DC Mayor Literally Hates Guns

Guns should be hated, all evil should.
That's why I hate liberals like you.
I know, I keep presenting that difficult thing known as reality.
No you are just a hateful person, so I just return the favor.
I would be highly concerned if you liked me. Stupid people never do and Americans are as dumb as dog shit.
If you had another brain like the one you've got, you'd still be a half-wit.
Guns should be hated, all evil should.
That's why I hate liberals like you.
I know, I keep presenting that difficult thing known as reality.
you are a lowlife jerk who is no better then those right wingers you bad mouth...a hypocrite on top of that....
Some idiocy is so bad that it does not matter where you lie on the spectrum - it is obvious to everyone :D
A gun is for killing things, period. All the rest is playing or training, you wouldn't want the gun pointed at you during those times now would you? And why, because it's for killing things, you in this case.
A gun is for killing and what's your point?
Two years AFTER you had to put a gun to his head, which you should fired? Lady, you're a fuckin' box of hammers! And don't pick up a gun if you don't plan to fire it. That's pointless.
Incident 1: Late 2012. I pulled out of a car wash onto a somewhat busy main road. A white car behind me immediately honked. I guess they thought I had just cut them off. If I did it wasn't intentional. Anyway as I drive down the road they begin tailgating me. I let off the gas and my car starts slowing down. Usually this works with tailgaters. Not this time. We got up to a red light, cars on all sides of me. I locked my door, unholstered my Colt and set it on my lap (this is illegal in states where you cannot OC) When traffic came to a stop, the passenger of the white car tailgating me (an early to mid 20s white male with a thick jacket and turned DC cap) got out and approached my driver door. I waved my hand and then pat the Colt sitting on my lap. He immediately jogged back to his car and they went a different direction with the green light.

Incident 2: Last year. My brother forgot his phone and I was driving to his work to give it to him. It was near zero degrees outside, lots of snow and ice, maybe a dozen cars on the road. I notice a car waiving through traffic like Mario-Cart and approaching fast. I was traveling next to another car. Everyone but this one car was doing @35 in this 55 zone due to weather. This car got right behind me and tailgated me all the way to my brother's work. When I got there, the guy stopped back a ways. I turned on my phone's voice recorder and lifted my Carheart jacket over the handle of my Colt (Carheart lengths are short and this is pretty easy to do accidentally, too). The guy got out of his car and started sharing some creative adjectives Something along the lines of "...you cut me off you little ****....you know what you did....*F-bomb here & there*. Pretending get something from the driver seat, I turned my gun side to him. He took obvious note of the gun, stopped for a moment, then walked backwards to his care sharing a few more colorful adjectives, and left.

So yes, guns are a deterrent.
PMH is a professional troll people. His talking points are indefensible and ultimately hypocritical. I am close to placing him on ignore for his foolishness. He adds nothing to the discussion other than aggravation. Avoid responding to him and maybe he'll straighten up his act.
I don't care if he hates guns and I don't care if he hates puppies either. He is entitled to his opinions and he is entitled to use his political power to work toward his goals. If enough of his constituents don't like it - they'll vote him out. If he tries to circumvent the Constitution, he will be overturned. People have the right to disagree with the NRA. Or Greenpeace.

They even have a right to disagree with the Constitution and work to try to get it amended if they want.

Amazing to me that the NRA seems to think that opposing them should be a jailable offence. Very un-American.
A gun is for killing things, period. All the rest is playing or training, you wouldn't want the gun pointed at you during those times now would you? And why, because it's for killing things, you in this case.
A gun is for killing and what's your point?
That unless you need to kill something you don't a gun, and very few people need to kill something, ever, in their entire lives, but guns, by their very nature, are evil, a tool of death and nothing more.
PMH is a professional troll people. His talking points are indefensible and ultimately hypocritical. I am close to placing him on ignore for his foolishness. He adds nothing to the discussion other than aggravation. Avoid responding to him and maybe he'll straighten up his act.
Only pussies use the ignore button. Sounds just like you, knock yourself out. If you give me your address I'll send you a free box of tampons.
Two years AFTER you had to put a gun to his head, which you should fired? Lady, you're a fuckin' box of hammers! And don't pick up a gun if you don't plan to fire it. That's pointless.
Incident 1: Late 2012. I pulled out of a car wash onto a somewhat busy main road. A white car behind me immediately honked. I guess they thought I had just cut them off. If I did it wasn't intentional. Anyway as I drive down the road they begin tailgating me. I let off the gas and my car starts slowing down. Usually this works with tailgaters. Not this time. We got up to a red light, cars on all sides of me. I locked my door, unholstered my Colt and set it on my lap (this is illegal in states where you cannot OC) When traffic came to a stop, the passenger of the white car tailgating me (an early to mid 20s white male with a thick jacket and turned DC cap) got out and approached my driver door. I waved my hand and then pat the Colt sitting on my lap. He immediately jogged back to his car and they went a different direction with the green light.

Incident 2: Last year. My brother forgot his phone and I was driving to his work to give it to him. It was near zero degrees outside, lots of snow and ice, maybe a dozen cars on the road. I notice a car waiving through traffic like Mario-Cart and approaching fast. I was traveling next to another car. Everyone but this one car was doing @35 in this 55 zone due to weather. This car got right behind me and tailgated me all the way to my brother's work. When I got there, the guy stopped back a ways. I turned on my phone's voice recorder and lifted my Carheart jacket over the handle of my Colt (Carheart lengths are short and this is pretty easy to do accidentally, too). The guy got out of his car and started sharing some creative adjectives Something along the lines of "...you cut me off you little ****....you know what you did....*F-bomb here & there*. Pretending get something from the driver seat, I turned my gun side to him. He took obvious note of the gun, stopped for a moment, then walked backwards to his care sharing a few more colorful adjectives, and left.

So yes, guns are a deterrent.
You're a bad driver, and you didn't need the gun in either case. And in both cases the guys hit the road because they didn't want some crazy bitch who can't drive to shoot them.
Guns should be hated, all evil should.

Gun-grabbers are evil.
No, we aren't. America has a terrible fascination with these deadly toys that others nations do not, and they are the sane ones. Not to worry, it will be a while but we'll get them some day and only allow those who need to kill something to have them.

Those "deadly toys" are what won our freedom and protects our freedom. You are too stupid to recognize that weapons can be used for good.

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