Dear Broadway Diversity: Hamilton opposed diversity (hahaha)

Jesus was as white as Santa Claus.

You met him?

He invented Santa Claus, for crying out loud.

Nope, he didn't.
Met him? No, but I've seen pictures.

Wrong. That's not Jesus. Jesus has long hair and carries a lamb around.
I ultimately don't care about the play being made up entirely with a cast that is 'POC'. I'm not going to see it anyway, nor am I a huge fan of Hamilton.
What is the play about "
At its heart, “Hamilton” is a white story told effectively and entertainingly by people of color. It’s hugely appealing to Broadway audiences — a group that, according to the Broadway League, is 80 percent white. It seems there’s a lesson there for the entertainment industry at large: Actors of color aren’t a liability.

What Broadway's 'Hamilton' Can Teach Hollywood About Diversity | The Huffington Post

You know what really bugs me, is that Christians believe that their God (Jesus ) is a jew, and all actors of Jesus are white and get better looking every year, with 6 pack abs.

This is what bugs me , and I'm was raised a RC and am white.
This white self-hatred is really too much. Listen, girlie, Jesus was as white as Santa Claus. He invented Santa Claus, for crying out loud. And would a Jew fly around in a sleigh GIVING presents to little Christian kids?

Your showing your insecurity. You sound like your 10.
A real Christian wouldn't publicly ridicule me.

But a real Christian (you) will publicily ridicule others, ignore facts concerning Jesus' appearance, and lie about who invented Santa Claus? Ok then.

I ultimately don't care about the play being made up entirely with a cast that is 'POC'. I'm not going to see it anyway, nor am I a huge fan of Hamilton.
Me neither. Hundreds of dollars to sit with a bunch of POS watching a bunch of POC? No thanks. On the other hand, a pro-Trump flash mob showed up in front of the theater last night to hurl insults at both the POCs and POSs. That sounds like fun, and worth a drive up to New York.

I ultimately don't care about the play being made up entirely with a cast that is 'POC'. I'm not going to see it anyway, nor am I a huge fan of Hamilton.
Me neither. Hundreds of dollars to sit with a bunch of POS watching a bunch of POC? No thanks. On the other hand, a pro-Trump flash mob showed up in front of the theater last night to hurl insults at both the POCs and POSs. That sounds like fun, and worth a drive up to New York.
On a side note, isn't weird that it's considered racist to call them 'colored people' but it's not to call them 'people/persons of color'?

It's pretty much the same damn thing, only POC is colored people in reverse with 'of' in the middle.

Libtards....they make no sense.
It's sad when people think the race of Jesus is more important than his message of hope, peace, and salvation to all people in every age.

It's sad when people think the race of Jesus is more important than his message of hope, peace, and salvation to all people in every age.
That's the problem with diversity. If we were all the same race, then people would be more into the hope and change and salvation stuff. I think God realized he'd made a mistake with making so much diversity. (It sure as hell ain't a "strength", as the Satan-worshippers at the New York Times want you to think.) But that's why God told the Jews to kill or enslave everyone else--try to undo his fuck-up.

The human race created the diversity by interbreeding. Men, many, contributed to the OT and NT.
What is the play about "
At its heart, “Hamilton” is a white story told effectively and entertainingly by people of color. It’s hugely appealing to Broadway audiences — a group that, according to the Broadway League, is 80 percent white. It seems there’s a lesson there for the entertainment industry at large: Actors of color aren’t a liability.

What Broadway's 'Hamilton' Can Teach Hollywood About Diversity | The Huffington Post

You know what really bugs me, is that Christians believe that their God (Jesus ) is a jew, and all actors of Jesus are white and get better looking every year, with 6 pack abs.

This is what bugs me , and I'm was raised a RC and am white.
This white self-hatred is really too much. Listen, girlie, Jesus was as white as Santa Claus. He invented Santa Claus, for crying out loud. And would a Jew fly around in a sleigh GIVING presents to little Christian kids?

Your showing your insecurity. You sound like your 10.
A real Christian wouldn't publicly ridicule me.

But a real Christian (you) will publicily ridicule others, ignore facts concerning Jesus' appearance, and lie about who invented Santa Claus? Ok then.
Ok, then Einstein, who do you think invented Santa Claus? Mohammed? Confucius? Jeff Bezos?

Fact: Which children aren't going to Hell? Christian children.
Fact: Christmas is whose holiday? Christianity's
Fact: Santa Claus brings presents to what kind of children? Good children.
Fact: Heaven is for whom? Good people.
Fact: Therefore Santa is a Christian.
Fact: And whose birthday does Christmas celebrate? Jesus'
Fact: And Jesus' last name is? Christ which is short for Christianity, which invented Christmas
Fact: Therefore Jesus is the inventor of Santa Claus.

I ultimately don't care about the play being made up entirely with a cast that is 'POC'. I'm not going to see it anyway, nor am I a huge fan of Hamilton.
Me neither. Hundreds of dollars to sit with a bunch of POS watching a bunch of POC? No thanks. On the other hand, a pro-Trump flash mob showed up in front of the theater last night to hurl insults at both the POCs and POSs. That sounds like fun, and worth a drive up to New York.
On a side note, isn't weird that it's considered racist to call them 'colored people' but it's not to call them 'people/persons of color'?

It's pretty much the same damn thing, only POC is colored people in reverse with 'of' in the middle.

Libtards....they make no sense.
In college I was at a bar one night with some other white students and we had started talking to some local Latino guys at the next table, and this one kid, nice, smart white kid, was telling a story that at one point it was necessary to identify two of the characters as Mexicans. I knew the story already so I was watching his face as he approached the point where he had to identify them. He was pretty drunk so he didn't realize he would have to say "Mexican" until it was almost upon him, and you could see his mind scrambling as he got closer and closer to the word. LOL, finally, almost in a panic for fear he was going to be offensive, when he got to the word, he blurted out awkwardly "persons of Mexican descent". The Latinos (this was in Santa Fe) said what the fuck? It's Mexican, vendejo. They were cool, but think how really insulting he was.
It's sad when people think the race of Jesus is more important than his message of hope, peace, and salvation to all people in every age.

It's sad when people think the race of Jesus is more important than his message of hope, peace, and salvation to all people in every age.
That's the problem with diversity. If we were all the same race, then people would be more into the hope and change and salvation stuff. I think God realized he'd made a mistake with making so much diversity. (It sure as hell ain't a "strength", as the Satan-worshippers at the New York Times want you to think.) But that's why God told the Jews to kill or enslave everyone else--try to undo his fuck-up.

The human race created the diversity by interbreeding. Men, many, contributed to the OT and NT.
Sorry to rain on your rainbow parade, there Petunia, but the exact opposite is true: Humans created diversity by NOT interbreeding for thousands of years, during which time NATURAL SELECTION came up with all the variations we celebrate today (while carefully not identifying those differences).

I ultimately don't care about the play being made up entirely with a cast that is 'POC'. I'm not going to see it anyway, nor am I a huge fan of Hamilton.
Me neither. Hundreds of dollars to sit with a bunch of POS watching a bunch of POC? No thanks. On the other hand, a pro-Trump flash mob showed up in front of the theater last night to hurl insults at both the POCs and POSs. That sounds like fun, and worth a drive up to New York.
On a side note, isn't weird that it's considered racist to call them 'colored people' but it's not to call them 'people/persons of color'?

It's pretty much the same damn thing, only POC is colored people in reverse with 'of' in the middle.

Libtards....they make no sense.
In college I was at a bar one night with some other white students and we had started talking to some local Latino guys at the next table, and this one kid, nice, smart white kid, was telling a story that at one point it was necessary to identify two of the characters as Mexicans. I knew the story already so I was watching his face as he approached the point where he had to identify them. He was pretty drunk so he didn't realize he would have to say "Mexican" until it was almost upon him, and you could see his mind scrambling as he got closer and closer to the word. LOL, finally, almost in a panic for fear he was going to be offensive, when he got to the word, he blurted out awkwardly "persons of Mexican descent". The Latinos (this was in Santa Fe) said what the fuck? It's Mexican, vendejo. They were cool, but think how really insulting he was.
Exactly. What I think it is when you boil it all down, is just more evidence of the left wanting to control the language. It doesn't even have to make sense, you just have to use their approved terms or you're a racistsexistbigothomophobetransphobexenophobethisphobethatphobe.
What is the play about "
At its heart, “Hamilton” is a white story told effectively and entertainingly by people of color. It’s hugely appealing to Broadway audiences — a group that, according to the Broadway League, is 80 percent white. It seems there’s a lesson there for the entertainment industry at large: Actors of color aren’t a liability.

What Broadway's 'Hamilton' Can Teach Hollywood About Diversity | The Huffington Post

You know what really bugs me, is that Christians believe that their God (Jesus ) is a jew, and all actors of Jesus are white and get better looking every year, with 6 pack abs.

This is what bugs me , and I'm was raised a RC and am white.
The Broadway League is run by elitist Liberals. Take it up with them.
It's sad when people think the race of Jesus is more important than his message of hope, peace, and salvation to all people in every age.
Worse, the GOP's message of let him die, cut free lunches for children, tax cuts for the rich has completely supplanted the message of Jesus in their new Christian religion.

Scuz me, I have a pu$$y to grab. I'm getting a new wife. They one I have, at 39, has reached her expiration date. That's the GOP's new role model for their children.
Was that supposed to make sense?
What is the play about "
At its heart, “Hamilton” is a white story told effectively and entertainingly by people of color. It’s hugely appealing to Broadway audiences — a group that, according to the Broadway League, is 80 percent white. It seems there’s a lesson there for the entertainment industry at large: Actors of color aren’t a liability.

What Broadway's 'Hamilton' Can Teach Hollywood About Diversity | The Huffington Post

You know what really bugs me, is that Christians believe that their God (Jesus ) is a jew, and all actors of Jesus are white and get better looking every year, with 6 pack abs.

This is what bugs me , and I'm was raised a RC and am white.
The Broadway League is run by elitist Liberals. Take it up with them.

I am just telling your what the Play is about, I have no issues with what they said to Pence and apparently he does not either.
What is the play about "
At its heart, “Hamilton” is a white story told effectively and entertainingly by people of color. It’s hugely appealing to Broadway audiences — a group that, according to the Broadway League, is 80 percent white. It seems there’s a lesson there for the entertainment industry at large: Actors of color aren’t a liability.

What Broadway's 'Hamilton' Can Teach Hollywood About Diversity | The Huffington Post

You know what really bugs me, is that Christians believe that their God (Jesus ) is a jew, and all actors of Jesus are white and get better looking every year, with 6 pack abs.

This is what bugs me , and I'm was raised a RC and am white.
This white self-hatred is really too much. Listen, girlie, Jesus was as white as Santa Claus. He invented Santa Claus, for crying out loud. And would a Jew fly around in a sleigh GIVING presents to little Christian kids?

Your showing your insecurity. You sound like your 10.
You're using the wrong variation of the word "You're" in 2/3 of the instances you used it..

U R , is that better for U?
I'm not sure, you should ask the letter U if you want its opinion.
What is the play about "
At its heart, “Hamilton” is a white story told effectively and entertainingly by people of color. It’s hugely appealing to Broadway audiences — a group that, according to the Broadway League, is 80 percent white. It seems there’s a lesson there for the entertainment industry at large: Actors of color aren’t a liability.

What Broadway's 'Hamilton' Can Teach Hollywood About Diversity | The Huffington Post

You know what really bugs me, is that Christians believe that their God (Jesus ) is a jew, and all actors of Jesus are white and get better looking every year, with 6 pack abs.

This is what bugs me , and I'm was raised a RC and am white.
This white self-hatred is really too much. Listen, girlie, Jesus was as white as Santa Claus. He invented Santa Claus, for crying out loud. And would a Jew fly around in a sleigh GIVING presents to little Christian kids?

Your showing your insecurity. You sound like your 10.
You're using the wrong variation of the word "You're" in 2/3 of the instances you used it..

U R , is that better for U?
I'm not sure, you should ask the letter U if you want its opinion.

I thought I was.
This white self-hatred is really too much. Listen, girlie, Jesus was as white as Santa Claus. He invented Santa Claus, for crying out loud. And would a Jew fly around in a sleigh GIVING presents to little Christian kids?

Your showing your insecurity. You sound like your 10.
You're using the wrong variation of the word "You're" in 2/3 of the instances you used it..

U R , is that better for U?
I'm not sure, you should ask the letter U if you want its opinion.

I thought I was.
In that case, on your trip to find the letter U and ask it that question, you may want to stop at your local eye doctor.
What is the play about "
At its heart, “Hamilton” is a white story told effectively and entertainingly by people of color. It’s hugely appealing to Broadway audiences — a group that, according to the Broadway League, is 80 percent white. It seems there’s a lesson there for the entertainment industry at large: Actors of color aren’t a liability.

What Broadway's 'Hamilton' Can Teach Hollywood About Diversity | The Huffington Post

You know what really bugs me, is that Christians believe that their God (Jesus ) is a jew, and all actors of Jesus are white and get better looking every year, with 6 pack abs.

This is what bugs me , and I'm was raised a RC and am white.
This white self-hatred is really too much. Listen, girlie, Jesus was as white as Santa Claus. He invented Santa Claus, for crying out loud. And would a Jew fly around in a sleigh GIVING presents to little Christian kids?

Your showing your insecurity. You sound like your 10.
A real Christian wouldn't publicly ridicule me.

But a real Christian (you) will publicily ridicule others, ignore facts concerning Jesus' appearance, and lie about who invented Santa Claus? Ok then.
Ok, then Einstein, who do you think invented Santa Claus? Mohammed? Confucius? Jeff Bezos?

Fact: Which children aren't going to Hell? Christian children.
Fact: Christmas is whose holiday? Christianity's
Fact: Santa Claus brings presents to what kind of children? Good children.
Fact: Heaven is for whom? Good people.
Fact: Therefore Santa is a Christian.
Fact: And whose birthday does Christmas celebrate? Jesus'
Fact: And Jesus' last name is? Christ which is short for Christianity, which invented Christmas
Fact: Therefore Jesus is the inventor of Santa Claus.

This is laughably bad.

Jesus did not "invent" Santa Claus. It started with St Nicholas, who was born roughly 250 years after Jesus died.

And Santa brings gifts to all children, regardless of their religious beliefs. As any Christian will tell you, being good will not guarantee entry into heaven. In fact, it hinges not so much on being good as in accepting Jesus as your savior. No one enters heaven except thru Him.

And, while Christmas is when Christians celebrate the birth of Jesus, it was very unlikely to have happened in winter. The use of pagan holidays during the early centuries of Christianity is well known. The fact that Christians co-opted holidays is easily seen. That explains why evergreen trees and the like are so prominent. many of the customs associated with Xmas are actually pagan in origin.

As for Jesus being a white guy, that would have been remarkable. Since he was born a Jew in Judea.
This white self-hatred is really too much. Listen, girlie, Jesus was as white as Santa Claus. He invented Santa Claus, for crying out loud. And would a Jew fly around in a sleigh GIVING presents to little Christian kids?

Your showing your insecurity. You sound like your 10.
A real Christian wouldn't publicly ridicule me.

But a real Christian (you) will publicily ridicule others, ignore facts concerning Jesus' appearance, and lie about who invented Santa Claus? Ok then.
Ok, then Einstein, who do you think invented Santa Claus? Mohammed? Confucius? Jeff Bezos?

Fact: Which children aren't going to Hell? Christian children.
Fact: Christmas is whose holiday? Christianity's
Fact: Santa Claus brings presents to what kind of children? Good children.
Fact: Heaven is for whom? Good people.
Fact: Therefore Santa is a Christian.
Fact: And whose birthday does Christmas celebrate? Jesus'
Fact: And Jesus' last name is? Christ which is short for Christianity, which invented Christmas
Fact: Therefore Jesus is the inventor of Santa Claus.

This is laughably bad.

Jesus did not "invent" Santa Claus. It started with St Nicholas, who was born roughly 250 years after Jesus died.

And Santa brings gifts to all children, regardless of their religious beliefs. As any Christian will tell you, being good will not guarantee entry into heaven. In fact, it hinges not so much on being good as in accepting Jesus as your savior. No one enters heaven except thru Him.

And, while Christmas is when Christians celebrate the birth of Jesus, it was very unlikely to have happened in winter. The use of pagan holidays during the early centuries of Christianity is well known. The fact that Christians co-opted holidays is easily seen. That explains why evergreen trees and the like are so prominent. many of the customs associated with Xmas are actually pagan in origin.

As for Jesus being a white guy, that would have been remarkable. Since he was born a Jew in Judea.
"As any Christian will tell you, being good will not guarantee entry into heaven. In fact, it hinges not so much on being good as in accepting Jesus as your savior."

So what you are saying then is that accepting Jesus as your savior isn't good?
Your showing your insecurity. You sound like your 10.
A real Christian wouldn't publicly ridicule me.

But a real Christian (you) will publicily ridicule others, ignore facts concerning Jesus' appearance, and lie about who invented Santa Claus? Ok then.
Ok, then Einstein, who do you think invented Santa Claus? Mohammed? Confucius? Jeff Bezos?

Fact: Which children aren't going to Hell? Christian children.
Fact: Christmas is whose holiday? Christianity's
Fact: Santa Claus brings presents to what kind of children? Good children.
Fact: Heaven is for whom? Good people.
Fact: Therefore Santa is a Christian.
Fact: And whose birthday does Christmas celebrate? Jesus'
Fact: And Jesus' last name is? Christ which is short for Christianity, which invented Christmas
Fact: Therefore Jesus is the inventor of Santa Claus.

This is laughably bad.

Jesus did not "invent" Santa Claus. It started with St Nicholas, who was born roughly 250 years after Jesus died.

And Santa brings gifts to all children, regardless of their religious beliefs. As any Christian will tell you, being good will not guarantee entry into heaven. In fact, it hinges not so much on being good as in accepting Jesus as your savior. No one enters heaven except thru Him.

And, while Christmas is when Christians celebrate the birth of Jesus, it was very unlikely to have happened in winter. The use of pagan holidays during the early centuries of Christianity is well known. The fact that Christians co-opted holidays is easily seen. That explains why evergreen trees and the like are so prominent. many of the customs associated with Xmas are actually pagan in origin.

As for Jesus being a white guy, that would have been remarkable. Since he was born a Jew in Judea.
"As any Christian will tell you, being good will not guarantee entry into heaven. In fact, it hinges not so much on being good as in accepting Jesus as your savior."

So what you are saying then is that accepting Jesus as your savior isn't good?

Not even close to what I said.

But let me make is simpler for you.

Person #1 and Person #2 have died.

Person #1 was an asshole in his life, but accepted Jesus Christ as his savior and repented his sins just before he died.
Person #2 was a good person who helped others, but did not believe in Jesus or any Messiah.

Who goes to Heaven?

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