Deadly plague outbreak spreading in Madagascar


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2016
DEVELOPING: Deadly plague outbreak spreading in Madagascar | End Time Headlines

Pneumonic plague has been detected in several cities in Madagascar, WHO reports. This form of plague is highly transmissible (person-to-person) and quickly causes death without treatment. At least 19 people have died since August 27. WHO is concerned that the outbreak may spread because it is already present in several cities and this is just the start of the plague epidemic season, which usually runs from September to April. Plague is endemic to Madagascar but contrary to past outbreaks, this one affects

Well this will knock down the population a bit esp, if one of them makes it to the US special isn't Obama's gift to the leftist idiots lmao. ( meaning open borders), Oh and Bill Ayres is in there too. Cause they love you so much.

Oh and we must include the other source for the mentally challenged who don't have the IQ level which makes it difficult to push that button clicking on the links provided.


Severe plague outbreak affecting large urban areas of Madagascar
for the record----"pneumonic plague" is ---bubonic plague-----transmitted by fleas that hang around infected rats-----then bite people-------ring around the rosie
for the record----"pneumonic plague" is ---bubonic plague-----transmitted by fleas that hang around infected rats-----then bite people-------ring around the rosie
Humans most deadliest enemy on the planet, bacteria....Damn those creatures!!!
for the record----"pneumonic plague" is ---bubonic plague-----transmitted by fleas that hang around infected rats-----then bite people-------ring around the rosie

Pneumonic means spread by air like the flu. Plague on steroids in other words.

as far as I know-----if the bacterium ---yersinia pestis causes a disease of the lungs----THAT is pneumonic plague no matter how it is spread. As far as I understand----IF the Yersinia pestis does infect lungs ----then the bacterium CAN BE transmitted via infected airborne droplets------something like TB
Humans most deadliest enemy on the planet, bacteria....Damn those creatures!!!
Only for pagans who think they have no need for the basic rules of hygiene given to us in the scriptures.
Like when a Jew has contracted a venereal disease he can get rid of it by standing under running water for 7 days?

OH!!! you know Aramaic?------you read the Babylonian Talmud? Interesting factoid------it is a kinda fact of history that jewish communities were less hard hit by plague than were Christian communities in medieval times-----some genius figured out that there is a REASON------every year before Passover------jews CLEAR out of home and stable and storehouse------ALL GRAIN--------and start all over again ----starting with unleaven "bread" --to wit matzoh-----rats live MAINLY ON GRAIN------so they leave da jooos and take up residence in the barns of DA GOYIM--------it's a well known ZIONIST PLOT
for the record----"pneumonic plague" is ---bubonic plague-----transmitted by fleas that hang around infected rats-----then bite people-------ring around the rosie

Pneumonic means spread by air like the flu. Plague on steroids in other words.

as far as I know-----if the bacterium ---yersinia pestis causes a disease of the lungs----THAT is pneumonic plague no matter how it is spread. As far as I understand----IF the Yersinia pestis does infect lungs ----then the bacterium CAN BE transmitted via infected airborne droplets------something like TB

Guess we better build a wall and keep those fleas contained. They might hop a plane with someone who just left Madagascar. Or wait maybe one might be in someones clothes lol

Plague is caused by the bacteria Yersinia pestis, a zoonotic bacteria, usually found in small mammals and their fleas. It can kill quickly if left untreated, but common antibiotics can effectively cure it if they are delivered early.
for the record----"pneumonic plague" is ---bubonic plague-----transmitted by fleas that hang around infected rats-----then bite people-------ring around the rosie

Pneumonic means spread by air like the flu. Plague on steroids in other words.

as far as I know-----if the bacterium ---yersinia pestis causes a disease of the lungs----THAT is pneumonic plague no matter how it is spread. As far as I understand----IF the Yersinia pestis does infect lungs ----then the bacterium CAN BE transmitted via infected airborne droplets------something like TB

Guess we better build a wall and keep those fleas contained. They might hop a plane with someone who just left Madagascar. Or wait maybe one might be in someones close. lol

Plague is caused by the bacteria Yersinia pestis, a zoonotic bacteria, usually found in small mammals and their fleas. It can kill quickly if left untreated, but common antibiotics can effectively cure it if they are delivered early.

yes----very early------watch for the RING AROUND THE ROSIE
Around 5 pm yesterday [Mon 11 Sep 2017], a 40 year old woman suspected to have died from pneumonic plague, according to a source within the (BMH), was buried at the cemetery of Anjanahary. She died at the Respiratory Diseases Service of the hospital in Antananarivo-city, after being admitted on [ Sun 10 Sep 2017], according to concordant sources. The victim had contracted the disease during a holiday in the east of the Big Island. "She was staying with her family in Toamasina, when 4 of the family, including the husband and wife, died suddenly. It was suspected plague," reported a relative. The eastern part of the island is, however, not a plague area. It is feared that those deaths are connected to that of a person who came from Moramanga and was traveling in Toamasina. Sources reveal that the latter would have joined Toamasina by bush taxi, starting from Moramanga, following a suspected pneumonic plague outbreak. It is believed that a young man sitting next to him in the public transport was then infected, and also died. Asked about these facts, the responsible service of the fight against the plague in the Ministry of Public Health at the hospital, preferred to remain silent. The same happened with the director of health surveillance and epidemiological surveillance of the Ministry, who is currently on a mission to Toamasina Another source in the ministry who would urge everyone to take precautions against these suspected cases of plague, revealed the existence of 5 suspicious deaths and 10 patients since the beginningof the plague season. They were listed in Toamasina, Moramanga and Miarinarivo excluding that recorded in Antananarivo. She also stressed that members of the family of the deceased in Toamasina would have already returned home to Mahajanga and Vohemar. However, there is no risk of transmission of the disease to those who have been in contact with the victim. The team of the Ministry of Public Health and of the BMH had been rushed to the hospital to distribute plague prevention drugs to his family and relatives and the hospital staff. They have also conducted a service disinfection operation where the deceased was admitted and the mortuary. Despite this, consulting a doctor is highly recommended in case of suspicious symptoms, namely high fever, painful glands, cough with bloody sputum. Bush fires are to be avoided and the sanitation of the neighborhoods is indicated, to prevent the rats from entering in the village.

RSOE EDIS - Epidemic Hazard event in Madagascar on September 13 2017 03:02 AM

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scary----I am, in fact, somewhat surprised-----even tuberculosis is not THAT EASILY transmitted by airborn sputum droplets------except for some of the NEW resistant strains. SHEEEEESH------could be that plague is so rare now that NATURAL RESISTENCE mechanisms have broken down------sheeeeesh-------- BE TERRIFIED!!!!

does anyone here remember Ingmar Bergman's "THE SEVENTH SEAL"?? Anyone here note that Mayor DeBlasio is all excited over the RODENT EPIDEMIC in New York City? WE IS DOOOOOOMED
Granny says, "Dat's right - it's the end time plague - we all gonna die...

Plague Spreading Rapidly in Madagascar
Saturday 30th September, 2017 - The World Health Organization warns a highly infectious, deadly form of pneumonic plague is spreading rapidly in Madagascar and quick action is needed to stop it.
Pneumonic plague, which is transmitted from person to person, has been detected in several cities in Madagascar. This worries the World Health Organization as the disease is highly contagious and quickly causes death without treatment. Plague is endemic to Madagascar resulting in around 400 cases annually. Most are cases of bubonic plague, which is spread by the fleas of rats and other small rodents. The disease is usually confined to rural areas, but this year it has spread to large urban areas and port cities.

WHO spokesman, Tarik Jasarevic, says cases of bubonic, as well as the human transmissible pneumonic plague have been found in the capital Antananarivo and the port cities of Majunga and Toamasina. 'So far, 104 cases of plague were reported since the first case has been identified that was dating from the 23rd of August,' said Jasarevic. 'So, from the 23rd of August to 28th September, 104 cases that have been reported, including 20 deaths."


Jasarevic notes the fatality rate is more than 19 percent. He tells VOA this outbreak is very dangerous and must be brought under control quickly. "The plague epidemic season usually runs from September to April, so we really are at the beginning of the epidemic season of plague,' said Jasarevic. 'And, we have already from the 23rd of August until yesterday-so that is like five-weeks-time-we had 104 cases and again half of those cases were pneumonic plague."

WHO says urgent public health response in terms of surveillance and treatment is required. The health agency has released $250,000 from its emergency fund to get immediate action underway. It plans to appeal for $1.5 million to fully respond to the needs.

Plague Spreading Rapidly in Madagascar
Humans most deadliest enemy on the planet, bacteria....Damn those creatures!!!
Only for pagans who think they have no need for the basic rules of hygiene given to us in the scriptures.
Like when a Jew has contracted a venereal disease he can get rid of it by standing under running water for 7 days?

OH!!! you know Aramaic?------you read the Babylonian Talmud? Interesting factoid------it is a kinda fact of history that jewish communities were less hard hit by plague than were Christian communities in medieval times-----some genius figured out that there is a REASON------every year before Passover------jews CLEAR out of home and stable and storehouse------ALL GRAIN--------and start all over again ----starting with unleaven "bread" --to wit matzoh-----rats live MAINLY ON GRAIN------so they leave da jooos and take up residence in the barns of DA GOYIM--------it's a well known ZIONIST PLOT
Just like the Zionist plot to ruin the world with paper money...Such insidious conjecture..
Humans most deadliest enemy on the planet, bacteria....Damn those creatures!!!
Only for pagans who think they have no need for the basic rules of hygiene given to us in the scriptures.
Like when a Jew has contracted a venereal disease he can get rid of it by standing under running water for 7 days?

OH!!! you know Aramaic?------you read the Babylonian Talmud? Interesting factoid------it is a kinda fact of history that jewish communities were less hard hit by plague than were Christian communities in medieval times-----some genius figured out that there is a REASON------every year before Passover------jews CLEAR out of home and stable and storehouse------ALL GRAIN--------and start all over again ----starting with unleaven "bread" --to wit matzoh-----rats live MAINLY ON GRAIN------so they leave da jooos and take up residence in the barns of DA GOYIM--------it's a well known ZIONIST PLOT
Just like the Zionist plot to ruin the world with paper money...Such insidious conjecture..


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