Day After Obama Promises to Curb Spending-Dems Pass Largest Debt Increase in History

Hey, is it true that Bush Sr., Bush Jr. and Ronald Reagan created bigger deficits than either Jimmy Carter or Bill Clinton?

Hey, is it true that Obama is set to create more deficit in four years than the three presidents you cited managed in twenty?

Don't worry Edthemathmajor says look at total gross debt to see what a good job Papa Obama is doing
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No matter how you try to cover for yourself the truth is there
The truth is hard for the left; it is their worst enemy. You can scream liar and try all you want the truth is there in the postings.

Your "new" posting does nothing to address the issue at hand; though your poor attempt at trying to change the issue with more non sourced information is noted.

So how does this new concern of yours show that the CBO is wrong about the budget deficits and you are right. Do you have some actual numbers to show how EXACTLY numerical they are wrong and how they would have at minimal made a Bush budget deficit equal to Papa Obama's budget deficit? (this should be good Edthemathmajor). Of course maybe in true nutroot fashion, you are going to try and argue that Papa Obama's budget deficit is smaller? (that should be a good one)


Agan, there are no lies here and I have not called you a liar (but as before moron for you is coming to mind or a rather simple minded nutroot trying to cover for being called out on their obvious mis-comprehension of facts and figures)
Still trying to rationalize your lies by playing dumb like a typical CON$ervative.

After being shown tricks Bush dishonestly used hide over a trillion dollars of DEBT from the 2008 budget and shown the exact numbers TO THE PENNY that prove over a trillion dollars of DEBT was hidden, you just continue to lie.

You just lie about DEBT being excluded from Bush's phony budget deficit that was included in Obama's honest budget and pretend it is not relevant to the issue at hand.

That is why the only HONEST way to compare the two years that use very different accounting procedures is to compare the change in national debt for both years. You know this, which is why you are reduced to lying about nothing in the 2009 budget was excluded from the 2008 budget.
Comparing the changes, you get a 1.47 trillion DEBT for 2008, not .458 trillion as all liars claim, proving over 1 trillion in debt was hidden in 2008 using the above enumerated accounting deceptions.

Don't you CON$ ever get tired of lying?

Comrade- Strange you can't produce the numbers?
Well there you go lying again. You couldn't go 7 words without lying.

You not only were given the numbers, you were given the link to the treasury dept for the numbers.
Prove my statements are lies. So far the only thing you have proved with your statements on the GOP Hate Media, claims that MSNBC, CNC and the CBO are telling lies, is that you wear a tin foil hat.
Oh, you have also shown that you spin poorly


If they are then MSNBC, CNN and the CBO lie as well, since all I have done is quoted them
But don't let the truth stop you now


I notice you still can't not show the actual exact numbers of your claims and source it - what part of these amounts are actually do to Bush, your figure of Total Gross Debt includes things like Social Security payments- is that Bush and the GOP Hate Media's fault as well? (by the way Edthemathmajor- using Total Gross Debt- Papa Obama still outspent Bush :eusa_angel:)

Funny how that works

Again for the record and since you like to hide the truth

my statements stand as true:

Edthemathmajor - this means that yeah that the 1.42 trillion BUDGET deficit more than tripled the previous year of 455 billion- you do the math

Supported by US gov't data and reports from the CBO, US Treasury, as reported by MSNBC, CNC.

See: (since you left out and seem to be a slow learner- again check with your social worker to see if they have remedial classes to help you)

From the CBO:
The budget deficit surged to $1.4 trillion in 2009, the largest shortfall on record in dollar terms and nearly $1 trillion greater than the deficit recorded the previous year. As a percentage of GDP, the deficit more than tripled in 2009

MSNBC: Federal deficit triples from year ago
Recession, cost of financial bailout leads to record $1.42 trillion imbalance

CNN Fact Check
The non-partisan Congressional Budget Office says the budget deficit for 2009 was $1.4 trillion, slightly more than triple the $458.6 billion deficit for 2008.

Sorry comrade

you are comparing apples to oranges; what part of yearly budget deficits do you not understand. Edthemathmajor - this means that yeah that the 1.42 trillion BUDGET deficit more than tripled the previous year of 455 billion- you do the math
Total gross debt for both Bush and Papa Obama also contains items that they have no control over- things were put into place before they could even vote- a passive role

THOSE WORDS are TRUE- no matter how hard you tried to spin it

When you use the word honest, from your postings, it is quite obvious that word has little meaning to you

Your postings only prove the point that the truth is the worst enemy of the left

Here is an idea Edthemathmajor-
Maybe you should call or write CNN MSNBC and the CBO to let them know they are lying and part of the GOP Hate Media

or you could just adjust your tin foil hat

Hey By the way Edthemathmajor

Even if you want use total gross debt only- Papa Obama still out spent Bush

I suppose if you tin foil hat was not so tight then you would realize that this does not really help you any- but why stop a fool in full swing

Edthemathmajor- all you are really doing is "rearranging chairs on the Titanic" but hey whatever works for you

Of course when it comes to gov't overspending- there is plenty of blame to go around
For example,

of the 2009 budget, that was the same budget that then Sen. Obama voted in favor of on March 14 of 2008
and on October 1, 2008,
Obama, Biden, and Clinton voted in favor of the $700 billion Troubled Assets Relief Program
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GOP Hate Media is spreading more lies

From the AP: (By ANDREW TAYLOR, Associated Press Writer – Mon Feb 1, 6:12 pm ET)

Obama budget: Record spending, record deficit

WASHINGTON – Spelling out painful priorities, President Barack Obama urged Congress on Monday to quickly approve a huge new shot of spending for recession relief and job creation, part of a record $3.8 trillion budget that would boost the deficit beyond any in the nation's history while only slowly beginning to put Americans back to work.

Still, Obama now mostly owns the deficit as a political issue after passing last year's $862 billion economic stimulus bill and other major spending legislation that's earned mixed reviews with the public.

From the US Treasury: (these Gop Hate Media lies MUST Stop- Edthemathnmajor just ignore the 1.4 trillion from the prior year to date for 2009- it is just more lies :eusa_angel:)

The Treasury Department released the figures for December. The U.S. federal budget deficit totaled 91.85 billion U.S. dollars in December. The deficit was slightly less than the 92 billion dollars that analysts had expected. But the red ink of the first three months of fiscal year 2010 beginning from October 2009 is 16.8 percent higher than the same period of the fiscal year 2009 when it hit a record 1.42 trillion dollars.


I do believe that Edthemathmajor should write them and explain on how they are telling lies and they should look at Total Gross Debt

(at the rate this is going Papa Obama could quadruple the yearly Budget Deficit of 2008)
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I notice you still can't not show the actual exact numbers of your claims and source it - what part of these amounts are actually do to Bush, your figure of Total Gross Debt includes things like Social Security payments
And the total gross yearly debt includes SS payments for Obama also!!!!!!
Whereas the numbers you dishonestly use have the 4 accounting tricks that hide over 1 trillion dollars in debt from Bush's budget but are not used in Obama's budget.

You compare numbers that dishonestly use two different accounting procedures, thus comparing apples to oranges to use your analogy, and I compare numbers using the exact same accounting.
I notice you still can't not show the actual exact numbers of your claims and source it - what part of these amounts are actually do to Bush, your figure of Total Gross Debt includes things like Social Security payments
And the total gross yearly debt includes SS payments for Obama also!!!!!!
Whereas the numbers you dishonestly use have the 4 accounting tricks that hide over 1 trillion dollars in debt from Bush's budget but are not used in Obama's budget.

You compare numbers that dishonestly use two different accounting procedures, thus comparing apples to oranges to use your analogy, and I compare numbers using the exact same accounting.

Then you will have no problem bringing up Clinton's numbers trickery, will you, ed?
I notice you still can't not show the actual exact numbers of your claims and source it - what part of these amounts are actually do to Bush, your figure of Total Gross Debt includes things like Social Security payments
And the total gross yearly debt includes SS payments for Obama also!!!!!!
Whereas the numbers you dishonestly use have the 4 accounting tricks that hide over 1 trillion dollars in debt from Bush's budget but are not used in Obama's budget.

You compare numbers that dishonestly use two different accounting procedures, thus comparing apples to oranges to use your analogy, and I compare numbers using the exact same accounting.

Then you will have no problem bringing up Clinton's numbers trickery, will you, ed?
I would, of course, use the change in total debt to calculate Clinton's yearly deficits or surpluses, if that's what you mean.

For example, here's an example of the year 2000 surplus from the Clinton years, BTW, the CON$ were giving the credit for the surplus to the GOP congress.

Total Outstanding Debt to the Penny
12/29/1999 5,731,407,059,018.89
12/29/2000 5,662,216,013,697.37
And the total gross yearly debt includes SS payments for Obama also!!!!!!
Whereas the numbers you dishonestly use have the 4 accounting tricks that hide over 1 trillion dollars in debt from Bush's budget but are not used in Obama's budget.

You compare numbers that dishonestly use two different accounting procedures, thus comparing apples to oranges to use your analogy, and I compare numbers using the exact same accounting.

Then you will have no problem bringing up Clinton's numbers trickery, will you, ed?
I would, of course, use the change in total debt to calculate Clinton's yearly deficits or surpluses, if that's what you mean.

For example, here's an example of the year 2000 surplus from the Clinton years, BTW, the CON$ were giving the credit for the surplus to the GOP congress.

Total Outstanding Debt to the Penny
12/29/1999 5,731,407,059,018.89
12/29/2000 5,662,216,013,697.37

Yeah, I just knew you couldn't be truthful, you just don't have it in you to be anything but disengenuous.

Total National
FY1997 09/30/1997 $3.789667T $1.623478T $5.413146T
FY1998 09/30/1998 $69.2B $3.733864T $55.8B $1.792328T $168.9B $5.526193T $113B
FY1999 09/30/1999 $122.7B $3.636104T $97.8B $2.020166T $227.8B $5.656270T $130.1B
FY2000 09/29/2000 $230.0B $3.405303T $230.8B $2.268874T $248.7B $5.674178T $17.9B
FY2001 09/28/2001 $3.339310T $66.0B $2.468153T $199.3B $5.807463T $133.3B

The highlighted is the TOTAL NATIONAL DEBT

So you weren't telling the truth about Clinton's numbers trickery, ed. Just so everyone is clear on what your trying to pull off.
Go ahead and give us a Rush quote, okay? :lol:
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Then you will have no problem bringing up Clinton's numbers trickery, will you, ed?
I would, of course, use the change in total debt to calculate Clinton's yearly deficits or surpluses, if that's what you mean.

For example, here's an example of the year 2000 surplus from the Clinton years, BTW, the CON$ were giving the credit for the surplus to the GOP congress.

Total Outstanding Debt to the Penny
12/29/1999 5,731,407,059,018.89
12/29/2000 5,662,216,013,697.37

Yeah, I just knew you couldn't be truthful, you just don't have it in you to be anything but disengenuous.

Total National
FY1997 09/30/1997 $3.789667T $1.623478T $5.413146T
FY1998 09/30/1998 $69.2B $3.733864T $55.8B $1.792328T $168.9B $5.526193T $113B
FY1999 09/30/1999 $122.7B $3.636104T $97.8B $2.020166T $227.8B $5.656270T $130.1B
FY2000 09/29/2000 $230.0B $3.405303T $230.8B $2.268874T $248.7B $5.674178T $17.9B
FY2001 09/28/2001 $3.339310T $66.0B $2.468153T $199.3B $5.807463T $133.3B

The highlighted is the TOTAL NATIONAL DEBT

So you weren't telling the truth about Clinton's numbers trickery, ed. Just so everyone is clear on what your trying to pull off.
Go ahead and give us a Rush quote, okay? :lol:
Obviously you are using the fiscal year and I'm using the calender year.

If you want to use the fiscal year then for consistency the 1.4 trillion debt for fiscal year 2009 belongs to Bush not Obama.
CON$ want it both ways, they use a calender year to claim Obama tripled Bush's last year of debt and they use the fiscal year to claim Clinton had no surplus that the GOP congress took credit for. I used the the calender year consistently for all my numbers.
I would, of course, use the change in total debt to calculate Clinton's yearly deficits or surpluses, if that's what you mean.

For example, here's an example of the year 2000 surplus from the Clinton years, BTW, the CON$ were giving the credit for the surplus to the GOP congress.

Total Outstanding Debt to the Penny
12/29/1999 5,731,407,059,018.89
12/29/2000 5,662,216,013,697.37

Yeah, I just knew you couldn't be truthful, you just don't have it in you to be anything but disengenuous.

Total National
FY1997 09/30/1997 $3.789667T $1.623478T $5.413146T
FY1998 09/30/1998 $69.2B $3.733864T $55.8B $1.792328T $168.9B $5.526193T $113B
FY1999 09/30/1999 $122.7B $3.636104T $97.8B $2.020166T $227.8B $5.656270T $130.1B
FY2000 09/29/2000 $230.0B $3.405303T $230.8B $2.268874T $248.7B $5.674178T $17.9B
FY2001 09/28/2001 $3.339310T $66.0B $2.468153T $199.3B $5.807463T $133.3B

The highlighted is the TOTAL NATIONAL DEBT

So you weren't telling the truth about Clinton's numbers trickery, ed. Just so everyone is clear on what your trying to pull off.
Go ahead and give us a Rush quote, okay? :lol:
Obviously you are using the fiscal year and I'm using the calender year.

If you want to use the fiscal year then for consistency the 1.4 trillion debt for fiscal year 2009 belongs to Bush not Obama.
CON$ want it both ways, they use a calender year to claim Obama tripled Bush's last year of debt and they use the fiscal year to claim Clinton had no surplus that the GOP congress took credit for. I used the the calender year consistently for all my numbers.

I did notice that your deflecting the fact that Clinton did not reduce the defict, but did indeed increase it. Like I said you are disengenuos.
Yeah, I just knew you couldn't be truthful, you just don't have it in you to be anything but disengenuous.

Total National
FY1997 09/30/1997 $3.789667T $1.623478T $5.413146T
FY1998 09/30/1998 $69.2B $3.733864T $55.8B $1.792328T $168.9B $5.526193T $113B
FY1999 09/30/1999 $122.7B $3.636104T $97.8B $2.020166T $227.8B $5.656270T $130.1B
FY2000 09/29/2000 $230.0B $3.405303T $230.8B $2.268874T $248.7B $5.674178T $17.9B
FY2001 09/28/2001 $3.339310T $66.0B $2.468153T $199.3B $5.807463T $133.3B

The highlighted is the TOTAL NATIONAL DEBT

So you weren't telling the truth about Clinton's numbers trickery, ed. Just so everyone is clear on what your trying to pull off.
Go ahead and give us a Rush quote, okay? :lol:
Obviously you are using the fiscal year and I'm using the calender year.

If you want to use the fiscal year then for consistency the 1.4 trillion debt for fiscal year 2009 belongs to Bush not Obama.
CON$ want it both ways, they use a calender year to claim Obama tripled Bush's last year of debt and they use the fiscal year to claim Clinton had no surplus that the GOP congress took credit for. I used the the calender year consistently for all my numbers.

I did notice that your deflecting the fact that Clinton did not reduce the defict, but did indeed increase it. Like I said you are disengenuos.
Actually I did for the CALENDER year 2000, but let me use Neo's argument of quoting others who said there was a surplus during the Clinton years but give credit for the "surplus" to the GOP.

No, Bill Clinton Didn't Balance the Budget | Stephen Moore | Cato Institute: Daily Commentary

Newt Gingrich and company -- for all their faults -- have received virtually no credit for balancing the budget. Yet today's surplus is, in part, a byproduct of the GOP's single-minded crusade to end 30 years of red ink. Arguably, Gingrich's finest hour as Speaker came in March 1995 when he rallied the entire Republican House caucus behind the idea of eliminating the deficit within seven years.

We have a balanced budget today that is mostly a result of 1) an exceptionally strong economy that is creating gobs of new tax revenues and 2) a shrinking military budget. Social spending is still soaring and now costs more than $1 trillion.
Skeptics said it could not be done in seven years. The GOP did it in four.
Obviously you are using the fiscal year and I'm using the calender year.

If you want to use the fiscal year then for consistency the 1.4 trillion debt for fiscal year 2009 belongs to Bush not Obama.
CON$ want it both ways, they use a calender year to claim Obama tripled Bush's last year of debt and they use the fiscal year to claim Clinton had no surplus that the GOP congress took credit for. I used the the calender year consistently for all my numbers.

I did notice that your deflecting the fact that Clinton did not reduce the defict, but did indeed increase it. Like I said you are disengenuos.
Actually I did for the CALENDER year 2000, but let me use Neo's argument of quoting others who said there was a surplus during the Clinton years but give credit for the "surplus" to the GOP.

No, Bill Clinton Didn't Balance the Budget | Stephen Moore | Cato Institute: Daily Commentary

Newt Gingrich and company -- for all their faults -- have received virtually no credit for balancing the budget. Yet today's surplus is, in part, a byproduct of the GOP's single-minded crusade to end 30 years of red ink. Arguably, Gingrich's finest hour as Speaker came in March 1995 when he rallied the entire Republican House caucus behind the idea of eliminating the deficit within seven years.

We have a balanced budget today that is mostly a result of 1) an exceptionally strong economy that is creating gobs of new tax revenues and 2) a shrinking military budget. Social spending is still soaring and now costs more than $1 trillion.
Skeptics said it could not be done in seven years. The GOP did it in four.

Bottom line is that the DEFICIT DID RISE UNDER THE CLINTON YEARS. That WAS my point. You can take a conservative, or liberal bias...and throw it out the window, because we were deeper in debt when Clinton left.
FY2000 09/29/2000 $230.0B $3.405303T $230.8B $2.268874T $248.7B $5.674178T $17.9B
FY2001 09/28/2001 $3.339310T $66.0B $2.468153T $199.3B $5.807463T $133.3B

The highlighted is the TOTAL NATIONAL DEBT
I did notice that your deflecting the fact that Clinton did not reduce the defict, but did indeed increase it. Like I said you are disengenuos.
Actually I did for the CALENDER year 2000, but let me use Neo's argument of quoting others who said there was a surplus during the Clinton years but give credit for the "surplus" to the GOP.

No, Bill Clinton Didn't Balance the Budget | Stephen Moore | Cato Institute: Daily Commentary

Newt Gingrich and company -- for all their faults -- have received virtually no credit for balancing the budget. Yet today's surplus is, in part, a byproduct of the GOP's single-minded crusade to end 30 years of red ink. Arguably, Gingrich's finest hour as Speaker came in March 1995 when he rallied the entire Republican House caucus behind the idea of eliminating the deficit within seven years.
We have a balanced budget today that is mostly a result of 1) an exceptionally strong economy that is creating gobs of new tax revenues and 2) a shrinking military budget. Social spending is still soaring and now costs more than $1 trillion.
Skeptics said it could not be done in seven years. The GOP did it in four.

Bottom line is that the DEFICIT DID RISE UNDER THE CLINTON YEARS. That WAS my point. You can take a conservative, or liberal bias...and throw it out the window, because we were deeper in debt when Clinton left.
Only if you use fiscal years.

My point was very different. I said since the 2008 and 2009 budgets used different accounting procedures they couldn't be compared directly and so I used the total change in deficit for calender years 2008 and 2009 as a more honest comparison, and have used calendar years consistently in all my arguments in this thread.

So to be consistent using Neo's standard and your fiscal years and the same accounting procedures, if the FY 2009 budget belongs to Obama as per Neo then the FY 2001 budget belongs to Bush. Using your own FY numbers, then Bush's FY 2001 budget deficit of 133.3 billion was over 7.4 times greater than Clinton's FY 2000 deficit of 17.9 billion, But CON$ never complained about the generational theft of Bush's 7.4 times first year increase in debt.
CON$ are not consistent about anything.
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How does one pay for two wars that were financed through a tax cut without running a deficit?

The way Bush did, just hide the cost and ask congress for emergency supplemental spending bills every few months.

Republicans really hate to see how much everything costs. Here it all is in the budget and they freak out!! They'd much prefer it hidden away in supplementals.

Borrowing money to pay for unnecessary wars is .....PATRIOTIC

Borrowing money to help American citizens is..........SOCIALISM

:lol::lol: Well, if we're all dead because of terrorist attacks--there really won't be any need for welfare or health care--:lol::lol:

And if one of your hero's Bill Clinton would have taken one of the several shots he had at Bin Laden--when he was hiding in plain site, & would have insisted that WMD inspectors stayed in Iraq when Sadam Husiene kicked them out in 1997--we might have avoided 9/11 & 2 insuing wars.
I notice you still can't not show the actual exact numbers of your claims and source it - what part of these amounts are actually do to Bush, your figure of Total Gross Debt includes things like Social Security payments
And the total gross yearly debt includes SS payments for Obama also!!!!!!
Whereas the numbers you dishonestly use have the 4 accounting tricks that hide over 1 trillion dollars in debt from Bush's budget but are not used in Obama's budget.

You compare numbers that dishonestly use two different accounting procedures, thus comparing apples to oranges to use your analogy, and I compare numbers using the exact same accounting.

I compare nothing Edthemathmajor

I am only reporting the facts as they are stated; again Papa Obama outspent Bush no matter how you want to "arrange the chairs on the Titanic"

Speaking of lies, where are those EXACT numbers from these "tricks" account for?

Can't produce the exact numbers- what a surprise

Again for the record- Truth is the worst enemy of the left

Edthemathmajor - this means that yeah that the 1.42 trillion BUDGET deficit more than tripled the previous year of 455 billion- you do the math

Supported by US gov't data and reports from the CBO, US Treasury, as reported by MSNBC, CNC.

See: (since you left out and seem to be a slow learner- again check with your social worker to see if they have remedial classes to help you)

From the CBO:
The budget deficit surged to $1.4 trillion in 2009, the largest shortfall on record in dollar terms and nearly $1 trillion greater than the deficit recorded the previous year. As a percentage of GDP, the deficit more than tripled in 2009

MSNBC: Federal deficit triples from year ago
Recession, cost of financial bailout leads to record $1.42 trillion imbalance

CNN Fact Check
The non-partisan Congressional Budget Office says the budget deficit for 2009 was $1.4 trillion, slightly more than triple the $458.6 billion deficit for 2008.

Sorry comrade

you are comparing apples to oranges; what part of yearly budget deficits do you not understand. Edthemathmajor - this means that yeah that the 1.42 trillion BUDGET deficit more than tripled the previous year of 455 billion- you do the math
Total gross debt for both Bush and Papa Obama also contains items that they have no control over- things were put into place before they could even vote- a passive role

THOSE WORDS are TRUE- no matter how hard you tried to spin it

When you use the word honest, from your postings, it is quite obvious that word has little meaning to you

Your postings only prove the point that the truth is the worst enemy of the left

Here is an idea Edthemathmajor-
Maybe you should call or write CNN MSNBC and the CBO to let them know they are lying and part of the GOP Hate Media

or you could just adjust your tin foil hat

Hey By the way Edthemathmajor

Even if you want use total gross debt only- Papa Obama still out spent Bush

I suppose if you tin foil hat was not so tight then you would realize that this does not really help you any- but why stop a fool in full swing

Edthemathmajor- all you are really doing is "rearranging chairs on the Titanic" but hey whatever works for you

Of course when it comes to gov't overspending- there is plenty of blame to go around
For example,

of the 2009 budget, that was the same budget that then Sen. Obama voted in favor of on March 14 of 2008
and on October 1, 2008,
Obama, Biden, and Clinton voted in favor of the $700 billion Troubled Assets Relief Program
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I notice you still can't not show the actual exact numbers of your claims and source it - what part of these amounts are actually do to Bush, your figure of Total Gross Debt includes things like Social Security payments
And the total gross yearly debt includes SS payments for Obama also!!!!!!
Whereas the numbers you dishonestly use have the 4 accounting tricks that hide over 1 trillion dollars in debt from Bush's budget but are not used in Obama's budget.

You compare numbers that dishonestly use two different accounting procedures, thus comparing apples to oranges to use your analogy, and I compare numbers using the exact same accounting.

I compare nothing Edthemathmajor

I am only reporting the facts as they are stated; again Papa Obama outspent Bush no matter how you want to "arrange the chairs on the Titanic"

Speaking of lies, where are those EXACT numbers from these "tricks" account for?

Can't produce the exact numbers- what a surprise
Still milking that dumb act to cover your lies- what a surprise!

Simple arithmetic produces the numbers.
1.47 trillion increase in debt for year 2008
minus the .455 trillion phony Bush debt for year 2008
= 1.02 trillion hidden debt using Bush's 4 dishonest accounting tricks not used by Obama.
And the total gross yearly debt includes SS payments for Obama also!!!!!!
Whereas the numbers you dishonestly use have the 4 accounting tricks that hide over 1 trillion dollars in debt from Bush's budget but are not used in Obama's budget.

You compare numbers that dishonestly use two different accounting procedures, thus comparing apples to oranges to use your analogy, and I compare numbers using the exact same accounting.

I compare nothing Edthemathmajor

I am only reporting the facts as they are stated; again Papa Obama outspent Bush no matter how you want to "arrange the chairs on the Titanic"

Speaking of lies, where are those EXACT numbers from these "tricks" account for?

Can't produce the exact numbers- what a surprise
Still milking that dumb act to cover your lies- what a surprise!

Simple arithmetic produces the numbers.
1.47 trillion increase in debt for year 2008
minus the .455 trillion phony Bush debt for year 2008
= 1.02 trillion hidden debt using Bush's 4 dishonest accounting tricks not used by Obama.

Just because you don't understand the facts in front of you, don't assume all people are dumb like you, Edthemathmajor your numbers are wrong- too funny

Hey Edthemathmajor did I tell you this as well


GOP Hate Media is spreading more lies. Time to adjust your tin foil hat

From the AP: (By ANDREW TAYLOR, Associated Press Writer – Mon Feb 1, 6:12 pm ET)

Obama budget: Record spending, record deficit

WASHINGTON – Spelling out painful priorities, President Barack Obama urged Congress on Monday to quickly approve a huge new shot of spending for recession relief and job creation, part of a record $3.8 trillion budget that would boost the deficit beyond any in the nation's history while only slowly beginning to put Americans back to work.

Still, Obama now mostly owns the deficit as a political issue after passing last year's $862 billion economic stimulus bill and other major spending legislation that's earned mixed reviews with the public.

From the US Treasury: (these Gop Hate Media lies MUST Stop- Edthemathnmajor just ignore the 1.4 trillion from the prior year to date for 2009- it is just more lies )

The Treasury Department released the figures for December. The U.S. federal budget deficit totaled 91.85 billion U.S. dollars in December. The deficit was slightly less than the 92 billion dollars that analysts had expected. But the red ink of the first three months of fiscal year 2010 beginning from October 2009 is 16.8 percent higher than the same period of the fiscal year 2009 when it hit a record 1.42 trillion dollars.


I do believe that Edthemathmajor should write them and explain on how they are telling lies and they should look at Total Gross Debt

(at the rate this is going Papa Obama could quadruple the yearly Budget Deficit of 2008)
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I compare nothing Edthemathmajor

I am only reporting the facts as they are stated; again Papa Obama outspent Bush no matter how you want to "arrange the chairs on the Titanic"

Speaking of lies, where are those EXACT numbers from these "tricks" account for?

Can't produce the exact numbers- what a surprise
Still milking that dumb act to cover your lies- what a surprise!

Simple arithmetic produces the numbers.
1.47 trillion increase in debt for year 2008
minus the .455 trillion phony Bush debt for year 2008
= 1.02 trillion hidden debt using Bush's 4 dishonest accounting tricks not used by Obama.

Just because you don't understand the facts in front of you, don't assume all people are dumb like you, Edthemathmajor your numbers are wrong- too funny
Obviously you are toooooooooooo dumb to do simple arithmetic!

Even your own chart shows a 1.4+ trillion deficit for 2008. Look at the "YEAR-TO-DATE" total for the "prior year" which was 2008!!!!!

You can't deny that there is over a 1 trillion difference between the deficit Bush shows and the actual increase in debt for the year 2008.
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Still milking that dumb act to cover your lies- what a surprise!

Simple arithmetic produces the numbers.
1.47 trillion increase in debt for year 2008
minus the .455 trillion phony Bush debt for year 2008
= 1.02 trillion hidden debt using Bush's 4 dishonest accounting tricks not used by Obama.

Just because you don't understand the facts in front of you, don't assume all people are dumb like you, Edthemathmajor your numbers are wrong- too funny
Obviously you are toooooooooooo dumb to do simple arithmetic!

Even your own chart shows a 1.4+ trillion deficit for 2008. Look at the "YEAR-TO-DATE" total for the "prior year" which was 2008!!!!!

You can't deny that there is over a 1 trillion difference between the deficit Bush shows and the actual increase in debt for the year 2008.

Too funny


Speaking of toooooooooooo dumb to do simple arithmetic or to be fair, it could be your tin foil hat is too tight (tough call):eusa_drool:
This really is not fair; it is like shooting fish in a barrel

1.4+trillion is Papa Obama's budget deficit (2009)
They are fiscal years not calender years; the months Oct, Nov, Dec are for the current FISCAL YEAR 2010. So, the prior year here is for FISCAL YEAR 2009 (must be part of the GOP Hate Media)
(let me guess now - the numbers are wrong now when they don't agree with your thoughts)
Hey, Edthemathmajor, you can just say I am lying again- that should make you feel better

I hope you are not getting paid for this

Glad you to see you agree to the truth finally

In case you forgot

Edthemathmajor - this means that yeah that the 1.42 trillion BUDGET deficit more than tripled the previous year of 455 billion- you do the math

Supported by US gov't data and reports from the CBO, US Treasury, as reported by MSNBC, CNC.

See: (since you left out and seem to be a slow learner- again check with your social worker to see if they have remedial classes to help you)

From the CBO:
The budget deficit surged to $1.4 trillion in 2009, the largest shortfall on record in dollar terms and nearly $1 trillion greater than the deficit recorded the previous year. As a percentage of GDP, the deficit more than tripled in 2009

MSNBC: Federal deficit triples from year ago
Recession, cost of financial bailout leads to record $1.42 trillion imbalance

CNN Fact Check
The non-partisan Congressional Budget Office says the budget deficit for 2009 was $1.4 trillion, slightly more than triple the $458.6 billion deficit for 2008.
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Just because you don't understand the facts in front of you, don't assume all people are dumb like you, Edthemathmajor your numbers are wrong- too funny
Obviously you are toooooooooooo dumb to do simple arithmetic!

Even your own chart shows a 1.4+ trillion deficit for 2008. Look at the "YEAR-TO-DATE" total for the "prior year" which was 2008!!!!!

You can't deny that there is over a 1 trillion difference between the deficit Bush shows and the actual increase in debt for the year 2008.

Too funny


Speaking of toooooooooooo dumb to do simple arithmetic or to be fair, it could be your tin foil hat is too tight (tough call):eusa_drool:
This really is not fair; it is like shooting fish in a barrel

1.4+trillion is Papa Obama's budget deficit (2009)
They are fiscal years not calender years; the months Oct, Nov, Dec are for the current FISCAL YEAR 2010. So, the prior year here is for FISCAL YEAR 2009
Fiscal year 2009 is BUSH's budget deficit. Fiscal year 2010 is Obama's FIRST budget.

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