David Gregory To Glenn Greenwald: 'Why Shouldn't You Be Charged With A Crime?' (VIDEO


Active Member
Dec 3, 2012
"Meet the Press" host David Gregory asked columnist Glenn Greenwald why he shouldn't be charged with a crime for working with NSA leaker Edward Snowden.

Greenwald was on to discuss his source's Sunday morning flight from Hong Kong to Moscow. (It is unclear where Snowden will ultimately land, though reports have suggested he is headed to Venezuela.) At the tail end of the conversation, Gregory suddenly asked Greenwald why the government shouldn't be going after him

David Gregory To Glenn Greenwald: 'Why Shouldn't You Be Charged With A Crime?' (VIDEO)
Not a fan of David Gregory and the sad part is he thinks he's a legitimate journalist. He's a corporate owned mouthpiece who does his corporate master's biddings. He's been a complete fraud ever since he took over on the Sunday talk show, if anyone should be arrested it's him for calling himself a journalists.
Good question. He could have added that the entire NSA budget seemed to be focused on Fox reporter James Rosen while the NSA documents were sneaked out the back door. The entire freaking so-called 'intelligence' community is a joke.
Washin'ton upset with Putin...
U.S. lawmakers slam Russia for abetting Snowden flight
23 June`13 WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. lawmakers on Sunday said former national security contractor Edward Snowden's reported flight to Russia with a plan to flee onward to Cuba or Venezuela undermined his whistle blower claims and they slammed Moscow for helping a fugitive.
An aircraft thought to be carrying Snowden landed in Moscow on Sunday after Hong Kong let the former U.S. National Security Agency contractor leave the territory, despite Washington's efforts to extradite him to face espionage charges. According to a source at Russia's Aeroflot airline, Snowden was traveling to Moscow and was planning to go to Venezuela via Cuba.

Democratic U.S. Senator Charles Schumer charged that Russian President Vladimir Putin likely knew and approved of Snowden's flight from Hong Kong to Russia. He said that will "have serious consequences" for a U.S.-Russian relationship already strained over Syria and human rights. "Putin always seems almost eager to stick a finger in the eye of the United States - whether it is Syria, Iran and now of course with Snowden," Schumer told CNN's "State of the Union," adding that China may have had a role as well. "It remains to be seen how much influence Beijing had on Hong Kong," Schumer said. "As you know, they coordinate their foreign policies and I have a feeling that the hand of Beijing was involved here."

House Intelligence Committee Chairman Mike Rogers said Snowden's reported choice to fly later to Cuba and Venezuela undermines his claim to be a fighter for freedom of information. "Everyone of those nations is hostile to the United States. I mean, if he could go to North Korea and Iran, he could round out his government oppression tour," the Michigan Republican said on Sunday on NBC's "Meet the Press" program. Rogers urged the Obama administration to exhaust all legal options to get Snowden back to the United States. "If he really believes he did something good, he should get on a plane, come back and face the consequences of his actions," he said.

Senator Dianne Feinstein, chair of the Senate Intelligence Committee, said Snowden needed to be caught and brought back for trial as secrets he was carrying could do a lot of damage to U.S. interests. "I think we need to know exactly what he has," she told CBS's "Face the Nation." "He could have a lot, lot more that may really put people in jeopardy." Schumer aimed most of his fire at Putin, saying "it is almost certain he know, and likely approved" the flight by Snowden, who had been hiding in Hong Kong since leaking details about U.S. surveillance activities to news media. "What is infuriating here is," Schumer said, was Putin "aiding and abetting Snowden's escape." The New York lawmaker is the No. 3 Senate Democrat.

More U.S. lawmakers slam Russia for abetting Snowden flight
Good question. He could have added that the entire NSA budget seemed to be focused on Fox reporter James Rosen while the NSA documents were sneaked out the back door. The entire freaking so-called 'intelligence' community is a joke.

Would you like to know just how much a joke that it is?

LiveLeak.com - 70 % of US intelligence budget igoing to private companies

and that:

70% of the $80+ billion intel budget goes 2 private contractors not bound by constitutional amendmts - Democratic Underground
"Meet the Press" host David Gregory asked columnist Glenn Greenwald why he shouldn't be charged with a crime for working with NSA leaker Edward Snowden.

Greenwald was on to discuss his source's Sunday morning flight from Hong Kong to Moscow. (It is unclear where Snowden will ultimately land, though reports have suggested he is headed to Venezuela.) At the tail end of the conversation, Gregory suddenly asked Greenwald why the government shouldn't be going after him

David Gregory To Glenn Greenwald: 'Why Shouldn't You Be Charged With A Crime?' (VIDEO)

I'm sure he'd ask a similar question to anybody from the government involved in the massive spying on the communications of millions of Americans.

Not a fan of David Gregory and the sad part is he thinks he's a legitimate journalist. He's a corporate owned mouthpiece who does his corporate master's biddings. He's been a complete fraud ever since he took over on the Sunday talk show, if anyone should be arrested it's him for calling himself a journalists.

I think what you meant to say here was "Obama's mouthpiece who does his political master's biddings"...as that's Obama's line he is toeing...as usual.
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Not a fan of David Gregory and the sad part is he thinks he's a legitimate journalist. He's a corporate owned mouthpiece who does his corporate master's biddings. He's been a complete fraud ever since he took over on the Sunday talk show, if anyone should be arrested it's him for calling himself a journalists.

I think what you meant to say here was "Obama's mouthpiece who does his political master's biddings"...as that's Obama's line he is toeing...as usual.

I know what I said and what I meant to say, you see that is the problem there. You think he's Obama's mouthpiece even after I've posted initially that he's a corporate puppet doing his corporate master's bidding, even after I've posted the other links.

So I think you're stuck on stupid (S.O.S.) and won't admit the obvious other connections and how our government has been weaken to the point to where it's privatized the most significant parts of it and it doesn't work.

But you go ahead and just keep it simple and blame it on Obama, that is what simple people do. Others not so much and try to see the bigger picture.
Translation: Still must protect Obama...can't admit Gregory does Obama's bidding...and can't present a cogent argument, instead calls names.
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Translation: Still must protect Obama...can't admit Gregory does Obama's bidding...and can't present a cogent argument, instead calls names.

Still S.O.S. I see, besides a big dose of denial. Because you forgot about the Bush Administration started this after they failed on 9/11
Fascists regimes always criminalize reporters who don't tow the party line

And the Bush Administration didn't? A lot of your guys are truly suffering short term and long term memory loss.

I'll end with this:

Just because you can teach a parrot to talk, doesn't mean it can think....
Translation: Still must protect Obama...can't admit Gregory does Obama's bidding...and can't present a cogent argument, instead calls names.

Still S.O.S. I see, besides a big dose of denial. Because you forgot about the Bush Administration started this after they failed on 9/11

Deflection, Bush isn't the president, Obama is.

Cast off your blinders brother.

Gregory repeats verbatim the words Obama puts in his mouth.
Translation: Still must protect Obama...can't admit Gregory does Obama's bidding...and can't present a cogent argument, instead calls names.

Still S.O.S. I see, besides a big dose of denial. Because you forgot about the Bush Administration started this after they failed on 9/11

Deflection, Bush isn't the president, Obama is.

Cast off your blinders brother.

Gregory repeats verbatim the words Obama puts in his mouth.

Not a deflection whatsoever, just a fact. So if you choose to believe that the Bush Administration wasn't spying on the American people, you're the one who needs to take off the blinders.

I didn't like it when Bush was doing it and don't like it even when Obama is doing it.
Still S.O.S. I see, besides a big dose of denial. Because you forgot about the Bush Administration started this after they failed on 9/11

Deflection, Bush isn't the president, Obama is.

Cast off your blinders brother.

Gregory repeats verbatim the words Obama puts in his mouth.

Not a deflection whatsoever, just a fact. So if you choose to believe that the Bush Administration wasn't spying on the American people, you're the one who needs to take off the blinders.

I didn't like it when Bush was doing it and don't like it even when Obama is doing it.

Great, now we're getting somewhere.

Bush is no longer the president...and Bush certainly isn't putting words in Gregory's mouth.

So, you've got two reasonable choices here...and three choices total...based on what we've posted and agreed on so far.

1) Gregory is Obama's Mouthpiece.

2) Obama is a corporate mouthpiece along with Gregory, since they are both saying, and one is acting on, the same agenda.

3) Continue to wear your blinders and somehow blame only Bush.

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