Day of Cobra: The Darn Hook(!)


VIP Member
Sep 22, 2013
This is a war-yarn inspired by G.I. Joe: The Rise of Cobra.

Signing off,


"Alas was an idealistic self-proclaimed vigilante. He joined a secret team of American paramilitary crusaders known as 'G.I. Joes' (hand-picked by U.S. President Donald Trump). Alas trained as a Navy SEAL before being recruited by G.I. Joe and was given the soldier-alias 'Snake-Eyes.' Snake-Eyes was skilled at computer-hacking, explosives, hand-to-hand combat, sniper-shooting, and swordplay. Yep, he was a 'jack-of-all-trades' (and a terrific breakdancer too). Snake-Eyes was part of the new G.I. Joe mission to solve the problem of World War III.

A diabolical super-terrorist organization called 'Cobra' had united North Korea and ISIS under its ominous 'umbrella' and declared war on America, Europe, and the G.I. Joes. World War III was underway, and Snake-Eyes feared humanity's soul was on the line. G.I. Joe commander Duke and G.I. Joe female war-consultant and assassin Scarlett ordered Snake-Eyes to infiltrate Cobra's fortress and apprehend the female Cobra war-vizier and assassin known as the Baroness. Snake-Eyes did just that, while the G.I. Joes dealt with a nasty chemical-warfare invasion of Washington, D.C. on the 4th of July!

BARONESS: Snake-Eyes apprehended me; inconceivable!
DUKE: Well, now you have to tell us where Cobra Commander is hiding.
BARONESS: Cobra Commander is no longer our leader, you fool!
DUKE: Really? Who is it? Tell us or your incarceration will be longer than anticipated.
BARONESS: It's a psychotic-genius named Hook. He has a hook fitted onto a lost hand.
DUKE: Hook, huh? Sounds ominous. I'm not going to bother asking you if he's a terrorist.
BARONESS: Hook is a pioneer...
DUKE: You need psychiatric help, 'Baroness.'
BARONESS: America is a rathole; capitalism is merely a 'power-pyramid.'
DUKE: I suppose Cobra means to introduce the world to a 'fascist plate.'
BARONESS: What's wrong with that?
DUKE: Nothing...if you're a minion!
BARONESS: I've said my peace.
DUKE: Relax, 'darling.' You'll be safe in this security-cell.

Duke knew Baroness was right implying Cobra was relentless and it had to be destroyed to prevent a fascist takeover of Earth. The G.I. Joes continued to wage a 2-year campaign against Cobra. Snake-Eyes killed the Cobra field-soldier Storm-Shadow (who was once his close childhood friend). Serpentor was apprehended and detained along with Baroness. Many Cobra minions scattered as the G.I. Joes methodically proceeded to detangle their evil organization across the globe. President Trump called the G.I. Joes 'America's angels.' Snake-Eyes took a deserved vacation to the Himalayas (Nepal). There he conversed with God.

SNAKE-EYES: We managed to stop Cobra!
GOD: Congratulations.
SNAKE-EYES: World War III was a nightmare.
GOD: There were many casualties...
SNAKE-EYES: War is hell.
GOD: Yes it is.
SNAKE-EYES: We even took down the ominous 'Hook.'
GOD: The leader of Cobra, right?
SNAKE-EYES: That's right! Hook is dead.
GOD: Yet, you seem 'haunted.'
SNAKE-EYES: Hook symbolized all the evil of Cobra --- its crookedness.
GOD: Yes, it's proverbial 'evil hand.'
SNAKE-EYES: I'm haunted by the Baroness.
GOD: Because she's beautiful?
SNAKE-EYES: Well, she's an attractive woman, but that's not it.
GOD: What is it then?
SNAKE-EYES: I realize she's a woman and evil...
GOD: Aha. Now you know the secret to holy crusades --- humility.
SNAKE-EYES: Do I shun Baroness just because of Serpentor/Hook?
GOD: Baroness chose her life; you must choose yours.
SNAKE-EYES: I will make my peace; I'll marry my high-school sweetheart.
GOD: Her name's Mara, right? That's great. Live long and drink wine.

Snake-Eyes never forgot Cobra, Baroness, or Hook, but he continued to think optimistically about the limits of hell.




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