Dayyyyum. 517,000 jobs created in January, crushing estimates, as unemployment rate hit 53-year low

People taking second jobs, just so they can eat and live indoors.

Meanwhile, real wages -what your paycheck actually buys- are down for the 21st consecutive month.
Not true at all. Go ahead and link data for both claims.
People taking second jobs, just so they can eat and live indoors.

Meanwhile, real wages -what your paycheck actually buys- are down for the 21st consecutive month.
When our political opposites start believing like you do, we're in trouble. I see why guys like you go to Nancy Pelosi's house. You've lost touch with reality.
We see why guys like this go to Pelosi's house too.


I'm sure he would come see you.
This is going to piss off a lot of folks on here.
It is a very misleading headline since most of those jobs are not new jobs but simply people going back to their old jobs after the covid shutdowns. Its propaganda, gator, can't you see that?

517,000 jobs created in January​

This is bad news for whoever wants to defeat Joe Biden in 2024..

I doubt Joe will be winning anymore elections if they are at all conducted honestly.
  • You don't say WHAT kind of jobs.
  • You don't say WHICH January.
  • God knows how much worse Biddum's last two years will hold in store for us, assuming he isn't impeached before then.
  • Meantime, all those new jobs are created in a market of an inrush of cheap foreign labor, a very hostile global market, in a highly uncertain economy where companies everywhere are firing by the thousands, meantime, eggs still cost $7.00/dozen, gasoline $4.00/gallon, crime at an all-time high, social decay multiplying, energy and mortgage just incredible, all the while half the time, you can't even find nor buy what you need, how or when while the government under Biddum only promises to only make things much worse.
  • Joe Biden cannot even protect nor defend the sovereignty of his own country.
I wouldn't waste 5 nanoseconds listening to that vile, treasonous POS spew further insulting lies on national television.
It is a very misleading headline since most of those jobs are not new jobs but simply people going back to their old jobs after the covid shutdowns. Its propaganda, gator, can't you see that?

My facts trump your feelings.

There are 102,702,000 more people employed now than before COVID.

It is a very misleading headline since most of those jobs are not new jobs but simply people going back to their old jobs after the covid shutdowns. Its propaganda, gator, can't you see that?

You know we're 2.7 million jobs above pre-covid levels, right? Exactly how many jobs do you think need to be added until they're "created?"
You know, I don't think I ever heard his political preference. Was he really a Democrat?
that is what has been reported, who knows what can be believed. What exactly was going on with Pauly Pelosi and the hammer guy? If pauly was under attack why did he not seek help from the cops or run out of the house?
A loyal Trump voter trying to please Conservatives
He will probably go to the prison where all the insurrectionists are being held. We should have sent them to Guantanamo Bay. LOL. Also in the same prison will be those 5 cops who killed that kid. I'm sure they'll all get along.
You know we're 2.7 million jobs above pre-covid levels, right? Exactly how many jobs do you think need to be added until they're "created?"
It may be true that 67% of us feel like we are worse off than we were before Biden took office. But if you put it that way. I don't blame Joe. In fact I trust Joe to get us out of this mess. Just like I trusted Obama and he delivered. It was never good enough for Republicans and neither will Biden's efforts. He's not a scumbag. He's not selling out to China. Trump absolutely abused his power and profited financially from being president. Jared got $2 billion from the Saudi's. Blatant corruption right in your face. So obvious. Not as obvious as Hunter but pretty obvious. LOL

You might wanna double check your "facts."

Sorry about that. the "10" should not have been there...

2,702,000 more.

Feb 2020 152,371,000 total employed.
Jan 2023 155,073,000 total employed.

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