De Blasio's Dead Groundhog Coverup


Uppity Water Nymph from the Land of Funk
Gold Supporting Member
Feb 12, 2007
We all know what happens when a Groundhog sees his shadow on the Day, but what happens when the person holding him commits groundhog slaughter by dropping the poor critter?

Well, de Blasio dropped the Groundhog last February; it died a week later due to internal injuries.

Why was this TRAGEDY covered up?

Mayor Bill de Blasio has groundhog blood on his hands!

A week after Hizzoner dropped Staten Island Chuck in front of a crowd of spectators on Feb. 2, the winter-weather prognosticator died of internal injuries — and then the coverup began, The Post has learned.

Staten Island Zoo officials went to great lengths to hide the death from the public.Photo: Staten Island Advance

Staten Island Zoo officials went to great lengths to hide the death from the public — and keep secret the fact that “Chuck” was actually “Charlotte,” a female impostor, sources said Wednesday.

The zoo told a few Staten Island Zoo supporters, but claimed the groundhog died of natural causes.

The stand-in was found dead in her enclosure at the Staten Island Zoo on Feb. 9 — and a necropsy determined she died from “acute internal injuries,” sources said.

She had fallen nearly 6 feet when the mayor lost his grip during the Groundhog Day photo op. Sources said her injuries were consistent with a fall.

Instead of revealing the sad loss, the zoo — which gets nearly half of its $3.5 million in annual funding from the city — told the staff to keep the mayor’s office in the dark about the animal’s fate.

They told only a few zoo supporters — but claimed that the groundhog had died of natural causes....

Groundhog dropped by de Blasio died a week later New York Post
The groundhog had it coming

Last winter was cold enough without the groundhog calling fo six more weeks
Where is PETA (and I don't mean the People for the Eating of Tasty Animals version)?

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