Day One-Repubs launch attack on Social Security

12 Ways to Fix Social Security - US News

Workers and their employers currently pay 6.2 percent of earnings up to $106,800 into the Social Security system, or a maximum of $6,622 each per year. Self-employed workers are required to pay 12.4 percent of pay up to the same cap. If the contribution rate were increased by 1.1 percent to 7.3 percent of earnings, Social Security’s projected deficit would be eliminated. Using this fix, a worker making $43,451 in 2010 would face a tax increase of $478 a year, or $9.19 a week, and the employer would face an identical increase.

theres your source and 11 other ways to solve the problem ... yes, its that simple. Unfortunately nobody gives a shit just like I said.


This one won't work Decrease the cost-of-living adjustment
The cost of living adjustment is what pays for rising cost of their health insurance.
It still keeps them at the same monthly payment each year, so they never see that cost of living adjustment.
Take away that increase and each year they will get less and less each year.
They can barely make ends meet as it is.

of course it won't ... you're smarter than the economists that say it will work.

If they are so smart, why didn't every other raise fix the problem?

The prior increases did not fix the problem because people are living longer, more people are looking for ways to game the disability system when they get off unemployment, and because the baby boomers are entering retirement. Not to mention the expansion into Health Care coverage, and Chips.

That what politicians wants us to believe. But not all people live longer. Roughly one third of people die before they reach the retirement, although they were paying into SS their whole life. See table 3.
Four percent never cash out any money because they are ineligible for various reasons.
Yes, sir. I meant by average we are living longer. You'll find that I am not a fan of SS or any other type of insurance. I prefer to invest my money in tangible assets that have a return on investment and to then spend my interest to cover my needs for retirement, health care, and other types of emergencies. I'd rather have a family estate that my family has access to than be reliant on insurance companies and/or the government to take care of me. My assessment of the SS program is that for people like me it's a gross waste of my money. I expect to get a negative 66% or so return on my investment in SS & Medicare this if I live to be 80. IOW I fully expect to at least loose 2 out of every 3 dollars that went to these programs. If I get disabled or live past 80 I might end up only loosing 1 out of every 2 dollars, but I seriously doubt that I could become permanently disabled or that I'll live past 80.
This one won't work Decrease the cost-of-living adjustment
The cost of living adjustment is what pays for rising cost of their health insurance.
It still keeps them at the same monthly payment each year, so they never see that cost of living adjustment.
Take away that increase and each year they will get less and less each year.
They can barely make ends meet as it is.

of course it won't ... you're smarter than the economists that say it will work.

If they are so smart, why didn't every other raise fix the problem?

The prior increases did not fix the problem because people are living longer, more people are looking for ways to game the disability system when they get off unemployment, and because the baby boomers are entering retirement. Not to mention the expansion into Health Care coverage, and Chips.

That what politicians wants us to believe. But not all people live longer. Roughly one third of people die before they reach the retirement, although they were paying into SS their whole life. See table 3.
Four percent never cash out any money because they are ineligible for various reasons.
Yes, sir. I meant by average we are living longer. You'll find that I am not a fan of SS or any other type of insurance. I prefer to invest my money in tangible assets that have a return on investment and to then spend my interest to cover my needs for retirement, health care, and other types of emergencies. I'd rather have a family estate that my family has access to than be reliant on insurance companies and/or the government to take care of me. My assessment of the SS program is that for people like me it's a gross waste of my money. I expect to get a negative 66% or so return on my investment in SS & Medicare this if I live to be 80. IOW I fully expect to at least loose 2 out of every 3 dollars that went to these programs. If I get disabled or live past 80 I might end up only loosing 1 out of every 2 dollars, but I seriously doubt that I could become permanently disabled or that I'll live past 80.

I understand. Although they would not admit, I believe that admin is counting on us to die before we're able to get anything out. They raising retirement age with excuse that we live longer, but to be honest, if they don't count on us to die, they would simply just raise the taxes.

Last year I lost a friend who passed away a week before he suppose to retire. Since he had no close family left, all he paid in his whole life, IMO went to waste.
Yup, can't be moving any money around in SS that will cut short all the money Barry wants to give all those ILLEGAL ALIENS, THAT DIDN'T PAY SHIT INTO IT.

Another progtard thread fail.
If Republicans hadn't fought Social Security from its inception it would be easier to believe they were trying to improve it, but the minute "Republican" is connected to Social Security people get alarmed. All the SS program was trying to do was help the elderly and now the disabled pay for their future old age and afflictions rather than charity. So why the Republican opposition and claims it was communism? Was it because it was a Democratic program; part of the New Deal; or FDR?
At least, because many people know some of the history, Republicans have not, as yet, tried to claim Social Security as their idea and program. Still, that might work with some.
On Day One the new Congress launches an attack on Social Security - LA Times

"Well, that didn't take long.
As one of its first orders of business upon convening Tuesday, the Republican House of Representatives approved a rule that will seriously undermine efforts to keep all of Social Security solvent.
The rule hampers an otherwise routine reallocation of Social Security payroll tax income from the old-age program to the disability program. Such a reallocation, in either direction, has taken place
11 times since 1968, according to Kathy Ruffing of the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities.

But it's especially urgent now, because the disability program's trust fund is expected to run dry as early as next year. At that point, disability benefits for 11 million beneficiaries would have to be cut 20%. Reallocating the income, however, would keep both the old-age and disability programs solvent until at least 2033, giving Congress plenty of time to assess the programs' needs and work out a long-term fix.

The procedural rule enacted by the House Republican caucus
prohibits the reallocation unless it's accompanied by "benefit cuts or tax increases that improve the solvency of the combined trust funds," as paraphrased by the National Committee to Preserve Social Security and Medicare.
In practical terms, the advocacy committee says, that makes the reallocation impossible; it mandates either benefit cuts across the board, which aren't politically palatable, or a payroll tax increase, which isn't palatable to the GOP. "

And so, the republicans, still intent on self destruction, immediately attack the strongest voter base in the USA.


You Communists and your filthy lies.

So, the Republicans want to stop frittering away the Social Security people have earned by giving it out as Welfare to illegal aliens in the form of SSI?

About damned time.
If Republicans hadn't fought Social Security from its inception it would be easier to believe they were trying to improve it, but the minute "Republican" is connected to Social Security people get alarmed. All the SS program was trying to do was help the elderly and now the disabled pay for their future old age and afflictions rather than charity. So why the Republican opposition and claims it was communism? Was it because it was a Democratic program; part of the New Deal; or FDR?
At least, because many people know some of the history, Republicans have not, as yet, tried to claim Social Security as their idea and program. Still, that might work with some.

dear little chicken,

we have lived with social security for over 70 years and no one is trying to eliminate it. I for one paid in for decades and want something back for crissakes. Is that too much to ask?
You numb nuts it is lowering benefits to the disabled, half the people on disability window shopped for a doctor to go along with there fake claim, I know way to many people down here who fake it.

"half the people on disability window shopped for a doctor to go along with there fake claim,,," if true you must have some evidence and yet, you didn't post any - color me surprised.
This one won't work Decrease the cost-of-living adjustment
The cost of living adjustment is what pays for rising cost of their health insurance.
It still keeps them at the same monthly payment each year, so they never see that cost of living adjustment.
Take away that increase and each year they will get less and less each year.
They can barely make ends meet as it is.

of course it won't ... you're smarter than the economists that say it will work.

If they are so smart, why didn't every other raise fix the problem?

The prior increases did not fix the problem because people are living longer, more people are looking for ways to game the disability system when they get off unemployment, and because the baby boomers are entering retirement. Not to mention the expansion into Health Care coverage, and Chips.

So, their projections were off? I agree. And I'll bet this next projection will be off as well.


No sir. The projections were on target. From the very start of the SS program the plan was to benefit current generations at the expense of future generations. It was a ponzi from the start and still is a ponzi.

Any economists work has to include the unknown. Matter of fact, that is all they deal with. When the next raise is requested, more unknowns will pop up.

And someone will confidently state that they have it covered now.

And yes, it is a Ponzi scheme.

You numb nuts it is lowering benefits to the disabled, half the people on disability window shopped for a doctor to go along with there fake claim, I know way to many people down here who fake it.

"half the people on disability window shopped for a doctor to go along with there fake claim,,," if true you must have some evidence and yet, you didn't post any - color me surprised.

Evidence? What evidence is necessary when disability payments spike? If millions were being hurt in home or work accidents, we would be hearing about it.

Reality tells me what is happening. What does it tell you?

Any economists work has to include the unknown. Matter of fact, that is all they deal with. When the next raise is requested, more unknowns will pop up.

And someone will confidently state that they have it covered now.

And yes, it is a Ponzi scheme.


Knowing that economists were wrong most of the time, it seems all they deal with is "unknown". Witch doctors would be more accurate then they are.
Any economists work has to include the unknown. Matter of fact, that is all they deal with. When the next raise is requested, more unknowns will pop up.

And someone will confidently state that they have it covered now.

And yes, it is a Ponzi scheme.


Knowing that economists were wrong most of the time, it seems all they deal with is "unknown". Witch doctors would be more accurate then they are.

True story. A few years ago, I read an article on "experts". The author compiled lists of projections and predictions made by these "experts", and discovered that flipping a coin would be more accurate.

Expert: A person who learns more and more about less and less, until he knows practically everything about nothing.

You numb nuts it is lowering benefits to the disabled, half the people on disability window shopped for a doctor to go along with there fake claim, I know way to many people down here who fake it.

"half the people on disability window shopped for a doctor to go along with there fake claim,,," if true you must have some evidence and yet, you didn't post any - color me surprised.

Evidence? What evidence is necessary when disability payments spike? If millions were being hurt in home or work accidents, we would be hearing about it.

Reality tells me what is happening. What does it tell you?


It doesn't tell me anything, and you've given me your opinion based on "Reality(?)". If reality did provide you assurance why can't I and others assume there has to be data (evidence) to prove your axiom (assumption sans facts)?
It would be one thing if your narrative was the truth,not once has the right said they want to eliminate ss thats the shit from the left,its about choice and choice only. I am better suited to make my financial choices my self,not some politician in DC NOW START BEING HONEST AND DROP THE ELIMINATION PART.
ps all propuse changes would have never affected older Americans,try again

So if you had retired in 2008, and forced to sell at that time because your income had ended, you would have been perfectly alright, in spite of the fact that your investment values had dropped by 50%.

Republican economics!

Zactly what I was gonna say.

As it is, we lost money on our investments with the bush recession (which we have regained under the commie/muslim/kenyan) but our SS was not affected.


Can you imagine how much better off your SS would have been if a portion of it had been privatized and put in the market in 2008? Or, is that too difficult.

Not difficult at all. I did exactly that, AND I have SS. Now imagine that you retired in 2008, lost your income, had no SS, and was forced to sell in 2008...or is that too difficult?

I did not suggest that you have NO SS, only that you put a percentage of it into the market. And, since when are you forced to sell all of your investments? Normal people take a monthly distribution once they retire. Are you that stupid, or just arguing for the sake of arguing.

Too small,

People on this thread, (which I assume included you) are arguing that they do not want to be forced into SS, and that they could handle their privatized retirement plan WITHOUT SS. I was asking what would happen to these people if, instead of getting a check from SS every month, they had put their money in equities, retired, and suddenly found that their equities value was cut in half during the Bush recession. Now, if someone invested in equities, which would be the only way one could save enough to retire, then one would have to sell equities to pay their bills. if they had to sell them during the Bush recession, they would have gotten $.50 on the dollar.

Now, have I finally made myself clear on this? I have explained it on this thread four times, so I hope so...or are you that stupid?
I suppose if the TP Republicans really did care about the disabled they would act, and working with the executive outlaw the growth, possession and use of tobacco. Of course the five members of the Supreme Court would side with the growers and find such a law or regulation a violation of the farmers and users rights. There's more than cancer in that pipe, chew, cigar or cigarette. Heart disease and vascular disease, stroke and of course many forms of cancer.

How much does that cost our nation?
QUOTE="peach174, post: 10495673, member: 23262"]
So you don't know me or what I do... You don't know my IQ or EQ but you presumed to say 'Almost everyone of them is smarter than you'

Right Einstein... What is 'Almost everyone of them' : IQ, EQ and the Level of Education, I would also like to see there individual achievements in the workplace and general life...

And by the way I test at Mensa level in IQ alone... Just to give you a tip on how smart 'Almost Everyone of them' has to be...

I suspect I might be talking to someone as dumb as a hammer...

What? Has Palin joined our thread?

Speaking of Palin, did you hear what she had to say about Trig standing on his special needs dog? She mentioned that at least he didn't eat a dog as Obama stated in his book that he did when he was growing up in Indonesia. She is light years ahead of you dipshits that call her dumb.

I'll keep that in mind the next time she gives us a history lesson on Paul Revere.
She was right about that you know.
The American Revolution against British Gun Control
The patriotic Boston Committee of Correspondence learned of the arms embargo and promptly dispatched Paul Revere to New Hampshire, with the warning that two British ships were headed to Fort William and Mary, near Portsmouth, New Hampshire, to seize firearms, cannons, and gunpowder. On December 14, 1774, 400 New Hampshire patriots preemptively captured all the material at the fort. A New Hampshire newspaper argued that the capture was prudent and proper, reminding readers that the ancient Carthaginians had consented to “deliver up all their Arms to the Romans” and were decimated by the Romans soon after.

Peach, I hesitate to even mention to you the difference between what happened with Paul Revere's ride, and what Palin SAID happened to Paul Revere's ride, since it is one of the dumbest interpretations of American history ever made by a polititian, and you, apparently don't even aunderstand why. However, in a nutshell, Sarah's version had it that PR was warning the British that we were going to be free, instead of warning the colonials that the British were coming. In Sarah's version, one can come to the conclusion that the British were so taken aback by PR riding around, ringin' those bells, and firing his single shot musket that they must have considered reboarding their ships because PR and his musket may have intimidated them:

Your defense of Sarah over this issue explains an awful lot about Palin worshipers. They don't have a clue.[/QUOTE]

Why was Revere warning the colonists that the British were coming?
Because they were coming to take away their firearms and the Colonists got them before the British got there.
She was right they did not allow their guns to be taken from them.
The libs blind hatred of her off the cuff remarks is duly noted and totally unreasonable.
So what you are upset about is that Revere did not ring the bells himself or fire warning shots.

How Accurate Were Palin s Paul Revere Comments NPR
Even a history professor agrees that she was right.
BLOCK: Professor Robert Allison is chair of the history department at Suffolk University in Boston.

BLOCK: So you think basically, on the whole, Sarah Palin got her history right.
Prof. ALLISON: Well, yeah, she did. And remember, she is a politician. She's not an historian. And God help us when historians start acting like politicians, and I suppose when politicians start writing history.[/QUOTE]

Peach, if you think that Paul Revere was making his famous ride to warn the British that we were not going to let them take away the colonial's arms, frankly, you are simply too brain dead for further discussion. Talk it over with Sarah. The two of you combined have the intelligence of a comatose jellyfish.
They want to save SS you dim bulbs. It cannot continue the way it is and hating Republicans is a poor solution.
Republicans have hate SS... They have called Communism thousands of times over... And now you want us to believe you want to save it?

How stupid do you think people are?
Almost everyone of them is smarter than you.

So you don't know me or what I do... You don't know my IQ or EQ but you presumed to say 'Almost everyone of them is smarter than you'

Right Einstein... What is 'Almost everyone of them' : IQ, EQ and the Level of Education, I would also like to see there individual achievements in the workplace and general life...

And by the way I test at Mensa level in IQ alone... Just to give you a tip on how smart 'Almost Everyone of them' has to be...

I suspect I might be talking to someone as dumb as a hammer...

What? Has Palin joined our thread?

Speaking of Palin, did you hear what she had to say about Trig standing on his special needs dog? She mentioned that at least he didn't eat a dog as Obama stated in his book that he did when he was growing up in Indonesia. She is light years ahead of you dipshits that call her dumb.
They eat digs in Indonesia. Do you stand on dogs in the US?
Read it and cry, I know this because I have know people who scam it in real life

1/4 of all disability claims is a fraud

There is so many news reports about people window shopping for quacks to back up there claims

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