Left wing hate crime...
Why are you surprised?

When your party shreds the Safety Net and gives more money to the Corporatists, you're going to make vast numbers of people very, very angry.

In a nation of 330,000,000 souls, at least a few of them are going to be sufficiently pissed to engage in violent reaction to such a callous political agenda.

The fault du jour is the Shooter himself.

The underlying stimulus is the present-day agenda of the Republican Party.

Let's not lose sight of that, either.
Left wing hate crime.

Shakespearean actors across the US are receiving death threats over New York’s Trump-as-Caesar play
“We just got slammed. It’s pretty amazing the vitriol, the wishing we would die and our family would die. A whole lot of them say that we should burn in hell.”
and that is just as wrong. but at what point does it become understandable when you attack a person who represents a base of how people feel? regardless, we on both sides need to find better ways to deal with differences that do not involve demanding your job, much less your life.
Imagine my shock at realizing leftist liberals are frail hateful and just as violent as the rest of the human race. What an epiphany THIS is. The anti haters pro diversity folks are the the biggest haters and the most controlling. Wow. surprise surprise surprise.
They talk about shoving a machine gun up Obama's ass and pulling the trigger for 8 years but we have to be nice to the Republican when he's in office?
Fuck That!
We called for unity after Gabby Giffords was shot and got (crickets)
Trump Jr said Democrats weren't even people!
Then a nutcase opened fire on the GOP at the ball field. After they voted to allow the mentally ill to buy guns.
What comes around, goes around assholes.
And we have to play nice now?
Not gonna do it while the GOP can't even be honest about a Healthcare bill the Senate is literally hiding from Democrats and all US citizens.
Fuck that and Fuck all Republicans and their hypocritical bullshit.
I will say this, the GOP are the enemy of the American people.
How's that for rhetoric?
True...kind of like Bill Clinton being some sort fo champion for feminists, even though he is one of the most famous womanizers and cheaters of all time.

Trump is the nastiest sex pervert of all time who lusts after his won daughter and random 10 year old girls he sees in a mall..plus he has been accused of rape in sworn testimony ..and of sexual molestation too...Trump is gross

looks like between he and clinton they're at least both in the finals of this award at best. however your claims are not as factually based as bills legal sexcapades. clinton - wow, you got us there as he's NEVER been accused of rape in sworn testimony...
Shakespearean actors across the US are receiving death threats over New York’s Trump-as-Caesar play
“We just got slammed. It’s pretty amazing the vitriol, the wishing we would die and our family would die. A whole lot of them say that we should burn in hell.”
and that is just as wrong. but at what point does it become understandable when you attack a person who represents a base of how people feel? regardless, we on both sides need to find better ways to deal with differences that do not involve demanding your job, much less your life.
No no no ...both sides are not equivalkent.,..the Right wing GLORIES in Gun and threats to use Guns as second amendment solutions ...you are not going to make Right wing Gun Goons equivalent to liberals no way no how ...

It was POLITICAL VIOLENCE by the Right wing that killed MLK , RFK and JFK
Imagine my shock at realizing leftist liberals are frail hateful and just as violent as the rest of the human race. What an epiphany THIS is. The anti haters pro diversity folks are the the biggest haters and the most controlling. Wow. surprise surprise surprise.
They talk about shoving a machine gun up Obama's ass and pulling the trigger for 8 years but we have to be nice to the Republican when he's in office?
Fuck That!
We called for unity after Gabby Giffords was shot and got (crickets)
Trump Jr said Democrats weren't even people!
Then a nutcase opened fire on the GOP at the ball field. After they voted to allow the mentally ill to buy guns.
What comes around, goes around assholes.
And we have to play nice now?
Not gonna do it while the GOP can't even be honest about a Healthcare bill the Senate is literally hiding from Democrats and all US citizens.
Fuck that and Fuck all Republicans and their hypocritical bullshit.
I will say this, the GOP are the enemy of the American people.
How's that for rhetoric?
except you got crickets from the very people causing the problems now - the extreme. do you honestly think the majority of the people act in this manner or just the most stupid? now what is being reported - the average person saying STOP or the nutbangers screaming MURDER?

you play how YOU want to play. but maybe the reason previous cries fell on deaf ears isn't because they disagreed something needed to be done but disagreed your chosen actions were the proper course of action.

the enemy of the american people are the ones who refuse to stop hating and continue on in the violence. if that's you - keep drawing the lines.
True...kind of like Bill Clinton being some sort fo champion for feminists, even though he is one of the most famous womanizers and cheaters of all time.

Trump is the nastiest sex pervert of all time who lusts after his won daughter and random 10 year old girls he sees in a mall..plus he has been accused of rape in sworn testimony ..and of sexual molestation too...Trump is gross

looks like between he and clinton they're at least both in the finals of this award at best. however your claims are not as factually based as bills legal sexcapades. clinton - wow, you got us there as he's NEVER been accused of rape in sworn testimony...
yes it is factually based...ONLY Trump has had sworn testimony from a female accusing him of RAPE and he is on record as claiming Pussy grabbing Rights
Shakespearean actors across the US are receiving death threats over New York’s Trump-as-Caesar play
“We just got slammed. It’s pretty amazing the vitriol, the wishing we would die and our family would die. A whole lot of them say that we should burn in hell.”
and that is just as wrong. but at what point does it become understandable when you attack a person who represents a base of how people feel? regardless, we on both sides need to find better ways to deal with differences that do not involve demanding your job, much less your life.
No no no ...both sides are not equivalkent.,..the Right wing GLORIES in Gun and threats to use Guns as second amendment solutions ...you are not going to make Right wing Gun Goons equivalent to liberals no way no how ...

It was POLITICAL VIOLENCE by the Right wing that killed MLK , RFK and JFK

and left wing violence lately is killing who? you're not going to put their actions off on the right wing. if the right wing must "own their actions" so must the left.

james early ray i believe was a democrat.
oswald was a radical left wing socialist

you need to calm down.
True...kind of like Bill Clinton being some sort fo champion for feminists, even though he is one of the most famous womanizers and cheaters of all time.

Trump is the nastiest sex pervert of all time who lusts after his won daughter and random 10 year old girls he sees in a mall..plus he has been accused of rape in sworn testimony ..and of sexual molestation too...Trump is gross

looks like between he and clinton they're at least both in the finals of this award at best. however your claims are not as factually based as bills legal sexcapades. clinton - wow, you got us there as he's NEVER been accused of rape in sworn testimony...
yes it is factually based...ONLY Trump has had sworn testimony from a female accusing him of RAPE and he is on record as claiming Pussy grabbing Rights
juanita broaddrick

done with you. you won't let the facts speak for themselves, you just make shit up - as proven several times here.

I would like to see some actually proof that that is what was actually said. Even your own post says "IT APPEARED the 'gunman was there to kill as many Republican members as possible'" This is Rep. Mark Walker's words....NOT the gunman.

/---- Your defense of one of your own libtard moonbats is touching

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com
Seriously people?

This attack is a direct result of partisan bickering. Instead of ending the reviling and hate most of you double down on it.

You realize if nothing changes this will continue to escalate. What does it take to stop this bs?

You don't have to agree with each other but stop reviling each other. Stop the pride and condescension toward one another. Love your enemy. Pray for them.

Stop calling them stupid. Stop calling them names. If you you do, you are part of the problem!

What has to happen before we wake up???

I predicted this before and I hate to say its going to get worse. Till Trump knows what he is doing. I know you are core Trump supporter but since your stepped in as in the middle.

I need you to open up your mind and be honest with me because I do not lie and I do not bull shit. Okay?
Here are the problems and tell me where I'm wrong.
1. Populist. His core supporters believed and like him just the way he is a white alpha male. It doesn't matter what he says, or do or what he represents. They believe him wrong or lies 100% it doesn't matter. It's their bible etched to their brain and Trump is taking advantage of that.
A good latest example is the Paris Accord. He lied all the way to his soul and they believed him. It's okay to disagree. But the sad part is using Trump lies as basis of argument and that is just not acceptable. Come on. That is a very good example that his supporters are very poorly informed. That is a problem.
2. The rise of these alt right movement and white nationalist branch since he was elected is quite scary. Until he denounce these groups this will lead to a bigger problem.
Does he care? Hell No because those are some of his core supporters. The other saddest part is the children are watching------ all of them think these alt right group heil Hitler's are normal.
Another good example are the members here that are racist. They no longer hide or discrete but came out boldly admitted being a racist and they are so proud of it since Trump was elected. That make me sick to my stomach.
Remember what I said --------- this fighting between left and right is going to get worse. Till Trump stop all divisive talks that we are all Americans and get his act together instead of acting like a little kid. Look at the chaos what is going on like a little kid --------- Always doing something or saying dumb that he need a highly paid lawyer defending him what he just said that day in public on top of Spicer and Huckabee.

3. A good example of a hypocrite. Buy Americans and Hire Americans as one of his business motto. When his products are made in China, Bangladesh and Mexico. His employees in Maralago are from eastern Europe and he just hired foreigners for his vineyard in Virginia.

4. A pathological liar, bully, racist, xenophobic, sexist------- Its everything what I and decent Americans stand against. Can you honestly tell your kids or grandchildren that this is a role model human being? I can't.

Tell me where I'm wrong.

How about the beginning when you claimed I am a core Trump supporter? You couldn't even get that right.

1) how did he lie about the Paris accord? During the Obama administration even some of the left pointed put how bad they were. Which is why Obama never submitted the Accords for ratification.

Strangely the right knows is and its the left claiming we are somehow bound to a treaty we never ratified.

2) he denounced these groups during the campaign. Yes they are disturbing but they hardly make up the majority of support for Trump.

3) he isn't an ideologue and doesn't walk the way he talks. Hardly the first President to be like this. Sure doesn't justify the vitriol against him or against his opponents.

4) seen zero evidence that he is a racist or sexist, though his treatment of women is definitely sub par. I see no reason to claim he is a xenophobe either simply because he wants us to put America first. That is precisely what we should be doing.

He lies. No doubt. You realize that the only presidents that havent been horrible liars since Reagan are the Bushs? And they were hardly the epitome of honesty. The problem is the people deny truth exists. How can we get honest representatives if we don't believe and practice truth and honesty as a people?

And yes he is a bully sometimes. That doesnt justify death threats against him nor the vitriol

He doesn't have to be a role model for my children. I do.

I know a core Trump supporter based from their post. In this post alone you proved that you are a hard core. You are not being honest on top of that you double down on lies.
1. There was a big separate thread regarding Paris Accord and you are playing dumb because I did encounter you in that thread plus you never answered my question.
Trump lied big time on Paris Accord and you know it. Do you want me to remind you all of Trump lies on Paris Accord?
Obama never submitted to be ratified. You should know better. The GOPs sabotage Obama from day one to his last day on Oval Office. Your rebuttal is way off.
2. Not True. He denounced one particular group only but not as a whole like from his friend Alex Jones of Infowars and the rest.
All you have to do is use google where racism and hatred are on the rise. Even at the universities and high schools.
3. Not true. Trump is one of a kind and never seen this kind of hypocrisy.
4. Even Paul Ryan blasted him as a racist and I cannot make it any simpler than that. Yes he is a sexist you are just in denial.
Trump is entirely different kind of a liar compared to any president that we've ever seen. He lied almost every time he open his mouth. The sad part is people like you just swallow it with out checking the facts and you believed him 100%. A good example of that is the Paris accord----- he lied 100%. Trump is taking advantage of American ignorance.
As far as he know all presidents received death threats. So there is nothing new. But Trump fueled and responsible for all these fighting between left and the right.
Trump is always been a bully and there's no such thing as sometimes.
A president is always been viewed and admired as someone we look up to. A good example of that is Obama but no way he in hell Trump is a roll model except from the wrong groups.
Seriously people?

This attack is a direct result of partisan bickering. Instead of ending the reviling and hate most of you double down on it.

You realize if nothing changes this will continue to escalate. What does it take to stop this bs?

You don't have to agree with each other but stop reviling each other. Stop the pride and condescension toward one another. Love your enemy. Pray for them.

Stop calling them stupid. Stop calling them names. If you you do, you are part of the problem!

What has to happen before we wake up???

I predicted this before and I hate to say its going to get worse. Till Trump knows what he is doing. I know you are core Trump supporter but since your stepped in as in the middle.

I need you to open up your mind and be honest with me because I do not lie and I do not bull shit. Okay?
Here are the problems and tell me where I'm wrong.
1. Populist. His core supporters believed and like him just the way he is a white alpha male. It doesn't matter what he says, or do or what he represents. They believe him wrong or lies 100% it doesn't matter. It's their bible etched to their brain and Trump is taking advantage of that.
A good latest example is the Paris Accord. He lied all the way to his soul and they believed him. It's okay to disagree. But the sad part is using Trump lies as basis of argument and that is just not acceptable. Come on. That is a very good example that his supporters are very poorly informed. That is a problem.
2. The rise of these alt right movement and white nationalist branch since he was elected is quite scary. Until he denounce these groups this will lead to a bigger problem.
Does he care? Hell No because those are some of his core supporters. The other saddest part is the children are watching------ all of them think these alt right group heil Hitler's are normal.
Another good example are the members here that are racist. They no longer hide or discrete but came out boldly admitted being a racist and they are so proud of it since Trump was elected. That make me sick to my stomach.
Remember what I said --------- this fighting between left and right is going to get worse. Till Trump stop all divisive talks that we are all Americans and get his act together instead of acting like a little kid. Look at the chaos what is going on like a little kid --------- Always doing something or saying dumb that he need a highly paid lawyer defending him what he just said that day in public on top of Spicer and Huckabee.

3. A good example of a hypocrite. Buy Americans and Hire Americans as one of his business motto. When his products are made in China, Bangladesh and Mexico. His employees in Maralago are from eastern Europe and he just hired foreigners for his vineyard in Virginia.

4. A pathological liar, bully, racist, xenophobic, sexist------- Its everything what I and decent Americans stand against. Can you honestly tell your kids or grandchildren that this is a role model human being? I can't.

Tell me where I'm wrong.

How about the beginning when you claimed I am a core Trump supporter? You couldn't even get that right.

1) how did he lie about the Paris accord? During the Obama administration even some of the left pointed put how bad they were. Which is why Obama never submitted the Accords for ratification.

Strangely the right knows is and its the left claiming we are somehow bound to a treaty we never ratified.

2) he denounced these groups during the campaign. Yes they are disturbing but they hardly make up the majority of support for Trump.

3) he isn't an ideologue and doesn't walk the way he talks. Hardly the first President to be like this. Sure doesn't justify the vitriol against him or against his opponents.

4) seen zero evidence that he is a racist or sexist, though his treatment of women is definitely sub par. I see no reason to claim he is a xenophobe either simply because he wants us to put America first. That is precisely what we should be doing.

He lies. No doubt. You realize that the only presidents that havent been horrible liars since Reagan are the Bushs? And they were hardly the epitome of honesty. The problem is the people deny truth exists. How can we get honest representatives if we don't believe and practice truth and honesty as a people?

And yes he is a bully sometimes. That doesnt justify death threats against him nor the vitriol

He doesn't have to be a role model for my children. I do.

I know a core Trump supporter based from their post. In this post alone you proved that you are a hard core. You are not being honest on top of that you double down on lies.
1. There was a big separate thread regarding Paris Accord and you are playing dumb because I did encounter you in that thread plus you never answered my question.
Trump lied big time on Paris Accord and you know it. Do you want me to remind you all of Trump lies on Paris Accord?
Obama never submitted to be ratified. You should know better. The GOPs sabotage Obama from day one to his last day on Oval Office. Your rebuttal is way off.
2. Not True. He denounced one particular group only but not as a whole like from his friend Alex Jones of Infowars and the rest.
All you have to do is use google where racism and hatred are on the rise. Even at the universities and high schools.
3. Not true. Trump is one of a kind and never seen this kind of hypocrisy.
4. Even Paul Ryan blasted him as a racist and I cannot make it any simpler than that. Yes he is a sexist you are just in denial.
Trump is entirely different kind of a liar compared to any president that we've ever seen. He lied almost every time he open his mouth. The sad part is people like you just swallow it with out checking the facts and you believed him 100%. A good example of that is the Paris accord----- he lied 100%. Trump is taking advantage of American ignorance.
As far as he know all presidents received death threats. So there is nothing new. But Trump fueled and responsible for all these fighting between left and the right.
Trump is always been a bully and there's no such thing as sometimes.
A president is always been viewed and admired as someone we look up to. A good example of that is Obama but no way he in hell Trump is a roll model except from the wrong groups.

Of course I doubled down on the truth. It doesn't change reality.

I didn't support trump. I spent two years warning about him getting into office. I'm just not willing to lie about conspiracy theories to push him from office.

You were wrong with the Paris accords. You are still wrong. Even when you are corrected you want to stay wrong. There is nothing I can do for you.
You're a real nutjob. The warning signs are clear. Like i said, i hope someone's keeping an eye on you.

Okay, duly noted that you couldn't refute my point that a guy who had numerous opportunities to change our crazy gun laws doesn't deserve a lot of sympathy when he gets shot by a crazy person.

The other 100,000 victims of gun violence this year didn't have a say. He did.

And not an apology from the anti Trump bunch saying 'we need to tone it down a little bit, because we're inciting our own people to get violent'. This childish crap has been going on for months now, probably won't end either because the crybabies on the radical left can't accept a legal election result.

Why should we tone it down? Because one crazy person shot a politician? You guys went around talking about "Second Amendment Solutions" to Obama for years, and he actually legitimately won an election without cheating.

It's not about 'Gun Control.' You're just shamefully trying to deflect and make it about that. And that's because you've been radicalized. The fact you're desperately spinning and justifying this violence, shows that you're likely just as deranged as this shooter was. You really do need to seek some help. You'll have to be kept an eye on for sure. Thank God you're on the radar now. Lives could be saved. Take care.
ot about 'Gun Control.' You're just shamefully trying to deflect and make it about that. And that's because you've been radicalized. The fact you're desperately spinning and justifying this violence, shows that you're likely just as deranged as this shooter was. You really do need to seek some help. You'll have to be kept an eye on for sure. Thank God you're on the radar now. Lives could be saved. Take care.

No, it is about Gun Control. This sort of shit happens 100,000 times a year because guns are too easy to get. Scalise made it easier for this sort of thing to happen. He's the one who kept the gun laws loose.

And for your double dose of irony, the police officer who saved his life was an African-American lesbian.

So the man is injured by someone whose "rights" to weapons he protected, and he was saved by someone whose rights he fought to suppress.
Seriously people?

This attack is a direct result of partisan bickering. Instead of ending the reviling and hate most of you double down on it.

You realize if nothing changes this will continue to escalate. What does it take to stop this bs?

You don't have to agree with each other but stop reviling each other. Stop the pride and condescension toward one another. Love your enemy. Pray for them.

Stop calling them stupid. Stop calling them names. If you you do, you are part of the problem!

What has to happen before we wake up???

I predicted this before and I hate to say its going to get worse. Till Trump knows what he is doing. I know you are core Trump supporter but since your stepped in as in the middle.

I need you to open up your mind and be honest with me because I do not lie and I do not bull shit. Okay?
Here are the problems and tell me where I'm wrong.
1. Populist. His core supporters believed and like him just the way he is a white alpha male. It doesn't matter what he says, or do or what he represents. They believe him wrong or lies 100% it doesn't matter. It's their bible etched to their brain and Trump is taking advantage of that.
A good latest example is the Paris Accord. He lied all the way to his soul and they believed him. It's okay to disagree. But the sad part is using Trump lies as basis of argument and that is just not acceptable. Come on. That is a very good example that his supporters are very poorly informed. That is a problem.
2. The rise of these alt right movement and white nationalist branch since he was elected is quite scary. Until he denounce these groups this will lead to a bigger problem.
Does he care? Hell No because those are some of his core supporters. The other saddest part is the children are watching------ all of them think these alt right group heil Hitler's are normal.
Another good example are the members here that are racist. They no longer hide or discrete but came out boldly admitted being a racist and they are so proud of it since Trump was elected. That make me sick to my stomach.
Remember what I said --------- this fighting between left and right is going to get worse. Till Trump stop all divisive talks that we are all Americans and get his act together instead of acting like a little kid. Look at the chaos what is going on like a little kid --------- Always doing something or saying dumb that he need a highly paid lawyer defending him what he just said that day in public on top of Spicer and Huckabee.

3. A good example of a hypocrite. Buy Americans and Hire Americans as one of his business motto. When his products are made in China, Bangladesh and Mexico. His employees in Maralago are from eastern Europe and he just hired foreigners for his vineyard in Virginia.

4. A pathological liar, bully, racist, xenophobic, sexist------- Its everything what I and decent Americans stand against. Can you honestly tell your kids or grandchildren that this is a role model human being? I can't.

Tell me where I'm wrong.

How about the beginning when you claimed I am a core Trump supporter? You couldn't even get that right.

1) how did he lie about the Paris accord? During the Obama administration even some of the left pointed put how bad they were. Which is why Obama never submitted the Accords for ratification.

Strangely the right knows is and its the left claiming we are somehow bound to a treaty we never ratified.

2) he denounced these groups during the campaign. Yes they are disturbing but they hardly make up the majority of support for Trump.

3) he isn't an ideologue and doesn't walk the way he talks. Hardly the first President to be like this. Sure doesn't justify the vitriol against him or against his opponents.

4) seen zero evidence that he is a racist or sexist, though his treatment of women is definitely sub par. I see no reason to claim he is a xenophobe either simply because he wants us to put America first. That is precisely what we should be doing.

He lies. No doubt. You realize that the only presidents that havent been horrible liars since Reagan are the Bushs? And they were hardly the epitome of honesty. The problem is the people deny truth exists. How can we get honest representatives if we don't believe and practice truth and honesty as a people?

And yes he is a bully sometimes. That doesnt justify death threats against him nor the vitriol

He doesn't have to be a role model for my children. I do.

I know a core Trump supporter based from their post. In this post alone you proved that you are a hard core. You are not being honest on top of that you double down on lies.
1. There was a big separate thread regarding Paris Accord and you are playing dumb because I did encounter you in that thread plus you never answered my question.
Trump lied big time on Paris Accord and you know it. Do you want me to remind you all of Trump lies on Paris Accord?
Obama never submitted to be ratified. You should know better. The GOPs sabotage Obama from day one to his last day on Oval Office. Your rebuttal is way off.
2. Not True. He denounced one particular group only but not as a whole like from his friend Alex Jones of Infowars and the rest.
All you have to do is use google where racism and hatred are on the rise. Even at the universities and high schools.
3. Not true. Trump is one of a kind and never seen this kind of hypocrisy.
4. Even Paul Ryan blasted him as a racist and I cannot make it any simpler than that. Yes he is a sexist you are just in denial.
Trump is entirely different kind of a liar compared to any president that we've ever seen. He lied almost every time he open his mouth. The sad part is people like you just swallow it with out checking the facts and you believed him 100%. A good example of that is the Paris accord----- he lied 100%. Trump is taking advantage of American ignorance.
As far as he know all presidents received death threats. So there is nothing new. But Trump fueled and responsible for all these fighting between left and the right.
Trump is always been a bully and there's no such thing as sometimes.
A president is always been viewed and admired as someone we look up to. A good example of that is Obama but no way he in hell Trump is a roll model except from the wrong groups.

1. Of course I doubled down on the truth. It doesn't change reality.

2. I didn't support trump. I spent two years warning about him getting into office. I'm just not willing to lie about conspiracy theories to push him from office.

3. You were wrong with the Paris accords. You are still wrong. Even when you are corrected you want to stay wrong. There is nothing I can do for you.

1. You double down on your lies but not the reality. From this point I labeled you as a LIAR.
2. You lied again LIAR. Conspiracy theories are promoted and only coming out from Trump and his followers. That's a fact.
3. You lied again LIAR. Not a single one corrected me. I blasted just about everyone in that particular thread including YOU with facts and reality. And in that particular thread I proved how ignorant you people are.
One sentence will proved you LIAR and the rest of you ignorant wrong: Coal industry is dying because reusable energy and cheaper natural gas ---------- That's a fact. Not from Trump lies just like you.
The saddest part is you LIAR and everyone relied and argued base from Trump lies. Sad and Sick.
You are hopeless.

Solar energy is killing coal, despite Trump's promises

Solar energy is killing coal, despite Trump's promises

By Matt Egan June 20, 2017: 12:53 PM ET
The rapidly falling cost of solar energy is going to make it difficult for President Trump to deliver on his promise to put coal miners back to work.
Trump has taken steps to ease the burden on coal country by ripping up environmental rules and pledging to withdraw the United States from the Paris climate accord.
But those deregulatory steps do little to offset the mounting long-term challenge that coal faces from cleaner forms of energy, especially solar.
You're a real nutjob. The warning signs are clear. Like i said, i hope someone's keeping an eye on you.

Okay, duly noted that you couldn't refute my point that a guy who had numerous opportunities to change our crazy gun laws doesn't deserve a lot of sympathy when he gets shot by a crazy person.

The other 100,000 victims of gun violence this year didn't have a say. He did.

And not an apology from the anti Trump bunch saying 'we need to tone it down a little bit, because we're inciting our own people to get violent'. This childish crap has been going on for months now, probably won't end either because the crybabies on the radical left can't accept a legal election result.

Why should we tone it down? Because one crazy person shot a politician? You guys went around talking about "Second Amendment Solutions" to Obama for years, and he actually legitimately won an election without cheating.

It's not about 'Gun Control.' You're just shamefully trying to deflect and make it about that. And that's because you've been radicalized. The fact you're desperately spinning and justifying this violence, shows that you're likely just as deranged as this shooter was. You really do need to seek some help. You'll have to be kept an eye on for sure. Thank God you're on the radar now. Lives could be saved. Take care.

Dude you are so paranoid that the federalist will take your gun away. No one in this planet will take your right to buy and own guns. Not even god.
I am a responsible citizen and I can buy gun whatever and whenever I want no one can stop me.
But we need at least some kind of responsible gun laws restrictions.
Easy access to guns that you support makes this argument meaningless.
Your goal is to flood the street with more guns. You and the rest of gun nuts thinking are---------More guns makes us safer but in reality more guns more people die.
You're a real nutjob. The warning signs are clear. Like i said, i hope someone's keeping an eye on you.

Okay, duly noted that you couldn't refute my point that a guy who had numerous opportunities to change our crazy gun laws doesn't deserve a lot of sympathy when he gets shot by a crazy person.

The other 100,000 victims of gun violence this year didn't have a say. He did.

And not an apology from the anti Trump bunch saying 'we need to tone it down a little bit, because we're inciting our own people to get violent'. This childish crap has been going on for months now, probably won't end either because the crybabies on the radical left can't accept a legal election result.

Why should we tone it down? Because one crazy person shot a politician? You guys went around talking about "Second Amendment Solutions" to Obama for years, and he actually legitimately won an election without cheating.

It's not about 'Gun Control.' You're just shamefully trying to deflect and make it about that. And that's because you've been radicalized. The fact you're desperately spinning and justifying this violence, shows that you're likely just as deranged as this shooter was. You really do need to seek some help. You'll have to be kept an eye on for sure. Thank God you're on the radar now. Lives could be saved. Take care.

Dude you are so paranoid that the federalist will take your gun away. No one in this planet will take your right to buy and own guns. Not even god.
I am a responsible citizen and I can buy gun whatever and whenever I want no one can stop me.
But we need at least some kind of responsible gun laws restrictions.
Easy access to guns that you support makes this argument meaningless.
Your goal is to flood the street with more guns. You and the rest of gun nuts thinking are---------More guns makes us safer but in reality more guns more people die.

You really should lay off the Democrat incitement propaganda. It's rotting your brain. To try and spin this as being about 'Gun Control', is just plain despicable. Period, end of story.

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