Deal or No Deal?

North Korea - Deal or No Deal?

"No Deal!" :eusa_snooty:

NAFTA - Deal or No Deal?

"No Deal!" :eusa_snooty:
Government Employees - Deal or No Deal?

"No Deal!" :eusa_snooty:

Iran - Deal or No Deal?

"No Deal!" :eusa_snooty:

European / Asian Trade - Deal or No Deal?

"No Deal!" :eusa_snooty:

Republican Unity - Deal or No Deal?

"No Deal!" :eusa_snooty:

Huh. :eusa_eh:

:uhh: "Art of The Deal" my red-neck ass....

The only person making successful deals with anyone in Washington D.C. is Robert Mueller.

WYGD? :popcorn:

And what type of deal(s) would you like to see? Some Democrat crap deal that would cost billions?

Trump seeks to freeze pay in 2019 for federal workers

Trump’s move Thursday means federal pay rates will remain flat unless Congress passes — and the president signs — a bill that includes a raise by the end of the year.

Without Trump’s intervention, a 1990 federal pay law would give federal workers a default raise of nearly 30 percent if Congress failed to reach a decision on an increase before the end of the calendar year. But in a letter to Congress Thursday, Trump said the federal government could not afford the increases, and in effect set a new default raise of zero.

“Under current law, locality pay increases averaging 25.70 percent, costing $25 billion, would go into effect in January 2019, in addition to a 2.1 percent across-the-board increase for the base General Schedule. We must maintain efforts to put our Nation on a fiscally sustainable course, and Federal agency budgets cannot sustain such increases,” Trump’s letter said.

Locality pay raises aren't COLA.............some areas up to 30% pay increases..........that is not chump change.......

Damn.......I'd like to get a 25% raise too.............who wouldn't........LOL
September budget battle warming up................Another Omnibus agreement..........and possible shut down.........

Yet they've known about it for a long while.............making sure it's a last minute battle as always.....

Enjoy the show.
Trust me... I'm worth every dime.
You are talking about a 25 Billion raise package nationwide.............This isn't about COLA..........

That added to the benefits packages isn't a bad job......

I'm not saying your worth it or not...........I'm sure you are good at whatever you do.........but this isn't so simple as I thought when I first looked...............

Like I said ............Non Federal workers took it on the chin pretty hard......haven't had that much in pay raises........and our insurance bills went through the roof..........

Hard sale for me Joe.

Federal Pay Raises Through the Years :

From comments from readers and the actual numbers, federal employees are unhappy about a 1% raise in 2015. They are also unhappy with a pay freeze for the past three years and many were also unhappy about the 2% average pay raise in 2010 as well.

We also see comments from those who think retirees get a better deal with Social Security cost of living increases than active federal employees receive. As you can see from this chart, it depends on the year as to which group fares better. The green line shows increases for Social Security and the red line displays federal pay increases per year.
North Korea - Deal or No Deal?
"No Deal!" :eusa_snooty:
NAFTA - Deal or No Deal?
"No Deal!" :eusa_snooty:
Government Employees - Deal or No Deal?
"No Deal!" :eusa_snooty:
Iran - Deal or No Deal?
"No Deal!" :eusa_snooty:
European / Asian Trade - Deal or No Deal?
"No Deal!" :eusa_snooty:
Republican Unity - Deal or No Deal?
"No Deal!" :eusa_snooty:
Huh. :eusa_eh:
:uhh: "Art of The Deal" my red-neck ass....
The only person making successful deals with anyone in Washington D.C. is Robert Mueller.WYGD? :popcorn:

Looks like another butt hurt opinion thread with no facts to base their perverted views. LOL!
Love the Regressive drama.
Florida General Schedule (GS) Pay Scale for 2018

Instead of making me figure it all out between football games......Joe could just explain the real raise issue................

Because Locality increases are only showing an average of 0.5% increases since last year.......Which are COST OF LIVING adjustments for Locality areas..............added to GS base pay..............

I saw the Freeze for 3 years...........that happened under Obama.........and you are getting the COLA raise already....argument there is the 0.5% associated with COLA.............

Explain it all please ..........looks like you were promised about a total of 2.5% between the this correct..........and brings the price tag to 25 Billion.??????????


Average Total Federal Employee Compensation: $123,160 :

Among the 21 major industries in the U.S., the federal employees are among the highest paid. Employees in utilities, mining, and management of companies are ahead of the federal workforce. The other sectors are compensated less.

The latest BEA data indicate federal compensation is higher, on average, than compensation in the information industry, finance and insurance, and professional and scientific industries. Also, Edwards writes:

[T]he federal workforce has always had a heavy contingent of skilled professionals, such as lawyers. So that factor does not seem to explain why federal compensation has grown faster than private-sector compensation in recent decades. Average federal compensation was 39 percent higher than average private compensation in 1990.” That federal pay advantage jumped to 50 percent by 2000, and then to 76 percent by 2015.

Comparing Benefit Packages
In 2015, according to Edwards’ analysis of BEA data, the value of benefits in federal employee compensation averaged $36,795. The average benefit package in the private sector was $11,175. According to Edwards, “That large difference stems from more federal workers receiving certain types of benefits than private workers, and from particular federal benefits being more generous than those provided in the private sector.”
A. Trump has no idea how to make a deal. So far all he has done is trash existing deals and replace them with ....nothing

B. The GOP and Trump ALWAYS attack the middle class and poor and help the rich. That's a given.

Unfortunately they are successfully turning the middle class and poor against themselves in order to accomplish that goal
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