David Duke: Herman Cain-A Zionist Backed Republican Candidate--A Now Proven Liar


May 29, 2010
Former Louisiana House Of Representative David Duke hits the nail on the head again and exposes the truth about Herman Cain. The fact is Herman Cain has been caught in a lie. David Duke is right when he exposes Herman Cain as a supporter and beneficiary of Affirmative Action which is harmful to intelligent white workers who are well qualified for the jobs they apply for. If elected president, Cain would harm the American economy and put millions of well qualified workers out of work due to affirmative action. This is the plan that Zionist back in order to bring down the United States and it's well qualified working taxpayers. This is the first of many articles I will be bringing you during this election season as we expose the truth about the Zionist threat to you, the working taxpayer. Thank you for your attention. Now enjoy the link and story below.

Herman Cain: Zionist-backed Republican Candidate – A Now Proven Liar! | The Official Website of Representative David Duke, PhD

Herman Cain claimed he didn’t harass any women, and the rest of his statement shows an incredibly stupid and obvious case of lying by a public candidate for president. Cain claims that quote:

“If the Restaurant Association did a settlement, I wasn’t even aware of it, and I hope it wasn’t for much because nothing happened,” he explained. “So if there was a settlement, it was handled by some of the other officers that worked for me at the association.”

What a incredible, obvious lie, and frankly, what an incredibly stupid lie! He actually expects us to believe that he as head of the Restaurant Association, is accused in multiple cases of sexual abuse, and that he wasn’t even aware of the ongoing legal negotiations of the Restaurant Association (which he had headed) about the charges against him. A five figure settlement is doled out to shut the mouths of the victims, but Herman Cain tells us didn’t even know about the settlement of his sexual harassment case and the amount paid out to the victims! That is the epitome of mendacity and stupidity!

How easily conservatives have manipulated by the Zionist media that has lionized Cain as a great and inspiring man of impeccable character. I think the exposure of his sexual harassment and the exposure of his bald-faced lies yesterday will end his candidacy and the attempt of the Zionists to make Herman Cain the republican version of Obama. Conservatives don’t even know that Cain as head of Republican group appealing to Black voters, attacked me (David Duke) and used the anti-White racial epithet (cracker) in ads meant to cater to Black anti-White prejudices and get them to vote Republican. The media hasn’t informed them about Cain himself is a recipient of racially-discriminatory racial discrimination against Whites and that how he spoken glowingly about the need for affirmative action. He cloaks it by saying though that he is opposed to quotas. Quotas or requiring a specific percentage of minorites is a tiny percentage of the anti-racial discrimination of affirmative action, most of doesn’t rely on quotas, just flat out racial discriminatory policies against better-qualified Whites.
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wow just wow. you are hitting the " david duke loves chocolate milk" station quickly.

Man oh man, I know what you are. I just am not going to ask anyone this weekend to track you down.

Now Monday, come Monday, that's a whole different ballgame.
David Duke: Idiot with a RACIST past that has joined the OWS Petulants

Racist David Duke Joins The Unions, Maoists, Communists, Socialists, & Anti-Semites at OWS

Fuck this idiot.
David Duke knows what he is talking about. Are you pro-Zionist?

I know David. He's got this one flaw. And it's a biggie. Giant of a man, and wonderous thought process.

But he hates Jews so much. I could never figure it with him.

But I know him. So tell me what you think about him.
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Duke to me is like Karenga. No one knows these people unless you live it. Karenga you know the mister nice guy who brings you a really nice fake moment in time called Kwanzaa.

He fucked over Huey and the boys but he became the darling of all the whiteys didn't he now?
David Duke knows what he is talking about. Are you pro-Zionist?
*I* take the side of LIBERTY every time.


The Zionist agenda is all about subverting Liberty. Didn't you know that? Wake up.

I know you are a fake because I love Duke to death on economics with the exception of his hating of Jews.

His hatred clouds his life.

Pity the man is brilliant, But his hatred of Jews nullifies his ability to see clearly. I don't get it.

I don't get it at all.
*I* take the side of LIBERTY every time.


The Zionist agenda is all about subverting Liberty. Didn't you know that? Wake up.

I know you are a fake because I love Duke to death on economics with the exception of his hating of Jews.

His hatred clouds his life.

Pity the man is brilliant, But his hatred of Jews nullifies his ability to see clearly. I don't get it.

I don't get it at all.
You are completely deceived,
As someone on the board who's actually read his books, met him and spoken with him, I wouldn't say he's got a Jew obsession. He's not a fan of Jews, but most men who THINK really aren't. His main concern is that white gentiles are becoming outnumbered and treated unfairly in the MODERN SYSTEM. About that, he's exactly right.

I get that a guy who's been in the Klan is going to be a lightning rod. But the man's been elected to office, had a serious run for governor, has written several books, and got an honorary doctorate in Russia. He's a hell of a lot smarter than he gets credit from the MainJew Media for.
David Duke: Idiot with a RACIST past that has joined the OWS Petulants

Racist David Duke Joins The Unions, Maoists, Communists, Socialists, & Anti-Semites at OWS

Fuck this idiot.
David Duke knows what he is talking about. Are you pro-Zionist?

John F. Kennedy, one of the most revered American Presidents, was Pro-Zionist, dink. You're pro-low IQ.
For Israel was not created in order to disappear - Israel will endure and flourish. It is the child of hope and the home of the brave. It can neither be broken by adversity nor demoralized by success. It carries the shield of democracy and it honors the sword of freedom; and no area of the world has ever had an overabundance of democracy and freedom.

It is worth remembering, too, that Israel is a cause that stands beyond the ordinary changes and chances of American public life. In our pluralistic society, it has not been a Jewish cause - any more than Irish independence was solely the concern of Americans of Irish descent. The ideals of Zionism have, in the last half century, been repeatedly endorsed by Presidents and Members of Congress from both parties. Friendship for Israel is not a partisan matter. It is a national commitment.
John F. Kennedy: Speech by Senator John F. Kennedy, Zionists of America Convention, Statler Hilton Hotel, New York, NY
Did you hear what your favorite 1/2- term, politician did the other day?

Report: Sarah Palin scolded by Roger Ailes over 2012 announcement | The Cutline - Yahoo! News
Palin appeared on Greta Van Susteren's primetime show on Fox that night to discuss her decision, but Ailes was nonetheless livid, according to the magazine."I paid her for two years to make this announcement on my network," Ailes scolded Bill Shine, Fox News' executive vice president of programming, according to Sherman's sources.
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Did you hear what your favorite 1/2- term, politician did the other day?

Report: Sarah Palin scolded by Roger Ailes over 2012 announcement | The Cutline - Yahoo! News
Palin appeared on Greta Van Susteren's primetime show on Fox that night to discuss her decision, but Ailes was nonetheless livid, according to the magazine."I paid her for two years to make this announcement on my network," Ailes scolded Bill Shine, Fox News' executive vice president of programming, according to Sherman's sources.

She met with Glen Rice for a healthy helping of Mississippi Blacksnake?
Did you hear what your favorite 1/2- term, politician did the other day?

Report: Sarah Palin scolded by Roger Ailes over 2012 announcement | The Cutline - Yahoo! News
Palin appeared on Greta Van Susteren's primetime show on Fox that night to discuss her decision, but Ailes was nonetheless livid, according to the magazine."I paid her for two years to make this announcement on my network," Ailes scolded Bill Shine, Fox News' executive vice president of programming, according to Sherman's sources.

She met with Glen Rice for a healthy helping of Mississippi Blacksnake?

HA!!! :tongue:

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