David Duke endorse Charles Barron

Quantum Windbag

Gold Member
May 9, 2010
Did hell just freeze over? The former Grand Wizard of the KKK just endorsed a black man for Congress because he hates Jews. My taake is this proves that the far left and the far right have more in common than either likes to admit.

White nationalist David Duke, formerly the Grand Wizard of the Ku Klux Klan, has thrown his support behind controversial Brooklyn congressional candidate Charles Barron in an eight-minute-long web video.
“The possible election of a dedicated anti-Zionist to the U.S. Congress has thrown the Zionist influenced media and the Zio-political establishment in a tizzy,” Duke says. “The Jewish-controlled New York media is now calling Barron the, quote, ‘David Duke of New York,’ unquote. I’ve been deluged by media inquiries as to whether I would endorse Barron because of his very strong anti-Zionist and anti-Israel positions.”
“In a race for Congress between an anti-Zionist black activist and a black activist who is a bought and paid for Zionist Uncle Tom, I’ll take the anti-Zionist any day,” Duke explains — the "Zionist Uncle Tom" being Barron's opponent Hakeem Jeffries, the establishment favorite.

David Duke Endorses Charles Barron
Who really gives a rats behind what David Duke thinks or does. He is just taking up space on the earth. Lets vote for people who are qualifed not for their color. I don't care if we agree or not just don't waste a vote on something that has no meaning.
been there in another thread. :laugh2:

one antisemitic nitwit registers and runs as a Democrat and you have the audacity to suggest this proves Dems are antisemites or support antisemitism?

Who bought David Duke's racist, antisemitic mailing/supporter list?

White Christian Conservative GOP Strategist Tony Perkins, that's who:

Homophobe for pay lobbyist Tony Perkins, head of Family Research Council (classified as a 'Hate Group' by the Southern Poverty Law Center on par with the KKK and neo-Nazis [2]) works tirelessly to ban gay marriage - 'My love of Jesus keeps me from choking my opponents [homosexuals and abortionists]' [3]

While working as campaign manager for Louisiana state legislator Woody Jenkins in 1996, Tony Perkins paid former Ku Klux Klan Grand Wizard David Duke $82,000 for his mailing list, and then tried to hide involvement with Duke, sending payment to Duke through a third party. The campaign was fined $3,000 for trying to hide the payment

Republican Retard Club: Tony Perkins Homophobes likely to be closet gays, study finds[1] One's level of homophobia lies, quite frequently, in direct proportion to one's own brutally closeted desire for homosexual sexHomophobe for pay lobbyist Tony Pe
Did hell just freeze over? The former Grand Wizard of the KKK just endorsed a black man for Congress because he hates Jews. My taake is this proves that the far left and the far right have more in common than either likes to admit.

they have little in common except they thrive on extremism

their tactics are similar to yours here. hmmmm, I'm sure you have an explanation. :eusa_whistle:
been there in another thread. :laugh2:

one antisemitic nitwit registers and runs as a Democrat and you have the audacity to suggest this proves Dems are antisemites or support antisemitism?

Who bought David Duke's racist, antisemitic mailing/supporter list?

White Christian Conservative GOP Strategist Tony Perkins, that's who:

Homophobe for pay lobbyist Tony Perkins, head of Family Research Council (classified as a 'Hate Group' by the Southern Poverty Law Center on par with the KKK and neo-Nazis [2]) works tirelessly to ban gay marriage - 'My love of Jesus keeps me from choking my opponents [homosexuals and abortionists]' [3]

While working as campaign manager for Louisiana state legislator Woody Jenkins in 1996, Tony Perkins paid former Ku Klux Klan Grand Wizard David Duke $82,000 for his mailing list, and then tried to hide involvement with Duke, sending payment to Duke through a third party. The campaign was fined $3,000 for trying to hide the payment

Republican Retard Club: Tony Perkins Homophobes likely to be closet gays, study finds[1] One's level of homophobia lies, quite frequently, in direct proportion to one's own brutally closeted desire for homosexual sexHomophobe for pay lobbyist Tony Pe

The KKK was founded by the Democrat party and have been partners for over a 100 years. The propaganda from the Dem party has done a good job of deflecting the truth.
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been there in another thread. :laugh2:

one antisemitic nitwit registers and runs as a Democrat and you have the audacity to suggest this proves Dems are antisemites or support antisemitism?

Who bought David Duke's racist, antisemitic mailing/supporter list?

White Christian Conservative GOP Strategist Tony Perkins, that's who:

Homophobe for pay lobbyist Tony Perkins, head of Family Research Council (classified as a 'Hate Group' by the Southern Poverty Law Center on par with the KKK and neo-Nazis [2]) works tirelessly to ban gay marriage - 'My love of Jesus keeps me from choking my opponents [homosexuals and abortionists]' [3]

While working as campaign manager for Louisiana state legislator Woody Jenkins in 1996, Tony Perkins paid former Ku Klux Klan Grand Wizard David Duke $82,000 for his mailing list, and then tried to hide involvement with Duke, sending payment to Duke through a third party. The campaign was fined $3,000 for trying to hide the payment

Republican Retard Club: Tony Perkins Homophobes likely to be closet gays, study finds[1] One's level of homophobia lies, quite frequently, in direct proportion to one's own brutally closeted desire for homosexual sexHomophobe for pay lobbyist Tony Pe

Funny, I don't remember saying anything about Democrats, why don't you show me where I said that? I specifically made this a issue of political extremism and how much the far left and the far right actually have in common. The only reason for anyone to get upset about that is if they are either far left or far right.

Thanks for making my point.
been there in another thread. :laugh2:

one antisemitic nitwit registers and runs as a Democrat and you have the audacity to suggest this proves Dems are antisemites or support antisemitism?

Who bought David Duke's racist, antisemitic mailing/supporter list?

White Christian Conservative GOP Strategist Tony Perkins, that's who:

Homophobe for pay lobbyist Tony Perkins, head of Family Research Council (classified as a 'Hate Group' by the Southern Poverty Law Center on par with the KKK and neo-Nazis [2]) works tirelessly to ban gay marriage - 'My love of Jesus keeps me from choking my opponents [homosexuals and abortionists]' [3]

While working as campaign manager for Louisiana state legislator Woody Jenkins in 1996, Tony Perkins paid former Ku Klux Klan Grand Wizard David Duke $82,000 for his mailing list, and then tried to hide involvement with Duke, sending payment to Duke through a third party. The campaign was fined $3,000 for trying to hide the payment

Republican Retard Club: Tony Perkins Homophobes likely to be closet gays, study finds[1] One's level of homophobia lies, quite frequently, in direct proportion to one's own brutally closeted desire for homosexual sexHomophobe for pay lobbyist Tony Pe

The KKK was founded by the Democrat party and have been partners for over a 100 years. The propaganda from the Dem party has done a good job of deflecting the truth. [urlhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wpezudbbZMA[/url]

The KKK was founded by White Southern Christians, probably many of who happened to be Democrats second. There were lots of them in the GOP too.

The GOP Chairman, Ken Mehlman, apologized for decades of race baiting political campaigns by the GOP that divided the USA .. all for political gain over national good.
Did hell just freeze over? The former Grand Wizard of the KKK just endorsed a black man for Congress because he hates Jews. My taake is this proves that the far left and the far right have more in common than either likes to admit.

White nationalist David Duke, formerly the Grand Wizard of the Ku Klux Klan, has thrown his support behind controversial Brooklyn congressional candidate Charles Barron in an eight-minute-long web video.
“The possible election of a dedicated anti-Zionist to the U.S. Congress has thrown the Zionist influenced media and the Zio-political establishment in a tizzy,” Duke says. “The Jewish-controlled New York media is now calling Barron the, quote, ‘David Duke of New York,’ unquote. I’ve been deluged by media inquiries as to whether I would endorse Barron because of his very strong anti-Zionist and anti-Israel positions.”
“In a race for Congress between an anti-Zionist black activist and a black activist who is a bought and paid for Zionist Uncle Tom, I’ll take the anti-Zionist any day,” Duke explains — the "Zionist Uncle Tom" being Barron's opponent Hakeem Jeffries, the establishment favorite.

David Duke Endorses Charles Barron

been there in another thread. :laugh2:

one antisemitic nitwit registers and runs as a Democrat and you have the audacity to suggest this proves Dems are antisemites or support antisemitism?

Who bought David Duke's racist, antisemitic mailing/supporter list?

White Christian Conservative GOP Strategist Tony Perkins, that's who:

Homophobe for pay lobbyist Tony Perkins, head of Family Research Council (classified as a 'Hate Group' by the Southern Poverty Law Center on par with the KKK and neo-Nazis [2]) works tirelessly to ban gay marriage - 'My love of Jesus keeps me from choking my opponents [homosexuals and abortionists]' [3]

While working as campaign manager for Louisiana state legislator Woody Jenkins in 1996, Tony Perkins paid former Ku Klux Klan Grand Wizard David Duke $82,000 for his mailing list, and then tried to hide involvement with Duke, sending payment to Duke through a third party. The campaign was fined $3,000 for trying to hide the payment

Republican Retard Club: Tony Perkins Homophobes likely to be closet gays, study finds[1] One's level of homophobia lies, quite frequently, in direct proportion to one's own brutally closeted desire for homosexual sexHomophobe for pay lobbyist Tony Pe

Funny, I don't remember saying anything about Democrats, why don't you show me where I said that? I specifically made this a issue of political extremism and how much the far left and the far right actually have in common. The only reason for anyone to get upset about that is if they are either far left or far right.

Thanks for making my point.

The summation of the article you based your post on and linked to is this:

"Duke's endorsement is set to make Barron's run even more fraught, as establishment Democrats have started to worry that the outspoken and radical Barron could actually have a shot at winning."

Democrats. get it? Do you even know what you are referencing? If you link to an article that is focusing on a worry Democrats may have, yes, you have referenced Democrats.

get it yet?
Did hell just freeze over? The former Grand Wizard of the KKK just endorsed a black man for Congress because he hates Jews. My taake is this proves that the far left and the far right have more in common than either likes to admit.

White nationalist David Duke, formerly the Grand Wizard of the Ku Klux Klan, has thrown his support behind controversial Brooklyn congressional candidate Charles Barron in an eight-minute-long web video.
“The possible election of a dedicated anti-Zionist to the U.S. Congress has thrown the Zionist influenced media and the Zio-political establishment in a tizzy,” Duke says. “The Jewish-controlled New York media is now calling Barron the, quote, ‘David Duke of New York,’ unquote. I’ve been deluged by media inquiries as to whether I would endorse Barron because of his very strong anti-Zionist and anti-Israel positions.”
“In a race for Congress between an anti-Zionist black activist and a black activist who is a bought and paid for Zionist Uncle Tom, I’ll take the anti-Zionist any day,” Duke explains — the "Zionist Uncle Tom" being Barron's opponent Hakeem Jeffries, the establishment favorite.
David Duke Endorses Charles Barron

been there in another thread. :laugh2:

one antisemitic nitwit registers and runs as a Democrat and you have the audacity to suggest this proves Dems are antisemites or support antisemitism?

Who bought David Duke's racist, antisemitic mailing/supporter list?

White Christian Conservative GOP Strategist Tony Perkins, that's who:

Homophobe for pay lobbyist Tony Perkins, head of Family Research Council (classified as a 'Hate Group' by the Southern Poverty Law Center on par with the KKK and neo-Nazis [2]) works tirelessly to ban gay marriage - 'My love of Jesus keeps me from choking my opponents [homosexuals and abortionists]' [3]

While working as campaign manager for Louisiana state legislator Woody Jenkins in 1996, Tony Perkins paid former Ku Klux Klan Grand Wizard David Duke $82,000 for his mailing list, and then tried to hide involvement with Duke, sending payment to Duke through a third party. The campaign was fined $3,000 for trying to hide the payment

Republican Retard Club: Tony Perkins Homophobes likely to be closet gays, study finds[1] One's level of homophobia lies, quite frequently, in direct proportion to one's own brutally closeted desire for homosexual sexHomophobe for pay lobbyist Tony Pe

Funny, I don't remember saying anything about Democrats, why don't you show me where I said that? I specifically made this a issue of political extremism and how much the far left and the far right actually have in common. The only reason for anyone to get upset about that is if they are either far left or far right.

Thanks for making my point.

The summation of the article you based your post on and linked to is this:

"Duke's endorsement is set to make Barron's run even more fraught, as establishment Democrats have started to worry that the outspoken and radical Barron could actually have a shot at winning."

Democrats. get it? Do you even know what you are referencing? If you link to an article that is focusing on a worry Democrats may have, yes, you have referenced Democrats.

get it yet?

No, I didn't say anything about Democrat, and your response to my post was to accuse me, not the article, of saying that Democrats support antisemitism. Where did I say anything like that? Far left does not equal Democrats, in my opinion they are more likely to be Socialists, Green Party, one of the wacky groups that hang around on the fringe than they are to be Democrats.

By the way, the article you are accusing of saying that Democrats are antisemites made it pretty clear that Democrats are worried that this guy has a shot of winning. I think that makes your response even more absurd.
No, I didn't say anything about Democrat, and your response to my post was to accuse me, not the article, of saying that Democrats support antisemitism. Where did I say anything like that? Far left does not equal Democrats, in my opinion they are more likely to be Socialists, Green Party, one of the wacky groups that hang around on the fringe than they are to be Democrats.

By the way, the article you are accusing of saying that Democrats are antisemites made it pretty clear that Democrats are worried that this guy has a shot of winning. I think that makes your response even more absurd.

blah, blah, blah...

I yam what I yam and you r what u r



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