Isis uses propaganda and online rhetoric to radicalize their followers. They are no different then democrats who are doing the same thing.

Of course James Hodgkinson wasn't some random crazy who got a gun. He wasn't randomly shooting people. He was marinated in Democrat hate and told to kill republicans the same way isis tells their followers to kill infidels. He even had a list a list that he got from democrats. The same kind of Democrats that hoped the doctors and nurses would kill the wounded.

Hodgkinson isn't the only one given a list. He's just the one we know about.
Here we have confirmation. A Democrat who would prefer if someone at that hospital, doctor, nurse, orderly, janitor, even a visitor would do, willing to "fix" grand cyclops Scalise
Isis uses propaganda and online rhetoric to radicalize their followers. They are no different then democrats who are doing the same thing.

Of course James Hodgkinson wasn't some random crazy who got a gun. He wasn't randomly shooting people. He was marinated in Democrat hate and told to kill republicans the same way isis tells their followers to kill infidels. He even had a list a list that he got from democrats. The same kind of Democrats that hoped the doctors and nurses would kill the wounded.

Hodgkinson isn't the only one given a list. He's just the one we know about.

Hey, do you wingnuts get points for out-crazying each other.
Pathetic justification by way of deflection B.S. You need some help. I really hope you get it soon.

Unlike most of the 100,000 victims of gun violence in this country every year, Grand Cyclops Scalise had an opportunity to fix the goofy laws that would have prevented this guy from getting a gun to start with.

You're a sick person. Another radicalized nutter. Hope someone's keeping an eye on you.
Seriously people?

This attack is a direct result of partisan bickering. Instead of ending the reviling and hate most of you double down on it.

You realize if nothing changes this will continue to escalate. What does it take to stop this bs?

You don't have to agree with each other but stop reviling each other. Stop the pride and condescension toward one another. Love your enemy. Pray for them.

Stop calling them stupid. Stop calling them names. If you you do, you are part of the problem!

What has to happen before we wake up???

I predicted this before and I hate to say its going to get worse. Till Trump knows what he is doing. I know you are core Trump supporter but since your stepped in as in the middle.

I need you to open up your mind and be honest with me because I do not lie and I do not bull shit. Okay?
Here are the problems and tell me where I'm wrong.
1. Populist. His core supporters believed and like him just the way he is a white alpha male. It doesn't matter what he says, or do or what he represents. They believe him wrong or lies 100% it doesn't matter. It's their bible etched to their brain and Trump is taking advantage of that.
A good latest example is the Paris Accord. He lied all the way to his soul and they believed him. It's okay to disagree. But the sad part is using Trump lies as basis of argument and that is just not acceptable. Come on. That is a very good example that his supporters are very poorly informed. That is a problem.
2. The rise of these alt right movement and white nationalist branch since he was elected is quite scary. Until he denounce these groups this will lead to a bigger problem.
Does he care? Hell No because those are some of his core supporters. The other saddest part is the children are watching------ all of them think these alt right group heil Hitler's are normal.
Another good example are the members here that are racist. They no longer hide or discrete but came out boldly admitted being a racist and they are so proud of it since Trump was elected. That make me sick to my stomach.
Remember what I said --------- this fighting between left and right is going to get worse. Till Trump stop all divisive talks that we are all Americans and get his act together instead of acting like a little kid. Look at the chaos what is going on like a little kid --------- Always doing something or saying dumb that he need a highly paid lawyer defending him what he just said that day in public on top of Spicer and Huckabee.

3. A good example of a hypocrite. Buy Americans and Hire Americans as one of his business motto. When his products are made in China, Bangladesh and Mexico. His employees in Maralago are from eastern Europe and he just hired foreigners for his vineyard in Virginia.

4. A pathological liar, bully, racist, xenophobic, sexist------- Its everything what I and decent Americans stand against. Can you honestly tell your kids or grandchildren that this is a role model human being? I can't.

Tell me where I'm wrong.
oh it will get worse and much of what you said is why. but not because of why you said it. you're still in attack mode 100% on trump and showing zero signs of being able to deal with him rationally or as an adult. you demonize his every move to justify your emotional stance.

you resort to common left wing tactics of calling him every nasty name you can and even if YOU believe it to be true that doesn't mean others will and then you just turn and attack them for not agreeing with your greatness.

you're wrong because even if he is all these things you left off President. My president, your president, the president of the united stages. when obama was in office i can see you easily saying RESPECT THE POSITION and now you fire off how others are hypocritical even when you're not doing what you wanted done for your side.

there simply is no greater definition of hypocrisy than your post here. you won't see it, you'll attack me now.

and the stupid continues.

It will get worse till Trump knows what he is doing. Your rebuttal are nothing but denial and pure ignorance. So far Trump has not done anything to impressed me but pure disappointment. You can ask the rest of the Americans why his popularity is below 40%.
The rise of the racist group, alt right movements and other hatred groups-------- which are the main supporters of Trump. Till he denounce those groups.----------- You will expect a REVERSAL HATRED here in America. You do not expect decent Americans with common sense will just sit and watch.
BTW ----- You are not being honest and you have not really addressed my post. Go read Infowars and Breitbart.
Seriously people?

This attack is a direct result of partisan bickering. Instead of ending the reviling and hate most of you double down on it.

You realize if nothing changes this will continue to escalate. What does it take to stop this bs?

You don't have to agree with each other but stop reviling each other. Stop the pride and condescension toward one another. Love your enemy. Pray for them.

Stop calling them stupid. Stop calling them names. If you you do, you are part of the problem!

What has to happen before we wake up???

I predicted this before and I hate to say its going to get worse. Till Trump knows what he is doing. I know you are core Trump supporter but since your stepped in as in the middle.

I need you to open up your mind and be honest with me because I do not lie and I do not bull shit. Okay?
Here are the problems and tell me where I'm wrong.
1. Populist. His core supporters believed and like him just the way he is a white alpha male. It doesn't matter what he says, or do or what he represents. They believe him wrong or lies 100% it doesn't matter. It's their bible etched to their brain and Trump is taking advantage of that.
A good latest example is the Paris Accord. He lied all the way to his soul and they believed him. It's okay to disagree. But the sad part is using Trump lies as basis of argument and that is just not acceptable. Come on. That is a very good example that his supporters are very poorly informed. That is a problem.
2. The rise of these alt right movement and white nationalist branch since he was elected is quite scary. Until he denounce these groups this will lead to a bigger problem.
Does he care? Hell No because those are some of his core supporters. The other saddest part is the children are watching------ all of them think these alt right group heil Hitler's are normal.
Another good example are the members here that are racist. They no longer hide or discrete but came out boldly admitted being a racist and they are so proud of it since Trump was elected. That make me sick to my stomach.
Remember what I said --------- this fighting between left and right is going to get worse. Till Trump stop all divisive talks that we are all Americans and get his act together instead of acting like a little kid. Look at the chaos what is going on like a little kid --------- Always doing something or saying dumb that he need a highly paid lawyer defending him what he just said that day in public on top of Spicer and Huckabee.

3. A good example of a hypocrite. Buy Americans and Hire Americans as one of his business motto. When his products are made in China, Bangladesh and Mexico. His employees in Maralago are from eastern Europe and he just hired foreigners for his vineyard in Virginia.

4. A pathological liar, bully, racist, xenophobic, sexist------- Its everything what I and decent Americans stand against. Can you honestly tell your kids or grandchildren that this is a role model human being? I can't.

Tell me where I'm wrong.

No rebuttal Avatar? WOW.

The GOD of liberals is the STATE.

Their religion is politics.

If you don't agree with them 100% on whatever they believe, you are by definition a BAD PERSON.

It's not a difference fo opinion, it's a moral judgement.

If you don't like Obamacare, you are a racist and want people to DIE.

If you support the 2nd ammendment, you are a violence NUT and want people to DIE.

On and on and on.

Liberals THINK they are not religious, but they are.

Sums up the current Democrat Party perfectly. It's no longer just about disagreeing on political beliefs. The Left/Democrats have now made it about personal hatred for those who won't go along with their agenda. It's about viciously attacking people personally. It's rabid extremism.

And since Election Day, they've been completely out of control with the hate incitement. It's been unprecedented and unforgivable. They should be ashamed of themselves. It's time to reign the Democrat incitement in. It has to be done. Lives are at stake.

Exactly. This is their political strategy.

They characterize Anyone who doesn't 100% agree with them as MONSTERS who are racist, misogynist, homophobic, Islamaphobic...

...then by definition, they don't have to listen to anything the other side says or involve themselves in CONSTRUCTIVE political discourse....they just scream that the other side is "A BASKET OF DEPLORABLES".

It's lazy and simple minded.

That is pure nonsense dude.

In this thread alone you demonstrated who are the real deplorables. You are a good example of that. Sad.
The Left/Democrats declared Jihad against Trump on Election Day. This is an inevitable result. It's always the result of extremism.

I blame Trump for what is going on this country as long as he is the president this country. Trainee or apprentice is not an excuse---------- It's that simple. Even a republican senator blamed Trump. How sad.
Seriously people?

This attack is a direct result of partisan bickering. Instead of ending the reviling and hate most of you double down on it.

You realize if nothing changes this will continue to escalate. What does it take to stop this bs?

You don't have to agree with each other but stop reviling each other. Stop the pride and condescension toward one another. Love your enemy. Pray for them.

Stop calling them stupid. Stop calling them names. If you you do, you are part of the problem!

What has to happen before we wake up???

I predicted this before and I hate to say its going to get worse. Till Trump knows what he is doing. I know you are core Trump supporter but since your stepped in as in the middle.

I need you to open up your mind and be honest with me because I do not lie and I do not bull shit. Okay?
Here are the problems and tell me where I'm wrong.
1. Populist. His core supporters believed and like him just the way he is a white alpha male. It doesn't matter what he says, or do or what he represents. They believe him wrong or lies 100% it doesn't matter. It's their bible etched to their brain and Trump is taking advantage of that.
A good latest example is the Paris Accord. He lied all the way to his soul and they believed him. It's okay to disagree. But the sad part is using Trump lies as basis of argument and that is just not acceptable. Come on. That is a very good example that his supporters are very poorly informed. That is a problem.
2. The rise of these alt right movement and white nationalist branch since he was elected is quite scary. Until he denounce these groups this will lead to a bigger problem.
Does he care? Hell No because those are some of his core supporters. The other saddest part is the children are watching------ all of them think these alt right group heil Hitler's are normal.
Another good example are the members here that are racist. They no longer hide or discrete but came out boldly admitted being a racist and they are so proud of it since Trump was elected. That make me sick to my stomach.
Remember what I said --------- this fighting between left and right is going to get worse. Till Trump stop all divisive talks that we are all Americans and get his act together instead of acting like a little kid. Look at the chaos what is going on like a little kid --------- Always doing something or saying dumb that he need a highly paid lawyer defending him what he just said that day in public on top of Spicer and Huckabee.

3. A good example of a hypocrite. Buy Americans and Hire Americans as one of his business motto. When his products are made in China, Bangladesh and Mexico. His employees in Maralago are from eastern Europe and he just hired foreigners for his vineyard in Virginia.

4. A pathological liar, bully, racist, xenophobic, sexist------- Its everything what I and decent Americans stand against. Can you honestly tell your kids or grandchildren that this is a role model human being? I can't.

Tell me where I'm wrong.
oh it will get worse and much of what you said is why. but not because of why you said it. you're still in attack mode 100% on trump and showing zero signs of being able to deal with him rationally or as an adult. you demonize his every move to justify your emotional stance.

you resort to common left wing tactics of calling him every nasty name you can and even if YOU believe it to be true that doesn't mean others will and then you just turn and attack them for not agreeing with your greatness.

you're wrong because even if he is all these things you left off President. My president, your president, the president of the united stages. when obama was in office i can see you easily saying RESPECT THE POSITION and now you fire off how others are hypocritical even when you're not doing what you wanted done for your side.

there simply is no greater definition of hypocrisy than your post here. you won't see it, you'll attack me now.

and the stupid continues.

It will get worse till Trump knows what he is doing. Your rebuttal are nothing but denial and pure ignorance. So far Trump has not done anything to impressed me but pure disappointment. You can ask the rest of the Americans why his popularity is below 40%.
The rise of the racist group, alt right movements and other hatred groups-------- which are the main supporters of Trump. Till he denounce those groups.----------- You will expect a REVERSAL HATRED here in America. You do not expect decent Americans with common sense will just sit and watch.
BTW ----- You are not being honest and you have not really addressed my post. Go read Infowars and Breitbart.
go fuck yourself.

Seriously people?

This attack is a direct result of partisan bickering. Instead of ending the reviling and hate most of you double down on it.

You realize if nothing changes this will continue to escalate. What does it take to stop this bs?

You don't have to agree with each other but stop reviling each other. Stop the pride and condescension toward one another. Love your enemy. Pray for them.

Stop calling them stupid. Stop calling them names. If you you do, you are part of the problem!

What has to happen before we wake up???

I predicted this before and I hate to say its going to get worse. Till Trump knows what he is doing. I know you are core Trump supporter but since your stepped in as in the middle.

I need you to open up your mind and be honest with me because I do not lie and I do not bull shit. Okay?
Here are the problems and tell me where I'm wrong.
1. Populist. His core supporters believed and like him just the way he is a white alpha male. It doesn't matter what he says, or do or what he represents. They believe him wrong or lies 100% it doesn't matter. It's their bible etched to their brain and Trump is taking advantage of that.
A good latest example is the Paris Accord. He lied all the way to his soul and they believed him. It's okay to disagree. But the sad part is using Trump lies as basis of argument and that is just not acceptable. Come on. That is a very good example that his supporters are very poorly informed. That is a problem.
2. The rise of these alt right movement and white nationalist branch since he was elected is quite scary. Until he denounce these groups this will lead to a bigger problem.
Does he care? Hell No because those are some of his core supporters. The other saddest part is the children are watching------ all of them think these alt right group heil Hitler's are normal.
Another good example are the members here that are racist. They no longer hide or discrete but came out boldly admitted being a racist and they are so proud of it since Trump was elected. That make me sick to my stomach.
Remember what I said --------- this fighting between left and right is going to get worse. Till Trump stop all divisive talks that we are all Americans and get his act together instead of acting like a little kid. Look at the chaos what is going on like a little kid --------- Always doing something or saying dumb that he need a highly paid lawyer defending him what he just said that day in public on top of Spicer and Huckabee.

3. A good example of a hypocrite. Buy Americans and Hire Americans as one of his business motto. When his products are made in China, Bangladesh and Mexico. His employees in Maralago are from eastern Europe and he just hired foreigners for his vineyard in Virginia.

4. A pathological liar, bully, racist, xenophobic, sexist------- Its everything what I and decent Americans stand against. Can you honestly tell your kids or grandchildren that this is a role model human being? I can't.

Tell me where I'm wrong.

How about the beginning when you claimed I am a core Trump supporter? You couldn't even get that right.

1) how did he lie about the Paris accord? During the Obama administration even some of the left pointed put how bad they were. Which is why Obama never submitted the Accords for ratification.

Strangely the right knows is and its the left claiming we are somehow bound to a treaty we never ratified.

2) he denounced these groups during the campaign. Yes they are disturbing but they hardly make up the majority of support for Trump.

3) he isn't an ideologue and doesn't walk the way he talks. Hardly the first President to be like this. Sure doesn't justify the vitriol against him or against his opponents.

4) seen zero evidence that he is a racist or sexist, though his treatment of women is definitely sub par. I see no reason to claim he is a xenophobe either simply because he wants us to put America first. That is precisely what we should be doing.

He lies. No doubt. You realize that the only presidents that havent been horrible liars since Reagan are the Bushs? And they were hardly the epitome of honesty. The problem is the people deny truth exists. How can we get honest representatives if we don't believe and practice truth and honesty as a people?

And yes he is a bully sometimes. That doesnt justify death threats against him nor the vitriol

He doesn't have to be a role model for my children. I do.
Seriously people?

This attack is a direct result of partisan bickering. Instead of ending the reviling and hate most of you double down on it.

You realize if nothing changes this will continue to escalate. What does it take to stop this bs?

You don't have to agree with each other but stop reviling each other. Stop the pride and condescension toward one another. Love your enemy. Pray for them.

Stop calling them stupid. Stop calling them names. If you you do, you are part of the problem!

What has to happen before we wake up???

I predicted this before and I hate to say its going to get worse. Till Trump knows what he is doing. I know you are core Trump supporter but since your stepped in as in the middle.

I need you to open up your mind and be honest with me because I do not lie and I do not bull shit. Okay?
Here are the problems and tell me where I'm wrong.
1. Populist. His core supporters believed and like him just the way he is a white alpha male. It doesn't matter what he says, or do or what he represents. They believe him wrong or lies 100% it doesn't matter. It's their bible etched to their brain and Trump is taking advantage of that.
A good latest example is the Paris Accord. He lied all the way to his soul and they believed him. It's okay to disagree. But the sad part is using Trump lies as basis of argument and that is just not acceptable. Come on. That is a very good example that his supporters are very poorly informed. That is a problem.
2. The rise of these alt right movement and white nationalist branch since he was elected is quite scary. Until he denounce these groups this will lead to a bigger problem.
Does he care? Hell No because those are some of his core supporters. The other saddest part is the children are watching------ all of them think these alt right group heil Hitler's are normal.
Another good example are the members here that are racist. They no longer hide or discrete but came out boldly admitted being a racist and they are so proud of it since Trump was elected. That make me sick to my stomach.
Remember what I said --------- this fighting between left and right is going to get worse. Till Trump stop all divisive talks that we are all Americans and get his act together instead of acting like a little kid. Look at the chaos what is going on like a little kid --------- Always doing something or saying dumb that he need a highly paid lawyer defending him what he just said that day in public on top of Spicer and Huckabee.

3. A good example of a hypocrite. Buy Americans and Hire Americans as one of his business motto. When his products are made in China, Bangladesh and Mexico. His employees in Maralago are from eastern Europe and he just hired foreigners for his vineyard in Virginia.

4. A pathological liar, bully, racist, xenophobic, sexist------- Its everything what I and decent Americans stand against. Can you honestly tell your kids or grandchildren that this is a role model human being? I can't.

Tell me where I'm wrong.
oh it will get worse and much of what you said is why. but not because of why you said it. you're still in attack mode 100% on trump and showing zero signs of being able to deal with him rationally or as an adult. you demonize his every move to justify your emotional stance.

you resort to common left wing tactics of calling him every nasty name you can and even if YOU believe it to be true that doesn't mean others will and then you just turn and attack them for not agreeing with your greatness.

you're wrong because even if he is all these things you left off President. My president, your president, the president of the united stages. when obama was in office i can see you easily saying RESPECT THE POSITION and now you fire off how others are hypocritical even when you're not doing what you wanted done for your side.

there simply is no greater definition of hypocrisy than your post here. you won't see it, you'll attack me now.

and the stupid continues.

It will get worse till Trump knows what he is doing. Your rebuttal are nothing but denial and pure ignorance. So far Trump has not done anything to impressed me but pure disappointment. You can ask the rest of the Americans why his popularity is below 40%.
The rise of the racist group, alt right movements and other hatred groups-------- which are the main supporters of Trump. Till he denounce those groups.----------- You will expect a REVERSAL HATRED here in America. You do not expect decent Americans with common sense will just sit and watch.
BTW ----- You are not being honest and you have not really addressed my post. Go read Infowars and Breitbart.
go fuck yourself.


I feel sorry for you dude. I really do.
You're a sick person. Another radicalized nutter. Hope someone's keeping an eye on you.

Let me know when you can refute my point, 'kay?

And what law would have stopped a criminal from getting a gun?

Don't bother, the psycho is happy the man was shot. He's justifying it by way of trying to make it about 'Gun Control.' He's blaming the victim. He really is a sick individual. Another radicalized Democrat nutbag. So don't bother trying to reason with him. It ain't gonna happen.
Imagine my shock at realizing leftist liberals are frail hateful and just as violent as the rest of the human race. What an epiphany THIS is. The anti haters pro diversity folks are the the biggest haters and the most controlling. Wow. surprise surprise surprise.
Imagine my shock at realizing leftist liberals are frail hateful and just as violent as the rest of the human race. What an epiphany THIS is. The anti haters pro diversity folks are the the biggest haters and the most controlling. Wow. surprise surprise surprise.

And not an apology from the anti Trump bunch saying 'we need to tone it down a little bit, because we're inciting our own people to get violent'. This childish crap has been going on for months now, probably won't end either because the crybabies on the radical left can't accept a legal election result.
Left wing hate crime.

MSM will freak out about this HATE CRIME.....right?

Rep. Mark Walker says gunman targeted congressional baseball practice 'to kill as many Republican members as possible'

Shortly after the shooting Wednesday morning at a congressional baseball practice, Rep. Mark Walker (R-N.C.) told NBC News that it appeared the "gunman was there to kill as many Republican members as possible." Walker, who was at the practice for the upcoming annual congressional baseball game in Alexandria, Virginia, confirmed he was "shaken but okay."

Rep. Ron DeSantis (R-Fla.) recounted an "odd" encounter he had as he was leaving the field just minutes before the shooting: "There was a guy that walked up to us that was asking whether it was Republicans or Democrats out there, and it was just a little odd," DeSantis told Fox News.

Have you apologized for this lie yet?

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You're a real nutjob. The warning signs are clear. Like i said, i hope someone's keeping an eye on you.

Okay, duly noted that you couldn't refute my point that a guy who had numerous opportunities to change our crazy gun laws doesn't deserve a lot of sympathy when he gets shot by a crazy person.

The other 100,000 victims of gun violence this year didn't have a say. He did.

And not an apology from the anti Trump bunch saying 'we need to tone it down a little bit, because we're inciting our own people to get violent'. This childish crap has been going on for months now, probably won't end either because the crybabies on the radical left can't accept a legal election result.

Why should we tone it down? Because one crazy person shot a politician? You guys went around talking about "Second Amendment Solutions" to Obama for years, and he actually legitimately won an election without cheating.
And what law would have stopped a criminal from getting a gun?

Good QUestion, Magic Underpants. How about a law that says we take your guns when you get arrested for Domestic violence, like this guy was. That would probably work.

Don't bother, the psycho is happy the man was shot. He's justifying it by way of trying to make it about 'Gun Control.' He's blaming the victim. He really is a sick individual. Another radicalized Democrat nutbag. So don't bother trying to reason with him. It ain't gonna happen.

I'm not happy or unhappy the man was shot. I'm just kind of numb to it. If I got upset every time someone I don't know and don't care about got shot, I'd be doing it 100,000 times a year. That's the problem. We have 100,000 people who get wounded or killed by guns, and we don't change our gun laws even a little bit. If anything, we make them easier to get. CHicago had a pretty good gun law, and the NRA got it overturned.

When the Grand Cyclops returns to Congress, he isn't going to change anything.

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