Day One-Repubs launch attack on Social Security

Ice, Please try to focus. The Right is posting that the republicans are trying to save SS. The OP, itself, states that funding is going to be cut off because nobody wants to cut benefits, and the GOP will not raise taxes. That being the case, the republicans are trying to "save" SS by destroying it, which is a phrase that I first heard from the US government in 1968 about why they destroyed a village in Vietnam. My god, Ice. Do I have to spell out every concept to you? Nobody is talking about Vietnam. My point is the blatant oxymoron that the republicans are caught up within.
They aren't trying to destroy social security, it has nothing to do with illegal war crimes and you are entirely too hysterical. Raising taxes when the economy is limp dicking along is about the stupidest thing congress could do.
Ok, Ice. Since you have decided that I am somehow blaming renegade soldiers for the SS problems, I can see that "resistance is futile". Now that money will no longer be allocated to SS shortfalls, it will simply be unfunded, and the checks will either have to be reduced or stopped. To avoid offending your sensibilities, I will stop calling that, "destroying SS". I'll call it, "suspending SS". Hopefully, that will be more in line with republican thinking. Sort of like "suspending funding for the government" which they have done twice before, resulting in utter failure on their part.
You numb nuts it is lowering benefits to the disabled, half the people on disability window shopped for a doctor to go along with there fake claim, I know way to many people down here who fake it.
On Day One the new Congress launches an attack on Social Security - LA Times

"Well, that didn't take long.
As one of its first orders of business upon convening Tuesday, the Republican House of Representatives approved a rule that will seriously undermine efforts to keep all of Social Security solvent.
The rule hampers an otherwise routine reallocation of Social Security payroll tax income from the old-age program to the disability program. Such a reallocation, in either direction, has taken place
11 times since 1968, according to Kathy Ruffing of the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities.

But it's especially urgent now, because the disability program's trust fund is expected to run dry as early as next year. At that point, disability benefits for 11 million beneficiaries would have to be cut 20%. Reallocating the income, however, would keep both the old-age and disability programs solvent until at least 2033, giving Congress plenty of time to assess the programs' needs and work out a long-term fix.

The procedural rule enacted by the House Republican caucus
prohibits the reallocation unless it's accompanied by "benefit cuts or tax increases that improve the solvency of the combined trust funds," as paraphrased by the National Committee to Preserve Social Security and Medicare.
In practical terms, the advocacy committee says, that makes the reallocation impossible; it mandates either benefit cuts across the board, which aren't politically palatable, or a payroll tax increase, which isn't palatable to the GOP. "

And so, the republicans, still intent on self destruction, immediately attack the strongest voter base in the USA.
This is how the lies start.
They want to save SS you dim bulbs. It cannot continue the way it is and hating Republicans is a poor solution.
You said: They want to save SS you dim bulbs.

You know that's not true. Seriously, Republicans have been wanting to end Social Security for decades. The GOP base simply doesn't believe it, they won't believe it.
This is pure left wing propaganda. How could the L.A. Times promote this junk before the republican majority even gets started? No wonder Americans distrust the neoNazi liberal rags.
Yes, take away monies that the old paid into SS for 40+ years and give it to these people...who wants to bet that the majority are Obumble and Subversive entitlement supporters? A record 5.4 million workers and their dependents have signed up to collect federal disability checks since President Obama took office, Almost half these people make up the BULK of disability!!!!

Disabled America 5.4 Million Join Social Security Disability Insurance Rolls Under Obama -
I'm sure they are all military heroes returning with debilitating
On Day One the new Congress launches an attack on Social Security - LA Times

"Well, that didn't take long.
As one of its first orders of business upon convening Tuesday, the Republican House of Representatives approved a rule that will seriously undermine efforts to keep all of Social Security solvent.
The rule hampers an otherwise routine reallocation of Social Security payroll tax income from the old-age program to the disability program. Such a reallocation, in either direction, has taken place
11 times since 1968, according to Kathy Ruffing of the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities.

But it's especially urgent now, because the disability program's trust fund is expected to run dry as early as next year. At that point, disability benefits for 11 million beneficiaries would have to be cut 20%. Reallocating the income, however, would keep both the old-age and disability programs solvent until at least 2033, giving Congress plenty of time to assess the programs' needs and work out a long-term fix.

The procedural rule enacted by the House Republican caucus
prohibits the reallocation unless it's accompanied by "benefit cuts or tax increases that improve the solvency of the combined trust funds," as paraphrased by the National Committee to Preserve Social Security and Medicare.
In practical terms, the advocacy committee says, that makes the reallocation impossible; it mandates either benefit cuts across the board, which aren't politically palatable, or a payroll tax increase, which isn't palatable to the GOP. "

And so, the republicans, still intent on self destruction, immediately attack the strongest voter base in the USA.
You libs are so fucking stupid.
Yes, take away monies that the old paid into SS for 40+ years and give it to these people...who wants to bet that the majority are Obumble and Subversive entitlement supporters? A record 5.4 million workers and their dependents have signed up to collect federal disability checks since President Obama took office, Almost half these people make up the BULK of disability!!!!

Disabled America 5.4 Million Join Social Security Disability Insurance Rolls Under Obama -
I'm sure they are all military heroes returning with debilitating

Yup, all 5.4 MILLION disabled Veterans in 6 years.... That must be some kind of record for the military!:rolleyes-41:
They want to save SS you dim bulbs. It cannot continue the way it is and hating Republicans is a poor solution.
You said: They want to save SS you dim bulbs.

You know that's not true. Seriously, Republicans have been wanting to end Social Security for decades. The GOP base simply doesn't believe it, they won't believe it.
You are a fucking moron.
On Day One the new Congress launches an attack on Social Security - LA Times

"Well, that didn't take long.
As one of its first orders of business upon convening Tuesday, the Republican House of Representatives approved a rule that will seriously undermine efforts to keep all of Social Security solvent.
The rule hampers an otherwise routine reallocation of Social Security payroll tax income from the old-age program to the disability program. Such a reallocation, in either direction, has taken place
11 times since 1968, according to Kathy Ruffing of the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities.

But it's especially urgent now, because the disability program's trust fund is expected to run dry as early as next year. At that point, disability benefits for 11 million beneficiaries would have to be cut 20%. Reallocating the income, however, would keep both the old-age and disability programs solvent until at least 2033, giving Congress plenty of time to assess the programs' needs and work out a long-term fix.

The procedural rule enacted by the House Republican caucus
prohibits the reallocation unless it's accompanied by "benefit cuts or tax increases that improve the solvency of the combined trust funds," as paraphrased by the National Committee to Preserve Social Security and Medicare.
In practical terms, the advocacy committee says, that makes the reallocation impossible; it mandates either benefit cuts across the board, which aren't politically palatable, or a payroll tax increase, which isn't palatable to the GOP. "

And so, the republicans, still intent on self destruction, immediately attack the strongest voter base in the USA.

There shouldn't be any money taken from the Social Security trust fund. It was supposed to be kept in a lockbox and not touched for anything other than retired people collecting benefits.

It would be better to have companies offer disability insurance or put people on temporary disability, but it seems like people are getting on it permanently. My neighbor receives a check because he has asthma. He still smokes, parties and seems normally active, but just doesn't work. Illegal aliens, like Obama's aunt, get disability checks and housing. Some people might not be physically able to do labor jobs but could easily handle other jobs instead of collecting disability. Some only need it temporarily but end up on it for life. There is poor oversight to government programs and there is way too much fraud. No illegal alien should ever receive a dime from the Social Security trust fund or disability.

Social Security needs to be left alone. Period. The politicians need to keep their grubby paws out of it because it is not their piggy bank to spend as they wish.

The Social Security funds will be in trouble if this keeps up. People worked their whole lives and paid into the system with the promise that it would be there for them. It's bad enough that it takes more and more tax payers each years to keep good on the Ponzi scheme promise and we don't need another program robbing it.

"This Tuesday, House Republicans nearly unanimously adopted new rules for the 114th Congress (H. Res. 5) which set the stage for long overdue Social Security reforms to protect disabled Americans and seniors from indiscriminate benefit cuts.

The new rule strengthens the integrity of Social Security’s separate trust funds (disability and retirement) by putting a procedural barrier in place to prevent lawmakers from raiding retirement funds to shore up the bleeding disability trust fund. Page 32 of H. Res. 5 adds a point of order against weakening either trust fund, unless the changes result in an overall improvement to Social Security’s combined trust funds."
Ok. So the republican answer to misuse of SS funds is to cut funding off for everyone, legitimate, as well as illegitimate claimants.

The republicans seem to be really in to simplistic answers to complex problems, at the expense of the aged and disabled. Got it!
The surplus Social Security money was never meant to be in a lock-box, in fact, the act declares how the money is to be borrowed by the government.
In regard to the Republicans stopping the transfer of funds, as has been done before, could, just be a campaign tactic by Republicans. First, Republicans create a crisis with Social Security funding by passing a law that does not allow the transfer of SS funds. After elderly people fret and go through fear syndrome; in six months Republicans pass a new law rescinding this one, and bingo Republicans have saved Social Security. Of course the Republicans haven't completed the deed yet and probably won't.
Ok. So the republican answer to misuse of SS funds is to cut funding off for everyone, legitimate, as well as illegitimate claimants.

The republicans seem to be really in to simplistic answers to complex problems, at the expense of the aged and disabled. Got it!

They aren't cutting off Social Security for people. They are making sure the money is there for them.

The Dems would spend all the money and run it into the ground. They are allowed to borrow from the surplus, but are supposed to pay it back with interest. As of several years ago, they had borrowed a trillion and hadn't paid it back. They can't keep doing that.

They can find other ways to fund different programs. They waste a lot of money. The billions we send to Muslim terrorists could be better spent on citizens.
Ok. So the republican answer to misuse of SS funds is to cut funding off for everyone, legitimate, as well as illegitimate claimants.

The republicans seem to be really in to simplistic answers to complex problems, at the expense of the aged and disabled. Got it!

They aren't cutting off Social Security for people. They are making sure the money is there for them.

The Dems would spend all the money and run it into the ground. They are allowed to borrow from the surplus, but are supposed to pay it back with interest. As of several years ago, they had borrowed a trillion and hadn't paid it back. They can't keep doing that.

They can find other ways to fund different programs. They waste a lot of money. The billions we send to Muslim terrorists could be better spent on citizens.

They are not cutting off SS for people?

Perhaps, you should read the OP again. I draw your attention to the last paragraph.
This is pure left wing propaganda. How could the L.A. Times promote this junk before the republican majority even gets started? No wonder Americans distrust the neoNazi liberal rags.

As well they should. people should shun the LaSlimes and the Nyslimes for sure. All they are is a propaganda arm for the DNC
some sanity


Left claims GOP is trying to destroy Social Security on day one of new congress
posted at 6:41 pm on January 7, 2015 by Jazz Shaw
Some new media critics really need to make up their minds.

It’s either a Do Nothing Congress or a Do Something Awful Congress.

If you ask the folks at Talking Points Memo, we’ll be leaning toward the latter because the House was getting busy taking care of business before half of the new members had located the bathrooms.

A minor rules change was put in place which modifies the way tax revenues are occasionally shuffled between the Social Security trust fund and the Social Security disability program.

There’s a reason for this, as we’ll get to below, but to hear some of the folks on the Left describe it, Paul Ryan had finally succeeded in pushing granny’s wheelchair off that cliff.

With a little-noticed proposal, Republicans took aim at Social Security on the very first day of the 114th Congress.

The incoming GOP majority approved late Tuesday a new rule that experts say could provoke an unprecedented crisis that conservatives could use as leverage in upcoming debates over entitlement reform…

House Democrats are sounding the alarm. In a memo circulated to their allies Tuesday, Democratic staffers said that that would mean “either new revenues or benefit cuts for current or future beneficiaries.” New revenues are highly unlikely to be approved by the deeply tax-averse Republican-led Congress, leaving benefit cuts as the obvious alternative.

All that’s missing is a catchy graphic of a skeletal figure riding a pale horse with the letters GOP printed on his robes.

So, all anti-conservative hysteria aside, what’s really going on here? The rules change will still allow for a transfer of funds from the retirement fund to the disability program if required (which it will be by 2016 under current conditions) but only if it improves the overall financial health of the combined Social Security Trust Funds.

all of it here:
Left claims GOP is trying to destroy Social Security on day one of new congress Hot Air
Once again, Republicans claim they ain't tryin' to put the fucks to middle class Americans.

But they just can't get anyone to believe them (except for you hard core righties and you all will believe anything).
Why is that ?

If this "idea" of theirs is so fucking "good" there should be wide acceptance of these changes. But there is not.
Why is that?

Is it only Democrats that are on disability? I doubt that.
Yes, take away monies that the old paid into SS for 40+ years and give it to these people...who wants to bet that the majority are Obumble and Subversive entitlement supporters? A record 5.4 million workers and their dependents have signed up to collect federal disability checks since President Obama took office, Almost half these people make up the BULK of disability!!!!

Disabled America 5.4 Million Join Social Security Disability Insurance Rolls Under Obama -

Again the lie there is a trust fun. No one "paid into" social security. Government spent the money as it took it in. Explain how when you pay your cable bill you're saving the money you just spent.

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