David Hogg's Handlers Have Trained Him Well

You do understand that being the survivor of a school shooting does not impart any special kind of knowledge or wisdom, right?

Hopefully, he'll get some help dealing with the trauma, but that doesn't mean he will be permitted to speak nonsense without being corrected.
If Camera Hogg is a Parkland survivor, then you and I are Parkland survivors Darkwind He was nowhere around when the shooting started.
Your dementia is noted, but in reality, he was in the building next to building #12.

Not trying to be argumentative (for once), but I'd like a link, because as far as I can tell, no one appears to have bothered to provide ANY real information about this kid amongst all the paeans to his brilliance and infallibility.
On the Ground With the Parkland Teens As They Plot Their Revolution

David Hogg, 17, was in AP Environmental Science, and while teachers in the hallways shouted, “Code red!,” he and about 60 other students huddled in an internal room attached to the culinary-arts studio, just 200 feet away from the shooter


Not saying he was necessarily in the building to the SW of the freshmen building where the shooter was, but this gives a rough idea, at about 200 feet away, how close he was.

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