David Duke: "We're Fulfilling Trumps Promises In Taking This Country Back"

It's a just cause. Obama put the country in peril, or simply said, on the brink of destruction. What Obama and liberals have done is poisoned the nation's youths minds with a flawed ideology called Marxism. We are now witnessing these young Marxists try to destroy our nation's heritage, culture, borders, and finally, the Constitution. Now with Trump as our president, we must help him right the ship and restore the country back to what they founded it to be, a nationalist nation. It's going to be a well worth struggle.

National Icon David Duke explained today

You guys couldn't even 'take back' Boston Commons.
Take back?

Yep, you guys went home early and your crowd size was about as big as a Little League team.
The law abiding peaceful free speech supporters followed what the police told them to do.

Not show up?
And you still don't like Jews, right?

So it is you contention Duke's position that folks who think they are Jews of the Bible have an out of proportion influence on the affairs of Whitey is the same as Obama's Pastor and surrogate father espousing the hate speech that Whitey is the Biblical Edomite who was created by Yahweh to punish Afro Americans?
And you still don't like Jews, right?

So it is you contention Duke's position that folks who think they are Jews of the Bible have an out of proportion influence on the affairs of Whitey is the same as Obama's Pastor and surrogate father espousing Whitey is the Biblical Edomite who was created by Yahweh to punish Afro Americans?

No, I'm saying of pretty much anyone, you're not really qualified to make accusations of others' bigotry. Your post proves it, racist dickhead.
And trust me -- those Crackers come from 3 generations of rabid Dem bloodlines.

Or, you could call them Christians or Conservatives. Then again none of this is hereditary. In other words, you're wrong.

Bullshit. Multiple generations of loyal Dems in the South were the leaders of slavery, and later segregation and discrimination. Read the roll call on the Civil Rights Act. It's the UGLIER side of Southern "heritage" that needs to be called out.

Your tribe jilted and purged most every Southern Dem (Blue Dogs and all) and literally abandoned them. Now you curse the South daily. Not a good way to serve your constituents.
And trust me -- those Crackers come from 3 generations of rabid Dem bloodlines.

Or, you could call them Christians or Conservatives. Then again none of this is hereditary. In other words, you're wrong.

Bullshit. Multiple generations of loyal Dems in the South were the leaders of slavery, and later segregation and discrimination. Read the roll call on the Civil Rights Act. It's the UGLIER side of Southern "heritage" that needs to be called out.

Your tribe jilted and purged most every Southern Dem (Blue Dogs and all) and literally abandoned them. Now you curse the South daily. Not a good way to serve your constituents.

They were also Christian, Conservative and white. Why don't you blame those groups too for their racism? After all the southern racists are still Christian, Conservative and white. What they are not today is Democrats. How do you mange to get it so wrong?
It's a just cause. Obama put the country in peril, or simply said, on the brink of destruction. What Obama and liberals have done is poisoned the nation's youths minds with a flawed ideology called Marxism. We are now witnessing these young Marxists try to destroy our nation's heritage, culture, borders, and finally, the Constitution. Now with Trump as our president, we must help him right the ship and restore the country back to what they founded it to be, a nationalist nation. It's going to be a well worth struggle.

National Icon David Duke explained today

David Duke is a national curse. Only racists like you would call him a icon. The man who rammed his car into the crowd of counter-protestors was 20 years old. Now his life is over. He should either spend the rest of his life in prison or my preference that he receive the death penalty. His mind and the mind of too many young people have been poisoned by the likes of David Duke. Anyone who cares about this country should be fighting the evil that David Duke represents.
MSNBC cites a Neo-Nazi web site as 'legitimate' news...

Liberal news is helping legitimize and make white supremacists relevant again...

And people are taking Neo-Nazi and KKK claims as FACT...

WTF is going on in our country. People have lost their damn minds...
MSNBC cites a Neo-Nazi web site as 'legitimate' news...

Liberal news is helping legitimize and make white supremacists relevant again...

And people are taking Neo-Nazi and KKK claims as FACT...

WTF is going on in our country. People have lost their damn minds...

Just to confirm, you're not talking about Trump's twitter feed, right?
MSNBC cites a Neo-Nazi web site as 'legitimate' news...

Liberal news is helping legitimize and make white supremacists relevant again...

And people are taking Neo-Nazi and KKK claims as FACT...

WTF is going on in our country. People have lost their damn minds...

Just to confirm, you're not talking about Trump's twitter feed, right?
The KKK gave Hillary money and declared she was their girl. They said it. According to the liberal logic, this is all that is needed to make it so. Hillary was the KKK's candidate because they said so - no use in trying to argue against it.

...The man who rammed his car into the crowd of counter-protestors...should either spend the rest of his life in prison or my preference that he receive the death penalty...

Lots of motorists drive into "protesters" blocking traffic. Nobody gave a shit until some idiot martyred herself walking in the middle of the street while supporting the removal of a fucking statue of a great American. By the way, jaywalking laws and encyclopedias (learning about history) exist to prevent this kind of tragedy.

There are too many videos to post of drivers having zero tolerance for idiot "protesters" blocking the streets who get injured or killed. Just check You Tube keep but mind they are graphic. A human body is not like that of a Moose although many antiwhite protesters are fat, tatooed lesbians with nose rings. The car always wins.

This is what cops should do however. Get the idiots off the fucking streets immediately.

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MSNBC cites a Neo-Nazi web site as 'legitimate' news...

Liberal news is helping legitimize and make white supremacists relevant again...

And people are taking Neo-Nazi and KKK claims as FACT...

WTF is going on in our country. People have lost their damn minds...

Just to confirm, you're not talking about Trump's twitter feed, right?

Are you sure? He's used a lot of racist sources too.
...The man who rammed his car into the crowd of counter-protestors...should either spend the rest of his life in prison or my preference that he receive the death penalty...

Lots of motorists drive into "protesters" blocking traffic. Nobody gave a shit until some idiot martyred herself walking in the middle of the street while supporting the removal of a fucking statue of a great American. By the way, jaywalking laws and encyclopedias exist to prevent this kind of tragedy.

There are too many videos to post of drivers have zero tolerance for idiot "protesters" blocking the streets who get injured or killed. Just check You Tube keep but mind they are graphic. A human body is not like that of a Moose although many antiwhite protesters are fat, tatooed lesbians with nose rings. The car always wins.

This is what cops should do however. Get the idiots off the fucking streets immediately.

Oh yeah happens every day. Motorists deliberately drive into protestors. The fact is that they are not empowered to be judge, jury and executioner. They should be charged with first degree murder and given the death penalty you fascist pig.
Conservatives reject Dukes garbage he and his ilk are a small minority they didn't elect Donald Trump, hatred of Hillary Clinton and the establishment did.

The lefts race baiting bullshit has lost their side political power across the country, So the left and small minority of scum can make everything about race if they want, the rest of us see real issues that need real solutions to fix.
Every movement attracts Losers. Ron Paul was plagued by infestations of Jew haters because of his universal principles on Foreign Aid and Policy. The LParty has had to give the heave-ho to some truly whacked out haters like "Augustus Evictus".. The guy who slaughtered a goat for his campaign and loved to hate minorities.

THIS is how you jettison all that UNWANTED baggage like our OP here. Hope the RNC is listening in...

Press Release from the chair of the Libertarian Party --- Wes Benedict.

The Libertarian Party condemns bigotry as irrational and repugnant, and offers its condolences to the family of the woman killed in Charlottesville, Va.

There is no room for racists and bigots in the Libertarian Party. If there are white nationalists who — inappropriately — are members of the Libertarian Party, I ask them to submit their resignations today. We don’t want them to associate with the Libertarian Party, and we don’t want their money. I’m not expecting many resignations, because our membership already knows this well.

The Libertarian Party Platform states, “We condemn bigotry as irrational and repugnant. Government should neither deny nor abridge any individual’s human right based upon sex, wealth, ethnicity, creed, age, national origin, personal habits, political preference, or sexual orientation.”

If I was drafting the memo -- I would have added. We don't want your "help" or your votes. Have the Trumpster dispatch Duke on the Tweeter by name.

Wont happen though. I have yet to understand WHY Trump does not do the obvious here though.
And trust me -- those Crackers come from 3 generations of rabid Dem bloodlines.

Or, you could call them Christians or Conservatives. Then again none of this is hereditary. In other words, you're wrong.

Bullshit. Multiple generations of loyal Dems in the South were the leaders of slavery, and later segregation and discrimination. Read the roll call on the Civil Rights Act. It's the UGLIER side of Southern "heritage" that needs to be called out.

Your tribe jilted and purged most every Southern Dem (Blue Dogs and all) and literally abandoned them. Now you curse the South daily. Not a good way to serve your constituents.

They were also Christian, Conservative and white. Why don't you blame those groups too for their racism? After all the southern racists are still Christian, Conservative and white. What they are not today is Democrats. How do you mange to get it so wrong?

You're a Happy Moron aintcha? Thinking that you can't be a hereditary racist and a Dem. Most of the committed racists are losers and as economically challenged as the Blacks they hate. They are anti-big business, just like the Dems. They are on welfare -- like most of them they oppress. They believe THEIR jobs and lives are cut in half by Blacks and Immigrants. How many economically well-off, educated White Christians are leaders of Racists? They are SO stupid and mind-damaged that they still hate LINCOLN more than they hate the Dems.

There is no more proclivity in the SOUTH for White Christians to be racist than in Baltimore or Chicago.
It's a just cause. Obama put the country in peril, or simply said, on the brink of destruction. What Obama and liberals have done is poisoned the nation's youths minds with a flawed ideology called Marxism. We are now witnessing these young Marxists try to destroy our nation's heritage, culture, borders, and finally, the Constitution. Now with Trump as our president, we must help him right the ship and restore the country back to what they founded it to be, a nationalist nation. It's going to be a well worth struggle.

National Icon David Duke explained today

I think Trump would be wise to use the Mighty Tweeter and tell you Duke supporters to all fuck off. It's gonna come if Duke keeps evoking his name and the Loser Crackers keep bringing him up..
Crackers! Why are you Anti-White?

It's the Deep Fried Loser Crackers that aren't invited to any parties.
You are far more of a joke than you actually realize.

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