DC Police Investigating Mob Attack on Carlson’s Home as Hate Crime

Toss the book at em.

D.C. police are investigating a left-wing mob’s protest at Fox News host Tucker Carlson’s house Wednesday evening as a ‘suspected hate crime‘ with ‘anti-political’ motivations, according to a police report obtained by The Daily Caller News Foundation.

The mob, organized by the Antifa group Smash Racism DC, posted Carlson’s Washington address online and sent a mob to his house calling him a “racist scumbag” and demanded he flee the city. Carlson, a co-founder of The Daily Caller News Foundation, was at the Fox News studio when the mob arrived at his home.

A police report indicated that the incident was a “suspected hate crime” and that the case was still open. One box labeled “hate bias/motivation” was filled in “anti-political.”

Carlson’s wife, who was home alone at the time, reported that she heard loud banging and pounding on her front door, according to the police report. She called the police after witnessing a large group of people that had a bull horn and were chanting loudly outside the house.

“Someone started throwing himself against the front door and actually cracked the front door,” Carlson told The Washington Post.

The police “arrived on the scene and found a group of approximately 20 people,” the report read. “It was discovered that unknown persons spray painted an anarchy symbol on the driveway. There were also signs left on the vehicles parked in the driveway as well as a sign left on the front door of the home.”

The vandalism to Carlson’s vehicles and front door made reference to Carlson’s political affiliation, according to the report.

The police also seized six hand-written posters from the scene, according to the report. Video of the incident shows the protesters carrying signs and chanting, “Tucker Carlson we will fight! We know where you sleep at night!”

“Tonight you’re reminded that we have a voice,” Smash Racism DC wrote in a now-deleted Tweet. “Tonight, we remind you that you are not safe either.”

The group’s Twitter account was suspended shortly after midnight on Thursday.

No arrests were made after police arrived on the scene, though there is an active investigation into the incident, Metropolitan Police Department spokeswoman Alaina Gertz told TheDCNF.

“MPD has allocated more patrols in the area as a response to this incident,” she told TheDCNF.

It is unclear why no one was arrested.

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Anyone have any pictures of that broken front door like Carlson claimed happened yesterday?
Toss the book at em.

D.C. police are investigating a left-wing mob’s protest at Fox News host Tucker Carlson’s house Wednesday evening as a ‘suspected hate crime‘ with ‘anti-political’ motivations, according to a police report obtained by The Daily Caller News Foundation.

The mob, organized by the Antifa group Smash Racism DC, posted Carlson’s Washington address online and sent a mob to his house calling him a “racist scumbag” and demanded he flee the city. Carlson, a co-founder of The Daily Caller News Foundation, was at the Fox News studio when the mob arrived at his home.

A police report indicated that the incident was a “suspected hate crime” and that the case was still open. One box labeled “hate bias/motivation” was filled in “anti-political.”

Carlson’s wife, who was home alone at the time, reported that she heard loud banging and pounding on her front door, according to the police report. She called the police after witnessing a large group of people that had a bull horn and were chanting loudly outside the house.

“Someone started throwing himself against the front door and actually cracked the front door,” Carlson told The Washington Post.

The police “arrived on the scene and found a group of approximately 20 people,” the report read. “It was discovered that unknown persons spray painted an anarchy symbol on the driveway. There were also signs left on the vehicles parked in the driveway as well as a sign left on the front door of the home.”

The vandalism to Carlson’s vehicles and front door made reference to Carlson’s political affiliation, according to the report.

The police also seized six hand-written posters from the scene, according to the report. Video of the incident shows the protesters carrying signs and chanting, “Tucker Carlson we will fight! We know where you sleep at night!”

“Tonight you’re reminded that we have a voice,” Smash Racism DC wrote in a now-deleted Tweet. “Tonight, we remind you that you are not safe either.”

The group’s Twitter account was suspended shortly after midnight on Thursday.

No arrests were made after police arrived on the scene, though there is an active investigation into the incident, Metropolitan Police Department spokeswoman Alaina Gertz told TheDCNF.

“MPD has allocated more patrols in the area as a response to this incident,” she told TheDCNF.

It is unclear why no one was arrested.

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Fox News host? :auiqs.jpg:

You support violence? Vandalism? Hate? We know which party is the party of hate, it is the Democrats.
What violence was there? What vandalism was there?
Toss the book at em.

D.C. police are investigating a left-wing mob’s protest at Fox News host Tucker Carlson’s house Wednesday evening as a ‘suspected hate crime‘ with ‘anti-political’ motivations, according to a police report obtained by The Daily Caller News Foundation.

The mob, organized by the Antifa group Smash Racism DC, posted Carlson’s Washington address online and sent a mob to his house calling him a “racist scumbag” and demanded he flee the city. Carlson, a co-founder of The Daily Caller News Foundation, was at the Fox News studio when the mob arrived at his home.

A police report indicated that the incident was a “suspected hate crime” and that the case was still open. One box labeled “hate bias/motivation” was filled in “anti-political.”

Carlson’s wife, who was home alone at the time, reported that she heard loud banging and pounding on her front door, according to the police report. She called the police after witnessing a large group of people that had a bull horn and were chanting loudly outside the house.

“Someone started throwing himself against the front door and actually cracked the front door,” Carlson told The Washington Post.

The police “arrived on the scene and found a group of approximately 20 people,” the report read. “It was discovered that unknown persons spray painted an anarchy symbol on the driveway. There were also signs left on the vehicles parked in the driveway as well as a sign left on the front door of the home.”

The vandalism to Carlson’s vehicles and front door made reference to Carlson’s political affiliation, according to the report.

The police also seized six hand-written posters from the scene, according to the report. Video of the incident shows the protesters carrying signs and chanting, “Tucker Carlson we will fight! We know where you sleep at night!”

“Tonight you’re reminded that we have a voice,” Smash Racism DC wrote in a now-deleted Tweet. “Tonight, we remind you that you are not safe either.”

The group’s Twitter account was suspended shortly after midnight on Thursday.

No arrests were made after police arrived on the scene, though there is an active investigation into the incident, Metropolitan Police Department spokeswoman Alaina Gertz told TheDCNF.

“MPD has allocated more patrols in the area as a response to this incident,” she told TheDCNF.

It is unclear why no one was arrested.

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The Left: "mobs?! What mobs?!" :rofl:
I honestly think it might be time to start thinking about making it legal to kill those faggots.
If it was my house I would had let them knock the door down, then open fired.
That's what I would have done. I would have left the door unlocked.

The mob considers this a success. The next step is to actually invade a home and occupy it to punish the owners. That's when it will start getting interesting.
Toss the book at em.

D.C. police are investigating a left-wing mob’s protest at Fox News host Tucker Carlson’s house Wednesday evening as a ‘suspected hate crime‘ with ‘anti-political’ motivations, according to a police report obtained by The Daily Caller News Foundation.

The mob, organized by the Antifa group Smash Racism DC, posted Carlson’s Washington address online and sent a mob to his house calling him a “racist scumbag” and demanded he flee the city. Carlson, a co-founder of The Daily Caller News Foundation, was at the Fox News studio when the mob arrived at his home.

A police report indicated that the incident was a “suspected hate crime” and that the case was still open. One box labeled “hate bias/motivation” was filled in “anti-political.”

Carlson’s wife, who was home alone at the time, reported that she heard loud banging and pounding on her front door, according to the police report. She called the police after witnessing a large group of people that had a bull horn and were chanting loudly outside the house.

“Someone started throwing himself against the front door and actually cracked the front door,” Carlson told The Washington Post.

The police “arrived on the scene and found a group of approximately 20 people,” the report read. “It was discovered that unknown persons spray painted an anarchy symbol on the driveway. There were also signs left on the vehicles parked in the driveway as well as a sign left on the front door of the home.”

The vandalism to Carlson’s vehicles and front door made reference to Carlson’s political affiliation, according to the report.

The police also seized six hand-written posters from the scene, according to the report. Video of the incident shows the protesters carrying signs and chanting, “Tucker Carlson we will fight! We know where you sleep at night!”

“Tonight you’re reminded that we have a voice,” Smash Racism DC wrote in a now-deleted Tweet. “Tonight, we remind you that you are not safe either.”

The group’s Twitter account was suspended shortly after midnight on Thursday.

No arrests were made after police arrived on the scene, though there is an active investigation into the incident, Metropolitan Police Department spokeswoman Alaina Gertz told TheDCNF.

“MPD has allocated more patrols in the area as a response to this incident,” she told TheDCNF.

It is unclear why no one was arrested.

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The Left: "mobs?! What mobs?!" :rofl:

There are no mobs, there is no violence, because the ends justify any and all means. Including attacks on innocent family members.

Teleological ethics (Greek telos, "end"; logos, "science") is an ethical theory that holds that the ends or consequences of an act determine whether an act is good or evil. Teleological theories are often discussed in opposition to deontological ethical theories, which hold that acts themselves are inherently good or evil, regardless of the consequences of acts. Utilitarian theories, must answer the charge that ends do not justify the means. The problem arises in these theories because they tend to separate the achieved ends from the action by which these ends were produced. One implication of utilitarianism is that one's intention in performing an act may include all of its foreseen consequences. The goodness of the intention then reflects the balance of the good and evil of these consequences, with no limits imposed upon it by the nature of the act itself—even if it be, say, the breaking of a promise or the execution of an innocent man.
Toss the book at em.

D.C. police are investigating a left-wing mob’s protest at Fox News host Tucker Carlson’s house Wednesday evening as a ‘suspected hate crime‘ with ‘anti-political’ motivations, according to a police report obtained by The Daily Caller News Foundation.

The mob, organized by the Antifa group Smash Racism DC, posted Carlson’s Washington address online and sent a mob to his house calling him a “racist scumbag” and demanded he flee the city. Carlson, a co-founder of The Daily Caller News Foundation, was at the Fox News studio when the mob arrived at his home.

A police report indicated that the incident was a “suspected hate crime” and that the case was still open. One box labeled “hate bias/motivation” was filled in “anti-political.”

Carlson’s wife, who was home alone at the time, reported that she heard loud banging and pounding on her front door, according to the police report. She called the police after witnessing a large group of people that had a bull horn and were chanting loudly outside the house.

“Someone started throwing himself against the front door and actually cracked the front door,” Carlson told The Washington Post.

The police “arrived on the scene and found a group of approximately 20 people,” the report read. “It was discovered that unknown persons spray painted an anarchy symbol on the driveway. There were also signs left on the vehicles parked in the driveway as well as a sign left on the front door of the home.”

The vandalism to Carlson’s vehicles and front door made reference to Carlson’s political affiliation, according to the report.

The police also seized six hand-written posters from the scene, according to the report. Video of the incident shows the protesters carrying signs and chanting, “Tucker Carlson we will fight! We know where you sleep at night!”

“Tonight you’re reminded that we have a voice,” Smash Racism DC wrote in a now-deleted Tweet. “Tonight, we remind you that you are not safe either.”

The group’s Twitter account was suspended shortly after midnight on Thursday.

No arrests were made after police arrived on the scene, though there is an active investigation into the incident, Metropolitan Police Department spokeswoman Alaina Gertz told TheDCNF.

“MPD has allocated more patrols in the area as a response to this incident,” she told TheDCNF.

It is unclear why no one was arrested.

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Fox News host? :auiqs.jpg:

You support violence? Vandalism? Hate? We know which party is the party of hate, it is the Democrats.
What violence was there? What vandalism was there?

^there we have it folks. The left fully support terrorizing women and children at their own homes.

Straight out of the KKK book.
DC police even accepting a complaint of Democrat Party violence?

Pull the other finger.......
If what the democrat mob wants is to drive Republicans out of Washington, the way to do it is snatch the children and hold them hostage until the family is driven out.
No reason to believe that even happened yet. Carlson't claim is less than believable. He lies too much. Show some real proof.

And you have no proof that Carlson's claim is 'less than believable' or that he 'lies too much.'
Just show us the broken front door like he claimed. Perhaps the 911 call too.

Having problems using Google?

Toss the book at em.

D.C. police are investigating a left-wing mob’s protest at Fox News host Tucker Carlson’s house Wednesday evening as a ‘suspected hate crime‘ with ‘anti-political’ motivations, according to a police report obtained by The Daily Caller News Foundation.

The mob, organized by the Antifa group Smash Racism DC, posted Carlson’s Washington address online and sent a mob to his house calling him a “racist scumbag” and demanded he flee the city. Carlson, a co-founder of The Daily Caller News Foundation, was at the Fox News studio when the mob arrived at his home.

A police report indicated that the incident was a “suspected hate crime” and that the case was still open. One box labeled “hate bias/motivation” was filled in “anti-political.”

Carlson’s wife, who was home alone at the time, reported that she heard loud banging and pounding on her front door, according to the police report. She called the police after witnessing a large group of people that had a bull horn and were chanting loudly outside the house.

“Someone started throwing himself against the front door and actually cracked the front door,” Carlson told The Washington Post.

The police “arrived on the scene and found a group of approximately 20 people,” the report read. “It was discovered that unknown persons spray painted an anarchy symbol on the driveway. There were also signs left on the vehicles parked in the driveway as well as a sign left on the front door of the home.”

The vandalism to Carlson’s vehicles and front door made reference to Carlson’s political affiliation, according to the report.

The police also seized six hand-written posters from the scene, according to the report. Video of the incident shows the protesters carrying signs and chanting, “Tucker Carlson we will fight! We know where you sleep at night!”

“Tonight you’re reminded that we have a voice,” Smash Racism DC wrote in a now-deleted Tweet. “Tonight, we remind you that you are not safe either.”

The group’s Twitter account was suspended shortly after midnight on Thursday.

No arrests were made after police arrived on the scene, though there is an active investigation into the incident, Metropolitan Police Department spokeswoman Alaina Gertz told TheDCNF.

“MPD has allocated more patrols in the area as a response to this incident,” she told TheDCNF.

It is unclear why no one was arrested.

Keep reading…
The Left: "mobs?! What mobs?!" :rofl:

There are no mobs, there is no violence, because the ends justify any and all means. Including attacks on innocent family members.

Teleological ethics (Greek telos, "end"; logos, "science") is an ethical theory that holds that the ends or consequences of an act determine whether an act is good or evil. Teleological theories are often discussed in opposition to deontological ethical theories, which hold that acts themselves are inherently good or evil, regardless of the consequences of acts. Utilitarian theories, must answer the charge that ends do not justify the means. The problem arises in these theories because they tend to separate the achieved ends from the action by which these ends were produced. One implication of utilitarianism is that one's intention in performing an act may include all of its foreseen consequences. The goodness of the intention then reflects the balance of the good and evil of these consequences, with no limits imposed upon it by the nature of the act itself—even if it be, say, the breaking of a promise or the execution of an innocent man.
Exactly how terrorists think!
I honestly think it might be time to start thinking about making it legal to kill those faggots.
If it was my house I would had let them knock the door down, then open fired.
That's what I would have done. I would have left the door unlocked.

The mob considers this a success. The next step is to actually invade a home and occupy it to punish the owners. That's when it will start getting interesting.

If they would had broken in, it would had been a lot worse than that. They probably would had raped and murdered her and any kids if they were there.
The cops should have arrested the "20" on a holding charge of disorderly conduct, disturbing the peace and unlawful assembly. That would have gotten them booked, IDed and printed. Sloppy ass law enforcement.
Without wasting my time doing research, I would hazard a guess that D.C.'s hate-crime law does not cover political affiliation.
We have a First Amendment; they should put it in writing.

We have a First World economy not a third world economy.
Toss the book at em.

D.C. police are investigating a left-wing mob’s protest at Fox News host Tucker Carlson’s house Wednesday evening as a ‘suspected hate crime‘ with ‘anti-political’ motivations, according to a police report obtained by The Daily Caller News Foundation.

The mob, organized by the Antifa group Smash Racism DC, posted Carlson’s Washington address online and sent a mob to his house calling him a “racist scumbag” and demanded he flee the city. Carlson, a co-founder of The Daily Caller News Foundation, was at the Fox News studio when the mob arrived at his home.

A police report indicated that the incident was a “suspected hate crime” and that the case was still open. One box labeled “hate bias/motivation” was filled in “anti-political.”

Carlson’s wife, who was home alone at the time, reported that she heard loud banging and pounding on her front door, according to the police report. She called the police after witnessing a large group of people that had a bull horn and were chanting loudly outside the house.

“Someone started throwing himself against the front door and actually cracked the front door,” Carlson told The Washington Post.

The police “arrived on the scene and found a group of approximately 20 people,” the report read. “It was discovered that unknown persons spray painted an anarchy symbol on the driveway. There were also signs left on the vehicles parked in the driveway as well as a sign left on the front door of the home.”

The vandalism to Carlson’s vehicles and front door made reference to Carlson’s political affiliation, according to the report.

The police also seized six hand-written posters from the scene, according to the report. Video of the incident shows the protesters carrying signs and chanting, “Tucker Carlson we will fight! We know where you sleep at night!”

“Tonight you’re reminded that we have a voice,” Smash Racism DC wrote in a now-deleted Tweet. “Tonight, we remind you that you are not safe either.”

The group’s Twitter account was suspended shortly after midnight on Thursday.

No arrests were made after police arrived on the scene, though there is an active investigation into the incident, Metropolitan Police Department spokeswoman Alaina Gertz told TheDCNF.

“MPD has allocated more patrols in the area as a response to this incident,” she told TheDCNF.

It is unclear why no one was arrested.

Keep reading…

Fox News host? :auiqs.jpg:

You support violence? Vandalism? Hate? We know which party is the party of hate, it is the Democrats.
What violence was there? What vandalism was there?

^there we have it folks. The left fully support terrorizing women and children at their own homes.

Straight out of the KKK book.
I would argue that antifa and BLM are significantly more dangerous than neo Nazis marching.
The cops should have arrested the "20" on a holding charge of disorderly conduct, disturbing the peace and unlawful assembly. That would have gotten them booked, IDed and printed. Sloppy ass law enforcement.

Yup. Pictures ad DNA as well.

Oh and I'm sure they didn't have a permit to assemble either.

These Antifa morons are Domestic Terrorists and that what they should be treated as.
Last edited:
Toss the book at em.

D.C. police are investigating a left-wing mob’s protest at Fox News host Tucker Carlson’s house Wednesday evening as a ‘suspected hate crime‘ with ‘anti-political’ motivations, according to a police report obtained by The Daily Caller News Foundation.

The mob, organized by the Antifa group Smash Racism DC, posted Carlson’s Washington address online and sent a mob to his house calling him a “racist scumbag” and demanded he flee the city. Carlson, a co-founder of The Daily Caller News Foundation, was at the Fox News studio when the mob arrived at his home.

A police report indicated that the incident was a “suspected hate crime” and that the case was still open. One box labeled “hate bias/motivation” was filled in “anti-political.”

Carlson’s wife, who was home alone at the time, reported that she heard loud banging and pounding on her front door, according to the police report. She called the police after witnessing a large group of people that had a bull horn and were chanting loudly outside the house.

“Someone started throwing himself against the front door and actually cracked the front door,” Carlson told The Washington Post.

The police “arrived on the scene and found a group of approximately 20 people,” the report read. “It was discovered that unknown persons spray painted an anarchy symbol on the driveway. There were also signs left on the vehicles parked in the driveway as well as a sign left on the front door of the home.”

The vandalism to Carlson’s vehicles and front door made reference to Carlson’s political affiliation, according to the report.

The police also seized six hand-written posters from the scene, according to the report. Video of the incident shows the protesters carrying signs and chanting, “Tucker Carlson we will fight! We know where you sleep at night!”

“Tonight you’re reminded that we have a voice,” Smash Racism DC wrote in a now-deleted Tweet. “Tonight, we remind you that you are not safe either.”

The group’s Twitter account was suspended shortly after midnight on Thursday.

No arrests were made after police arrived on the scene, though there is an active investigation into the incident, Metropolitan Police Department spokeswoman Alaina Gertz told TheDCNF.

“MPD has allocated more patrols in the area as a response to this incident,” she told TheDCNF.

It is unclear why no one was arrested.

Keep reading…

Fox News host? :auiqs.jpg:

You support violence? Vandalism? Hate? We know which party is the party of hate, it is the Democrats.
What violence was there? What vandalism was there?

^there we have it folks. The left fully support terrorizing women and children at their own homes.

Straight out of the KKK book.
I would argue that antifa and BLM are significantly more dangerous than neo Nazis marching.

They are. Haven’t heard of neo-Nazis rioting and terrorizing anyone lately. They have their stupid beliefs which they are entitled to, but they aren’t the ones trying to talk away our freedom of speech.
Without wasting my time doing research, I would hazard a guess that D.C.'s hate-crime law does not cover political affiliation.
Antifa goons are domestic terrorists....Send them to GITMO.
With the MAGA synagogue shooter and the MAGA bomber?

The synagogue shooter was an Anti-Trumpster.
His issue was the so called "invaders" in the caravan and who is it that keeps fanning the flames of hysteria about these people? He thought Trump was too liberal and he didn`t vote for him but he synagogue shooter is Trump`s baby.
I heard Tucker tell about this last night and he said that the people who rushed his house know where his brother and best friend live too which in my opinion is why the maximum sentence needs to be thrown at every last member of the group. When people show that they have it in them to go after one person, how do you know that they will not go after another?

God bless you and Tucker and his family and friends always!!!

Without wasting my time doing research, I would hazard a guess that D.C.'s hate-crime law does not cover political affiliation.

I'll save you the trouble. It does cover political affiliation.

Under the Bias-Related Crime Act of 1989 (D.C. Official Code § 22-3700 et. seq.), a bias-related, or hate, crime is a criminal act or attempted criminal act “that demonstrates an accused’s prejudice based on the actual or perceived race, color, religion, national origin, sex, age, marital status, personal appearance, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, family responsibility, homelessness, physical disability, matriculation, or political affiliation of a victim.”

Bias-Related Crimes (Hate Crimes) Data | mpdc

As they say, google is your friend. Took me 15 seconds, and now we know.

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