Darwin vs DNA

"So called"? If you weren't so retarded, I wouldn't have expected you to actually ask for this. KLIK HERE

or your record of disingenuosity:
There's just so much more. Shall I continue? Just ask.

Well, Hebrews 11:3 just makes your accusations about conjecture ENTIRELY RETARDED.

Not to mention that when these guys aren't attacking a strawman, they're just lying. Evidence enough that you're not the only intellectually dishonst superstitious retard trying to sell creationism.

Thank you for sharing these.

I'd like to point out that I don't find it terribly coincidental that you should bury the challenge I made to The Irish Ram under one of your copy/paste vomit piles--seeing as how uncomfortable you are with the similar challenge I made to you.

It's also worth noting your implied admission that your beliefs regarding the subject of evolution have no relationship what-so-ever to any evidence ever presented to you.

So you don't believe your theory teaches we are related to chimps that supposedly we came from the same ancestors as chimps and we diverged from the chimps ? :lol:

Human, Chimp Ancestors May Have Mated, DNA Suggests
Did I even SUGGEST that?


PROOF that you are a disingenuous, intellectually dishonest superstious retard.

Yes you did, that was your whole point, my view on the chimp and the human according to your theory.
1. Not a false assumption.

2. Not an assumption made by macro-evolutionists

3. Not a false assumption

I've got a better one for you:

Micro-Adaptation + Baraminology + Creationism = Retarded Superstition

or how about this one:

Youwerecreated + Evolution + Words = Retarded Strawman Argument

or this:

Strawman + Special-Pleading + Question-Begging + Appeal-To-Ignorance + Disinformation = Youwerecreated's Only Argumentative Tools

Yeah. You're still retarded.

Loki in basic genetics you learn that mutant genes must take hold in the gene pool of the population for evolution to happen. Do you not understand the basic tenets of evolution ?
Yes, but you clearly do not.

The mutant gene must become the norm within the gene pool for evolution to take place.
For the moment, I'm going to limit my rebuttal to just the first of the nine conditions discussed because the errors of thought thoughout the nine are just as obvious as the error(s) of thought in the first.Byles' assertions regarding natural selection are applicable ONLY to harmful mutations. Natural selection tends to FAVOR rather than "work against fixation of mutations" that have adaptive value, and is neutral regarding mutations that are neither valuable or harmful. Saying that natural selection works against advantageous genetics is patently retarded.

And B. Clark is just OBVIOUSLY wrong in his claim that "that even so-called advantageous mutations are harmful in that, because of increased competition, they can reduce population size." It's one of the dumbest assertions I've read outside of baraminology and your Lamarkian "micro-adaptaion" nonsense.

Look Youwerecreated, if you have even a high-school understanding of genetics, and actually read this article, you would not have c/p'd it as anything that is in any way authoritative on any subject of reality.

Are you actually claiming intelligence on the part of natural selection ?
Non-sequitur much?

Here let me shoot a hole in your erroneous explanation. There are now over 6,000 genetic disorders in humans, how many proven beneficial mutations can you come up with in humans ?
Where's the hole?

You said natural selection leans towards more beneficial mutations and I called you on it only in your imagination does it do that. That is also the nonsense your theory teaches.

While we are on it why would a nonintelligent process think to put mechanisms in the cell to prevent mutations ?
Since I don't have enough faith to be an evolutionist, would those of you who believe in evolution explain how a random bang created an extremely complex DNA language with 3 billion genetic letters that actually store information in the form of a four-character digital code? :eusa_angel:

it didn't. you are confusing big bang cosmology with abiogenesis. try to know something about that which you claim to disbelieve. if you don't understand it, then how can you truly disbelieve it? Research it yourself if you have any questions.
Since I don't have enough faith to be an evolutionist, would those of you who believe in evolution explain how a random bang created an extremely complex DNA language with 3 billion genetic letters that actually store information in the form of a four-character digital code? :eusa_angel:

by the way, are you implying that it takes more faith to believe in something that has evidence (evolution) than for something that has none (god)? Because, that's a farse. Please don't try to say there is no evidence for evolution. It has been demonstrated, observed, and verified through multiple scientific disciplines and is foundational for biology.
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I could care less, Loki, if you accept it, because your acceptance or belief/nonbelief is not relevant to the conversation.

Your strawman argument is noted, dismissed, and let's move on.

If the atheist says God does not exist, yet demands the believer is somehow defective in believing so, then, hey, the atheist needs to be told publicly he or show cannot prove that God does not exist. Go for it.

There really is no reason to try and prove God exist no matter what is presented people like you made up your mind and unfortunately it might be to late when you meet him.
I do not accept the strawman premise of your challenge.

I also note the intellectual cowardice in your attempts to dodge the challenge I presented to you.
Only the blind can't see his works.

He said "god is", as though no proof is required. So he is exhibiting blind faith and therefore "can't see his works"?:confused:

Man see's the works of his hands but yet purposely ignores his works as evidence of him.

So let's say: there's a man lying dead on the sidewalk, you're saying he's evidence of a specific action of a person named god, when actually you don't know whether this man died of natural causes, old age, committed suicide, got gang banged to death, got hit by a car, lightning, died there, was dumped there, was tazed... or maybe even got killed by a guy named god. because without any ACTUAL proof or evidence of what happened, you can't know, can you?
I don't need your approval for what is, ima. :lol:

It takes greater faith to believe in no deity than to believe in deity. Tru dat!
Only the blind can't see his works.

He said "god is", as though no proof is required. So he is exhibiting blind faith and therefore "can't see his works"?:confused:

I never said that I'm an atheist, I'm an agnostic: I don't think that a god has ever been actually proven, but I leave the door open in case someone comes up with some actual solid proof.

Can't be any fairer than that.

You, on the other hand, believe because you want to believe in happy ending fairy tales. No probs.
I don't need your approval for what is, ima. :lol:

It takes greater faith to believe in no deity than to believe in deity. Tru dat!
Only the blind can't see his works.

He said "god is", as though no proof is required. So he is exhibiting blind faith and therefore "can't see his works"?:confused:

No, it doesn't take more faith to disbelieve in god claims. That is logically absurd. That's like saying it takes more faith to not believe that bigfoot exists. If someone can't provide evidence for bigfoot, then there is no reason to believe it. It is the same with god. You said, to believe in "no deity." How can you have a positive belief about a negative proposition? That is logically absurd, as well. Logic 101. I don't believe in "no deity," because that makes no sense. I may believe that no god exists, which I think is what you meant, but even this does not logically follow from atheism. Atheism is merely the lack of belief in god claims, because those making the claim, have not met their burden of proof, and therefore, belief would be unjustified, and you can not use fear or pascal's wager as justification. That is a morally bankrupt tactic.

So, to restate, I do not possess a belief that a god exists, because there is insufficient evidence to justify belief. Also, It matters where you place the word "not." The two sentences "I believe that a god does NOT exist" and "I do NOT believe that a god exist" are two entirely different statements. One describes the existence of a belief, and the other describes the absence of the existence of a belief.
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So you don't believe your theory teaches we are related to chimps that supposedly we came from the same ancestors as chimps and we diverged from the chimps ? :lol:

Human, Chimp Ancestors May Have Mated, DNA Suggests
Did I even SUGGEST that?


PROOF that you are a disingenuous, intellectually dishonest superstious retard.

Yes you did, that was your whole point, my view on the chimp and the human according to your theory.
No, you lying retard.

You fatuously demanded that evolutionary scientists claim that humans are descended from chimps--you said evolutionary scientists regard chimps as ancestors of humans--your own retarded and intellectually dishonest posting indicted you then, just as it does now.
Loki in basic genetics you learn that mutant genes must take hold in the gene pool of the population for evolution to happen. Do you not understand the basic tenets of evolution ?
Yes, but you clearly do not.

The mutant gene must become the norm within the gene pool for evolution to take place.

The mutated gene must become the norm within a gene pool.

Your magical notions of speciation just do not apply in the real world, and your dishonest attempts to project them upon the theory of evolution is the root of your strawman argument.
Sure, it does, because you can't disprove God's existence either empirically or philosophically.

I don't need your approval for what is, ima. :lol:

It takes greater faith to believe in no deity than to believe in deity. Tru dat!
He said "god is", as though no proof is required. So he is exhibiting blind faith and therefore "can't see his works"?:confused:

No, it doesn't take more faith to disbelieve in god claims. That is logically absurd. That's like saying it takes more faith to not believe that bigfoot exists. If someone can't provide evidence for bigfoot, then there is no reason to believe it. It is the same with god. You said, to believe in "no deity." How can you have a positive belief about a negative proposition? That is logically absurd, as well. Logic 101. I don't believe in "no deity," because that makes no sense. I may believe that no god exists, which I think is what you meant, but even this does not logically follow from atheism. Atheism is merely the lack of belief in god claims, because those making the claim, have not met their burden of proof, and therefore, belief would be unjustified, and you can not use fear or pascal's wager as justification. That is a morally bankrupt tactic.

So, to restate, I do not possess a belief that a god exists, because there is insufficient evidence to justify belief. Also, It matters where you place the word "not." The two sentences "I believe that a god does NOT exist" and "I do NOT believe that a god exist" are two entirely different statements. One describes the existence of a belief, and the other describes the absence of the existence of a belief.
Are you actually claiming intelligence on the part of natural selection ?
Non-sequitur much?

Here let me shoot a hole in your erroneous explanation. There are now over 6,000 genetic disorders in humans, how many proven beneficial mutations can you come up with in humans ?
Where's the hole?

You said natural selection leans towards more beneficial mutations and I called you on it only in your imagination does it do that.
That's what natural selection means, you retard. It means that advantageous genetics are selected for, while disadvantageous genetics are selected against.

That is also the nonsense your theory teaches.
It's not "nonsense" you retard, it's verifiable fact.

While we are on it why would a nonintelligent process think to put mechanisms in the cell to prevent mutations ?
I reject your retarded superstitiously anthropomorphic premise.
Youwerecreated is not demonstrating "provable fact" from his thesis: absolute failure, in fact, for his conclusions.
I could care less, Loki, if you accept it, because your acceptance or belief/nonbelief is not relevant to the conversation.

Your strawman argument is noted, dismissed, and let's move on.

If the atheist says God does not exist, yet demands the believer is somehow defective in believing so, then, hey, the atheist needs to be told publicly he or show cannot prove that God does not exist. Go for it.
I do not accept the strawman premise of your challenge.

I also note the intellectual cowardice in your attempts to dodge the challenge I presented to you.
What strawman? I made no strawman argument. If i did, you should be able to point it out.

Do so. I dare you.

The fact of the matter is you won't. The fact of the matter is, you are stringing along all these red-herrings in order to avoid the simple and valid request I made of you:

What is this "God" thing you keep referencing. I have been exposed to literally hundreds of self-contradictory, question-begging, special-pleading appeal-to-ignorance accounts of some "God".

All I asked for was a rationally valid explanation for this "God" thing of yours. I respectfully (it's clear now, that you don't deserve it) assumed that your "God" thing did not belong to the egregiously anti-rational variety I have already been exposed to, and I generously pointed out the reasons those anti-rational accounts were invalid.

So, this "God" thing; I have no idea what you're talking about. Why won't you explain it to me? You all seem to possess such unqualified certainty. So help me out here.
He said "god is", as though no proof is required. So he is exhibiting blind faith and therefore "can't see his works"?:confused:

Man see's the works of his hands but yet purposely ignores his works as evidence of him.

So let's say: there's a man lying dead on the sidewalk, you're saying he's evidence of a specific action of a person named god, when actually you don't know whether this man died of natural causes, old age, committed suicide, got gang banged to death, got hit by a car, lightning, died there, was dumped there, was tazed... or maybe even got killed by a guy named god. because without any ACTUAL proof or evidence of what happened, you can't know, can you?

God gave life it's start and life continues since creation. Yes God did at one time punish with death when there reason for him to do so. All that came to an end when atonement was produced for all. The only time he will take life is on judgment day.

God no longer takes life even though he get's credit for it and the bad things in this world but he made it clear we are living in satan and mans world. He also stated the god of this world at this time is satan.

He also stated that one day satan and mans system of rule will come to an end. We are all living what our flesh desired but there is a price to pay if we choose satan and mans world over our creators world.

He has been separating the sheep from the goats since adam and eve.
I don't need your approval for what is, ima. :lol:

It takes greater faith to believe in no deity than to believe in deity. Tru dat!
He said "god is", as though no proof is required. So he is exhibiting blind faith and therefore "can't see his works"?:confused:

I never said that I'm an atheist, I'm an agnostic: I don't think that a god has ever been actually proven, but I leave the door open in case someone comes up with some actual solid proof.

Can't be any fairer than that.

You, on the other hand, believe because you want to believe in happy ending fairy tales. No probs.

You are free to choose your path but a wise man or woman will consider all aspects before making his or her choice.
Did I even SUGGEST that?


PROOF that you are a disingenuous, intellectually dishonest superstious retard.

Yes you did, that was your whole point, my view on the chimp and the human according to your theory.
No, you lying retard.

You fatuously demanded that evolutionary scientists claim that humans are descended from chimps--you said evolutionary scientists regard chimps as ancestors of humans--your own retarded and intellectually dishonest posting indicted you then, just as it does now.

Your theory teaches we descended from mutual ancestors and some are saying we diverged from chimps can you explain how I am wrong ?

Retard is a term used by immature individuals.

Do you not understand the purpose of comparing chimps and human DNA by your side ?

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