Darren Wilson---Poster Boy for Wimpiness

Yeah, a taser would have worked well. And we'd all be talking about something else right now and 37 American cities wouldn't be rioting.

I love how you morons try to blame Wilson rather than the thug who assaulted him and robbed a convenience store. If Brown had been a law abiding citizen, we'd all be talking about something else now. Instead, he was a thug who got what he well deserved.
"In his testimony, Officer Wilson said that he did not have a Taser weapon with him at the time, and that he preferred not to carry one because it is large and not “very comfortable.”

What a lazy, ignorant phuck-wad.

Experts Weigh Officer’s Decisions Leading to Fatal Shooting of Michael Brown

Teach your kids to respect others, and you won't have to worry about them getting shot by the police. True story. This event is further truth that liberalism is a failure. Give people something for nothing, eventually gives them an I deserve anything mentality. Even if they don't deserve it. Another true story, just think if Brown had a job. He would probably be alive today.

If pablum could be sold, you'd be a millionaire now.

"If pablum could be sold, you'd be a millionaire now."

The irony is precious.
Yeah, a taser would have worked well. And we'd all be talking about something else right now and 37 American cities wouldn't be rioting.

I love how you morons try to blame Wilson rather than the thug who assaulted him and robbed a convenience store. If Brown had been a law abiding citizen, we'd all be talking about something else now. Instead, he was a thug who got what he well deserved.
Notice how he hasn't been back since he got owned?
Officer Wilson made the correct decision and the Grand Jury agreed. ...... :cool:

Yabut, if you're black, assault is a capital crime.

This was a white wash. They wanted to get him off and did what was necessary to do that.
Assaulting someone with a gun is suicidal. That's the lesson that all thugs like Brown should learn from this episode.
"In his testimony, Officer Wilson said that he did not have a Taser weapon with him at the time, and that he preferred not to carry one because it is large and not “very comfortable.”

What a lazy, ignorant phuck-wad.

Experts Weigh Officer’s Decisions Leading to Fatal Shooting of Michael Brown


It should be mandatory to carry both a gun and a taser. Not to choose which one - as 99.99% are going to choose the weapon that kills, every time.

When you have no back up a tazer is a bad idea. You get one shot instead of 14.
He was 240lbs. The felon was 290lbs. OP ignorant as usual.

Tasers work on tall, large people too.

Not always. But a .40 through the dome is 100% effective.

This case is the best argument I have ever seen for carrying a large-caliber (as in: a .44 Magnum on the LOW end) pistol instead of a 9mm or .45ACP. Sometimes, you really need something with more steam on it!
Too hard for most to handle.

That is what the .41 Mag was supposed to be, more punch than the .357, more manageable than the .44 Mag.

If I were a cop, my preferred sidearm would be a S&W 629, 4" barrel, and manageable hollow point handloads, and my SIG .308 AR would never be out of reach.

Considering that my wife's best friend--all 4'5" and 85lbs of her--can handle my Model 29 (with max-pressure handloads), PABLUM! I'm kind of a big guy, but my uncle isn't, and he has no problem with a Super Redhawk in .454 Casull (his carry gun) and a .500 S&W.
A good ole .45 semi auto. Hard to beat. Especially with hollow points.
That is what I carry, and only ball ammo.

Good enough for the Marines for almost 100 years, good enough for me.

I don't trust any hollow point to cycle with 99.99999% reliability, like ball ammo.

That's why I like revolvers. Honestly...the only semi-auto I would trust my life to is the M1911A1 that John Browning designed!
"In his testimony, Officer Wilson said that he did not have a Taser weapon with him at the time, and that he preferred not to carry one because it is large and not “very comfortable.”

What a lazy, ignorant phuck-wad.

Experts Weigh Officer’s Decisions Leading to Fatal Shooting of Michael Brown

Teach your kids to respect others, and you won't have to worry about them getting shot by the police. True story. This event is further truth that liberalism is a failure. Give people something for nothing, eventually gives them an I deserve anything mentality. Even if they don't deserve it. Another true story, just think if Brown had a job. He would probably be alive today.

If pablum could be sold, you'd be a millionaire now.
God forbid we teach these thugs not to commit criminal acts.
The only option I thought I had was my gun,” [Darren Wilson] said, according to a transcript of his testimony.

That conclusion was confounding to Edward Davis, who retired last year as Boston police commissioner after 35 years as an officer there and in Lowell, Mass.

“There has been a significant change in the use of force by police in the 35 years I’ve been in the business — new tools like Tasers and really effective pepper sprays
,” Mr. Davis said.

You idiots think you can keep arguing the case.
Hey, genius.....IT'S OVER.
Officer Wilson made the correct decision and the Grand Jury agreed. ...... :cool:

That wasn't a grand jury, that was a biased trial.

As you can see by the chart below, the witnesses are all over the map about what they saw and heard.

Since there was a very divided consensus, the DA should have asked for a real trial and gotten one.


Honey if you are 6'4" tall and weigh 290 and charge a cop you will die every time.

You are just too stupid to understand any of it.

Center mass and done.
Officer Wilson made the correct decision and the Grand Jury agreed. ...... :cool:

That wasn't a grand jury, that was a biased trial.

As you can see by the chart below, the witnesses are all over the map about what they saw and heard.

Since there was a very divided consensus, the DA should have asked for a real trial and gotten one.
The DA did ask for a real trial. The grand jury was a necessary step in getting a real trial. There is no trial possible without a determination that evidence exists to prove up the charges. There is really no such thing as going from arrest to trial without an evidentiary hearing.

No, he did not. Don't any of you buttheads research something before you post? It only takes a few seconds.

""""McCulloch said he laid out five possible charges, ranging from involuntary manslaughter to murder, and asked the grand jury to decide whether any of them applied.

Most tellingly, legal experts said, McCulloch did not challenge Wilson's detailed account of his encounter with Brown. That, they said, prompted jurors to accept at face value Wilson's testimony that he feared for his life as Brown allegedly charged at him after he punched the officer and tried to grab his gun."""

Prosecutor's grand jury strategy in Ferguson case adds to controversy
Prosecutor apos s grand jury strategy in Ferguson case adds to controversy - LA Times
An opinion piece? Jesus Christ...
Yeah, a taser would have worked well. And we'd all be talking about something else right now and 37 American cities wouldn't be rioting.

You're right...we could still be talking about how Obozo and his Rats got the living shit stomped out of them 4 November.

BTW, got a link to "37 American cities rioting"?

Oh, I'm wrong. It's 37 states and 170 cities.

""""From New York to Los Angeles and dozens and dozens of cities in between, protesters flooded the streets to denounce a Missouri grand jury's decision not to indict Ferguson police Officer Darren Wilson.

A day after the country learned Wilson won't face criminal charges for killing unarmed teenager Michael Brown, protests sprouted up in more than 170 U.S. cities."""

Protesters fill streets across country as Ferguson protests spread coast to coast
Ferguson protests around U.S. clog streets - CNN.com
People with far too much time on their hands.
A good ole .45 semi auto. Hard to beat. Especially with hollow points.
That is what I carry, and only ball ammo.

Good enough for the Marines for almost 100 years, good enough for me.

I don't trust any hollow point to cycle with 99.99999% reliability, like ball ammo.

That's why I like revolvers. Honestly...the only semi-auto I would trust my life to is the M1911A1 that John Browning designed!
Wish I had one of those.

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