DC Mayor Literally Hates Guns

You people are making PaintMyHouse cream in his underwear by replying to his insults. 98% of you have insulted him and he still persists. That should tell you what his purpose is here. He is hereTo troll and make us angry. Can anyone find a statement from him that is worthy of further discussion? Quit feeding the troll, it's not worth it because he'll come back nastier than before. He's a loser and losers gotta lose.
The problem is the mental illnesses that cause people to want to commit suicide. How about focusing on that instead of on the tools they use.

Or is your obsession just too powerful for you to ignore?
When I can cut suicides and the other carnage down just by banning something people no longer need, I'm all for it.

What you think anyone needs is not part of any actual reality. Just your own fantasies.
Not at all. What people need is a snap to figure out. We've been doing such a thing for ages.

What needs to happen is for you to figure out that over 99.9% of the gun owners never harm anyone. And that there are very few (if any) people who think the way you do.
I know the numbers, and don't give a fuck. When exactly are you going to process that?

You think I give a shit what one little delusional troll thinks? You are an amusing way to pass the time while I am working and it is rainy & cold.

Your plans are so farfetched as to never be taken seriously by even the most rabid anti-gunner.
My plan is simpler, disarm everyone and should you have a gun and aren't in uniform, you're dead on sight, no questions asked.

Well, it's not going to happen no matter how much you wet your bed at night so you may as well get over it already and move on. :afro:
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My plan is simpler, disarm everyone and should you have a gun and aren't in uniform, you're dead on sight, no questions asked.

Well, it's not going to happen no matter how much you wet your bed at night so you may as well get over it already and move on. :afro:
Not here, not now, and yes, I understand that. Time is my side, not yours.
You people are making PaintMyHouse cream in his underwear by replying to his insults. 98% of you have insulted him and he still persists. That should tell you what his purpose is here. He is hereTo troll and make us angry. Can anyone find a statement from him that is worthy of further discussion? Quit feeding the troll, it's not worth it because he'll come back nastier than before. He's a loser and losers gotta lose.
Actually I'm trying to inject a bit of reality into your lives, which you utterly and dogmatically reject of course, as expected. All change comes from the unreasonable man. Learn what that means.
With no guns no guns are needed. If you need to stop a guy beating his wife or child you don't need a gun for that.
so how would a pussy like you stop that without some kind of weapon?.....you are not strong or brave enough to do it physically.....:dunno:

I am sure his method of stopping a man from beating a woman is the same as his method of handling a firearm he finds. Namely Run and tell an adult.
Actually I'd start by kicking him in the balls and then knocking him out. It's hard to punch back while you're holding your stones.
you knocking someone out?....remember you are not going up against one of those handicapped kids you like to bad mouth....
We have a fix for the Drooler, same as an old dog, no violence required.
yea while you hold their coats your 5 buddies will beat them to a pulp.....
Actually I'd start by kicking him in the balls and then knocking him out. It's hard to punch back while you're holding your stones.
you knocking someone out?....remember you are not going up against one of those handicapped kids you like to bad mouth....

Yeah, I don't see this coward trying to help anyone at all.

PMH, didn't you already say you don't care about crimes as long as no one dies? Why bother helping the woman at all? She probably won't be killed.
I said that crime and guns were separate issues. My concern is gun deaths, not crime.

So why do you think you should help the woman?

Personally, I think you lack the balls to do so. But I would pay money to watch you try. lmao
The one thing you don't want to do is fuck with someone who believes that being dead is better than being alive. We are just barely in control. Our limits are not your limits, you care about life and we don't. The day I die is a very happy day for me so I don't really give a fuck how it happens, nor when it happens since at that point my worries are over, permanently. Most people run for their lives, as they should. All I do is stand until I'm required to act, and what happens after that is none of my concern. So far, I'm still here, meaning there is no God or he is one evil Son of a Bitch.

so how would a pussy like you stop that without some kind of weapon?.....you are not strong or brave enough to do it physically.....:dunno:

I am sure his method of stopping a man from beating a woman is the same as his method of handling a firearm he finds. Namely Run and tell an adult.
Actually I'd start by kicking him in the balls and then knocking him out. It's hard to punch back while you're holding your stones.
you knocking someone out?....remember you are not going up against one of those handicapped kids you like to bad mouth....
We have a fix for the Drooler, same as an old dog, no violence required.
yea while you hold their coats your 5 buddies will beat them to a pulp.....
Actually I'm going to put him out of our misery with a nice gentle shot (injection). Night night little moron.
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I am sure his method of stopping a man from beating a woman is the same as his method of handling a firearm he finds. Namely Run and tell an adult.
Actually I'd start by kicking him in the balls and then knocking him out. It's hard to punch back while you're holding your stones.
you knocking someone out?....remember you are not going up against one of those handicapped kids you like to bad mouth....
We have a fix for the Drooler, same as an old dog, no violence required.
yea while you hold their coats your 5 buddies will beat them to a pulp.....
Actually I'm going to put him out of our misery with a nice gentle shot. Night night little moron.

LMAO!! And you talk about others being John Wayne wannabes.
Actually I'd start by kicking him in the balls and then knocking him out. It's hard to punch back while you're holding your stones.
you knocking someone out?....remember you are not going up against one of those handicapped kids you like to bad mouth....
We have a fix for the Drooler, same as an old dog, no violence required.
yea while you hold their coats your 5 buddies will beat them to a pulp.....
Actually I'm going to put him out of our misery with a nice gentle shot. Night night little moron.

LMAO!! And you talk about others being John Wayne wannabes.
John Wayne didn't euthanize defective children.
you knocking someone out?....remember you are not going up against one of those handicapped kids you like to bad mouth....
We have a fix for the Drooler, same as an old dog, no violence required.
yea while you hold their coats your 5 buddies will beat them to a pulp.....
Actually I'm going to put him out of our misery with a nice gentle shot. Night night little moron.

LMAO!! And you talk about others being John Wayne wannabes.
John Wayne didn't euthanize defective children.

No, he wouldn't stoop so low.

But then, you wouldn't actually have the stones to do it either. You are just trying to be a badass wannabe.
We have a fix for the Drooler, same as an old dog, no violence required.
yea while you hold their coats your 5 buddies will beat them to a pulp.....
Actually I'm going to put him out of our misery with a nice gentle shot. Night night little moron.

LMAO!! And you talk about others being John Wayne wannabes.
John Wayne didn't euthanize defective children.

No, he wouldn't stoop so low.

But then, you wouldn't actually have the stones to do it either. You are just trying to be a badass wannabe.
Put down the Drooler? In a heartbeat. We have healthy kids that need attention and aren't getting it. He should never have been born.
yea while you hold their coats your 5 buddies will beat them to a pulp.....
Actually I'm going to put him out of our misery with a nice gentle shot. Night night little moron.

LMAO!! And you talk about others being John Wayne wannabes.
John Wayne didn't euthanize defective children.

No, he wouldn't stoop so low.

But then, you wouldn't actually have the stones to do it either. You are just trying to be a badass wannabe.
Put down the Drooler? In a heartbeat. We have healthy kids that need attention and aren't getting it. He should never have been born.

Who are you to decide that? I get your suicidal ideas and genocidal fantasies, but to bemoan people killing themselves and then advocating killing the mentally retarded?? Despicable.
Actually I'm going to put him out of our misery with a nice gentle shot. Night night little moron.

LMAO!! And you talk about others being John Wayne wannabes.
John Wayne didn't euthanize defective children.

No, he wouldn't stoop so low.

But then, you wouldn't actually have the stones to do it either. You are just trying to be a badass wannabe.
Put down the Drooler? In a heartbeat. We have healthy kids that need attention and aren't getting it. He should never have been born.

Who are you to decide that? I get your suicidal ideas and genocidal fantasies, but to bemoan people killing themselves and then advocating killing the mentally retarded?? Despicable.
No, it's common sense, it's practical, meaning reality-based and rational, not your ideology that all life matters, when it doesn't. That is a life unworthy of life, period.
LMAO!! And you talk about others being John Wayne wannabes.
John Wayne didn't euthanize defective children.

No, he wouldn't stoop so low.

But then, you wouldn't actually have the stones to do it either. You are just trying to be a badass wannabe.
Put down the Drooler? In a heartbeat. We have healthy kids that need attention and aren't getting it. He should never have been born.

Who are you to decide that? I get your suicidal ideas and genocidal fantasies, but to bemoan people killing themselves and then advocating killing the mentally retarded?? Despicable.
No, it's common sense, it's practical, meaning reality-based and rational, not your ideology that all life matters, when it doesn't. That is a life unworthy of life, period.

And you think you get to be the decider of what lives matter and what lives don't? Talk about delusions of grandeur.

We, as a society, have a responsibility to care for those who are disabled. There is no common sense involved in killing the mentally handicapped. It is simply barbaric.

And if intelligent or normal kids are lacking attention, then get them more attention. Get off your own lazy ass and do something besides advocate for murder. It truly is pitiful that you think that is "common sense".
John Wayne didn't euthanize defective children.

No, he wouldn't stoop so low.

But then, you wouldn't actually have the stones to do it either. You are just trying to be a badass wannabe.
Put down the Drooler? In a heartbeat. We have healthy kids that need attention and aren't getting it. He should never have been born.

Who are you to decide that? I get your suicidal ideas and genocidal fantasies, but to bemoan people killing themselves and then advocating killing the mentally retarded?? Despicable.
No, it's common sense, it's practical, meaning reality-based and rational, not your ideology that all life matters, when it doesn't. That is a life unworthy of life, period.

And you think you get to be the decider of what lives matter and what lives don't? Talk about delusions of grandeur.

We, as a society, have a responsibility to care for those who are disabled. There is no common sense involved in killing the mentally handicapped. It is simply barbaric.

And if intelligent or normal kids are lacking attention, then get them more attention. Get off your own lazy ass and do something besides advocate for murder. It truly is pitiful that you think that is "common sense".
This is a tough world. We don't have the time or the money so far to care for our healthy children, let alone the defective ones. Reality sucks, deal with it.
No, he wouldn't stoop so low.

But then, you wouldn't actually have the stones to do it either. You are just trying to be a badass wannabe.
Put down the Drooler? In a heartbeat. We have healthy kids that need attention and aren't getting it. He should never have been born.

Who are you to decide that? I get your suicidal ideas and genocidal fantasies, but to bemoan people killing themselves and then advocating killing the mentally retarded?? Despicable.
No, it's common sense, it's practical, meaning reality-based and rational, not your ideology that all life matters, when it doesn't. That is a life unworthy of life, period.

And you think you get to be the decider of what lives matter and what lives don't? Talk about delusions of grandeur.

We, as a society, have a responsibility to care for those who are disabled. There is no common sense involved in killing the mentally handicapped. It is simply barbaric.

And if intelligent or normal kids are lacking attention, then get them more attention. Get off your own lazy ass and do something besides advocate for murder. It truly is pitiful that you think that is "common sense".
This is a tough world. We don't have the time or the money so far to care for our healthy children, let alone the defective ones. Reality sucks, deal with it.

No, I don't have to deal with anything. Until you can give some reason you should be the arbitrator of reality, your talk is just bullshit.

Yes, we do have the money to take care of both the disabled and the healthy children.
Yes, we do have the money to take care of both the disabled and the healthy children.
Really? Then prove it by doing so, start here:
Yes, we do have the money to take care of both the disabled and the healthy children.
Really? Then prove it by doing so, start here:

Start by working with what WE have. Is that pic in the US?

Do you think that by killing the disabled you will then magically have money to do something else? It will be spent, like always, on other things. When there was a reduction in our deficit, the money did not go to take care of healthy children, now did it?

You are trolling again. I have neither the time nor the inclination to argue that. On the one hand you say you want to reduce murders and suicides, and on theother you want to commit murders. What a lot of bullshit.
Yes, we do have the money to take care of both the disabled and the healthy children.
Really? Then prove it by doing so, start here:

Start by working with what WE have. Is that pic in the US?

Do you think that by killing the disabled you will then magically have money to do something else? It will be spent, like always, on other things. When there was a reduction in our deficit, the money did not go to take care of healthy children, now did it?

You are trolling again. I have neither the time nor the inclination to argue that. On the one hand you say you want to reduce murders and suicides, and on theother you want to commit murders. What a lot of bullshit.
The healthy live and are supported, and the unhealthy and defective are never born. It's not complicated.

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