Dates Of Infamy


Sep 23, 2010
These two excerpts are taken from another thread:

NOTE: If you go to Lucianne’s homepage you will see this question beneath the article’s title:

When did our government cede its authority to the UN?​

Jimmy Carter is the answer to the question.

I’ve been asking that question on message boards for 15 years, and I’ve yet to see anybody in government offer an answer:

Muslims Made Occupation Obsolete | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

No answer was ever offered because blaming Carter would expose a pus boil that has been festering since the day the United Nations succeeded the League of Nations.

Parenthetically, December 7, 1941 is not the only date that will live in infamy. There are several dates in 1945 that belong to the United Nations, but none more infamous than this:

On March 17, 1980, after consulting with his daughter Amy James Earl Carter, President of the United States and fearless bunny rabbit fighter signed into law the United States Refugee Act of 1980 which implemented a number of provisions set down by the United Nations. Limits on the numbers of refugees admitted per fiscal year were raised to 50,000 from 17,000 and special provisions were put in place for “emergency” resettlement. Also, the definition of what constitutes a refugee was altered so as to comport with U.N. opinions on the subject.​

Note only did Carter sign away a huge chunk of America’s independence, he gave the United Nations control over political definitions:

Refugees were now defined as:

“owing to a well-founded fear of being persecuted for reasons of race, religion, nationality, membership of a particular social group or political opinion, is outside the country of his nationality, and is unable to or, owing to such fear, is unwilling to avail himself of the protection of that country or return there because there is a fear of persecution…

Meaning that a simple claim of fear of return is adequate to grant the applicant refugee status.

This act also set up a department in the office of Health and Human Services -The Federal Refugee Resettlement Program - to oversee resettlement, provide cash assistance, and to encourage assimilation by promoting English and employment among the refugees.


Jimmy Carter has been out of power for 35 years, yet the entire MSM, print and electronic, flat refuse to connect Muslim refugees to the United Nations as though peanut brain is still in the White House. Not only is there a blackout on the phrase United Nations refugees, the definition economic refugees is no longer heard.

Finally, quite a few president watchers list Carter as the worst president ever. I’m sticking with Woodrow Wilson for the time being because his destruction is on-going after a century. No corrections were ever made to Wilson’s disasters. Taqiyya the Liar’s hatred for this country is on track for major corrections; nevertheless, he is closing in on Wilson and will no doubt pass him in the near future.

If you enjoy looking into such things you might want to make Carter neck and neck with Taqiyya after reading this article:

The Right to Refuse; History and the Syrian Refugee Crisis
By Timothy Birdnow
November 24, 2015

The Right to Refuse; History and the Syrian Refugee Crisis
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supposedly there is no such thing as economic enslavement anymore..
The great orator went before Congress on December 8, 1941 and declared "the (official) day of infamy" even though his negligence set it up. Democrats have been setting up the U.S. for attack since Pearl Harbor. Bubba Bill Clinton had two terms to deal with Muslem jihad after the first attack on the WTC early in his term but when he was literally caught with his pants down he preferred to attack a defenseless country in Europe.
The great orator went before Congress on December 8, 1941 and declared "the (official) day of infamy" even though his negligence set it up. Democrats have been setting up the U.S. for attack since Pearl Harbor.
To whitehall: Shades of the Pearl Harbor Conspiracy Theory! See #5 permalink in this thread:

The Wall Nobody Talks About | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

Here’s an addition to the Pearl Harbor Conspiracy Theory for anyone interested:

Churchill’s hand can be seen in the RMS Lusitania, a British luxury liner owned by Cunard Line flying the British flag.


Years after WWI ended it came out that the Lusitania’s cargo holds contained war materials. In retrospect, Germany had every right to sink her.

It was the same Winston Churchill who later manipulated FDR with so much success leading up to Pearl Harbor.

Churchill was first lord of the admiralty from 1914 to 1918. The Lusitania Conspiracy Theory implies that Churchill had a hand in the certainty that the German Navy would sink the Lusitania. The US entered the war on England’s side in 1917. In short: Churchill was a professional conspirator when it suited England’s purpose compared to FDR.

The following excerpt was taken from an encyclopedia:

“Lusitania (vessel), British steamship, torpedoed in 1915 without warning during World War I by a German submarine off the coast of Ireland. The ship sank quickly, and 1198 people died, including 128 Americans. The Germans asserted that the ship was carrying arms for the Allies (which later research proved to be true). Anti-German sentiments increased in the United States after the disaster. Germany refused to accept responsibility for the tragedy but agreed not to sink passenger liners without warning.”​

Germany was fighting a war against England and was justified in sinking the Lusitania once they learned that the ship was carrying arms in its cargo holds. Germany’s military at the time was controlled by Junkers, an honorable class of military men. There was a not a chance they would have ordered the Lusitania torpedoed without knowing what she was carrying. You can bet that Churchill, and probably President Wilson, made sure that the German High Command found out in time for the Lusitania to be intercepted.

The Lusitania was torpedoed on May 7, 1915. Congress declared war on April 6, 1917; a full two years after the Lusitania. In those two years merchant ships supplying Great Britain were torpedoed. It was sinking those merchant ships that gave Wilson his declaration of war. That tells me that it took a full two years for the Lusitania Conspiracy to come to fruition.

Had the public known the truth in 1915, anti-German, pro-British, sentiments would have been impossible to sustain long enough for Wilson to involve the American people in England’s war against Germany. No television and damn few radios to administer booster shots back then.

Parenthetically, look at how the Left concocted excuses for the 3,000 murders done to Americans on 9-11-2001. The murders that occurred on 9-11 cannot be justified by any sane person, yet the Blame America First crowd went out of its way to see that no anti-Muslim sentiments got started in the same way that anti-German sentiment was encouraged after the Lusitania.

Can you imagine hundreds of thousands of Germans flooding into the US after the Lusitania was torpedoed? An event that claimed relatively few Americans lives in the course of a European war.

The Lusitania cries “Conspiracy” from her watery grave; whereas, the only conspiracy connected to the events of 9-11-2001 is the one that was hatched by Islamist extremists. However, there is one important similarity between 9-11 and the Lusitania.

The Germans were not supposed to protect themselves during a war by stopping weapons from reaching their enemy without first presenting proof of British skullduggery to the world. The similarity to 9-11-2001 being that Americans are not supposed to defend themselves without enough proof to satisfy the International community if the Socialists running the Democrat party are to be obeyed. Proof is waived if the US acts multilaterally with the UN’s blessings.

Bubba Bill Clinton had two terms to deal with Muslem jihad after the first attack on the WTC early in his term but when he was literally caught with his pants down he preferred to attack a defenseless country in Europe.
To whitehall: Good point. Clinton dared not use United Nations “peacekeepers” to kill Christians for Muslims; so he used NATO for his Balkan Adventure. And isn’t it poetic justice that millions of Muslims are now pouring into Europe.
There is no conspiracy theory in Pearl Harbor. Harry Truman made the infamous statement "the buck stops here" but he didn't really mean it.The fact is that FDR failed to protect Americans even when he knew that war was imminent. Failed administrations often blame subordinates for their own failures and if the media cooperates they usually get away with it.
Finally, quite a few president watchers list Carter as the worst president ever. I’m sticking with Woodrow Wilson for the time being because his destruction is on-going after a century. No corrections were ever made to Wilson’s disasters.
Here is one of Wilson’s monumental disasters that is still laying waste in primary education:

One hundred years ago, in 1916, the Wilson administration put the clout of the federal government behind a new curricular development – social studies.

Blame Woodrow Wilson for Americans’ Lack of Historical Literacy
by Williamson M. Evers
December 1, 2015 4:00 AM

Blame Woodrow Wilson for Americans’ Lack of Historical Literacy, by Williamson M. Evers, National Review
Finally, quite a few president watchers list Carter as the worst president ever. I’m sticking with Woodrow Wilson for the time being because his destruction is on-going after a century. No corrections were ever made to Wilson’s disasters.
Here is one of Wilson’s monumental disasters that is still laying waste in primary education:

One hundred years ago, in 1916, the Wilson administration put the clout of the federal government behind a new curricular development – social studies.

Blame Woodrow Wilson for Americans’ Lack of Historical Literacy
by Williamson M. Evers
December 1, 2015 4:00 AM

Blame Woodrow Wilson for Americans’ Lack of Historical Literacy, by Williamson M. Evers, National Review
So what are social studies?
Schools once taught history and geography. Under liberal administrations it turned into "social studies" which turned out to be mostly U.N. propaganda blather and today kids have very little concept of history and they couldn't place Japan on a map unless they did work on their own.
Schools once taught history and geography. Under liberal administrations it turned into "social studies" which turned out to be mostly U.N. propaganda blather and today kids have very little concept of history and they couldn't place Japan on a map unless they did work on their own.
Not it, but try this, the social sciences are usually taught in the colleges and universities and the social studies in the high schools and below, but keep working.
It's not a clever question but rather a straight forward one: what is social studies?
To regent: If it is not a clever question, you responded to a topic you admittedly know nothing about. Research the subject until you do know the answer to your question. After you learn what you are talking about without asking for my help, you can post the reasons you think social studies help instead of harm school children, not to mention the country.
It's not a clever question but rather a straight forward one: what is social studies?
To regent: If it is not a clever question, you responded to a topic you admittedly know nothing about. Research the subject until you do know the answer to your question. After you learn what you are talking about without asking for my help, you can post the reasons you think social studies help instead of harm school children, not to mention the country.
As I mentioned social studies are a different version of the Social Sciences. Younger children may not profit by the science part but can profit by what has been learned in a few of those of history and geography etc. History remains history but with out the methods and disciplines used by historians, as in the university. Social Studies usually try to bring to make a connection with some of the other Social Sciences.
So here's a question for you, why are the Social Sciences called the "soft sciences?
As I mentioned social studies are a different version of the Social Sciences. Younger children may not profit by the science part but can profit by what has been learned in a few of those of history and geography etc. History remains history but with out the methods and disciplines used by historians, as in the university. Social Studies usually try to bring to make a connection with some of the other Social Sciences.
So here's a question for you, why are the Social Sciences called the "soft sciences?
To regent: Nice misdirection. You already admitted you do not know what social studies are. You can drop the con job. You can talk about social sciences in a thread of your own if it makes you happy. If you insist on covering up for your stupidity in my thread you should be able say to how many children are studying social sciences in collage?


As I mentioned social studies are a different version of the Social Sciences. Younger children may not profit by the science part but can profit by what has been learned in a few of those of history and geography etc. History remains history but with out the methods and disciplines used by historians, as in the university. Social Studies usually try to bring to make a connection with some of the other Social Sciences.
So here's a question for you, why are the Social Sciences called the "soft sciences?
To regent: Nice misdirection. You already admitted you do not know what social studies are. You can drop the con job. You can talk about social sciences in a thread of your own if it makes you happy. If you insist on covering up for your stupidity in my thread you should be able say to how many children are studying social sciences in collage?


As I mentioned social studies are a different version of the Social Sciences. Younger children may not profit by the science part but can profit by what has been learned in a few of those of history and geography etc. History remains history but with out the methods and disciplines used by historians, as in the university. Social Studies usually try to bring to make a connection with some of the other Social Sciences.
So here's a question for you, why are the Social Sciences called the "soft sciences?
To regent: Nice misdirection. You already admitted you do not know what social studies are. You can drop the con job. You can talk about social sciences in a thread of your own if it makes you happy. If you insist on covering up for your stupidity in my thread you should be able say to how many children are studying social sciences in collage?


First I never said I didn't know, but wanted to hear your version since Social Studies sounded so un-American. To answer your question, you would have to define children first. . Didn't want to try the soft science thing eh? The real question about the Social Sciences being soft is, why?
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This is a fabulous must-read piece with one exception: The Chicago sewer rat first appeared as a farce:

Karl Marx, building on an observation of the German philosopher G.F.W. Hegel, once wrote, “All great world-historic facts and personages appear, so to speak, twice…The first time as tragedy, the second time as farce.”​

Woodrow Wilson Obama: Every Hundred Years an Ivy League Democrat’s Presidential Obsession Costs His Party Big

Woodrow Wilson Obama: Every Hundred Years an Ivy League Democrat’s Presidential Obsession Costs His Party Big - Breitbart

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