David Hogg's Handlers Have Trained Him Well

Your mood doesn't matter, Flo. You posted a false quote, some idiot thanked you for it, and then you said the non-existent quote went to Founder's intent.
Prove that it is false. When I have time I will post the multitude of words from our Founders on the 2nd.
Really, Hogg hasn't needed much training. The gun nuts' idiology has forced themselves into such an untenable position that it needs only a small effort at argument for it to implode.
True dat, George


It's a false quote.
Yes, also known as a lie. The poster is well known for posting falsehoods and misinformation.
She reminds me of TeriRiley.
Your mood doesn't matter, Flo. You posted a false quote, some idiot thanked you for it, and then you said the non-existent quote went to Founder's intent.
Prove that it is false. When I have time I will post the multitude of words from our Founders on the 2nd.

Now now a leftist has proclaimed something. The point is that is the intent of the Second.

Leftists love world salad, it's a fantastic deflection tactic
Are you taking a stand as to whether or not it is false?
I DID my homework. It appears to be mostly false. Here is the original:

A free people ought not only to be armed but disciplined; to which end a uniform and well digested plan is requisite: And their safety and interest require that they should promote such manufactories, as tend to render them independent on others, for essential, particularly for military supplies.
---George Washington's First Annual Message to Congress

It is. It good when we so CLEARLY have the Founders on OUR side on this issue to spread falsely attributed quotes.

When I have time I will properly school you. Will those FACTS lead you away from your 2nd hating idiotology? I don't think so.
Are you taking a stand as to whether or not it is false?
I DID my homework. It appears to be mostly false. Here is the original:

A free people ought not only to be armed but disciplined; to which end a uniform and well digested plan is requisite: And their safety and interest require that they should promote such manufactories, as tend to render them independent on others, for essential, particularly for military supplies.
---George Washington's First Annual Message to Congress

It is. It good when we so CLEARLY have the Founders on OUR side on this issue to spread falsely attributed quotes.

When I have time I will properly school you. Will those FACTS lead you away from your 2nd hating idiotology? I don't think so.

False quotes aid your argument? How very Trumpkin of you.

I don't know that schooling from someone who thanked the poster for the false quote is going to be very useful.
Yes, also known as a lie. The poster is well known for posting falsehoods and misinformation.
That's a bit harsh. Really her position is that if she thinks it should be true then that's close enough.
'A free people ought not only to be armed but disciplined; to which end a uniform and well digested plan is requisite:'
I guess that's the well regulated militia. Hardly a ringing endorsement for self defence.
The false promise that young Hogg offers is that more gun legislation will stop another school shooting from happening... Just like making gun free zones stopped the shootings.
That's your strawman. In reality strictly regulating handguns and military style semi automatic rifles will reduce the severity if not the rate of school shootings.
When are we going to see Hogg and associates going into inner city shitholes and giving anti-gun speeches?
Inner city shit holes are one big slow motion mass murder scene.

The false promise that young Hogg offers is that more gun legislation will stop another school shooting from happening... Just like making gun free zones stopped the shootings.



Your opinion has been duly noted and rejected by all but the most rabid gun nuts, like yourself.

Interesting comment, really it is.

A story over the past few days has been about a women who drove her car purposely into the sea killing her six adopted children as well as her wife. It appears there were no survivors. That's an effective killing machine!

Yet I have yet to see a single news outlet that places the blame for these tragic deaths on the tool used in this criminal behavior. Not a single one.

I have not heard the outrage that these things are allowed in our civil society. Not a single march has been organized, claiming that Big Auto is responsible for this, nor that people should boycott Radio or TV broadcasts that has an automobile manufacturer as a sponsor. Nobody is blaming AAA for lobbying on behalf of people that own these deadly killing machines. And the children of these thousands upon thousands of murders each year? They may very well get 30 seconds on the local news, but nowhere near the press that this young man is getting. Is the murder of this young Man's friends at a school any more heartbreaking then the family left behind when a parent is murdered on the road by a killing machine?

Perplexing to say the least, don't you think?

What i have seen are reports as to what drove this women to take such drastic action. I have yet to see an investigation in the press as to what drove the shooter to act out. You?

Was he bullied at school? If so, where are the hundreds of thousands marching against that? Perhaps they can't because many of those accusing the gun were themselves guilty of bullying the young man? IDK.

Nor have I seen any account of how the bullying might not have been limited to school, but included online social media bullying that followed him after school hours, which is a relatively new way to achieve making young people outcasts.

What I have seen is that the woman who drove the murder weapon was a victim of online bullying, so much so that she felt like she had to move because of it. Too bad the young man didn't have those kind of resources. Maybe those young folks would be alive today. Again, IDK.

And have we determined yet if this young man was on any mood altering prescription drugs, most of which contain warnings that they can cause monstrous behavior in developing minds? Combine bullying with these drugs, and it would appear that the focus of the ire of these shootings would be misplaced, don't you think?

Anyway, using the lefts logic, and their rabid rants against guns, don't you find it somewhat odd that we aren't seeing marches in the streets for stricter Car control legislation, because, imagine the incredible number of life's that could be saved with some common sense automobile regulations, like, for example, limiting the maximum speed a car can attain to 20mph?
The false promise that young Hogg offers is that more gun legislation will stop another school shooting from happening... Just like making gun free zones stopped the shootings.
That's your strawman. In reality strictly regulating handguns and military style semi automatic rifles will reduce the severity if not the rate of school shootings.
When are we going to see Hogg and associates going into inner city shitholes and giving anti-gun speeches?
Inner city shit holes are one big slow motion mass murder scene.

LOL That'll never happen.
'A free people ought not only to be armed but disciplined; to which end a uniform and well digested plan is requisite:'
I guess that's the well regulated militia. Hardly a ringing endorsement for self defence.

Some of them have convinced themselves the Constitution didn't call for militia to be an instrument of State and Federal governments.

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