Deadly physical force to prevent kidnapping?


Diamond Member
Dec 28, 2010
It's a tough call but would deadly physical force including firearms be justified to prevent the Police from seizing your child? I'm talking about a warrantless entry into a home by police and the taking of a child from the parents by force. Of course the Police were just following orders from superiors who made the wrong decision based on a phone call from a doctor.
Like you said, the police were just following orders. It's their superiors who deserved to be shot, and they weren't there.

Sometimes standing up for "what's right" is not the wise thing to do. As in this case. Of course, a parent should be able to use deadly force to prevent their child from being forcefully taken from them without just cause. But in this case, that would have just complicated things horribly. Since you knew that the people taking your child were not child molesters or criminals of some nature, best to let it happen and then rectify the situation after the fact, in a nonviolent manner.

And sue for the horrible mental suffering you, and your child, were put through. Get some money for the kids college fund. : )

Although I do have to wonder about that phone call from the doctor. Why did that doctor call the authorities? I feel like there's a lot more to this story. The safety of the child should always be put first, is that what was happening here? I suspect the parents aren't as innocent as they would have us believe.
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The authority of the Police is not absolute. An FBI sniper was indicted for shooting Randy Weaver's wife in the head while she was holding an 18 month old child in her arms. I saw the video of the Police invading the home of the (innocent) people who did nothing more than request a 2nd opinion regarding invasive surgery for their baby. The first officer through the door had his hand on his weapon and he appeared to be ready and willing to use deadly force to take the child from the parents.
It's a tough call but would deadly physical force including firearms be justified to prevent the Police from seizing your child? I'm talking about a warrantless entry into a home by police and the taking of a child from the parents by force. Of course the Police were just following orders from superiors who made the wrong decision based on a phone call from a doctor.

The sensible side of me says that shooting would be wrong. But at the same time, if I was a parent, I wouldn't want anyone taking my kid away for no reason at all.
It's a tough call but would deadly physical force including firearms be justified to prevent the Police from seizing your child? I'm talking about a warrantless entry into a home by police and the taking of a child from the parents by force. Of course the Police were just following orders from superiors who made the wrong decision based on a phone call from a doctor.

My motto
Come in my home uninvited and you will be treated like any home invader.
It's a tough call but would deadly physical force including firearms be justified to prevent the Police from seizing your child? I'm talking about a warrantless entry into a home by police and the taking of a child from the parents by force. Of course the Police were just following orders from superiors who made the wrong decision based on a phone call from a doctor.

The sensible side of me says that shooting would be wrong. But at the same time, if I was a parent, I wouldn't want anyone taking my kid away for no reason at all.

You are absolutely correct Noomi. In a civilized society you have to submit to authority no matter what regardless of the fact that decisions by government agents have become incoherent in the last twenty or thirty years. The government has all the guns and it is futile to resist. Randy Weaver and the Branch Dividians found that out. Still, when they come for your kids.....
It's a tough call but would deadly physical force including firearms be justified to prevent the Police from seizing your child? I'm talking about a warrantless entry into a home by police and the taking of a child from the parents by force. Of course the Police were just following orders from superiors who made the wrong decision based on a phone call from a doctor.

My motto
Come in my home uninvited and you will be treated like any home invader.

Yep, you can be found under the bed.

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