David Duke: Civil Rights for White People

I won't even bother to LISTEN to the message....

jut like I wouldn't bother to watch a how-to cooking video made by Jeffrey Dahmer.:cuckoo:

Then you're an ignorant bigot. Enough said.

and, in your opinion, Jeffrey Dahmer was an innovative avant garde chef?

enough said.

I dont know how good a cook he was but he certainly knew how to cut down on his food bill. Maybe you should call him the frugal gourmet.
Racial quotas? Just Racial quotas? Didn't you know that Affirmative Action doesn't just benefit black people?

The job should go to the best qualified applicant period.

I agree...however, how are you sure that that is NOT the case? Most affirmative action involves giving women and minorities that CHANCE they would not have had before...it is up to them to succeed.

If it is up to them to succeed, then THEY should do the work to be more qualified to get the job. That alone will give them the 'chance' they would not have had before.
Racial quotas? Just Racial quotas? Didn't you know that Affirmative Action doesn't just benefit black people?

The job should go to the best qualified applicant period.

I agree...however, how are you sure that that is NOT the case? Most affirmative action involves giving women and minorities that CHANCE they would not have had before...it is up to them to succeed.

And another thing, I am a woman who has not worked much, but have some experience in working in restaurants. I applied for a job about 2 years ago at a restaurant who was looking for help. I was the only White woman of the few people who showed up for the open interviews. The others where men of different races. I never got the job. Found out later that they hired two Black men who had no job history before hand. Considering I had a little experience, I still didn't get the job. This has happened to me on more than a few occasions.

So from my experience, I found that affirmative action involves giving more 'minorities' a chance than giving women a chance.
I want a end to wasteful government handouts and racial quotas. Welfare fraud has bled the economy for years. Its become a generational way of life for many who expect the government to pay for themselves. Affirmitive Action is reverse discrimination and I believe a job should go to the best qualified individual who applies. That's hard not to disagree with is it. Also I believe there should be drug tests for welfare individuals. By the way Duke was never involved with skinheads and hasn't been in the Klan in over 30 years.

Racial quotas? Just Racial quotas? Didn't you know that Affirmative Action doesn't just benefit black people?

The job should go to the best qualified applicant period.
Oh bullshit!!!!

Many times businesses do not want to pay the BEST qualified applicant and will hire a qualified applicant who may not be the best, but can do the job, because they will cost less money.
Racial quotas? Just Racial quotas? Didn't you know that Affirmative Action doesn't just benefit black people?

The job should go to the best qualified applicant period.
Oh bullshit!!!!

Many times businesses do not want to pay the BEST qualified applicant and will hire a qualified applicant who may not be the best, but can do the job, because they will cost less money.

Most of the time, if the best qualified person applies for the job, then they are most likely willing to do the job for the same amount that the less qualified person would.

So you're not going to answer the question posed to you?
As if you don't know the answer.


Speaking of stormfront, exactly what do you know about that website? Have you ever visited it? How is it different than blackvoices.com or Freeman Institute.com?

No I don't know the answer. I wanted to know what you thought or think stormfront is. But you can't answer an honest question. It's my opinion that stormfront isn't any different that any of the websites I listed and I do have an opinion as to what stormfront is. I was simply asking for yours. But apparently the question was too complicated for you.
Cheer up...

Blacks are marrying your white women. Mexicans are outbreeding you and storming across the border. Within 25 years, you will be the minority and will be able to take advantage of all of those Civil Rights rules.

Isn't that fair?
So you're not going to answer the question posed to you?
As if you don't know the answer.


Speaking of stormfront, exactly what do you know about that website? Have you ever visited it? How is it different than blackvoices.com or Freeman Institute.com?

No I don't know the answer. I wanted to know what you thought or think stormfront is. But you can't answer an honest question. It's my opinion that stormfront isn't any different that any of the websites I listed and I do have an opinion as to what stormfront is. I was simply asking for yours. But apparently the question was too complicated for you.

Stormfront. Wow.
The job should go to the best qualified applicant period.
Oh bullshit!!!!

Many times businesses do not want to pay the BEST qualified applicant and will hire a qualified applicant who may not be the best, but can do the job, because they will cost less money.

Most of the time, if the best qualified person applies for the job, then they are most likely willing to do the job for the same amount that the less qualified person would.

When I hire someone, I don't always look for the best qualified person for the job but the best suited person
AA, as practiced was an insult to the concept of social justice, without doubt.

That "solution" was typical of limo liberalism.

Find a problem and solve it by making it somebody else's problem.

But what ever you do, do NOT make the people (your class of people) who benefitted from the problem to begin with pay for the redress.

No instead they created a false class of victimizers (All white males who are not wealthy but who work for a living) and demonize them as though they controlled the nation for the last 200 years!.

How'd all that work out for the nation?

Pretty well as long as you're rich and connected enough that you never have to worry about AA costing YOU a job or a place in college, etc.

Who won the AA game, folks?

Upper-middle class White women.
Why isn't this thread closed?

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