Brown actually paid for the cigarillos.I posted the video and of course, if you want to EDUCATE YOURSELF, its available at You Tube.

Alternatively, you could keep telling the same lies over and over so you can pat yourself on the back for being an ignorant, inbred, trailer trash, cracker racist.

It was a white wash.
Post the secret video the prosecutor kept from the public, but you saw, Mr. Board Liar.
The DA did ask for a real trial. The grand jury was a necessary step in getting a real trial. There is no trial possible without a determination that evidence exists to prove up the charges. There is really no such thing as going from arrest to trial without an evidentiary hearing.

The prosecutor could have gone to trial without a GJ, or he could have instructed the grand jury on how to indict.

He did neither.

“No person shall be held to answer for a capital, or otherwise infamous crime, unless on a presentment or indictment of a Grand Jury...”

Explain how prosecutor gets around the Fifth Amendment?
You get one shot with a tazer

You're a bit behind the times. No shocker there.

Three Shock Taser: New Stun Gun Can Shock Three People Without Being Reloaded
Three Shock Taser New Stun Gun Can Shock Three People Without Being Reloaded

Ok, now provide the link showing ferguson police were issued those.

Read the transcript. Wilson said they were issued tasers but he said he felt they were inconvenient to carry.
So what ? He has no need or requirement to carry or use one. Cops have been using guns in America for 200 years. No problem with that.
Don't want to get shot ? Don't attack a cop.

You always have problems if you're STUPID. Solution > don't be stupid!

Luddi is deflecting because it's all he's got left

I asked for a link showing the ferguson PD were issued the three shot taser.

Produce the link and quit deflecting
Yeah, a taser would have worked well. And we'd all be talking about something else right now and 37 American cities wouldn't be rioting.

Yeah, but Mike Brown would still be alive and victimizing people if that was the case. I think we can all agree that the world is a better place without him.
You get one shot with a tazer

You're a bit behind the times. No shocker there.

Three Shock Taser: New Stun Gun Can Shock Three People Without Being Reloaded
Three Shock Taser New Stun Gun Can Shock Three People Without Being Reloaded

Pop23 is wrong but I think its time I replaced the air tasers I've had for many years. With mine, you can put someone on the ground from about 15-20' and they'll stay down for about 25-30mins. They also have a secondary taser in case there are more than one attacker.

I prefer my Keltec .380.

View attachment 34427

Mouse gun. That pipsqueak is marginal even for stopping a big dog.
He was 240lbs. The felon was 290lbs. OP ignorant as usual.

Tasers work on tall, large people too.

Not always. But a .40 through the dome is 100% effective.

This case is the best argument I have ever seen for carrying a large-caliber (as in: a .44 Magnum on the LOW end) pistol instead of a 9mm or .45ACP. Sometimes, you really need something with more steam on it!

Hell,a .22 will do the trick with a headshot.
But yeah,if you're shooting center mass large calibers are more effective.
Unless it hits an eyesocket, a lot of guys will not NOTICE a .22 hit. (It will frequently deflect off the skull.) Again: .44 Magnum on the low end, and preferably, something with more steam than that! Think .454 Casull, .460 S&W, .50 DE, or .480 Ruger.
Unless it hits an eyesocket, a lot of guys will not NOTICE a .22 hit. (It will frequently deflect off the skull.) Again: .44 Magnum on the low end, and preferably, something with more steam than that! Think .454 Casull, .460 S&W, .50 DE, or .480 Ruger.

A .22 will punch a hole through a skull with no problem unless it's at an extreme angle.
A good ole .45 semi auto. Hard to beat. Especially with hollow points.

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