Dead Caught Voting In Colorado

Oh is it that time of year again already? :rolleyes:
No, every four years when your great grandmother votes. I am assuming you're a Democrat of course.
Great grandmother? That's amateur shit. I'm hoping to cast 6, maybe 7 hundred votes this year.
Sorry, I forgot the old Dem adage, vote often and vote ealry, Now, if you could only find a job and pay taxes...
Haven't had to since Obama. I just bought a Range Rover with some money he siphoned to me from same Protestant Church in Alabama.
I've heard of Obamaphones, but a Range Rover for parasites is a bit much. Agreed?
Maybe. Not for me to decide. Gotta go I've got some ballots to cast real quick.
Oh my, the Right is showing desperation.
Yep no point in showing up to vote cons. We've already inputted a winning number of votes into the system. That's why there are zero elected republicans serving anywhere in this country. Because we're so good at massive voter fraud.
If the dead are voting you are committing voter fraud. It's telling that you do not recognize that.
Oh the scale of voter fraud is astonishing. Turns out you rubes were right, and we commit massive, massive voter fraud on an epic scale every year. That's why no republican has won any election in decades.
You are presuming that Ds can tie their own shoelaces something only Ds assume
You say that Dems have hatched a vast globalist conspiracy to run the world, and that their nominee runs an organization that is already secretly controlling it... but you don't believe they can tie their own shoelaces? :eusa_think:

If one was to do any research about the goals of the communists, Fabian Socialists, the Illuminati and the Jesuits, you would see jaw-dropping similarities because it was the Jesuits that were behind the previous three for mentioned groups and that would be "The end justifies the means"....which is, that there is no deed too dirty for them to perform, no lie to great to tell regardless of how despicable it maybe if it furthers their goals.

They will show up dressed as klansmen to a political rally that opposes their candidate. They will show up to 2nd amendment rallies disguised as militia types with racist, anti-"gubermint" banners and have pictures taken of them so they can be plastered on news sites...all the while laughing as they get into their cars after being busted for being "agent provocateurs". They have no scruples or any moral compass that guides them. These useful idiots really believe that they are doing this for the "greater good" not realizing that when that totalitarian regime is ushered in and that it's not what they were promised? They will be "snuffed out" like Hitler did with the night of the long knives because they could propose a threat due to their disenchantment.

Every commie regime has used agents to spy and give up names of those that are not "on board" with communism and could give them a hard time or might rally the masses against them. They were rounded up and tortured until they gave up names of others that might be against communism and the cycle repeated itself. I guarantee you that there are leftards here that would WILLINGLY turn over Americans to the U.N that they suspected of not being "on board" with the communist one world "gubermint" and would have no problem doing it.

Moral of the story? Never give up a single weapon or a single bullet...never submit to anything that they want that puts you at their mercy.
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Note this is the same old shit recycled. The linked article shows that only given and surnames were compared against voters and dead. That is not enough to uniquely identify anyone. The usual bullshit beatup.
Oh my, the Right is showing desperation.
Yep no point in showing up to vote cons. We've already inputted a winning number of votes into the system. That's why there are zero elected republicans serving anywhere in this country. Because we're so good at massive voter fraud.
If the dead are voting you are committing voter fraud. It's telling that you do not recognize that.
Oh the scale of voter fraud is astonishing. Turns out you rubes were right, and we commit massive, massive voter fraud on an epic scale every year. That's why no republican has won any election in decades.
You are presuming that Ds can tie their own shoelaces something only Ds assume
You say that Dems have hatched a vast globalist conspiracy to run the world, and that their nominee runs an organization that is already secretly controlling it... but you don't believe they can tie their own shoelaces? :eusa_think:

If one was to do any research about the goals of the communists, Fabian Socialists, the Illuminati and the Jesuits, you would see jaw-dropping similarities because it was the Jesuits that were behind the previous three for mentioned groups and that would be "The end justifies the means"....which is, that there is no deed too dirty for them to perform, no lie to great to tell regardless of how despicable it maybe if it furthers their goals.

They will show up dressed as klansmen to a political rally that opposes their candidate. They will show up to 2nd amendment rallies disguised as militia types with racist, anti-"gubermint" banners and have pictures taken of them so they can be plastered on news sites...all the while laughing as they get into their cars after being busted for being "agent provocateurs". They have no scruples or any moral compass that guides them. These useful idiots really believe that they are doing this for the "greater good" not realizing that when that totalitarian regime is ushered in and that it's not what they were promised? They will be "snuffed out" like Hitler did with the night of the long knives because they could propose a threat due to their disenchantment.

Every commie regime has used agents to spy and give up names of those that are not "on board" with communism and could give them a hard time or might rally the masses against them. They were rounded up and tortured until they gave up names of others that might be against communism and the cycle repeated itself. I guarantee you that there are leftards here that would WILLINGLY turn over Americans to the U.N that they suspected of not being "on board" with the communist one world "gubermint" and would have no problem doing it.

Moral of the story? Never give up a single weapon or a single bullet...never submit to anything that they want that pouts you at their mercy.
We've actually got a file on you Dale. We'll have access to all of your political rants during our eventual purging of dissidents.
I guarantee you that there are leftards here that would WILLINGLY turn over Americans to the U.N that they suspected of not being "on board" with the communist one world "gubermint" and would have no problem doing it.

Moral of the story? Never give up a single weapon or a single bullet...never submit to anything that they want that pouts you at their mercy.
Maybe. Not for me to decide. Gotta go I've got some ballots to cast real quick.
Better than finding a job I guess.
Duh. How else do you think we're able to commit such massive voter fraud? Anyways stay home November 8. You guys are completely right and we've already stolen the election.
It's useless, I know, but wouldn't you feel better about yourself if you actually contributed ed to society instead of sponging off it?

I mean even as a Democrat?
Oh my, the Right is showing desperation.
If the dead are voting you are committing voter fraud. It's telling that you do not recognize that.
Oh the scale of voter fraud is astonishing. Turns out you rubes were right, and we commit massive, massive voter fraud on an epic scale every year. That's why no republican has won any election in decades.
You are presuming that Ds can tie their own shoelaces something only Ds assume
You say that Dems have hatched a vast globalist conspiracy to run the world, and that their nominee runs an organization that is already secretly controlling it... but you don't believe they can tie their own shoelaces? :eusa_think:

If one was to do any research about the goals of the communists, Fabian Socialists, the Illuminati and the Jesuits, you would see jaw-dropping similarities because it was the Jesuits that were behind the previous three for mentioned groups and that would be "The end justifies the means"....which is, that there is no deed too dirty for them to perform, no lie to great to tell regardless of how despicable it maybe if it furthers their goals.

They will show up dressed as klansmen to a political rally that opposes their candidate. They will show up to 2nd amendment rallies disguised as militia types with racist, anti-"gubermint" banners and have pictures taken of them so they can be plastered on news sites...all the while laughing as they get into their cars after being busted for being "agent provocateurs". They have no scruples or any moral compass that guides them. These useful idiots really believe that they are doing this for the "greater good" not realizing that when that totalitarian regime is ushered in and that it's not what they were promised? They will be "snuffed out" like Hitler did with the night of the long knives because they could propose a threat due to their disenchantment.

Every commie regime has used agents to spy and give up names of those that are not "on board" with communism and could give them a hard time or might rally the masses against them. They were rounded up and tortured until they gave up names of others that might be against communism and the cycle repeated itself. I guarantee you that there are leftards here that would WILLINGLY turn over Americans to the U.N that they suspected of not being "on board" with the communist one world "gubermint" and would have no problem doing it.

Moral of the story? Never give up a single weapon or a single bullet...never submit to anything that they want that pouts you at their mercy.
We've actually got a file on you Dale. We'll have access to all of your political rants during our eventual purging of dissidents.

"We've", Old Fool? You either have a mouse in your pocket or a gerbil up your ass...either way, I don't sweat this corporate "gubermint". I have made it well known on numerous sites that they can kiss my ass and then go fuck themselves. My disdain of them is not exactly a a matter of fact, I would be insulted if they were not censoring my postings. There will be water if God wills it but I will not be silent nor would I ever go meekly.
I guarantee you that there are leftards here that would WILLINGLY turn over Americans to the U.N that they suspected of not being "on board" with the communist one world "gubermint" and would have no problem doing it.

Moral of the story? Never give up a single weapon or a single bullet...never submit to anything that they want that pouts you at their mercy.

Two words.... "Fuck" and "you".........
Maybe. Not for me to decide. Gotta go I've got some ballots to cast real quick.
Better than finding a job I guess.
Duh. How else do you think we're able to commit such massive voter fraud? Anyways stay home November 8. You guys are completely right and we've already stolen the election.
It's useless, I know, but wouldn't you feel better about yourself if you actually contributed ed to society instead of sponging off it?

I mean even as a Democrat?
I contribute a ton. I've got some dumb republican buddies who spend all week working, and they're paying me to take them off-roading in my brand new Range Rover tomorrow. I am contributing to their pursuit of happiness! The American dream!
I contribute a ton. I've got some dumb republican buddies who spend all week working, and they're paying me to take them off-roading in my brand new Range Rover tomorrow. I am contributing to their pursuit of happiness! The American dream!
Freeloading is apparently the new American Dream. We are obviously of different generations.
I contribute a ton. I've got some dumb republican buddies who spend all week working, and they're paying me to take them off-roading in my brand new Range Rover tomorrow. I am contributing to their pursuit of happiness! The American dream!
Freeloading is apparently the new American Dream. We are obviously of different generations.
Freeloading? Nah they're paying me for the trip. Cash of course.
I contribute a ton. I've got some dumb republican buddies who spend all week working, and they're paying me to take them off-roading in my brand new Range Rover tomorrow. I am contributing to their pursuit of happiness! The American dream!
Freeloading is apparently the new American Dream. We are obviously of different generations.
Freeloading? Nah they're paying me for the trip. Cash of course.
A Democrat. A proud parasite of course.
I contribute a ton. I've got some dumb republican buddies who spend all week working, and they're paying me to take them off-roading in my brand new Range Rover tomorrow. I am contributing to their pursuit of happiness! The American dream!
Freeloading is apparently the new American Dream. We are obviously of different generations.
Freeloading? Nah they're paying me for the trip. Cash of course.
A Democrat. A proud parasite of course.
No they're republicans remember? Do try to keep up.
I contribute a ton. I've got some dumb republican buddies who spend all week working, and they're paying me to take them off-roading in my brand new Range Rover tomorrow. I am contributing to their pursuit of happiness! The American dream!
Freeloading is apparently the new American Dream. We are obviously of different generations.
Freeloading? Nah they're paying me for the trip. Cash of course.
A Democrat. A proud parasite of course.
No they're republicans remember? Do try to keep up.
No, you, a dimwitted parasite. Too stupid to realize it.
I guess it isnt enough for Democrats to rush tens of thousands of immigrants into citizenship, including thoudands of criminals, but they have to keep the dead voting as well.

Dead people voting in Colorado

Local officials in Colorado acknowledged "very serious" voter fraud after learning of votes cast in multiple elections under the named of recently-deceased residents.

A local media outlet uncovered the fraud by comparing voting history databases in the state with federal government death records. "Somebody was able to cast a vote that was not theirs to cast," El Paso County Clerk and Recorder Chuck Broerman told CBS4 while discussing what he called a "very serious" pattern of people mailing in ballots on behalf of the dead.

It's not clear how many fraudulent ballots have been submitted in recent years. CBS4 reported that it "found multiple cases" of dead people voting around the state, revelations that have provoked state criminal investigations....

Shhh. Voter fraud does not exist. :D It's just a vast right wing conspiracy.

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