Deal or No Deal?

The Founding Fathers. As an American, I am entitled to my opinion and I'm allowed to share.

/----/ Then my opinion is none of those deals are dead but are a work in progress. You'd know that if you ever negotiated anything greater than what flavor of ice cream you get for dessert.
View attachment 214133

Good to know. Deliberate and unnecessary punk-ass jab at my intelligence notwithstanding.

Now, armed with this useful information and, in my continually being educated humble opinion, we'll have to agree to disagree about the success of The Trump Administration thus far. And no, thank you..... I think that I have all of the facts that I need to formulate an opinion on the matter, facts being the operative word.

Beer? :beer:
/----/ President Trump has done nothing to advance the deomocRAT socialist agenda. In fact he's reversing it at a record pace. I understand how that pains you.
The Founding Fathers. As an American, I am entitled to my opinion and I'm allowed to share.

/----/ Then my opinion is none of those deals are dead but are a work in progress. You'd know that if you ever negotiated anything greater than what flavor of ice cream you get for dessert.
View attachment 214133

Good to know. Deliberate and unnecessary punk-ass jab at my intelligence notwithstanding.

Now, armed with this useful information and, in my continually being educated humble opinion, we'll have to agree to disagree about the success of The Trump Administration thus far. And no, thank you..... I think that I have all of the facts that I need to formulate an opinion on the matter, facts being the operative word.

Beer? :beer:
/---/ Libtards are not trained to negotiate. They stand in line for gubmint to dole thing out.
I'd settle for more than half of the country caring enough to vote.
Sad, isn't it?
/----/ Nope since the majority of those who don't vote would vote democRAT.

Definitely a surprise factor here in the FL primaries!

Big enough turn out of new voters for the primaries to push the Democrats further to the left with enthusiasm and some truly fresh faces while a boring, predictable, base-line rubber stamp of the Trump agenda processed their paperwork on the right.

This is turning in to an interesting election, at least here in FL.

I will take 'Suitcases with hot babes' for $1000 Alex...

The Founding Fathers. As an American, I am entitled to my opinion and I'm allowed to share.

/----/ Then my opinion is none of those deals are dead but are a work in progress. You'd know that if you ever negotiated anything greater than what flavor of ice cream you get for dessert.
View attachment 214133

Good to know. Deliberate and unnecessary punk-ass jab at my intelligence notwithstanding.

Now, armed with this useful information and, in my continually being educated humble opinion, we'll have to agree to disagree about the success of The Trump Administration thus far. And no, thank you..... I think that I have all of the facts that I need to formulate an opinion on the matter, facts being the operative word.

Beer? :beer:
/----/ President Trump has done nothing to advance the deomocRAT socialist agenda. In fact he's reversing it at a record pace. I understand how that pains you.

Honestly Bud, I don't really care. I know how to make money either way, and neither side embraces the three legs of my political bar stool, which is fair and simple tax codes and transparent spending on education, infrastructure and security - in THAT order of priorities.

It is surprising that The Democrats have been able to attract my reluctant, libertarian ass, but, in this day and age especially, understanding that 'government' is tool and Monkey Business is the problem is the first step toward developing an economy that our spawn can drive to the stars.

The progressives get that idea of government being a tool and the conservatives appear to wish all government property available for homesteading and that the last government worker should be fired once the wall is built on the southern border.

Step one is understanding that "Government" is not the enemy. Government is a tool, the use of which is outlined in The Constitution.

Unfettered capitalism that doesn't destroy the world or give it's control to the very few is the still goal, no?
The Founding Fathers. As an American, I am entitled to my opinion and I'm allowed to share.

/----/ Then my opinion is none of those deals are dead but are a work in progress. You'd know that if you ever negotiated anything greater than what flavor of ice cream you get for dessert.
View attachment 214133

Good to know. Deliberate and unnecessary punk-ass jab at my intelligence notwithstanding.

Now, armed with this useful information and, in my continually being educated humble opinion, we'll have to agree to disagree about the success of The Trump Administration thus far. And no, thank you..... I think that I have all of the facts that I need to formulate an opinion on the matter, facts being the operative word.

Beer? :beer:
/----/ President Trump has done nothing to advance the deomocRAT socialist agenda. In fact he's reversing it at a record pace. I understand how that pains you.

Honestly Bud, I don't really care. I know how to make money either way, and neither side embraces the three legs of my political bar stool, which is fair and simple tax codes and transparent spending on education, infrastructure and security - in THAT order of priorities.

It is surprising that The Democrats have been able to attract my reluctant, libertarian ass, but, in this day and age especially, understanding that 'government' is tool and Monkey Business is the problem is the first step toward developing an economy that our spawn can drive to the stars.

The progressives get that idea of government being a tool and the conservatives appear to wish all government property available for homesteading and that the last government worker should be fired once the wall is built on the southern border.

Step one is understanding that "Government" is not the enemy. Government is a tool, the use of which is outlined in The Constitution.

Unfettered capitalism that doesn't destroy the world or give it's control to the very few is the still goal, no?

Government employees already make more than their private sector counterparts so do tell, what did they do to earn a raise beyond simply being there?
When was the last time you got a decent raise? Something that actually made you smile and want to continue giving 100%?

For government workers it was about 10 years ago just before GW Bush ran it off the rails. This raise in 2019 was a long time coming and it is very disappointing to have it unceremoniously yanked off the table like that.

Some of us are just as proud of the service that we provide to the American Public here at home as our brothers in the military are of their ability to blow shit up.
Government employees already make more than their private sector counterparts so do tell, what did they do to earn a raise beyond simply being there?

Government employees make more than their private sector counterparts? Really? Are you including the military in that? Because in 2002, my taxable income was only 36,000/yr as an E6 over 20 years. And, during that time I was an E6, at one place I was the only admin person on the entire ship, and I took care of all the military for pay and personnel purposes. Not only that, but I also had to get special permission from DC to be authorized to handle Navy Wide Advancement Exams, because that was only authorized for E7 or above. My last tour, I was the supervisor of the MEPS here in Amarillo for the Navy. My boss was all the way down in San Antonio.

If I had been doing the same level of responsibility and work that I had during my last 2 tours of duty in a similar civilian position? I would have been making around 120,000 to 150,000/yr.
General Schedule Pay Raise History

13% in total raises in the last 10 years.
For Civilian and GS rated jobs.
Benefits packages are extremely good......Medical, Dental and retirement are some of the advantages of being a Federal Employee............

Same as the military...........havn't looked at the rules lately but when I served ......if you served 20 years you get the benefits for the rest of your life........and half pay for the rest of your life.......I believe that has changed and takes longer...........but that is the deal..........

No one put a gun to your head and say you have to stay as a Federal Employee nor in the military..........If you stayed that was your decision and that decision falls on your head and no one else's head...........You can choose to leave at the end of the contract and go on to the private sector...............

We pay out the ass for medical and dental in the real world...............and I served 10 years in the military and decided to leave under Clinton after Somalia..............I used the skills I learned.......and EARNED and put it to use to make a living.........

No hard feelings............and it was NEVER ABOUT THE MONEY........If you joined the military for the aren't very bright.
Special Pay

Article addresses extra pay for military depending on your rank, time in service, where you are, and etc.

BAH...........Housing allowances......
Sea Pay.....Flight Pay.....Combat Pay...........

When I served in a combat zone back in the day.....we paid no taxes while there.....don't know if it's the same.....

So when showing the need to add in all the extra benefits in PAY that go along with the base pay.
After the crash of 2008 the civilian sector got hammered.........

I saw people who lost there jobs, then their homes...........Watched neighbors pack up with their kids who lost it because of the markets................At work...........we took pay cuts as a result..............That pay has slowly come back up.........but it took years before we even got back to the pay that we had before the with the economy booming again we are seeing pay raises again..........About time.........

Government jobs were not really at risk after the crash........unless you see it can show me........But the private sector did get smashed.........and it's taken a while to get back to a employees market versus a employers market......when labor is in demand our pay goes up..........when it isn't they lower pay.............

So..........I'm very happy to see our economy churning..............and people are slowly doing better..........

So...............On DEMS VERSUS GOP ............TRUMP...............

LMAO another liberal snowflake has a meltdown. What happened to your prediction Trump would get us into a nuclear war with NK? lol here :itsok:
Special Pay

Article addresses extra pay for military depending on your rank, time in service, where you are, and etc.

BAH...........Housing allowances......
Sea Pay.....Flight Pay.....Combat Pay...........

When I served in a combat zone back in the day.....we paid no taxes while there.....don't know if it's the same.....

So when showing the need to add in all the extra benefits in PAY that go along with the base pay.
All I'm saying is that some of us hung in there with minimal adjustments when the budget was really, really tight and unemployment was high, waiting for the up-turn in the economy just like everyone else, and then, just when a little relief is on the horizon, Trump just yanks it.

It ain't right. :hmpf:
Special Pay

Article addresses extra pay for military depending on your rank, time in service, where you are, and etc.

BAH...........Housing allowances......
Sea Pay.....Flight Pay.....Combat Pay...........

When I served in a combat zone back in the day.....we paid no taxes while there.....don't know if it's the same.....

So when showing the need to add in all the extra benefits in PAY that go along with the base pay.
All I'm saying is that some of us hung in there with minimal adjustments when the budget was really, really tight and unemployment was high, waiting for the up-turn in the economy just like everyone else, and then, just when a little relief is on the horizon, Trump just yanks it.

It ain't right. :hmpf:
Are you saying COLA increases aren't coming......because the article for GS ratings ...........

Special Pay

Article addresses extra pay for military depending on your rank, time in service, where you are, and etc.

BAH...........Housing allowances......
Sea Pay.....Flight Pay.....Combat Pay...........

When I served in a combat zone back in the day.....we paid no taxes while there.....don't know if it's the same.....

So when showing the need to add in all the extra benefits in PAY that go along with the base pay.
All I'm saying is that some of us hung in there with minimal adjustments when the budget was really, really tight and unemployment was high, waiting for the up-turn in the economy just like everyone else, and then, just when a little relief is on the horizon, Trump just yanks it.

It ain't right. :hmpf:
Are you saying COLA increases aren't coming......because the article for GS ratings ...........


Trump Says He’ll Eliminate Pay Raises for Civilian Federal Employees Next Year
Special Pay

Article addresses extra pay for military depending on your rank, time in service, where you are, and etc.

BAH...........Housing allowances......
Sea Pay.....Flight Pay.....Combat Pay...........

When I served in a combat zone back in the day.....we paid no taxes while there.....don't know if it's the same.....

So when showing the need to add in all the extra benefits in PAY that go along with the base pay.
All I'm saying is that some of us hung in there with minimal adjustments when the budget was really, really tight and unemployment was high, waiting for the up-turn in the economy just like everyone else, and then, just when a little relief is on the horizon, Trump just yanks it.

It ain't right. :hmpf:
Are you saying COLA increases aren't coming......because the article for GS ratings ...........


Trump Says He’ll Eliminate Pay Raises for Civilian Federal Employees Next Year
Sorry, Joe. That's discouraging. I worked in government for about a decade and although the salary wasn't great, it was the best benefits, including good medical coverage and a retirement plan, that I've gotten anywhere. That stuff just isn't out there in the private sector so much anymore.
As usual the bar is set higher for republican administrations than democrats and that's fine. No president since freaking Harry Truman (who got us into the mess) has ever attempted to deal with North Korea. President Trump said it might not work out but he has gotten farther in negotiations than the U.S. has since Eisenhower and he has been in office less than two years. China is on board with sanctions against N.K. when they were freaking shooting at us during Truman's war. The re-negotiations in U.S. foreign trade seem to be going well but the crazy left hates it because they have been conditioned by TDS to hate America during republican administration.
North Korea - Deal or No Deal?

"No Deal!" :eusa_snooty:

NAFTA - Deal or No Deal?

"No Deal!" :eusa_snooty:
Government Employees - Deal or No Deal?

"No Deal!" :eusa_snooty:

Iran - Deal or No Deal?

"No Deal!" :eusa_snooty:

European / Asian Trade - Deal or No Deal?

"No Deal!" :eusa_snooty:

Republican Unity - Deal or No Deal?

"No Deal!" :eusa_snooty:

Huh. :eusa_eh:

:uhh: "Art of The Deal" my red-neck ass....

The only person making successful deals with anyone in Washington D.C. is Robert Mueller.

WYGD? :popcorn:

And everything is subject to change, well except your ignorant redneck ass. LMAO


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