DC Mayor Literally Hates Guns

I don't care if he hates guns and I don't care if he hates puppies either. He is entitled to his opinions and he is entitled to use his political power to work toward his goals. If enough of his constituents don't like it - they'll vote him out. If he tries to circumvent the Constitution, he will be overturned. People have the right to disagree with the NRA. Or Greenpeace.

They even have a right to disagree with the Constitution and work to try to get it amended if they want.

Amazing to me that the NRA seems to think that opposing them should be a jailable offence. Very un-American.
What an asinine statement.

Where has anyone ever advocated that?
Yes, we do have the money to take care of both the disabled and the healthy children.
Really? Then prove it by doing so, start here:

Start by working with what WE have. Is that pic in the US?

Do you think that by killing the disabled you will then magically have money to do something else? It will be spent, like always, on other things. When there was a reduction in our deficit, the money did not go to take care of healthy children, now did it?

You are trolling again. I have neither the time nor the inclination to argue that. On the one hand you say you want to reduce murders and suicides, and on theother you want to commit murders. What a lot of bullshit.
The healthy live and are supported, and the unhealthy and defective are never born. It's not complicated.

Right. It is barbaric and uncivilized.
I don't care if he hates guns and I don't care if he hates puppies either. He is entitled to his opinions and he is entitled to use his political power to work toward his goals. If enough of his constituents don't like it - they'll vote him out. If he tries to circumvent the Constitution, he will be overturned. People have the right to disagree with the NRA. Or Greenpeace.

They even have a right to disagree with the Constitution and work to try to get it amended if they want.

Amazing to me that the NRA seems to think that opposing them should be a jailable offence. Very un-American.
What an asinine statement.

Where has anyone ever advocated that?

where has anyone advocated what?
I am sure his method of stopping a man from beating a woman is the same as his method of handling a firearm he finds. Namely Run and tell an adult.
Actually I'd start by kicking him in the balls and then knocking him out. It's hard to punch back while you're holding your stones.
you knocking someone out?....remember you are not going up against one of those handicapped kids you like to bad mouth....
We have a fix for the Drooler, same as an old dog, no violence required.
yea while you hold their coats your 5 buddies will beat them to a pulp.....
Actually I'm going to put him out of our misery with a nice gentle shot (injection). Night night little moron.
here you have earned this.........

yea while you hold their coats your 5 buddies will beat them to a pulp.....
Actually I'm going to put him out of our misery with a nice gentle shot. Night night little moron.

LMAO!! And you talk about others being John Wayne wannabes.
John Wayne didn't euthanize defective children.

No, he wouldn't stoop so low.

But then, you wouldn't actually have the stones to do it either. You are just trying to be a badass wannabe.
Put down the Drooler? In a heartbeat. We have healthy kids that need attention and aren't getting it. He should never have been born.
and you have the gall and audacity to "claim" you are a liberal?....

No, he wouldn't stoop so low.

But then, you wouldn't actually have the stones to do it either. You are just trying to be a badass wannabe.
Put down the Drooler? In a heartbeat. We have healthy kids that need attention and aren't getting it. He should never have been born.

Who are you to decide that? I get your suicidal ideas and genocidal fantasies, but to bemoan people killing themselves and then advocating killing the mentally retarded?? Despicable.
No, it's common sense, it's practical, meaning reality-based and rational, not your ideology that all life matters, when it doesn't. That is a life unworthy of life, period.

And you think you get to be the decider of what lives matter and what lives don't? Talk about delusions of grandeur.

We, as a society, have a responsibility to care for those who are disabled. There is no common sense involved in killing the mentally handicapped. It is simply barbaric.

And if intelligent or normal kids are lacking attention, then get them more attention. Get off your own lazy ass and do something besides advocate for murder. It truly is pitiful that you think that is "common sense".
This is a tough world. We don't have the time or the money so far to care for our healthy children, let alone the defective ones. Reality sucks, deal with it.
well since you want to die and we dont need people with your mental problems,how about you going first and show all those handicapped people how its done?.....
Inanimate objects are now evil?

Interesting theory....
Not really, it's a fact in this case since a gun has but one purpose.

No a gun does not have one purpose.
A Gun is used as a deterrent and hopefully not to kill which happens more often than not.
It is also used in sports and competition. May Teens have won college scholarships.
A gun is for killing things, period. All the rest is playing or training, you wouldn't want the gun pointed at you during those times now would you? And why, because it's for killing things, you in this case.

I see that you have no understanding at all about a gun being a deterrent.

He's been huffing paint fumes too long...the voices in his head keep arguing with the mouse in his pocket.
Here's the mayor now

That guy sure knew how to handle a gun. He who lives by...

He doesn't have to own a gun if he doesn't want to. Neither do you.

Pretty much a requirement here. Once in a while I have to kill something and just imagine that, I use a gun.

After reading your posts, I'm very surprised you own something that you wish to deny to others.

Haven't seen much of his BS, then? Hypocrisy is his SPECIALTY!
I don't understand why you guys bother arguing with him. He is clearly a troll enjoying razzing people here. I have not see a single comment of any vale to come from PMH or an inkling that anything anyone says has any impact at all.

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