Dead cops on the streets in Dallas!

Apparently you have missed all the cops gunned down all over the country in the last year... Including two in Albuq NM?

Oh right. The media glosses over that.

The number of police getting killed on the job is at a 20 year low
Tell that to the officer that was gunned down while filling his tank with gas.

Doesn't change the statistic
Dumbass. Cops are being gunned down at gas stations.

Not just on the "job".

Police deaths are at a 20 year low. Sorry if that doesn't fit your war on cops narrative. Now you are acting like a liberal.

So are war deaths. American military and police have drastically increased their use of vests, better weapons, better tactics and there have been HUGE strides in trauma care. A .45 to the chest today isn't the same as it was in 1980...when it was a death sentence.
I am watching the police trying to clear the area to keep people safe and many of them are back talking and disobeying. All because of a far left religious narrative. They want to be in harms way..





The whirlwind. We all deserve what we are getting.
This is one of the few things Obama is successful at, riots

Saw the live feed on FOX. At least two cops were sprawled on the street, not moving. Megan Kelly then asked the director to cut that live footage out of respect for the down officers.

Obama and the usual race hustlers in Congress and MSM are indeed responsible.
What does the police I n Dallas have to do with Louisiana and Minneapolis shootings? This BLM protests need to stop if they can't control themselves .
MSNBC finally reporting it they showed video of it with the shots being heard and the crowd running and someone saying their shooting, their shooting and those assholes played it up like it was the cops shooting and not even reporting two police officers were shot.
The Obama inspired "protests" are in several major cities right now.
Two cops for two blacks.

Seems fair to me. I'm tired of black people getting shot by cops. It's bullshit.

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