DC Worker Says The Obvious: "If You Need All This To Protect Your Inauguration from the People, Maybe the *-ing People Didn't *-ing Elect You!"

You like to count your chickens before they hatch?
When the Chickens Come Home to Roost: Donald Trump, Insurrection and the Death of the Grand Old Party | Milwaukee Courier Weekly Newspaper

"I wondered when enough would be enough.

"Publicly mocking a disabled reporter didn’t do it; neither did calling white supremacists in Charlottesville ‘very fine people’; and it most definitely wasn’t the blatant disrespect for women.

"It wasn’t even enough after making 29,508 verifiably false or misleading statements.

"But it seems as though inciting a seditious insurrection at the United States Capitol may be the straw that will finally break Donald Trump’s back."
"Publicly mocking a disabled reporter didn’t do it; neither did calling white supremacists in Charlottesville ‘very fine people’; and it most definitely wasn’t the blatant disrespect for women.

Thanks for giving us your own false and misleading statements.
We were told Donald Trump was hated.
We were told Americans wanted President Trump Gone.
We were told Americans chose Biden as their new President.
So the Inauguration should be a happy, joyous celebration
It looks, however, like the command HQ of a nation facing invasion on its own soil
There are more U.S. troops in D.C. than there are in Afghanistan, Iraq, and Syria COMBINED
D.C. should look festive in celebratory preparedness for the Inauguration of 'beloved' Biden
Instead D.C. looks like downtown Baghdad, complete with Green and Red Zones
Bridges are closed, no way to get in past a military check-point
Getting to work is reportedly nearly impossible
No jogging on the Capitol Mall, no tourists - everyone is a 'threat'
Everyone to include, to the Democrats, our own military
Guard members have been made the focus of investigations
All of their backgrounds have had to be checked to eliminate 'Insider Threats' to Biden

...does this sound like someone the majority of the American people chose to be their President?

Leave it to the average American to say what the Fake News Socialist Media will not and what the Socialist Big Tech would sensor and silence:


"If You Need All This To Protect Your Inauguration from the People, Maybe the F-ing People Didn't F-ing Elect you!"
DC Worker Shows Video of Military Checkpoints in City (VIDEO)


Hundreds of Active Duty Troops
Along with 25,000 National Guard
Troops are Authorized for Biden’s

Virtual Inauguration Event

This is the DEMOCRATS' Show-Of-Force'. It doesn't say, "We won the election". It says, "We have CONQUERED the United States, DEFEATED THE PEOPLE, and WE are now in control!"

To our enemies, it says, "We Democrats are AFRAID of Our Own People"...who they are supposed to work FOR...as 'SERVANTS of the people'.

The only people being protected from anything here are the Biden freaks....Being protected from the embarrassment of the fact that China Joe couldn't attract a crowd of flies if all his pockets were filled with shit.

So all of this military might and fear-mongering is a charade to protect Biden from having the smallest Inauguration in US history? Funny...but I don't buy it.
That's not the only purpose..Another reason is to let the kulaks of the nation know that the commiecrats are completely willing to invoke military force to get you to lie down and comply.

So the “commiecrats” let the “kulaks of the nation” know they are willing to use military force to insure compliance but then grow fearful of that military force as it is largely white and pro Trump.

Hopefully they will realize that they can only push so far.
Welcome to the New World Order. I wonder if any of the security forces are Chinese nationalists? At least they wouldn't need to be vetted for loyalty.
We were told Donald Trump was hated.
We were told Americans wanted President Trump Gone.
We were told Americans chose Biden as their new President.
So the Inauguration should be a happy, joyous celebration
It looks, however, like the command HQ of a nation facing invasion on its own soil
There are more U.S. troops in D.C. than there are in Afghanistan, Iraq, and Syria COMBINED
D.C. should look festive in celebratory preparedness for the Inauguration of 'beloved' Biden
Instead D.C. looks like downtown Baghdad, complete with Green and Red Zones
Bridges are closed, no way to get in past a military check-point
Getting to work is reportedly nearly impossible
No jogging on the Capitol Mall, no tourists - everyone is a 'threat'
Everyone to include, to the Democrats, our own military
Guard members have been made the focus of investigations
All of their backgrounds have had to be checked to eliminate 'Insider Threats' to Biden

...does this sound like someone the majority of the American people chose to be their President?

Leave it to the average American to say what the Fake News Socialist Media will not and what the Socialist Big Tech would sensor and silence:


"If You Need All This To Protect Your Inauguration from the People, Maybe the F-ing People Didn't F-ing Elect you!"
DC Worker Shows Video of Military Checkpoints in City (VIDEO)


Hundreds of Active Duty Troops
Along with 25,000 National Guard
Troops are Authorized for Biden’s

Virtual Inauguration Event

This is the DEMOCRATS' Show-Of-Force'. It doesn't say, "We won the election". It says, "We have CONQUERED the United States, DEFEATED THE PEOPLE, and WE are now in control!"

To our enemies, it says, "We Democrats are AFRAID of Our Own People"...who they are supposed to work FOR...as 'SERVANTS of the people'.

This will go down as the most embarrassing inauguration in US history.
Let get this straight, you disparage Trump for inciting insurrection, which he did not do. But you give a free pass to your democrat representatives that incited riots continuously for the past year. Got it--you're a hypocrite
Trump did incite his followers to riot.
The fact he didn't use words like "smash and grab" or "insurrection" doesn't change reality. HIs "Big Lie" about a landslide election loss encouraged thousands of gullible Americans to storm the US Capitol and kill a police officer who personally supported Don the Con. Republicans are elite hypocrites.

When the Chickens Come Home to Roost: Donald Trump, Insurrection and the Death of the Grand Old Party | Milwaukee Courier Weekly Newspaper

"Long gone are the days of the Reagan-era fiscal conservatives who sought civil discourse; the Republican Party of today is the party of Donald Trump—lies, malfeasance, incorrigibility and blatant white supremacy.

"There is no way to recover from this abyss...."

"Trump played his 'trump card' and his chickens came home to roost."
So you are telling me that the liberal media didn’t lie to me abut Trump for 3 1/2 years by saying he was colluding with Putin to defeat Hillary.
Did Putin prefer Trump or Clinton to win in 2016?
Any proof of collusion will be found in Trump's financial documents which lifelong Republican fixer, Robert Mueller, never bothered to obtain.

STATEMENT: U.S. Senate Report Confirms Trump Campaign Colluded With Russia, CAP’s Neera Tanden Says - Center for American Progress

"Washington, D.C. — Today, (8/2020) the U.S. Senate Intelligence Committee issued a report finding that the Trump presidential campaign chairman’s interaction with Russian intelligence officials during the 2016 election posed a 'grave counterintelligence threat.'"
Night after night Rachel Maddow breathlessly reported a new ”bomshell” that would definitely mean the end of Trump as President of the United States. CNN, ABC, NBC, CBS and NPR talking heads joined in and assured everybody Trump would be impeached and removed from office when Mueller finished his investigation.
How many congressional subpoenas did Trump ignore during Mueller's "investigation"? How many witnesses did he prevent from testifying? What happens when Biden names Hillary as a special prosecutor for those charges of Trump/Russia collusion in 2016 and beyond?

G.O.P.-Led Senate Panel Details Ties Between 2016 Trump Campaign and Russia

"WASHINGTON — A sprawling report released Tuesday by a Republican-controlled Senate panel that spent three years investigating Russia’s interference in the 2016 election laid out an extensive web of contacts between Trump campaign advisers and Kremlin officials and other Russians, including at least one intelligence officer and others tied to the country’s spy services."
Right now to me the main stream media has about the same or less credibility than the National Enquirer has. Its mission is to be the propaganda machine for the DemocratIic Party.
How would you rate Trump's credibility as he leaves office?
Post the EXACT Trump quote / words where he orders anyone to engage in an 'Insurrection' by invading the Capitol. Anything else is just bullshit liberal 'translations' and false interpretation.
Trump's lies especially his Big Lie about winning in 2020 led directly to the insurrection on January 6, 2021, and even Republicans who aren't suicidal are saying so:

"For the first time since the Jan. 6 mob attack on the U.S. Capitol, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell publicly denounced President Trump and his supporters for instigating the insurrection.

"'The mob was fed lies,' McConnell, R-Ky., said in a speech on the Senate floor Tuesday afternoon.

"'They were provoked by the president and other powerful people, and they tried to use fear and violence to stop a specific proceeding of the first branch of the federal government, which they did not like.'"

'The Mob Was Fed Lies': McConnell Rebukes Trump For His Role In Capitol Riot
he ONLY reason they will continue with the Impeachment after Trump is out of office is to vote to permanently ban him from running again....and the reason they have / want to do that is because they are scared as hell of him, of his 51%
He has never had a 50% approval rating.
His current standing is 34%, the lowest since Hoover.
You really need to put down to step outside your echo chamber.
The Capitol attack 'Inciting Insurrection' claim - like every other claim for the last 4 years, was just another traitorous socialist Democrat manufactured false narrative supported by socialist fake news media and swallowed and parroted by stupid sheep snowflakes.
Trump Jr. chanting "fight for Trump" over and over on January 6 incited violence in the same way Rudy Giulani's demand for a "trial by combat" inflamed tensions manufactured by Trump's Big Lie:

Trump has been the least effective and most divisive POTUS in US History. He and his family are lifelong grifters and worse who deserve to die in prison.

'The Mob Was Fed Lies': McConnell Rebukes Trump For His Role In Capitol Riot

"Ahead of the Jan. 6 insurrection, McConnell used his time on the Senate floor to reject allegations of election fraud by Trump and his allies, saying Trump's claims that the Nov. 3 election was stolen were partly based on conspiracy theories.

"'Dozens of lawsuits received hearings and courtrooms all across our country. But over and over, the courts rejected these claims, including all star judges that the president himself had nominated,' he said at the time.

"'Nothing before us proves illegality anywhere near the massive scale ... that would have tipped the entire election. Nor can public doubt alone justify a radical break, when the doubt itself was incited without any evidence.'"
The screenings have found 2 members with ties to right wing militias.

Provide the Link!

According to MSN this morning, 2 were removed due to 'Texts', 1 was removed due to an anonymous report, and others were removed for being associated with 'Extremist Groups'. The names / of the groups were not released.
Post the EXACT Trump quote / words where he orders anyone to engage in an 'Insurrection' by invading the Capitol. Anything else is just bullshit liberal 'translations' and false interpretation.
Trump's lies especially his Big Lie about winning in 2020 led directly to the insurrection on January 6, 2021, and even Republicans who aren't suicidal are saying so:

"For the first time since the Jan. 6 mob attack on the U.S. Capitol, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell publicly denounced President Trump and his supporters for instigating the insurrection.

"'The mob was fed lies,' McConnell, R-Ky., said in a speech on the Senate floor Tuesday afternoon.

"'They were provoked by the president and other powerful people, and they tried to use fear and violence to stop a specific proceeding of the first branch of the federal government, which they did not like.'"

'The Mob Was Fed Lies': McConnell Rebukes Trump For His Role In Capitol Riot

Way to re-write history. The fact that you cite Mitch McConnell in an attempt to justify the lie that Trump incited an 'Insurrection' instead of quoting the exact words from Trump's speech in which he ordered anyone to attack the Capitol proves how desperate you are to perpetuate and justify the lie.

Like a good Socialist-supporting snowflake you also completely avoid the topic of 'Personal Responsibility and Accountability', something Democrats treat like the plague, avoiding at all costs.

Then there's the fact that McConnell, Democrats, and snowflakes on this board continue to ignore the irrefutable evidence that Antifa, BLM, and the Capitol police all contributed to the Capitol violence...but, of course, only Trump-supporters are blamed and called 'terrorists'. (I am NOT saying the Trump-supporters who engaged in the riot were / are not to partially blame, but they were not the only ones, as evidence shows.)

Back to McConnell: The moment he saw Trump had lost re-election he reverted back to his spineless, ass-kissing, 'Go-Along-To-Get-Along-And-Survive' true nature. McConnell is attempting to show Pelosi and Schumer that HE is still the #1 Republican they can work with and trust to be a doormat for whatever they want to do....the only type f Republican Democrats and snowflakes love.
The Capitol attack 'Inciting Insurrection' claim - like every other claim for the last 4 years, was just another traitorous socialist Democrat manufactured false narrative supported by socialist fake news media and swallowed and parroted by stupid sheep snowflakes.
Trump Jr. chanting "fight for Trump" over and over on January 6 incited violence in the same way Rudy Giulani's demand for a "trial by combat" inflamed tensions manufactured by Trump's Big Lie:

Trump has been the least effective and most divisive POTUS in US History. He and his family are lifelong grifters and worse who deserve to die in prison.

'The Mob Was Fed Lies': McConnell Rebukes Trump For His Role In Capitol Riot

"Ahead of the Jan. 6 insurrection, McConnell used his time on the Senate floor to reject allegations of election fraud by Trump and his allies, saying Trump's claims that the Nov. 3 election was stolen were partly based on conspiracy theories.

"'Dozens of lawsuits received hearings and courtrooms all across our country. But over and over, the courts rejected these claims, including all star judges that the president himself had nominated,' he said at the time.

"'Nothing before us proves illegality anywhere near the massive scale ... that would have tipped the entire election. Nor can public doubt alone justify a radical break, when the doubt itself was incited without any evidence.'"
'Fight For Trump', and of course your irrational hate-driven dementia translates this into 'Storm the Capitol, destroy property, and overthrow the govt'...which he did not say.

...but you're fine with your new VP declaring the Antifa and BLM Insurrection that caused hundreds of BILLIONS of dollars in damages across the US "SHOULD NOT STOP after the election - WE (identifying herself as one of them) SHOULD NOT STOP".

Thank you for self-identifying as a mentally unstable, irrational hate-driven, fragile, fractured snowflake.
So you are telling me that the liberal media didn’t lie to me abut Trump for 3 1/2 years by saying he was colluding with Putin to defeat Hillary.
Did Putin prefer Trump or Clinton to win in 2016?
Any proof of collusion will be found in Trump's financial documents which lifelong Republican fixer, Robert Mueller, never bothered to obtain.

STATEMENT: U.S. Senate Report Confirms Trump Campaign Colluded With Russia, CAP’s Neera Tanden Says - Center for American Progress

"Washington, D.C. — Today, (8/2020) the U.S. Senate Intelligence Committee issued a report finding that the Trump presidential campaign chairman’s interaction with Russian intelligence officials during the 2016 election posed a 'grave counterintelligence threat.'"

There are reports that Joe Biden colluded with China which makes sense because China has an investment in Joe and in fact owns him.

Right now to me the main stream media has about the same or less credibility than the National Enquirer has. Its mission is to be the propaganda machine for the DemocratIic Party.
How would you rate Trump's credibility as he leaves office?

One thing about Trump is nobody owned him. That‘s why the political establishment of both parties and the Deep State wanted to see him gone. It’s also why he was elected as he is the first President since Reagan who actually worked for the people. And believe It or not Trump was re-elected and it took a major effort to rig the election for Sleepy Joe.

China owns Sleepy Joe. The FBI also has Hunter Biden’s computer which contains some nasty videos and pictures. So the Deep State also owns Sleepy Joe. Joe loves his son.

Everything is now back to normal. We are led to believe we live in a representative democracy or constitutional republic but we don’t and haven’t for decades.
Night after night Rachel Maddow breathlessly reported a new ”bomshell” that would definitely mean the end of Trump as President of the United States. CNN, ABC, NBC, CBS and NPR talking heads joined in and assured everybody Trump would be impeached and removed from office when Mueller finished his investigation.
How many congressional subpoenas did Trump ignore during Mueller's "investigation"? How many witnesses did he prevent from testifying? What happens when Biden names Hillary as a special prosecutor for those charges of Trump/Russia collusion in 2016 and beyond?

G.O.P.-Led Senate Panel Details Ties Between 2016 Trump Campaign and Russia

"WASHINGTON — A sprawling report released Tuesday by a Republican-controlled Senate panel that spent three years investigating Russia’s interference in the 2016 election laid out an extensive web of contacts between Trump campaign advisers and Kremlin officials and other Russians, including at least one intelligence officer and others tied to the country’s spy services."

So why didn’t Mueller uncover this information?

Note: I just read that Trump is interested in forming his own party the Patriot Party. That may be why the Senate report came out. If Trump forms this party you can kiss the GOP goodbye and good riddance. Most are just worthless Swamp critters.
Right now to me the main stream media has about the same or less credibility than the National Enquirer has. Its mission is to be the propaganda machine for the DemocratIic Party.
How would you rate Trump's credibility as he leaves office?

One thing about Trump is nobody owned him. That‘s why the political establishment of both parties and the Deep State wanted to see him gone. It’s also why he was elected as he is the first President since Reagan who actually worked for the people. And believe It or not Trump was re-elected and it took a major effort to rig the election for Sleepy Joe.

China owns Sleepy Joe. The FBI also has Hunter Biden’s computer which contains some nasty videos and pictures. So the Deep State also owns Sleepy Joe. Joe loves his son.

Everything is now back to normal. We are led to believe we live in a representative democracy or constitutional republic but we don’t and haven’t for decades.
"nobody owned him"..................:heehee:
Despite Miller and the US Intel Agencies declaring there was never any indication of planned violence for today, this is when snowflakes claim no violence occurred because they militarized DC


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