David Hogg's Handlers Have Trained Him Well

Great, now you’re deflecting to Wales??

You’re fucking nuts, gramps. :cuckoo: I never once suggested he would have used a pipe bomb or a truck. What a pity you feel the need to lie about what I say. Reveals just how untenable your position is.

Go take some of your meds lil fella, I never said you did, and you knew that, You are deflecting from your actual statement that a law is going to stop a mass murderer from murdering a mass of folks cuz they can't have easy access to a gun.

You may not have been spanked as a child, but you sure as hell are getting spanked now!


Here you are, saying what you’re denying you said...
Yet, as pointed out already, a gun was not his only, nor probably his most deadly option.
And taking a 1 ton truck and mowing down 30, 40 or 50 would have made you FEEL SOOOOOO much better.
And none of that stops a Monster from building pipe bombs or driving a 1 ton truck into a crowd.
And none of that stops a Monster from building pipe bombs, driving a 1 ton truck into a crowd OR stealing a gun OR buying a gun from a gangsta.

^^^^^^^ just a weasel doing what weasels do. Weaseling.

All of those quotes are what I said, yet nowhere where you find a claim that I said it was you that said them.

Now go on troll. Your wasting my time.
Do you even really sell how crazy you are...?
It's your assertion, not mine.

Are you still here?. Having a debate with faun is like playing whack a troll, only with a very slowwwwww and dense trol.
Spits the retard who denied saying...
Yet, as pointed out already, a gun was not his only, nor probably his most deadly option.
And taking a 1 ton truck and mowing down 30, 40 or 50 would have made you FEEL SOOOOOO much better.
And none of that stops a Monster from building pipe bombs or driving a 1 ton truck into a crowd.
And none of that stops a Monster from building pipe bombs, driving a 1 ton truck into a crowd OR stealing a gun OR buying a gun from a gangsta.

... and then idiotically said it was me, not him, who said those things...
It's your assertion, not mine.
... you’re fucking deranged, gramps.
Where are you getting your news and information from?

Sent from my SM-N950U using Tapatalk

So you have the information that they were not involved in the bullying of Cruz. Members of that School are quoted saying he was incredibly bullied.

Please, enlighten me, that was the point, right?
Are you still trolling others to do your research for you?

You understand what a question mark is, right?

Or does that take a step by step lesson as well.
Yeah... no question mark...
So you have the information that they were not involved in the bullying of Cruz.

"Where are you getting your news and information from?"

At the end of the sentence. That's where you normally find em.
Moron, you didn’t answer his question.

Answering his question would have contained a name or names of where you get your news/information.

Instead of answering his question, you asked him to prove you right.

Again... you do that because you can’t prove yourself right. :badgrin:
True dat, George

It'd be fun to see gun nuts go up against the US Military.
Go take some of your meds lil fella, I never said you did, and you knew that, You are deflecting from your actual statement that a law is going to stop a mass murderer from murdering a mass of folks cuz they can't have easy access to a gun.

You may not have been spanked as a child, but you sure as hell are getting spanked now!


Here you are, saying what you’re denying you said...
Yet, as pointed out already, a gun was not his only, nor probably his most deadly option.
And taking a 1 ton truck and mowing down 30, 40 or 50 would have made you FEEL SOOOOOO much better.
And none of that stops a Monster from building pipe bombs or driving a 1 ton truck into a crowd.
And none of that stops a Monster from building pipe bombs, driving a 1 ton truck into a crowd OR stealing a gun OR buying a gun from a gangsta.

^^^^^^^ just a weasel doing what weasels do. Weaseling.

All of those quotes are what I said, yet nowhere where you find a claim that I said it was you that said them.

Now go on troll. Your wasting my time.
Do you even really sell how crazy you are...?
It's your assertion, not mine.

Are you still here?. Having a debate with faun is like playing whack a troll, only with a very slowwwwww and dense trol.
Spits the retard who denied saying...
Yet, as pointed out already, a gun was not his only, nor probably his most deadly option.
And taking a 1 ton truck and mowing down 30, 40 or 50 would have made you FEEL SOOOOOO much better.
And none of that stops a Monster from building pipe bombs or driving a 1 ton truck into a crowd.
And none of that stops a Monster from building pipe bombs, driving a 1 ton truck into a crowd OR stealing a gun OR buying a gun from a gangsta.

... and then idiotically said it was me, not him, who said those things...
It's your assertion, not mine.
... you’re fucking deranged, gramps.

You pull quotes out of context any damn way you want. Playing with ass is your cup o tea, not mine. Pull whatever you want out of your ass, no one cares clown boy.
So you have the information that they were not involved in the bullying of Cruz. Members of that School are quoted saying he was incredibly bullied.

Please, enlighten me, that was the point, right?
Are you still trolling others to do your research for you?

You understand what a question mark is, right?

Or does that take a step by step lesson as well.
Yeah... no question mark...
So you have the information that they were not involved in the bullying of Cruz.

"Where are you getting your news and information from?"

At the end of the sentence. That's where you normally find em.
Moron, you didn’t answer his question.

Answering his question would have contained a name or names of where you get your news/information.

Instead of answering his question, you asked him to prove you right.

Again... you do that because you can’t prove yourself right. :badgrin:

The answer to the question was contained in my original post. Do we need to review it once again Shirley?

Most Americans are against gun-confiscation.....and that is the end game of gun-grabbers. Gun legislation does nothing to prevent gun violence.

Has anyone said a thing about gun confiscation other than the NRA? They scare you to keep the money coming.
Alot of people have mentioned gun-confiscation.
Former Supreme Court Justice John Paul Stevens was pretty clear about it. And it's not a big secret.

More proof of my claim. Of the thousands of links to his recent remark, can you find a single one, other than a right wing gun nut source, that claims his statement was about wholesale gun confiscation?
He can't.

Sent from my SM-N950U using Tapatalk
California law allowing seizure of guns without notice begins Jan. 1

Get real dumbass. That is more than 3 years old, and only temporary confiscation for people who are shown to be a danger to themselves or others. You aren't for "red flag" laws?
The youngster saw his classmates shot dead

I'm sure that left an impression

How many of you have seen this , and i mean up close and personal?

Let the kid have his say , he earned it


Okay, first of all, I haven't seen any actual proof that David Hogg saw ANYONE shot, or even knew any of the kids who were shot. I'll grant him that he was on the same campus as the shooting, but it's a big campus. Let's not get carried away with the hyperbole absent evidence.

Second of all, what effing difference does it make to ANYTHING whether or not anyone else has seen this, that, or the other trauma du jour in the media? Contrary to your obvious opinion, one does not "earn" the right to have a say, other than by simply being a citizen of the United States and subject to the laws Mr. Hogg wishes to remake in his image. Trauma does not equal expertise, and I am sick unto death of this "if you don't ABC, you don't get to speak to XYZ" mentality which has become so pervasive in society.

Third, no one is stopping or trying to stop Mr. Hogg from saying whatever he likes. We're just exercising our fully-equal right to respond.

how's that again?

he survived a mass execution

at 17 yrs of age

he's probably a PTSD candidate

so you might want to rethink your stance Eagle

because i may not know you, or you I, but i'll wager your experiences not even in the ballpark


Yeah, well, if he has PTSD, "March For Life" isn't exactly a group therapy session, so it isn't our problem to worry about.

You want sympathy as a victim? Don't become a foul-mouthed, rabble-rousing activist. You want to be an activist? Butch the fuck up.

how's that again?

he survived a mass execution

at 17 yrs of age

he's probably a PTSD candidate

so you might want to rethink your stance Eagle

because i may not know you, or you I, but i'll wager your experiences not even in the ballpark

You do understand that being the survivor of a school shooting does not impart any special kind of knowledge or wisdom, right?

Hopefully, he'll get some help dealing with the trauma, but that doesn't mean he will be permitted to speak nonsense without being corrected.

The left expected the kid to have a free pass...the left is surprised

The left always overplays their hand.
[="Cecilie1200, post: 19646277, member: 14617"]
The youngster saw his classmates shot dead

I'm sure that left an impression

How many of you have seen this , and i mean up close and personal?

Let the kid have his say , he earned it


Okay, first of all, I haven't seen any actual proof that David Hogg saw ANYONE shot, or even knew any of the kids who were shot. I'll grant him that he was on the same campus as the shooting, but it's a big campus. Let's not get carried away with the hyperbole absent evidence.


Second of all, what effing difference does it make to ANYTHING whether or not anyone else has seen this, that, or the other trauma du jour in the media? Contrary to your obvious opinion, one does not "earn" the right to have a say, other than by simply being a citizen of the United States and subject to the laws Mr. Hogg wishes to remake in his image. Trauma does not equal expertise, and I am sick unto death of this "if you don't ABC, you don't get to speak to XYZ" mentality which has become so pervasive in society.

You've the right to opinion, but one's opinion carries more weight when experience backs it up.

That's just the way of the world.

Third, no one is stopping or trying to stop Mr. Hogg from saying whatever he likes. We're just exercising our fully-equal right to respond.

indeed so.....>

Parkland student David Hogg responds to attacks, boycott

What i'm seeing is a well spoken teenager

Something mostly put down by the older generation actually has the nads to stand on his own two feet, and face the fire of rebuttal from it

It doesn't matter what the issue is, or if he's wrong or right

I applaud his tenacity , rather redeeming of his generation

Every generation has it's problems

This kid's just hittin' the media with his

domestic terrorism

While he doesn't seem to be pulling any solutions out, save for focus on gun control , i don't see anyone else offering up much better


Then you're not looking very hard.
You do understand that being the survivor of a school shooting does not impart any special kind of knowledge or wisdom, right?

Hopefully, he'll get some help dealing with the trauma, but that doesn't mean he will be permitted to speak nonsense without being corrected.
If Camera Hogg is a Parkland survivor, then you and I are Parkland survivors Darkwind He was nowhere around when the shooting started.
Your dementia is noted, but in reality, he was in the building next to building #12.

Not trying to be argumentative (for once), but I'd like a link, because as far as I can tell, no one appears to have bothered to provide ANY real information about this kid amongst all the paeans to his brilliance and infallibility.
[="Cecilie1200, post: 19646277, member: 14617"]
The youngster saw his classmates shot dead

I'm sure that left an impression

How many of you have seen this , and i mean up close and personal?

Let the kid have his say , he earned it


Okay, first of all, I haven't seen any actual proof that David Hogg saw ANYONE shot, or even knew any of the kids who were shot. I'll grant him that he was on the same campus as the shooting, but it's a big campus. Let's not get carried away with the hyperbole absent evidence.


Second of all, what effing difference does it make to ANYTHING whether or not anyone else has seen this, that, or the other trauma du jour in the media? Contrary to your obvious opinion, one does not "earn" the right to have a say, other than by simply being a citizen of the United States and subject to the laws Mr. Hogg wishes to remake in his image. Trauma does not equal expertise, and I am sick unto death of this "if you don't ABC, you don't get to speak to XYZ" mentality which has become so pervasive in society.

You've the right to opinion, but one's opinion carries more weight when experience backs it up.

That's just the way of the world.

Third, no one is stopping or trying to stop Mr. Hogg from saying whatever he likes. We're just exercising our fully-equal right to respond.

indeed so.....>

Parkland student David Hogg responds to attacks, boycott

What i'm seeing is a well spoken teenager

Something mostly put down by the older generation actually has the nads to stand on his own two feet, and face the fire of rebuttal from it

It doesn't matter what the issue is, or if he's wrong or right

I applaud his tenacity , rather redeeming of his generation


Learn to use the quote function, and then we'll talk.
The false promise that young Hogg offers is that more gun legislation will stop another school shooting from happening... Just like making gun free zones stopped the shootings.
That's your strawman. In reality strictly regulating handguns and military style semi automatic rifles will reduce the severity if not the rate of school shootings.

That might work on a military base or the White House but you've yet too prove that "regulating handguns and your 'supposed military style weapons'" in a gun free zone where they don't frisk you first... and too tell the truth that's just not working in your favor.

If you get your way and have the AR-15 and other supposed "assault weapons" banned that means no one outside of the military will have access to them correct? Just asking because I'm looking forward to the local police department having to turn the AR-15's they have in their police cars to the National Guard unit. After all they're restricted to the same rules as everyone else that's a US citizen because they're not military. I'm sure the guard will appreciate the cost savings on having to purchase such weapons.

If the government and media want to play hard ball then my advice to the NRA is to play hard ball and sue to have all military style weapons and other equipment that agencies (that are not military) turn such equipment over to the military.


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