Day One-Repubs launch attack on Social Security

It would be one thing if your narrative was the truth,not once has the right said they want to eliminate ss thats the shit from the left,its about choice and choice only. I am better suited to make my financial choices my self,not some politician in DC NOW START BEING HONEST AND DROP THE ELIMINATION PART.
ps all propuse changes would have never affected older Americans,try again

So if you had retired in 2008, and forced to sell at that time because your income had ended, you would have been perfectly alright, in spite of the fact that your investment values had dropped by 50%.

Republican economics!
Choice not force thats your type of action,your post make little sense.
Who was going to force anyone to sell anything??
Got a 401 k?
On Day One the new Congress launches an attack on Social Security - LA Times

"Well, that didn't take long.
As one of its first orders of business upon convening Tuesday, the Republican House of Representatives approved a rule that will seriously undermine efforts to keep all of Social Security solvent.
The rule hampers an otherwise routine reallocation of Social Security payroll tax income from the old-age program to the disability program. Such a reallocation, in either direction, has taken place
11 times since 1968, according to Kathy Ruffing of the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities.

But it's especially urgent now, because the disability program's trust fund is expected to run dry as early as next year. At that point, disability benefits for 11 million beneficiaries would have to be cut 20%. Reallocating the income, however, would keep both the old-age and disability programs solvent until at least 2033, giving Congress plenty of time to assess the programs' needs and work out a long-term fix.

The procedural rule enacted by the House Republican caucus
prohibits the reallocation unless it's accompanied by "benefit cuts or tax increases that improve the solvency of the combined trust funds," as paraphrased by the National Committee to Preserve Social Security and Medicare.
In practical terms, the advocacy committee says, that makes the reallocation impossible; it mandates either benefit cuts across the board, which aren't politically palatable, or a payroll tax increase, which isn't palatable to the GOP. "

And so, the republicans, still intent on self destruction, immediately attack the strongest voter base in the USA.
A deadline concentrates the mind.

Social Security needs to be fixed. Either the benefits needs to be changed, or taxes need to be increased. The "can't do anything politically unpalatable" shit is killing us. I am sick and tired of politicians and their goddam pain avoidance schemes which just kick the can down the road to the next batch of low pain threshold politicians.

It's bullshit, and it has to end. Now.

Good on them for creating a fiscal cliff. They finally showed some balls. I'd like to see Boehner whip out his crank and piss on the third rail. That would be awesome.

Social Security is a big shit sandwich, and everybody has to take a bite.

Raise the eligibility age to 70. We are living far longer than our ancestors did, we should be working longer than they did.

I agree.

They need to put SS back where it was before LBJ put it in the general fund when he needed money for the Vietnam war. Those clowns have been robbing it ever since.

Put it back where it was so they can't continue to rob it.

Oh and believe me. If you could only take out exactly what you put in both SS and Medicare those programs would have both been gone long ago.

Personally I'd like all the money I have in both of those programs. I can take far better care of my money than some Clown in DC.
That was an accounting procedure and had nothing to do with the funds. LBJ included SS monies in the general fund accounting, the surplus SS made the general fund debt look smaller. Until Clinton, presidents including Reagan followed the LBJ accounting. During the Clinton administration I Congress passed a law restoring the accounting procedure.
On Day One the new Congress launches an attack on Social Security - LA Times

"Well, that didn't take long.
As one of its first orders of business upon convening Tuesday, the Republican House of Representatives approved a rule that will seriously undermine efforts to keep all of Social Security solvent.
The rule hampers an otherwise routine reallocation of Social Security payroll tax income from the old-age program to the disability program. Such a reallocation, in either direction, has taken place
11 times since 1968, according to Kathy Ruffing of the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities.

But it's especially urgent now, because the disability program's trust fund is expected to run dry as early as next year. At that point, disability benefits for 11 million beneficiaries would have to be cut 20%. Reallocating the income, however, would keep both the old-age and disability programs solvent until at least 2033, giving Congress plenty of time to assess the programs' needs and work out a long-term fix.

The procedural rule enacted by the House Republican caucus
prohibits the reallocation unless it's accompanied by "benefit cuts or tax increases that improve the solvency of the combined trust funds," as paraphrased by the National Committee to Preserve Social Security and Medicare.
In practical terms, the advocacy committee says, that makes the reallocation impossible; it mandates either benefit cuts across the board, which aren't politically palatable, or a payroll tax increase, which isn't palatable to the GOP. "

And so, the republicans, still intent on self destruction, immediately attack the strongest voter base in the USA.
A deadline concentrates the mind.

Social Security needs to be fixed. Either the benefits needs to be changed, or taxes need to be increased. The "can't do anything politically unpalatable" shit is killing us. I am sick and tired of politicians and their goddam pain avoidance schemes which just kick the can down the road to the next batch of low pain threshold politicians.

It's bullshit, and it has to end. Now.

Good on them for creating a fiscal cliff. They finally showed some balls. I'd like to see Boehner whip out his crank and piss on the third rail. That would be awesome.

Social Security is a big shit sandwich, and everybody has to take a bite.

Raise the eligibility age to 70. We are living far longer than our ancestors did, we should be working longer than they did.

I agree.

They need to put SS back where it was before LBJ put it in the general fund when he needed money for the Vietnam war. Those clowns have been robbing it ever since.

Put it back where it was so they can't continue to rob it.

Oh and believe me. If you could only take out exactly what you put in both SS and Medicare those programs would have both been gone long ago.

Personally I'd like all the money I have in both of those programs. I can take far better care of my money than some Clown in DC.
That was an accounting procedure and had nothing to do with the funds. LBJ included SS monies in the general fund accounting, the surplus SS made the general fund debt look smaller. Until Clinton, presidents including Reagan followed the LBJ accounting. During the Clinton administration I Congress passed a law restoring the accounting procedure.

I disagree. Greenspan figured out how to get it, and Ronnie got it. As EVERY other POTUS has got it since then .. "it" being SS Trust.
Wow. It didnt take long for the "GOP moves to throw grandma off cliff" stories to start. And for the credulous cretins on the left on this board from chiming in.
I think their heads would explode if they ahd to think critically about any of it.
So we have to find ways to be fiscally responsible instead of kicking the can down the road? Those rotten republicans!

So we have to find ways to be fiscally responsible instead of kicking the can down the road? Those rotten republicans!

This is why we cannot trim government or rein in spending. Every time someone tries the Democrat start screaming that the GOP is balancing the budget on the backs of widows and orphans. If they move to cut corporate welfare then they are balancing budgets on the backs of corporate workers. If they want to cut half of the 27 food assistence programs that overlap then they are balancing the budgets on the stomaches of schoolchildren.
The truth is Dems care about spending to keep their constituents on the gravy train so they can stay ontheir jobs. Sometimes Republicans arent much better.. But usually they are.
Well that didn't long for the same ole fear mongering from the Democrats eh?

ONE DAY they've been sworn in

they're going to make granny eat dog food AGAIN. we'll be seeing ads out next how they're going to push granny over a cliff in her wheelchair. OH WAIT they already did that one
Get it though your heads people.
Disability Insurance is going broke next year.
You either cut their monthly pay out or you raise the tax.
You don't keep taking from the retired folks to pay for it and continue to kick the can down the road to deal with it later.
When the Dem's passed the Disability Insurance they should have had it paid for from the beginning not taking it from the old folks.
This as about the disability insurance not the one for grandma and grandpa.
So stop confusing the two.

You can't add 5 million more people on disability without paying for it.
thanks peach. sheesh they can't even get the right program right for their attacks
Get it though your heads people.
Disability Insurance is going broke next year.
You either cut their monthly pay out or you raise the tax.
You don't keep taking from the retired folks to pay for it and continue to kick the can down the road to deal with it later.
When the Dem's passed the Disability Insurance they should have had it paid for from the beginning not taking it from the old folks.
This as about the disability insurance not the one for grandma and grandpa.
So stop confusing the two.

You can't add 5 million more people on disability without paying for it.

Disability Insurance is going broke next year

link please, thank you.
It would be one thing if your narrative was the truth,not once has the right said they want to eliminate ss thats the shit from the left,its about choice and choice only. I am better suited to make my financial choices my self,not some politician in DC NOW START BEING HONEST AND DROP THE ELIMINATION PART.
ps all propuse changes would have never affected older Americans,try again

So if you had retired in 2008, and forced to sell at that time because your income had ended, you would have been perfectly alright, in spite of the fact that your investment values had dropped by 50%.

Republican economics!

Zactly what I was gonna say.

As it is, we lost money on our investments with the bush recession (which we have regained under the commie/muslim/kenyan) but our SS was not affected.


Can you imagine how much better off your SS would have been if a portion of it had been privatized and put in the market in 2008? Or, is that too difficult.
They want to save SS you dim bulbs. It cannot continue the way it is and hating Republicans is a poor solution.
Republicans have hate SS... They have called Communism thousands of times over... And now you want us to believe you want to save it?

How stupid do you think people are?
Almost everyone of them is smarter than you.

So you don't know me or what I do... You don't know my IQ or EQ but you presumed to say 'Almost everyone of them is smarter than you'

Right Einstein... What is 'Almost everyone of them' : IQ, EQ and the Level of Education, I would also like to see there individual achievements in the workplace and general life...

And by the way I test at Mensa level in IQ alone... Just to give you a tip on how smart 'Almost Everyone of them' has to be...

I suspect I might be talking to someone as dumb as a hammer...

What? Has Palin joined our thread?

Speaking of Palin, did you hear what she had to say about Trig standing on his special needs dog? She mentioned that at least he didn't eat a dog as Obama stated in his book that he did when he was growing up in Indonesia. She is light years ahead of you dipshits that call her dumb.
Get it though your heads people.
Disability Insurance is going broke next year.
You either cut their monthly pay out or you raise the tax.
You don't keep taking from the retired folks to pay for it and continue to kick the can down the road to deal with it later.
When the Dem's passed the Disability Insurance they should have had it paid for from the beginning not taking it from the old folks.
This as about the disability insurance not the one for grandma and grandpa.
So stop confusing the two.

You can't add 5 million more people on disability without paying for it.

Disability Insurance is going broke next year

link please, thank you.

Press Office Press Releases
The DI Trust Fund will become depleted in 2016.
Get it though your heads people.
Disability Insurance is going broke next year.
You either cut their monthly pay out or you raise the tax.
You don't keep taking from the retired folks to pay for it and continue to kick the can down the road to deal with it later.
When the Dem's passed the Disability Insurance they should have had it paid for from the beginning not taking it from the old folks.
This as about the disability insurance not the one for grandma and grandpa.
So stop confusing the two.

You can't add 5 million more people on disability without paying for it.

Disability Insurance is going broke next year

link please, thank you.

Press Office Press Releases
The DI Trust Fund will become depleted in 2016.

allow me ..

Sen. Rob Portman says the Social Security disability fund soon will run dry PolitiFact Ohio

Portman’s claim -- that the "disability fund is going belly up in 2016" -- is accurate, or as accurate as Social Security’s trustees and the CBO can be. We rate the claim True.
SS is one of the most successful things this nation has ever done. It is now a part of the American way. It helps people make it from one week to the next. It needs to be protected into the distant future. Why anyone would "hate" it is bizarre.

It's broke... how is that in any way a success? You leftwing nutters slay me... you take abject failure and hold it up as success.

it CAN be fixed .. idiots like you don't give a shit. RW's just walk the party line and spew rhetoric out both ends.

Of course I give a shit, I've been paying into it since I was 16. So, what's your plan for making it solvent again?
1.1% and SS nnnnnnnever rears its ugly head again ..

Workers and their employers currently pay 6.2 percent of earnings up to $106,800 into the Social Security system, or a maximum of $6,622 each per year. Self-employed workers are required to pay 12.4 percent of pay up to the same cap. If the contribution rate were increased by 1.1 percent to 7.3 percent of earnings, Social Security’s projected deficit would be eliminated. Using this fix, a worker making $43,451 in 2010 would face a tax increase of $478 a year, or $9.19 a week, and the employer would face an identical increase.

$9 a damn WEEK ... keep your ass out of Starbucks , end of problem.

Source? Because I have to believe that if it were this simple, we'd already have done this.
SS is one of the most successful things this nation has ever done. It is now a part of the American way. It helps people make it from one week to the next. It needs to be protected into the distant future. Why anyone would "hate" it is bizarre.
it is not the idea of SS that we hate.

It is how it is manipulated by the government without our consent that we hate.

Did you just wake up from a long sleep? Are you truly not aware of the concerns of the abuse of SS?

SS turned into just another payola scheme to buy off certain segments of the population.
1.1% and SS nnnnnnnever rears its ugly head again ..

Workers and their employers currently pay 6.2 percent of earnings up to $106,800 into the Social Security system, or a maximum of $6,622 each per year. Self-employed workers are required to pay 12.4 percent of pay up to the same cap. If the contribution rate were increased by 1.1 percent to 7.3 percent of earnings, Social Security’s projected deficit would be eliminated. Using this fix, a worker making $43,451 in 2010 would face a tax increase of $478 a year, or $9.19 a week, and the employer would face an identical increase.

$9 a damn WEEK ... keep your ass out of Starbucks , end of problem.

Source? Because I have to believe that if it were this simple, we'd already have done this.

12 Ways to Fix Social Security - US News

Workers and their employers currently pay 6.2 percent of earnings up to $106,800 into the Social Security system, or a maximum of $6,622 each per year. Self-employed workers are required to pay 12.4 percent of pay up to the same cap. If the contribution rate were increased by 1.1 percent to 7.3 percent of earnings, Social Security’s projected deficit would be eliminated. Using this fix, a worker making $43,451 in 2010 would face a tax increase of $478 a year, or $9.19 a week, and the employer would face an identical increase.

theres your source and 11 other ways to solve the problem ... yes, its that simple. Unfortunately nobody gives a shit just like I said.

1.1% and SS nnnnnnnever rears its ugly head again ..

Workers and their employers currently pay 6.2 percent of earnings up to $106,800 into the Social Security system, or a maximum of $6,622 each per year. Self-employed workers are required to pay 12.4 percent of pay up to the same cap. If the contribution rate were increased by 1.1 percent to 7.3 percent of earnings, Social Security’s projected deficit would be eliminated. Using this fix, a worker making $43,451 in 2010 would face a tax increase of $478 a year, or $9.19 a week, and the employer would face an identical increase.

$9 a damn WEEK ... keep your ass out of Starbucks , end of problem.

Source? Because I have to believe that if it were this simple, we'd already have done this.

12 Ways to Fix Social Security - US News

Workers and their employers currently pay 6.2 percent of earnings up to $106,800 into the Social Security system, or a maximum of $6,622 each per year. Self-employed workers are required to pay 12.4 percent of pay up to the same cap. If the contribution rate were increased by 1.1 percent to 7.3 percent of earnings, Social Security’s projected deficit would be eliminated. Using this fix, a worker making $43,451 in 2010 would face a tax increase of $478 a year, or $9.19 a week, and the employer would face an identical increase.

theres your source and 11 other ways to solve the problem ... yes, its that simple. Unfortunately nobody gives a shit just like I said.


This one won't work Decrease the cost-of-living adjustment
The cost of living adjustment is what pays for rising cost of their health insurance.
It still keeps them at the same monthly payment each year, so they never see that cost of living adjustment.
Take away that increase and each year they will get less and less each year.
They can barely make ends meet as it is.
SS is one of the most successful things this nation has ever done. It is now a part of the American way. It helps people make it from one week to the next. It needs to be protected into the distant future. Why anyone would "hate" it is bizarre.

It's broke... how is that in any way a success? You leftwing nutters slay me... you take abject failure and hold it up as success.

it CAN be fixed .. idiots like you don't give a shit. RW's just walk the party line and spew rhetoric out both ends.

Of course I give a shit, I've been paying into it since I was 16. So, what's your plan for making it solvent again?

same here. Started working in High school. Paying into it for 45 years and counting

those RWs who don't give a shit will wait with baited breath for that answer. :eusa_whistle:

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