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Daughters Struggle To Save Mother From Arrest in Nonviolent Protest In Nabi Saleh

you are right and I aint watin either

for some reason you along with rosie and lipushi here got under my skin

i was genuinely touched by your justified rebukes and equally hurt by you joining in identity slander against me, and i said so openly

that tenderness i felt towards you went on yesteday's guy fawkes bonfire along with the awful Y-Kohen

i have changed my rating of you from decent to zio-robot

but would be very very very happy to change it back if there's any real evidence

sadly none recently

What Identity slander did I join in, Kvetch?
Do you mean that I said I suspect you aren't Jewish? That I doubt some of what you say? If so, I only said that about half an hour ago, and certainly don't recall 'joining in' with anyone else previously regarding this matter. I apologise if I have hurt your feelings (again).
On the subject of the issue you raise re palestinian youths in detention, you have started quite a few threads with such provocative titles they are on a par with those typically started by raving anti-semites. I tend to ignore them. You regularly say very negative hostile things about Israel, Jews and Israeli's as though they are facts when they often aren't. IMHO. only an idiot would simply take someone's word regarding subjects such as abuse of teenagers in prisons and detention centres without evidence. If it helps any, I've read all this stuff before and the 'evidence' such as it is hardly compelling. Prisoners tend to be criminals and they lie about what happens when they are incarcertated all the time, as Irose can also attest to. Palestinian youths are trained to throw rocks, attack and provoke the IDF. Sometimes they get arrested and prisons and detention centres aren't supposed to be holiday camps. You say they are tortured in prison and you expect me to condemn and take your word for it? I say provide some evidence, start a thread and I suspect you will find it is another grossly exaggerated story largely invented to further demonise Israel and the Israeli's. Can't be fairer than that, now can I?
OK Angel

back to decent but with an amber traffic light

i will find the evidence you ask for but a bit busy right now

it will take a bit of time....i dont have a stock of propaganda stuff stored up like folx here on both sides ready to shoot!!!

we have plans for stayin up all night with sweetie and brother to watch all the yankee erection show so gotta do stuff beforehand

just got to retrieve the angel ashes from yesterdays virtual bonfire

very glad i was not wrong about you
angel and eveyrone

just a very quick search

here is a wikipedia piece about the abuse of children by BOTH sides

Children in the Israeli

seems appropriate buit I only just glanced at it.................

busy...switchin off now till i have done my stuff

or hurricane level kvetch awaits here at 'ome
Last edited:
on the question of "TORTURE IN PRISON" ------being in prison is a kind of torture ----no matter what goes on there. I have read "torture" described as a prison in which the prisoner did not have a WINDOW in his cell and could, therefore, not see the sun------and had to rely on the LIGHTS which----of course ----were under control of the guards. It is true----cells often do not have lights in the cells of the prisoners IN "SOLITARY" in the navy brig I examined BTW---the complaint was a from a 'palestinan source"
Former Israeli soldiers who served in the occupied territories say that mistreatment of Palestinian children by troops is "routine" and occurs even at times of relative calm.

A collection of over 30 testimonies published on Sunday by Breaking the Silence, a group of ex-servicemen critical of army practices, says physical violence, often arbitrary, is used against very young children.

"The testifiers depict a routine in which Palestinian minors, often under 10 years of age, are treated in a manner that ignores their young age," says the 72-page booklet.

Israel ex-soldiers say troops abused Palestinian kids - Yahoo! News

The pals teach their kids to throw rocks and to cling to their parents et al if they are being arrested knowing full well that that will result in them being restrained in someway - then voila - another propaganda photo op for pallywood. Sherri must think we were born yesterday and you support terrorist murderers so cut the fake indignation, restraining hysterical kids who are attempting to prevent an arrest would occur in the same way anywhere as its all that can be done at the time.

Foreign troops have the authority to arrest people?

Terrorist is an Israeli propaganda term. They play that card every chance they get.
Foreign? Perhaps you should ask why the US and Europe have labeled Hamas animals as terrorist. Ha ha.
There are many children in Israeli jails who were intercepted just before they blew their own asses to hell-----as they were instructed to do by their Imams and muslim teachers----who also supplied them with the bombs and promised them eternal bliss in Jannah--------school for muslim children is kinda like the sunday school sherri teaches. Israeli psychologists try to straighten the kids out ---it happens that I have a distant relative-----a distant relative of my husband----who works as a social worker in the Israeli jails------getting the kids educated (some manage to attain college degrees while in the Israeli jails) and getting them needed psych care Kvetch would prefer that the kids had BLOWN UP


The reality is that the word that most describes most Palestinian children is that they are children.

They are not "want to be suicide bombers", it has been many years since any Palestinian child blew up an Israeli in a suicide bombing.

So, do you have any ability left, in your Zionist traumatized mind, to see a Palestinian child as a child, a child who loves her mother?

Well duh, the wall is working, so now instead of suicide bombings they shoot rockets from behind women and children. Maybe if they thought of their children as children and not ammunition perhaps things would be different. What was that famous quote Golda Meyer said? If only the Arabs can love their children more than they want to kill Jews.

You are kesafat and a Jendeh.
The pals teach their kids to throw rocks and to cling to their parents et al if they are being arrested knowing full well that that will result in them being restrained in someway - then voila - another propaganda photo op for pallywood. Sherri must think we were born yesterday and you support terrorist murderers so cut the fake indignation, restraining hysterical kids who are attempting to prevent an arrest would occur in the same way anywhere as its all that can be done at the time.

Foreign troops have the authority to arrest people?

Terrorist is an Israeli propaganda term. They play that card every chance they get.
Foreign? Perhaps you should ask why the US and Europe have labeled Hamas animals as terrorist. Ha ha.

What Identity slander did I join in, Kvetch?
Do you mean that I said I suspect you aren't Jewish? That I doubt some of what you say? If so, I only said that about half an hour ago, and certainly don't recall 'joining in' with anyone else previously regarding this matter. I apologise if I have hurt your feelings (again).
On the subject of the issue you raise re palestinian youths in detention, you have started quite a few threads with such provocative titles they are on a par with those typically started by raving anti-semites. I tend to ignore them. You regularly say very negative hostile things about Israel, Jews and Israeli's as though they are facts when they often aren't. IMHO. only an idiot would simply take someone's word regarding subjects such as abuse of teenagers in prisons and detention centres without evidence. If it helps any, I've read all this stuff before and the 'evidence' such as it is hardly compelling. Prisoners tend to be criminals and they lie about what happens when they are incarcertated all the time, as Irose can also attest to. Palestinian youths are trained to throw rocks, attack and provoke the IDF. Sometimes they get arrested and prisons and detention centres aren't supposed to be holiday camps. You say they are tortured in prison and you expect me to condemn and take your word for it? I say provide some evidence, start a thread and I suspect you will find it is another grossly exaggerated story largely invented to further demonise Israel and the Israeli's. Can't be fairer than that, now can I?
OK Angel

back to decent but with an amber traffic light

i will find the evidence you ask for but a bit busy right now

plans for stayin up all night with sweetie and brother to watch all the yankee erection show so gotta do stuff beforehand

just got to retrieve the angel ashes from yesterdays virtual bonfire

very glad i was not wrong about you

No worries. I'm a chronic insomniac so will have no trouble staying up to watch the 'yankee erection' show' either :lol:.
I have a narrowboat that has been subjected to -4 0C temp and may need to go and check there is nothing amiss aboard her tomorrow, so might stay a couple of days. Now don't you go taking that as me bailing out. I will be back :eusa_shifty:
Angel and Rosie:

done my stuff: postin a schmata (silk wall hanging she does) for sweetie and getting cash out of the wicked Halifax

Angel, I hope you refloat your boat like you refloated my esteem for you

I sympathise re chronic anything

I am a lifelong chronic bipolar bear

I was depressed and dreading winter and in that state my whole life becomes a very heavy kvetch (complain, moan in yiddish) and that's why I chose that name.

That's also why hossy and the jews here assumed I must be a woman because only women kvetch, don't they!

That amused me highly!

Funnily enough being here and kvetching about Israel, then connecting with superkvetch Rosie has lifted my depression.............a real miracle, truly!

I am a professional Reiki Healer and have been for last 20 years and know all kinds of therapies.

But being here did the trick when none of that other stuff worked!

So now I feel much more mellow towards my fellow jews and their, not my eretz israel, and I notice that I do need to retread some self hating tendencies I have had for a long time.

I have a perverse kind of identity which identifies AGAINST what I am; English, British, Jewish, etc.

My sweetie who is English has cured me of the anti British bit but I still have work to do on the Anti Jewish front.

Rosie will help...i bet she's a retired shrink or a trick cyclist (psychiatrist) of some kind.

That's why I am genuinely fond of her....thankyou Rosie..toda raba BIG TIME

if you get more depressed in winter months----you may be suffering from SUNLIGHT DEPRIVATION--------there is such an entity----it is related to the cell bodies of the supraotic nucleii-----located at the base of the brain---I am sorry I forget the details of the pathophysiology-----see a doctor about it. Sunlight seems to have the specific wave lengths required to excite the specific pathways involved-----but artificial lights do exist which can mimic that spectrum
These pictures have been manipulated by the press into making you think that they (soldiers) have unlawfully arrested these people. It was not a peaceful protest, unless you think that parents getting their children to provoke the soldiers by verbally and physically abusing them, so this concludes that the press need to stop manipulating facts and do their jobs and to report the facts instead of do our jobs; to create our OWN opinion.

EDIT: it seems that I am unable to post URLs as I have not posted 15 times, so just go to YouTube and type in "palestinian girl in front of israeli soldiers"

So Christians are harbored filth according to Rosie.

And her usual Muslim hate sermon.

Even though she's been caught lying about the Calphite's and I already addressed it.

wrong again 'because' you claimed christians were DELIGHTED with the caliphate-------as were jews try again 'because' you know my husband was born in a SHARIAH FUNCTIONING REMNANT OF THE REAL CALIPHATE ------and his community in that shariah hell hole was VERY LITERATE AND ----has written records of their experiences What else is there to do in that hell-hole to entertain oneself besides-----make some paper--make some ink and WRITE THINGS. A very interesting factoid----hubby still knows how to make paper and how to make ink----the old fashioned way----
So Christians are harbored filth according to Rosie.

And her usual Muslim hate sermon.

Even though she's been caught lying about the Calphite's and I already addressed it.

wrong again 'because' you claimed christians were DELIGHTED with the caliphate-------as were jews try again 'because' you know my husband was born in a SHARIAH FUNCTIONING REMNANT OF THE REAL CALIPHATE ------and his community in that shariah hell hole was VERY LITERATE AND ----has written records of their experiences What else is there to do in that hell-hole to entertain oneself besides-----make some paper--make some ink and WRITE THINGS. A very interesting factoid----hubby still knows how to make paper and how to make ink----the old fashioned way----

No I didn't say that. Be honest.
in fact you did 'because' in SUM AND SUBSTANCE <<<< that is a weird
phrase lawyers use when they want to say --------this is about what was meant and what happened it took me a long time to figure that one out----lawyers have a WEIRD LINGO
in fact you did 'because' in SUM AND SUBSTANCE <<<< that is a weird
phrase lawyers use when they want to say --------this is about what was meant and what happened it took me a long time to figure that one out----lawyers have a WEIRD LINGO

No, we had a separate conversation on the history. I did claim jews were better off in Caliphate's back then and that Arab Christians were not considered Dhimmi's. Look it up
wrong again-----arab christans were considered DHIMMIS in most shariah adherent cesspits-----which is why many of them lost their entire christian populations Who was DHIMMI varied from cesspit to cesspit-----in fact in the MOGHUL CESSPIT-----the koranic scholars found a way to make HINDUS dhimmis even though they are idol worshippers and ---technically not eligible------it was a matter of ECONOMICS
wrong again-----arab christans were considered DHIMMIS in most shariah adherent cesspits-----which is why many of them lost their entire christian populations Who was DHIMMI varied from cesspit to cesspit-----in fact in the MOGHUL CESSPIT-----the koranic scholars found a way to make HINDUS dhimmis even though they are idol worshippers and ---technically not eligible------it was a matter of ECONOMICS

It was a matter of different reasons for each different Caliph. It was better than Christendom for Jews. That's a fact. There aren't any modern Caliphate's. historically there were. Local Christians in Iraq, Syria and Egypt were better off under early Islam rather than the Greeks of Constantipole.

Back then everything was different and societies like that were very common. The Empires, etc.
wrong again-----arab christans were considered DHIMMIS in most shariah adherent cesspits-----which is why many of them lost their entire christian populations Who was DHIMMI varied from cesspit to cesspit-----in fact in the MOGHUL CESSPIT-----the koranic scholars found a way to make HINDUS dhimmis even though they are idol worshippers and ---technically not eligible------it was a matter of ECONOMICS

They don't have DHIMMIS in Palestine.
give it time------you make no point at all islamicists consider the system DIVINE
not exactly "because" for jews it was a matter of the lesser of two evils thruout the history you describe------sometimes it was a LOT BETTER in christian countries which is why lots of jews ended up in THE RHINE VALLEY------- the myth that the jews of spain and portugal all ran to MUSLIM countries----is simply a myth------lots went to all sorts of other places ---including the americas where THEORETICALLY the inquisition was STILL ON Spinoza ran from Inquisition Portugal ---not to Turkey----but to AMSTERDAM In fact far more jews ended up in CHRISTIAN COUNTRIES than in muslim countries-------better survival rate As to christians in lands invaded by islam------most left
give it time------you make no point at all islamicists consider the system DIVINE

No, but we know how much Jews consider their system divine. Everything is theirs. They are chosen for that land.

You single out the Jewish religion as if they don't politicize it like Muslims.--Jews do the same and are about religion. Religion to justify their settlement construction, laws, they have similar like "fatwas" by their Rabbis. The IDF also takes them into consideration.
wrong again 'because' you are simply ACCUSTOMED to the idea that muslims must be SUPERIOR to all --------there is no DHIMMI system in Judaism. If you imagine there is-----tell me a DETAIL in law
not exactly "because" for jews it was a matter of the lesser of two evils thruout the history you describe------sometimes it was a LOT BETTER in christian countries which is why lots of jews ended up in THE RHINE VALLEY------- the myth that the jews of spain and portugal all ran to MUSLIM countries----is simply a myth------lots went to all sorts of other places ---including the americas where THEORETICALLY the inquisition was STILL ON Spinoza ran from Inquisition Portugal ---not to Turkey----but to AMSTERDAM In fact far more jews ended up in CHRISTIAN COUNTRIES than in muslim countries-------better survival rate As to christians in lands invaded by islam------most left

I never said they ran off to Islamic territories. I said most of them were better off under Islamic rule. Because you try to bring them out as the worst oppressors. But I don't see it. It's more complicated. Most people found Umar's Caliph reasonable and saw him as a fair leader.---in the general area, after the destruction if the second temple, jews were taxed and their practices were abandoned, such as circumsion----the tax was known as "Fiscus Judaicus" .

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