Darren Wilson---Poster Boy for Wimpiness

Yeah, a taser would have worked well. And we'd all be talking about something else right now and 37 American cities wouldn't be rioting.

You're right...we could still be talking about how Obozo and his Rats got the living shit stomped out of them 4 November.

BTW, got a link to "37 American cities rioting"?
Officer Wilson made the correct decision and the Grand Jury agreed. ...... :cool:

That wasn't a grand jury, that was a biased trial.

As you can see by the chart below, the witnesses are all over the map about what they saw and heard.

Since there was a very divided consensus, the DA should have asked for a real trial and gotten one.
The DA did ask for a real trial. The grand jury was a necessary step in getting a real trial. There is no trial possible without a determination that evidence exists to prove up the charges. There is really no such thing as going from arrest to trial without an evidentiary hearing.

No, he did not. Don't any of you buttheads research something before you post? It only takes a few seconds.

""""McCulloch said he laid out five possible charges, ranging from involuntary manslaughter to murder, and asked the grand jury to decide whether any of them applied.

Most tellingly, legal experts said, McCulloch did not challenge Wilson's detailed account of his encounter with Brown. That, they said, prompted jurors to accept at face value Wilson's testimony that he feared for his life as Brown allegedly charged at him after he punched the officer and tried to grab his gun."""

Prosecutor's grand jury strategy in Ferguson case adds to controversy
Prosecutor apos s grand jury strategy in Ferguson case adds to controversy - LA Times
He was 240lbs. The felon was 290lbs. OP ignorant as usual.
Where did you hear he is 240 pounds ? That is obviously wrong, just by looking at the guy. Everyone I've heard commenting on his weight said he is 210 pounds, and none of this really matters, anyway. If somebody comes at you, you shoot him. That's the law. This isn't a boxing match.
Officer Wilson made the correct decision and the Grand Jury agreed. ...... :cool:

Yabut, if you're black, assault is a capital crime.

This was a white wash. They wanted to get him off and did what was necessary to do that.

Yesterday you called his robbery at the convenience store "shoplifting" and then later claimed he paid for the cigarillos. You're making progress Didley! :laugh2:

BTW, you're a RACIST for using the term "white wash".
Yeah, a taser would have worked well. And we'd all be talking about something else right now and 37 American cities wouldn't be rioting.

You're right...we could still be talking about how Obozo and his Rats got the living shit stomped out of them 4 November.

BTW, got a link to "37 American cities rioting"?

Oh, I'm wrong. It's 37 states and 170 cities.

""""From New York to Los Angeles and dozens and dozens of cities in between, protesters flooded the streets to denounce a Missouri grand jury's decision not to indict Ferguson police Officer Darren Wilson.

A day after the country learned Wilson won't face criminal charges for killing unarmed teenager Michael Brown, protests sprouted up in more than 170 U.S. cities."""

Protesters fill streets across country as Ferguson protests spread coast to coast
Ferguson protests around U.S. clog streets - CNN.com
Yeah, a taser would have worked well. And we'd all be talking about something else right now and 37 American cities wouldn't be rioting.

NO American cities should be rioting. There is nothing to riot or protest about. Some big, fat stupid clown attacked a cop, and got shot. So what ? That's what happens if you attack a cop. Hadn't you heard ?
You get one shot with a tazer

You're a bit behind the times. No shocker there.

Three Shock Taser: New Stun Gun Can Shock Three People Without Being Reloaded
Three Shock Taser New Stun Gun Can Shock Three People Without Being Reloaded

Pop23 is wrong but I think its time I replaced the air tasers I've had for many years. With mine, you can put someone on the ground from about 15-20' and they'll stay down for about 25-30mins. They also have a secondary taser in case there are more than one attacker.
Yeah, a taser would have worked well. And we'd all be talking about something else right now and 37 American cities wouldn't be rioting.

You're right...we could still be talking about how Obozo and his Rats got the living shit stomped out of them 4 November.

BTW, got a link to "37 American cities rioting"?

Oh, I'm wrong. It's 37 states and 170 cities.

""""From New York to Los Angeles and dozens and dozens of cities in between, protesters flooded the streets to denounce a Missouri grand jury's decision not to indict Ferguson police Officer Darren Wilson.

A day after the country learned Wilson won't face criminal charges for killing unarmed teenager Michael Brown, protests sprouted up in more than 170 U.S. cities."""

Protesters fill streets across country as Ferguson protests spread coast to coast
Ferguson protests around U.S. clog streets - CNN.com

All that shows is how DUMB a lot of people can be. Wouldn't matter one bit if it was 970 cities. This shouldn't even be a news story at all. Cops shoot bad guys all the time.
You get one shot with a tazer

You're a bit behind the times. No shocker there.

Three Shock Taser: New Stun Gun Can Shock Three People Without Being Reloaded
Three Shock Taser New Stun Gun Can Shock Three People Without Being Reloaded

Ok, now provide the link showing ferguson police were issued those.

Read the transcript. Wilson said they were issued tasers but he said he felt they were inconvenient to carry.
Yeah, a taser would have worked well. And we'd all be talking about something else right now and 37 American cities wouldn't be rioting.

You're right...we could still be talking about how Obozo and his Rats got the living shit stomped out of them 4 November.

BTW, got a link to "37 American cities rioting"?

Oh, I'm wrong. It's 37 states and 170 cities.

""""From New York to Los Angeles and dozens and dozens of cities in between, protesters flooded the streets to denounce a Missouri grand jury's decision not to indict Ferguson police Officer Darren Wilson.

A day after the country learned Wilson won't face criminal charges for killing unarmed teenager Michael Brown, protests sprouted up in more than 170 U.S. cities."""

Protesters fill streets across country as Ferguson protests spread coast to coast
Ferguson protests around U.S. clog streets - CNN.com

You said "RIOTING"....care to walk that back or can we keep laughing at you?
"In his testimony, Officer Wilson said that he did not have a Taser weapon with him at the time, and that he preferred not to carry one because it is large and not “very comfortable.”

What a lazy, ignorant phuck-wad.

Experts Weigh Officer’s Decisions Leading to Fatal Shooting of Michael Brown

Teach your kids to respect others, and you won't have to worry about them getting shot by the police. True story. This event is further truth that liberalism is a failure. Give people something for nothing, eventually gives them an I deserve anything mentality. Even if they don't deserve it. Another true story, just think if Brown had a job. He would probably be alive today.

If pablum could be sold, you'd be a millionaire now.
And if the parents took my advice, their kid would be alive today. Also if liberals were smart, they would be republicans. If Obama was white he wouldn't be president. If Brown and Martin wasn't thug wannabe's, they would be alive. If worms had machine guns, birds wouldn't mess with them. If there wasn't welfare, black families would be together and we wouldn't be talking about these tragedies.
Officer Wilson made the correct decision and the Grand Jury agreed. ...... :cool:

Yabut, if you're black, assault is a capital crime.

This was a white wash. They wanted to get him off and did what was necessary to do that.

Yesterday you called his robbery at the convenience store "shoplifting" and then later claimed he paid for the cigarillos. You're making progress Didley! :laugh2:

BTW, you're a RACIST for using the term "white wash".


I have since EDUCATED MYSELF and watched the full video (that the prosecutor kept from the public) I learned that Brown actually paid for the cigarillos.I posted the video and of course, if you want to EDUCATE YOURSELF, its available at You Tube.

Alternatively, you could keep telling the same lies over and over so you can pat yourself on the back for being an ignorant, inbred, trailer trash, cracker racist.

It was a white wash.
Last edited:
You get one shot with a tazer

You're a bit behind the times. No shocker there.

Three Shock Taser: New Stun Gun Can Shock Three People Without Being Reloaded
Three Shock Taser New Stun Gun Can Shock Three People Without Being Reloaded

Pop23 is wrong but I think its time I replaced the air tasers I've had for many years. With mine, you can put someone on the ground from about 15-20' and they'll stay down for about 25-30mins. They also have a secondary taser in case there are more than one attacker.

I prefer my Keltec .380.

Officer Wilson made the correct decision and the Grand Jury agreed. ...... :cool:

Yabut, if you're black, assault is a capital crime.

This was a white wash. They wanted to get him off and did what was necessary to do that.

Yesterday you called his robbery at the convenience store "shoplifting" and then later claimed he paid for the cigarillos. You're making progress Didley! :laugh2:

BTW, you're a RACIST for using the term "white wash".

I have since EDUCATED MYSELF and learned that the full video (that the prosecutor kept from the public) and that Brown actually paid for the cigarillos.

It was a white wash.
If you saw this alleged "full" video, then you could show it here, so why aren't you doing that ? And if Brown had not been stealing why would the store clerk try to stop him from leaving the store. Maybe he just likes picking fights with guys twice his size ? Give us a break.
I have since EDUCATED MYSELF and learned that the full video (that the prosecutor kept from the public) and that Brown actually paid for the cigarillos.I posted the video and of course, if you want to EDUCATE YOURSELF, its available at You Tube.

Alternatively, you could keep telling the same lies over and over so you can pat yourself on the back for being an ignorant, inbred, trailer trash, cracker racist.

It was a white wash.

So why did the little fella try to stop him from leaving....forgot to give him his change? :laugh:
"In his testimony, Officer Wilson said that he did not have a Taser weapon with him at the time, and that he preferred not to carry one because it is large and not “very comfortable.”

What a lazy, ignorant phuck-wad.

Experts Weigh Officer’s Decisions Leading to Fatal Shooting of Michael Brown

damn, going 0-4 since 2012 is really hurting your butt.

like a lot.

I hope you need a cop someday and can't find one, I really do
Officer Wilson made the correct decision and the Grand Jury agreed. ...... :cool:

Yabut, if you're black, assault is a capital crime.

This was a white wash. They wanted to get him off and did what was necessary to do that.

Yesterday you called his robbery at the convenience store "shoplifting" and then later claimed he paid for the cigarillos. You're making progress Didley! :laugh2:

BTW, you're a RACIST for using the term "white wash".


I have since EDUCATED MYSELF and learned that the full video (that the prosecutor kept from the public) and that Brown actually paid for the cigarillos.I posted the video and of course, if you want to EDUCATE YOURSELF, its available at You Tube.

Alternatively, you could keep telling the same lies over and over so you can pat yourself on the back for being an ignorant, inbred, trailer trash, cracker racist.

It was a white wash.

That evidence shows no transaction being made. Your assertion is in direct conflict of the statement made by D. Johnson during a nationally broadcast interview where he clearly states that his friend, Michael Brown STOLE the cigars.

Link below with

interview:We have no idea why some people think this video shows Mike Brown PAYING for his cigarrillos The Right Scoop -

EPIC MONOLOGUE Will the real black Americans please stand up The Right Scoop -
I have since EDUCATED MYSELF and learned that the full video (that the prosecutor kept from the public) and that Brown actually paid for the cigarillos.I posted the video and of course, if you want to EDUCATE YOURSELF, its available at You Tube.

Alternatively, you could keep telling the same lies over and over so you can pat yourself on the back for being an ignorant, inbred, trailer trash, cracker racist.

It was a white wash.

So why did the little fella try to stop him from leaving....forgot to give him his change? :laugh:

Yeah.. it was double coupon day and he accidentally over charged Dirt Nap.
He was just trying to make things right.

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