Dead In The Water: Liberal Darling Wendy Davis TX Gubernatorial Campaign Trails Abbott By 11 Points

I'm not fond of Abbott, either. I think I'll write in Columbus on my ballot. According to a frothing black racist in another thread, he was the most evil white guy ever.
I wonder if that wheelchair ad will help or hurt her.

Maybe it was a Hail Mary, but holy crap, that's some nasty shit.

Had a Republican done that to a wheelchair-bound Democrat there would be blood in the streets. Top story everywhere. Obama doing a press conference. Chris Matthews and Rachel Maddow covering it for days. Wolf Blitzer flying in. Calls for withdrawal.

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Realistically, Davis shouldn't be this close.

Well, Texas isn't really as 'Red' as many think to begin with. Ann Richards, for instance, only lost to G.W. because she crapped on Bob Bullock and the Democratic Party mainstream here in favor of pandering to her bobo drinking buddies in Austin and surrounded herself with a small clique of pseudo-intellectual PC Nazis to run her campaign, all of whom were earnestly incompetent and clueless. The rest, as they say, is history.

This is the state that produced politicians like Maury Maverick, Sam Rayburn, Barbara Jordan, Lyndon Johnson, and other populists, along with the oldest liberal paper in the U.S., the Texas Observer. You have to be really incompetent and clueless to lose to candidates like Bush and Perry, but the neo-liberals and PC Nazis continue to lose to such candidates. Infanticide Barbie is just the latest insipid inanity. They're just a bunch of self-indulgent narcissists far more interested in patting themselves on the back on how wonderful they are for being PC than actually representing enough Texans to get elected.

They deserve to lose; they work very hard at it.
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If a Republican did this Ed Schultz would have devoted a whole show to it.
This certainly didn't help. It's never a good sign when CNN (Communist News Network) rips a fellow Communist. Even they're acknowledging what a piece of shit she is...

Wendy Davis ad uses wheelchair to criticize paralyzed foe Abbott

Wendy Davis is attacking her partially paralyzed Republican opponent Greg Abbott in the Texas governor's race -- with an ad that features an empty wheelchair.

"A tree fell on Greg Abbott. He sued and got millions. Since then, he's spent his career working against other victims," a narrator says of the wheelchair-bound Abbott.

The spot is a Hail Mary from the Democratic state senator who is badly trailing in the race. Abbott led Davis 54% to 40% in a recent CBS/New York Times/YouGov poll, and there are few signs she's likely to close that gap before the November 4 election.

The ad argues that Abbott successfully sued for his 1984 injury, but later as a Texas Supreme Court justice and state attorney general opposed similar efforts from other people suing hospitals and corporations...

Davis ad uses wheelchair to criticize paralyzed foe -

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