DC's Minimum Wage Really Does Cost Jobs At Walmart

Fewer people being taught how to go on Medicaid and Food Stamps...Sounds good to me.

What the fuck you talking about? The stores they were going to open up was around 450 jobs. Where their is no FUCKING jobs.

The three stores that opened up in the D.C. area had like 5,000 applicants for only 300 jobs if memory serves me correctly.

The Walmarts would have closed down other retail outlets losing over 450 jobs, as always happens.

Those damn DC stores have been in the news for the pass 4 years at least and if you botherd to read the link ( which you are to dumb that you won't) They are pissed because they spent 90 million tax dollars for the up grades for additional stores
"which you are to dumb that you won't" defines dumb rather well IMO.
Or they can ignore the idiotic suggestions of idiots.
Don't talk about yourself that way.
Now back to your continuous snide, upper crust remarks that slum residents can ALWAYS find another job.
Apparently they CAN'T.

Low skilled workers can't always find another job.
That's why the damage caused by moronic DC politicians is so serious.
Now that WalMart won't build new stores and hire inner city DCers, I'm sure the welfare benefits paid will decline.
Because "no jobs" is preferred to "low paying jobs".

Walmart puts other retailers out of business. Those are lost jobs.

Walmart puts other retailers out of business.

So does high crime in the inner city.
Thank God there's no crime in Suburban areas.

Not where I live. Maybe YOU should move?
Look at the map and then you tell us what your parameters are that would make my claim false.

You said almost al are in the South. By doing that, you must set the parameters of what you define as the South. Until you make that distinction, no need for me to set parameters. Your claim, your responsibility.

So your big contribution to this debate is to protest common knowledge over what in normal conversation the reference to the 'the South' is?

Jesus Christ you people get more retarded every day.

If it's so common you wouldn't have a problem saying it. Since you won't, it seems you people get more cowardly every day.

You made the claim dickhead, support it. Trying to pass off on me what you're unwilling to do proves your idiocy.

The former Confederacy. Happy now?

From the article: 269 stores whether it be Superstore, Sam's or Neighborhood Market.

From the list: Texas - 29; Arkansas - 11; Louisiana - 8; Mississippi - 6; Tennessee - 5; SC - 3; NC - 17; Florida - 3; Georgia - 7; Alabama - 9; and Virginia - 0.

That's a total of 98 of what YOU called the South from the source you provided. Of the 269, only 154 are in the U.S. Simple division shows that 63% are in what you called the South. Hardly, almost all.

Something you conveniently left out, and I know it has to be an oversight because you'd never mislead with numbers, is that WalMart plans on opening between 135 - 155 stores (Markets and Superstores) in the upcoming year in the U.S. alone. Add to that more Sam's stores in locations where one doesn't currently exist.

Ok, so I should have said 2 out of 3. In context I was talking about states without a minimum wage higher than the federal minimum wage,

so my main point still stands, contrary to anyone's assertions to the contrary, Walmart is not closing these stores over minimum wage issues.
Like I said before, you know that other people have stock in Walmart other than the Waltons. Right?

Not interested in making scum like Alice Walton richer. I choose to shop elsewhere. And i actually kinda enjoy shoping now. Walmart's a miserable hellhole. I don't miss it at all.

Who in their right mind likes shopping? Walmart, Target, Costco, Home Depot all suck. Who can standing going into those places, give me a small mom and pop, you pay more but you support a local people.

Yeah, large chain stores suck so bad that when I needed a shower faucet handle I went to a local store to find a replacement and paid $7.00. Lowe's sells them for less than $4.00. As a highly underpaid public school teacher, I can't afford to pay almost double.

"a highly underpaid public school teacher"
I suggest you do what MOST suggest Walmart employess do...change jobs.
C'mon, the slum people can do it so certainly you can.
Get the sarcasm?

I have tens of thousands of dollars and years of education invested in my profession. People who work at Walmart have no such investment.

LMAO. Of course you meant to say that you have all that money and time invested compared to the greeter at a Walmart. WOW.

Dont they (Walmart) have any CPAs, tax professionals, buyers, logistic experts, etc?
You said almost al are in the South. By doing that, you must set the parameters of what you define as the South. Until you make that distinction, no need for me to set parameters. Your claim, your responsibility.

So your big contribution to this debate is to protest common knowledge over what in normal conversation the reference to the 'the South' is?

Jesus Christ you people get more retarded every day.

If it's so common you wouldn't have a problem saying it. Since you won't, it seems you people get more cowardly every day.

You made the claim dickhead, support it. Trying to pass off on me what you're unwilling to do proves your idiocy.

The former Confederacy. Happy now?

From the article: 269 stores whether it be Superstore, Sam's or Neighborhood Market.

From the list: Texas - 29; Arkansas - 11; Louisiana - 8; Mississippi - 6; Tennessee - 5; SC - 3; NC - 17; Florida - 3; Georgia - 7; Alabama - 9; and Virginia - 0.

That's a total of 98 of what YOU called the South from the source you provided. Of the 269, only 154 are in the U.S. Simple division shows that 63% are in what you called the South. Hardly, almost all.

Something you conveniently left out, and I know it has to be an oversight because you'd never mislead with numbers, is that WalMart plans on opening between 135 - 155 stores (Markets and Superstores) in the upcoming year in the U.S. alone. Add to that more Sam's stores in locations where one doesn't currently exist.

Ok, so I should have said 2 out of 3. In context I was talking about states without a minimum wage higher than the federal minimum wage,

so my main point still stands, contrary to anyone's assertions to the contrary, Walmart is not closing these stores over minimum wage issues.

The context excuse.

What you SAID was almost all.

So much for you being a man and admitting you were wrong. Didn't expect you but did expect you to make excuses. So typical for your kind.
Walmart puts other retailers out of business.

So does high crime in the inner city.

lol, do you realize you just equated opening a Walmart to inner city crime?


Wrong, moron. Inner city crime results in "inner city food deserts".
I hear that's a problem. Obviously the solution is to raise the minimum wage for low skilled inner city workers.
Mom and Pop stores are popping up all over the place to take advantage of the higher expenses. Durr.

A single Walmart can put a dozen 'mom and pop' stores out of business. Where's the gain? Our Walmart immediately knocked off two major supermarkets and a very large K-mart. How many jobs you figure disappeared there?

A single Walmart can put a dozen 'mom and pop' stores out of business.

It's interesting that when people can choose between higher prices and lower prices, they choose lower prices.
There oughta be a law!!!
Walmart is not cheaper than any other Super Store in Nassau County.
In fact, I bet a comparison between Walmart and any other Super Store in any region would probably expose Walmart's "savings" as a crock.
One of the reasons I DON'T shop at Walmart is because Super Stop & Shop has the SAME prices as "low wage" Walmart.

Nassau County NY is also one of the most expensive places to live in the US. Why don't you move somewhere cheaper?
Not interested in making scum like Alice Walton richer. I choose to shop elsewhere. And i actually kinda enjoy shoping now. Walmart's a miserable hellhole. I don't miss it at all.

Who in their right mind likes shopping? Walmart, Target, Costco, Home Depot all suck. Who can standing going into those places, give me a small mom and pop, you pay more but you support a local people.

Yeah, large chain stores suck so bad that when I needed a shower faucet handle I went to a local store to find a replacement and paid $7.00. Lowe's sells them for less than $4.00. As a highly underpaid public school teacher, I can't afford to pay almost double.

"a highly underpaid public school teacher"
I suggest you do what MOST suggest Walmart employess do...change jobs.
C'mon, the slum people can do it so certainly you can.
Get the sarcasm?

I have tens of thousands of dollars and years of education invested in my profession. People who work at Walmart have no such investment.

LMAO. Of course you meant to say that you have all that money and time invested compared to the greeter at a Walmart. WOW.

Dont they (Walmart) have any CPAs, tax professionals, buyers, logistic experts, etc?

Yeah, in Arkansas!
Walmart is not cheaper than any other Super Store in Nassau County.

That's good to know. More choices are better for the consumer

Its so great that poor people have a choice where to buy cheaply made, cheap foreign goods.

It helps the economy so much. the guys on the shop floor in China want to thank you.

You shop at Walmart regularly todd?
Good for you, you have some great choices. You like Dollar Generals?
Walmart is not cheaper than any other Super Store in Nassau County.

That's good to know. More choices are better for the consumer

Its so great that poor people have a choice where to buy cheaply made, cheap foreign goods.

It helps the economy so much. the guys on the shop floor in China want to thank you.

You shop at Walmart regularly todd?
Good for you, you have some great choices. You like Dollar Generals?

Its so great that poor people have a choice where to buy cheaply made, cheap foreign goods.

Yeah, it's weird that poor people benefit from low prices.

You shop at Walmart regularly todd?

I go there occasionally. I prefer Costco.

You like Dollar Generals?

Like I said before, you know that other people have stock in Walmart other than the Waltons. Right?

Not interested in making scum like Alice Walton richer. I choose to shop elsewhere. And i actually kinda enjoy shoping now. Walmart's a miserable hellhole. I don't miss it at all.

Who in their right mind likes shopping? Walmart, Target, Costco, Home Depot all suck. Who can standing going into those places, give me a small mom and pop, you pay more but you support a local people.

Yeah, large chain stores suck so bad that when I needed a shower faucet handle I went to a local store to find a replacement and paid $7.00. Lowe's sells them for less than $4.00. As a highly underpaid public school teacher, I can't afford to pay almost double.

"a highly underpaid public school teacher"
I suggest you do what MOST suggest Walmart employess do...change jobs.
C'mon, the slum people can do it so certainly you can.
Get the sarcasm?

I have tens of thousands of dollars and years of education invested in my profession. People who work at Walmart have no such investment.

So you apparently wasted much time and money; not necessarily your own fault.
I had the same experience with Software Development thanks to Bill Gates and Larry Ellison.
If Walmarts have such RAZOR THIN profits, why does it make BILLIONS every year?
Someone's math is off.

If Walmarts have such RAZOR THIN profits, why does it make BILLIONS every year?

Last year, $485 billion in revenue, $16.8 billion in net income.
Less than 3.5% of sales.

Maybe not razor thin. None the less still billions in net income.

I bet you had some other point you were trying to make? What was it?

Idiots pretend they have huge profits. Their margins are not that large.
Adding some actual facts to the discussion. You're welcome.
Then I suggest the Waltons go into a better line of business.
Or maybe without Sam they don't have the skillset.
Get the sarcasm?

All I am seeing in your posts is stupid excuses as to why you are consistently wrong.

And all I see in your posts is confusion as to why you are a Conservative on some issues and a Liberal on others.
If the Waltons are incapable of maintaining their business paradigm without social aid they have failed.
Don't talk about yourself that way.
Now back to your continuous snide, upper crust remarks that slum residents can ALWAYS find another job.
Apparently they CAN'T.

Low skilled workers can't always find another job.
That's why the damage caused by moronic DC politicians is so serious.
Now that WalMart won't build new stores and hire inner city DCers, I'm sure the welfare benefits paid will decline.
Because "no jobs" is preferred to "low paying jobs".

Walmart puts other retailers out of business. Those are lost jobs.

Walmart puts other retailers out of business.

So does high crime in the inner city.
Thank God there's no crime in Suburban areas.

Not where I live. Maybe YOU should move?

I'm happy where I am because Walmart is being kept out of MANY areas.
Tax payers here do WANT to see local store keepers go broke in favor of a corporate entity.
Low skilled workers can't always find another job.
That's why the damage caused by moronic DC politicians is so serious.
Now that WalMart won't build new stores and hire inner city DCers, I'm sure the welfare benefits paid will decline.
Because "no jobs" is preferred to "low paying jobs".

Walmart puts other retailers out of business. Those are lost jobs.

Walmart puts other retailers out of business.

So does high crime in the inner city.
Thank God there's no crime in Suburban areas.

Not where I live. Maybe YOU should move?

I'm happy where I am because Walmart is being kept out of MANY areas.
Tax payers here do WANT to see local store keepers go broke in favor of a corporate entity.

Within 20 miles in any direction, I can get to more than a dozen Walmart stores whether it be a Market, Sam's or a Superstore.
Walmart is not cheaper than any other Super Store in Nassau County.

That's good to know. More choices are better for the consumer

Its so great that poor people have a choice where to buy cheaply made, cheap foreign goods.

It helps the economy so much. the guys on the shop floor in China want to thank you.

You shop at Walmart regularly todd?
Good for you, you have some great choices. You like Dollar Generals?

Its so great that poor people have a choice where to buy cheaply made, cheap foreign goods.

Yeah, it's weird that poor people benefit from low prices.

You shop at Walmart regularly todd?

I go there occasionally. I prefer Costco.

You like Dollar Generals?


You seem to care a lot about the poor todd. And seem to have a lot of the same habits and such.

Are you a poor person todd?

Just curious and there is nothing wrong with being poor. Its just that its kinda tough. Do you get SNAP also? Its ok I dont mind.

I am not like so many others on here who HAtE it that their tax dollars go to help the poor, even the working poor.
Walmart puts other retailers out of business. Those are lost jobs.

Walmart puts other retailers out of business.

So does high crime in the inner city.
Thank God there's no crime in Suburban areas.

Not where I live. Maybe YOU should move?

I'm happy where I am because Walmart is being kept out of MANY areas.
Tax payers here do WANT to see local store keepers go broke in favor of a corporate entity.

Within 20 miles in any direction, I can get to more than a dozen Walmart stores whether it be a Market, Sam's or a Superstore.
You have my sympathies.

I personally prefer Costco...
Aluminum pans of superior quality 30 lasagna panes for $5.95.
Professional Size Aluminum foil for $11.00 lasts for months.
Top quality Paper plates, cups...great prices and last for months.
Not interested in making scum like Alice Walton richer. I choose to shop elsewhere. And i actually kinda enjoy shoping now. Walmart's a miserable hellhole. I don't miss it at all.

Who in their right mind likes shopping? Walmart, Target, Costco, Home Depot all suck. Who can standing going into those places, give me a small mom and pop, you pay more but you support a local people.

Yeah, large chain stores suck so bad that when I needed a shower faucet handle I went to a local store to find a replacement and paid $7.00. Lowe's sells them for less than $4.00. As a highly underpaid public school teacher, I can't afford to pay almost double.

"a highly underpaid public school teacher"
I suggest you do what MOST suggest Walmart employess do...change jobs.
C'mon, the slum people can do it so certainly you can.
Get the sarcasm?

I have tens of thousands of dollars and years of education invested in my profession. People who work at Walmart have no such investment.

So you apparently wasted much time and money; not necessarily your own fault.
I had the same experience with Software Development thanks to Bill Gates and Larry Ellison.

Not at all. I enjoy my job, unlike some people. I just do not tolerate ignorance very well as a result, and you are a serial offender.
Walmart is not cheaper than any other Super Store in Nassau County.

That's good to know. More choices are better for the consumer

Its so great that poor people have a choice where to buy cheaply made, cheap foreign goods.

It helps the economy so much. the guys on the shop floor in China want to thank you.

You shop at Walmart regularly todd?
Good for you, you have some great choices. You like Dollar Generals?

Its so great that poor people have a choice where to buy cheaply made, cheap foreign goods.

Yeah, it's weird that poor people benefit from low prices.

You shop at Walmart regularly todd?

I go there occasionally. I prefer Costco.

You like Dollar Generals?


You seem to care a lot about the poor todd. And seem to have a lot of the same habits and such.

Are you a poor person todd?

Just curious and there is nothing wrong with being poor. Its just that its kinda tough. Do you get SNAP also? Its ok I dont mind.

I am not like so many others on here who HAtE it that their tax dollars go to help the poor, even the working poor.

If a local shop owner can only afford to pay minimum wage, that's fine.
Walmart puts other retailers out of business.

So does high crime in the inner city.
Thank God there's no crime in Suburban areas.

Not where I live. Maybe YOU should move?

I'm happy where I am because Walmart is being kept out of MANY areas.
Tax payers here do WANT to see local store keepers go broke in favor of a corporate entity.

Within 20 miles in any direction, I can get to more than a dozen Walmart stores whether it be a Market, Sam's or a Superstore.
You have my sympathies.

I personally prefer Costco...
Aluminum pans of superior quality 30 lasagna panes for $5.95.
Professional Size Aluminum foil for $11.00 lasts for months.
Top quality Paper plates, cups...great prices and last for months.

That only compares to Sam's in the equivalent sense. There aren't but 2 in that same driving distance.

We also have 2 Costco stores in that same area. Strange that in both locations, Costco and Sam's are less than 1/2 mile apart.
If Walmarts have such RAZOR THIN profits, why does it make BILLIONS every year?

Last year, $485 billion in revenue, $16.8 billion in net income.
Less than 3.5% of sales.

Maybe not razor thin. None the less still billions in net income.

I bet you had some other point you were trying to make? What was it?

Idiots pretend they have huge profits. Their margins are not that large.
Adding some actual facts to the discussion. You're welcome.
Then I suggest the Waltons go into a better line of business.
Or maybe without Sam they don't have the skillset.
Get the sarcasm?

All I am seeing in your posts is stupid excuses as to why you are consistently wrong.

And all I see in your posts is confusion as to why you are a Conservative on some issues and a Liberal on others.
If the Waltons are incapable of maintaining their business paradigm without social aid they have failed.

How are they getting social aid?

You are hopelessly confused by your own circular arguments. Keep it up and you will be agreeing with me without even realizing it!
Who in their right mind likes shopping? Walmart, Target, Costco, Home Depot all suck. Who can standing going into those places, give me a small mom and pop, you pay more but you support a local people.

Yeah, large chain stores suck so bad that when I needed a shower faucet handle I went to a local store to find a replacement and paid $7.00. Lowe's sells them for less than $4.00. As a highly underpaid public school teacher, I can't afford to pay almost double.

"a highly underpaid public school teacher"
I suggest you do what MOST suggest Walmart employess do...change jobs.
C'mon, the slum people can do it so certainly you can.
Get the sarcasm?

I have tens of thousands of dollars and years of education invested in my profession. People who work at Walmart have no such investment.

So you apparently wasted much time and money; not necessarily your own fault.
I had the same experience with Software Development thanks to Bill Gates and Larry Ellison.

Not at all. I enjoy my job, unlike some people. I just do not tolerate ignorance very well as a result, and you are a serial offender.

It must really piss you off that I know how Big Entities run our poor even further into the ground.
Get your Representatives to make your region more self-sufficient; don't beg for subsidies for Big Corporations.

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